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Beautiful Chances (The Beautiful Series)

Page 22

by Alicia Rae

  “I had to make sure I didn’t miss a spot. That enchilada sauce and cheese sure made a mess.”

  My phone rang, ending our conversation.


  “Hi, Lily. I hope it’s okay to call you.”

  “Hi, Jeanine. Of course.”

  “I was wondering if you wanted to try a phone session this week. We could even maybe try to Skype or Facetime. I know it’s not the norm, but I was thinking about you today, and I wanted to help as much as I could. Or if it would make you more comfortable, I could refer you to someone in your area.”

  My heart sped up as I thought about what to do. Do I want to speak with Jeanine again? Talk more? Last week had gone better than I’d expected, but it still felt new and raw. Not to mention, it was overwhelming.

  Kyle had stopped cleaning when he noticed my hesitation, and he gave me a reassuring smile as he came to sit by me.

  “Oh,” I started, trying to find my voice while still pondering.

  “I know this is very hard for you, Lily. I thought you might have had some thoughts over the weekend that you would want to talk about,” Jeanine added kindly.

  Kyle grabbed my hand, and he softly stroked his fingers up and down the top. It was such a sweet, supportive gesture that he had sensed my nervousness.

  I took a deep breath, hoping to inhale some of Kyle’s strength. “Sure, we could do tomorrow afternoon,” I replied. “I pretty much live on my laptop, so maybe we can try to Skype first.”

  “Sure, that sounds good. Are you free tomorrow between one and two in the afternoon?”

  “That sounds great.”

  “Okay, talk with you then.”

  After I hung up, Kyle waited patiently for me to speak while he continued caressing my hand, making slow circles on my palm.

  “Thank you,” I whispered, not needing to tell him that I was happy to have him here with me during that conversation.

  “You’re welcome,” he replied softly. Leaning forward, he placed a soft kiss on my cheek.

  “Jeanine is going to call me tomorrow…to talk again.”

  Kyle gave me a gentle, loving smile as his eyes glowed with admiration. “That is great, Lily.” He squeezed my hand and kissed me again. “I am so proud of you for taking this step.”

  I took a deep breath, trying to keep myself under control.

  His hands came to hold the sides of my face, pulling me closer. “You can do this, Lily. You are so strong. You just have to believe in yourself.”

  “I know.” My voice was quiet. “And I am ready,” I said more confidently, trying to reassure us both.

  We sat in silence for a few moments.

  “Do you want to take a walk on the beach and clear your mind?” he asked.

  I smiled at him. “That sounds perfect.”

  He leaned forward and kissed my cheek. “Then, let’s go.” Kyle stood and took my hand in his as he led me through the back patio door.

  We came up to the shoreline and began walking along it. I loved the feeling of the sand in between my toes as I inhaled the fresh air. I would always want to live off the water or very close to it. I guessed everyone had preferences, and that was one of mine.

  We came up to a bend, and I decided to dip my toes in the water. Florida water was so warm, and I just loved it. I pivoted, letting go of Kyle’s hand, as I playfully splashed water up his legs.

  “So, you want to go in the water?” He raised his eyebrows. “I can help you with that,” he added with a smirk.

  “No!” I changed my voice to sound sweet and innocent. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to.”

  “Yes, you did. Remember that you don’t have a good poker face.” He started to stalk toward me.

  I took a step back for every step he took, but his were larger. Once he was in reach, he quickly grabbed my waist. Kyle effortlessly lifted me off the ground, and I wrapped my legs around his waist, hoping that would save me.

  “How about I bake you more of those delicious brownies?” I asked, switching my tactic again.

  “Not going to work this time, beautiful.” His eyes sparkled with amusement…and victory. “I already ate, and I’m stuffed.”

  Oh crap! “Oh no! I was just going to put my toes in the water. I don’t have my swimsuit on.” I glanced down at my tank top and shorts.

  “That’s okay.” Kyle walked deeper into the water. It was almost up to my waist. “We can change.” He gave me his drop-dead, sexy grin.

  I licked my lips, wanting to lean forward and kiss him. While I was mesmerized by him, I didn’t have time to scream before he dunked us underwater. I came up and pulled my long blonde hair off my face just as Kyle’s head started to surface. I jumped at him with all my weight to push him back under, and I ended up going with him. We were laughing and breathless by the time we were done playing.

  “Come here.” Kyle reached and gathered me in his arms as my legs circled around his waist.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, digging my fingers into his wet, soft hair. I could not wait one more second to kiss him. His thoughts mirrored mine, and he took my mouth delicately at first. Our kiss quickly deepened, like we couldn’t get enough of one another. As his tongue embraced with mine, my heart pulled him inside. I knew I would always want more of Kyle—one more kiss, one more touch, one more playful laugh. I never wanted to let him go.

  He broke our kiss, his eyes piercing mine. “You are so beautiful, Lily, inside and out. I could stare at you for days. Every day I ask myself, ‘How I did I get so lucky to have you in my life?’” he said softly, his voice full of sincerity and gentleness, as he caressed my cheek with the backs of his fingers.

  “I feel the same way, too,” I whispered. I blinked back tears as his last words tore through me, fusing him into my heart and soul. “Except I’m the lucky one.”

  We changed quickly and headed back down the beach, hand in hand.

  “Where do you want to watch it from?” he asked. “I’m sure you know the best spot on the whole beach.”

  I grinned, knowing he was right. “Of course.”

  I tightened my grip on his hand and led the way. His large hands made mine feel so small in comparison, but his strength and size always made me feel safe.

  “It’s just between those tall sections of rocks.” I pointed in the general direction of the secluded spot. “Not many people come this way,” I commented as we made our way.

  He looked around, taking in the view. “Wow, this is quite a sight.”

  Kyle sat down, leaving his legs wide open, as he gestured for me to sit in between them. He gathered me in his arms and turned to kiss my cheek. He was so affectionate. It was another one of his amazing qualities. The list kept getting longer and longer.

  “Why do you think not many people come this way?” he asked while we both gazed out at the waves.

  “There’s a higher tide on this side, so most kids can’t come over here. The seclusion, view, and the waves crashing drew me in.”

  “I can see why you like the view,” he said, his voice quiet, “and why you love to take sunset pictures. It adds so much color and reflection off the water. I know you love writing, but do you think you’ll eventually do more photography in the future? Maybe balance the two?”

  “Some days, I think yes, and some days, no. Right