Off of the Beaten Path

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Off of the Beaten Path Page 11

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  At first, she hoped Nick would do her the favor of not removing her underwear, but she was not that lucky. Once she was over the desk, her round ass end in view of both men, Nick reached out with firm hands and jerked her panties down, revealing her two white ass cheeks, the defining crack, and the hint of her pussy underneath. With her legs pressed tightly together they made a most attractive heart shaped pose. For a woman growing used to having men admire her bottom, this was the ultimate in exposure. It was the ultimate moment of submission for a head strong woman. She was glad neither man could see the blush on her face.

  Ashley heard Nick remove his belt from his pants, she heard the click of his buckle as he doubled it. She imagined he it held tightly in his hand, his firm grip getting settled. From where he stood behind her, she imagined Nick eyeing her ass, making up his mind where he’d land the first blow.

  Smack! The sound hit her ears before the pain registered in her brain.

  “Ouch!” she jerked, wanting to wiggle away, but she wouldn’t.


  “Ouch! Nick please,” the natural protest was rising right away.

  “Don’t make me laugh, Ashley. I know damned well you’ll take a lot more. As far as I’m concerned, you’re getting this belt on your butt until I’ve decided that you’ve been cured of your “sassy brat” disposition.

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  The belt was flying, rapidly making a ruthless journey top to bottom of her ass end. By the end of the first complete round of smacks, it was stinging sore, and showing a warm red blush.

  As Ashley suspected, the punishment was nothing like that more erotic one in his apartment. Each rapid fire snap of the leather raised a nasty sting on her posterior. After her first cries, she held back. A few grunts and groans, an occasional lusty moan. But Ashley was attempting some restraint—not because it didn’t hurt, not because she wasn’t mad as hell that it was happening, but because she wasn’t about to let either man know how much pain the treatment was causing.

  Nick, for his own part, seemed to have some plan in mind. After covering Ashley’s bottom at least three times, after seeing the blushing pink turn to a vibrant red, he finally slowed his pace, and laid a few very distinct and measured smacks right on the center of her ass cheeks. He made certain to lay each one right over top of the one before, so that there was a distinctive red stripe beginning to appear in that flaming spot.

  “Yyeeeeeeooowwwww! Pleassssse!” she wailed. Suddenly, it didn’t matter how proud she was, she hurt too much to care.

  As if he was heeding Ashley’s cry, Nick lowered his mark, and began the same cruel treatment to a spot at the top of her thighs, at the bottom of her female cushion.

  “Yeeeeeooowwwwwww!” This wail was even louder. If she was unlucky enough to have an audience outside, her cries were likely heard all over the airport.

  “No, no, no please stop!” she wailed loudly, as her dancing feet were threatening to carry her away. “No, no no, please. I can’t stand it please!” Real tears were streaming from her eyes. She hated it, she hated them, she hated every second of her life!

  When the belt dropped to the floor, it made a soft clatter, mostly from the metal buckle hitting the cement.

  Moving close to the side of her ass, Nick stood there and laid his hand on her heated cheeks. “No more bratty tirades?” he asked.

  “No, oh no!” she vowed.

  His hand came down on her bottom with a healthy smack, though it was nothing like the one he’d laid on with the belt.

  “No public humiliations!”

  “No, I promise.”

  “You going to apologize to Greg?”

  “Yes, yes, I will.”

  “No threats, no foul mouthed language, no haranguing shrew?”

  “Please, Nick,” she pleaded with him,


  The sudden fierceness of the whack of his hand startled her.

  “Answer me, Ashley!” he barked at her sharply.

  “No, no, I promise.”

  Smack! This one, less fierce, was a reminder too. And then another and another, until the burn that had been fading away was starting to return to her again.

  He finally stopped and backed away. For longest time, he and Greg stared at her well spanked rear. At least that’s what she thought, though she couldn’t be sure since she was not about to turn around and look.

  “Can I get up?” she finally asked.

  “No,” Nick answered immediately, he then turned to Greg. “Maybe you’ll have a better behaved employee after this. I don’t tolerate the kind of shit she was giving you. You really ought to try it.”

  Ashley was about to protest, but it was more important just to get out of this office and on her way. Any act of defiance now would be quickly crushed. For one time in her life, she was smart enough not to argue.

  She heard the door open and close, Greg had left.

  Nick finally approaching her again, laid his hand back on her cooling butt. “You got it clear, Ash?” he asked. “I don’t tolerate bitches, even if they are ones as charming as you.” He gave her bottom a love tap, not a slap at all. “Get yourself dressed, I’ll meet you outside.”

  He was out the door in seconds, Ashley reaching back to feel her well warmed cheeks. Wiggling into her tight shorts, this time was a challenge. The sore flesh responding instantly as the denim grazed against her freshly punished skin.

  The very idea of going out into the main lobby made her almost cry again. But with a little classic Ashley Bloom self assurance, and just the trace of a haughty expression on her face, she exited the office. She was glad to find just Nick, not Greg, or customers, or Marv, or anyone else, waiting for her.

  Taking her hand, Nick silently escorted her out of the building, where he took his place behind the wheel of her car, and drove her home. Inside, Nick stopped her right in the entry of her small house, and stripped her of the shorts again, this time to make a passionate excursion across her bottom with his hands. There were smacks alternating with fierce grabs of her flesh. This time, she moaned willfully, the rising heat bringing an unwanted but undeniable sexual desire. There were a hundred things she could say to protest; but they all fell away as the roaring need that shot through her made her nearly as aggressive as Nick.

  They fought their way to the bedroom, her hands making as wild a journey as his. Inch by inch, toughing it out the entire twenty feet to her bed, the fire didn’t stop, it just ignited more. When Nick entered her pussy it was from behind, she was on hands and knees, submissively arrayed. And even when he let his hands spank her again, as fierce as his cock was thrusting into her puss, she was gone, far gone, out of the world in another place altogether, where the pain became a friend, as soothing, as hot, and as satisfying as any tender caress.

  They ended in a wild explosion, and in silence.

  Chapter Twelve

  “You’re going to pay more attention, next time, Ashley,” Nick said, as they were standing beside his plane saying goodbye.

  “Around you, for sure,” she agreed, trying to joke a little. But he was being serious again. It had been that way all morning, all through making love again, and breakfast and the ride to the airport. One minute Nick was charming as ever, the next serious and firm. She liked both moods, but not knowing which one to expect was a little frightening.

  “No, Ashley, in general. I don’t want to hear that you’re acting like a bitch. It’s no way to be. I don’t like it, it won’t happen.” He was stroking her neck affectionately, his hand toying with her hair.

  “You’re taking me too seriously,” she said.

  He shook his head no. “I don’t think so, Ash. You mind what I say.”

  He was closing in around her, little things in the way he spoke chipping away at the independence she counted on, and big things making big impressions on her, like baring her bottom for Greg. It was closing in on her, he was closing in. She had to wriggle her way back into herself, and find that more comfortable spot. She wa
s glad there’d be a few days before she’d see him again.


  “Little sore, huh?” Greg asked, seeing Ashley move her bottom in a chair at her desk.

  She looked up at her boss. “Actually, no. I can’t feel a thing.”

  “Humph! I’m surprised.”

  So far she thought she was handling the embarrassing situation very well.

  “Whatever,” Greg said. “You can be sure though, I’ll never forget the sight of your red buns. Damn that was nice!” He shook his head and flashed her a devilish smirk, that she wished she hadn’t seen. All her well ordered cool was breaking down, and a blush as wild as the one the night before on her bottom was rising on her neck and face. She could feel the heat move through her like a wave of fire needing some way to be extinguished.

  Chapter Thirteen

  They were in the City. A early September day. It was turning into a fine one. The air smelling of fall, even though it was still feeling very much like summer. For San Francisco, it was becoming real summer, when the winds changed and the fog was not so oppressive, and there would be glorious days without the murky shroud that often blanketed the sparkling town.

  Ashley was beginning to feel more comfortable flying down to visit Nick. Not that dates with Nick were any easier. It was just easier each time, when she thought less of Jess somewhere on the Berkeley campus, doing whatever Jess would be doing. September now, classes beginning again, and all that insufferable research. She was thinking of him less and less, happily so.

  Ashley carried groceries from a small neighborhood market to Nick’s apartment. She’d been there two days, with Nick gone most of the time. Unexpected business kept him from the plans they’d made to take off work and play tourists for a few days. She rode the cable cars anyway, traipsed up a couple of steep hills to test herself. She wasn’t even panting all that hard after the first one. After the second one however, she was glad to find an alternative route back to the apartment, where the hiking was a little less strenuous. Without Nick, she shopped for clothes, jogged through a park nearby, and made her way to the wharf for a big dish of clam chowder and a thick slice of bread. Making her way back the same afternoon, she picked up dinner for the night.

  Ashley wanted it to be a romantic and sensuous evening. The lace body suit she bought at a lingerie boutique would fit Nick’s penchant for unique beginnings to sex. A long slow seduction would be perfect.

  She was wearing a silk robe over the lace, moving about the kitchen efficiently whipping up her favorite salad, and about to broil the tender pink salmon fillets. White Zinfandel was chilling in the refrigerator. She was bending over to find a pan to cook fettuccini, when she heard Nick’s voice behind her.

  “Ash, hope you don’t mind, we have company?” he said.

  She jerked up, realizing what Nick was saying, at the same time aware that except for what the lace body suit covered, which wasn’t very much, Nick was likely looking at her ass end exposed as the short robe rode up above her bottom.

  “What was that?” she asked, flustered. Turning around, she stared at two pairs of eyes eyeing her.

  “Were you planning something special?” Nick asked. He didn’t give her time to answer. “This is Davis Childes,” he introduced his friend. Bespectacled, severe, thin and about as mysterious as Nick, the new man was scrutinizing her carefully. He hardly had to, he’d already seen about everything there was to see, laid out in plain sight. Ashley became aware that her robe was draping open in front, practically showing off her breasts, and the erect nipples that were poking through the fabric of the body suit.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” she said, stretching out her hand for a handshake, while she fought to secure the robe around her. “I’m sorry Nick, I wasn’t expecting someone else. But I’m sure there’s enough food.”

  Inviting a guest on the worst possible day, was her silent thought. Though it wouldn’t be one she’d share with Nick, at least not at the moment, since he expected her to readily adjust to any situation he threw her way. However, this surprise was going beyond the realm of reason. And why now? Nick was not a social being, less social than she was. Ashley wasn’t sure he even had friends, much less one that appeared out of the blue.

  Putting on a charming smile, she went about making dinner, while the two men settled themselves in the living room. After a few minutes, Nick came to the kitchen by himself to make a couple of drinks.

  “Perhaps you want to put something else on?” he suggested.

  “And why would that be?” she asked.

  “Because you’re looking too lewd for any man but me,” Nick said.

  “Unless you want to dress me this way,” she said.

  “Don’t sass me, Ashley.”

  He was sounding judgmental.

  “You could have let me know ahead of time,” she said, changing the subject. She was trying to maintain her cool, though it was increasingly difficult.

  “You know, we could just take care of this over my lap right now if you want to start a war,” Nick retorted. “Might prevent a long night of suffering.”

  “I’m not trying to start something, Nick. You’re the one that’s being inconsiderate.”

  “You never mentioned planning a special dinner,” he reminded her. He moved to her side, a hand finding her right rear cheek and giving it a firm squeeze.


  “Button your lip and be a good girl, will you. And find something less casual to wear,” he said. He let go of her bottom, and finishing with the drinks he returned to the living room.

  A slow burn beginning, Ashley went to the bedroom and threw on a pair of jeans and a plain white T-shirt. She left the body suit on, but not a thread of it showed. Returning to the kitchen, she finished the meal, thinking of ways to stretch dinner for two into dinner for three. The slow burn remained on simmer for a while, as Ashley acknowledged two states of mind existing simultaneously, a mounting doubt about her relationship with Nick, and the equally strong erotic need that just the mention of spanking raised in her.

  When Ashley appeared in jeans and her T-shirt for dinner, Nick raised his eyebrows. Apparently her attire was not what he had in mind. Silent barbs floated through Ashley’s mind as she smiled on the outside, and let the simmering continue on the inside.

  After dinner, Nick and Davis talked about cars and racing engines, subjects Ashley abhorred, so she went into the kitchen to clean the dishes. So much for her romantic night.

  “Ashley!” she heard her name sharply spoken.

  It took her some time to reply to Nick’s call. Another sharply uttered “Ashley” required before she acknowledged him at all.

  “You need another drink?” she said, popping her head in the living room door.

  “No, just you darling,” Nick said. His smile would charm the pants off a virgin, but being his most beguiling, it was also the most dangerous.

  Taking her time, Ashley finally hung up the dish cloths, and joined the men in the living room. She arrived in the middle of a conversation in progress, taking little notice of the words between the two men. She did feel a curious energy emanating from her boyfriend, and even the man across the coffee table, whose eyes were often fixed on her.

  Davis was a clean cut kind of man, a little like Jess, professorial, stern, and likely dictatorial with women. A few politically incorrect comments about woman and their place, made Ashley jerk inside. But there would be no argument from her. Where she’d once been a champion of women’s rights, her recent dabbling with sexual submission raised questions she couldn’t easily answer.

  As far as the evening was concerned, she had a feeling that Nick had some ulterior motive for this threesome, and she was not about to rebel and fall from his good graces, if she was even in them at all with her less than submissive behavior in the kitchen.

  Sitting side by side with Nick, his hand was on her thigh, as if to keep her interested in him. But the evening was turning into an odd blur of sensations, ones captivating
and a little frightening at the same time.

  “Suppose you want to know the real reason why I invited Davis to dinner?” Nick suddenly turned to Ashley and spoke.

  “Oh? Is there some special reason?” she asked curiously.

  “I think you’ll find it fascinating,” Nick said. The mystery was happening again, but this time the gnawing feelings in Ashley were suddenly on high, all that simmering finally erupting into a full boil.

  “Davis is like me, Ash. We both find disciplining bratty women essential.”

  The quick drift in the conversation created a painful lunge in the pit of Ashley’s stomach. “What are you suggesting?” she asked in a halting quiet voice.

  “I’m not suggesting anything,” Nick said. “It’s more what we’re going to do rectify a few errors in your behavior.”

  “Oh?” She didn’t like the way her heart was pounding, or the way she felt hot between her thighs. Her bottom was beginning to tingle, and he hadn’t even said a word about a spanking, but that was clearly where things were leading. “Did I do something tonight?” she asked.

  “You haven’t been very hospitable, but all that aside, I could let you off, since I agree, I didn’t warn you about Davis coming. What I’m more interested in punishing you for is that unfortunate incident a week ago.”

  Ashley didn’t have to search her mind very far to bring to mind that day. Nick in a sunny mood had flown into Santa Rosa, expecting a full day with Ashley, only to find that she’d forgotten the date, had scheduled three flights that couldn’t be canceled, and then resented Nick’s upset. What made matters worse, Ashley had been flirting lewdly with an old boyfriend who’d flown into town for a brief stopover. The perfectly innocent tete-a-tete between the old lovers looked more like a present lust to Nick’s tentative glances. At first, he questioned her about the familiar physical gestures he’d seen between Ashley and the handsome blonde man; but then pushed his jealousy on the back burner of his memory, when Ashley informed him that their date would have to wait. The whole quirky incident was right on the heels of the punishment in Greg’s office, and after a little silent consideration, Nick’s response was oddly uneventful, leaving Ashley thinking she’d gotten away with something.


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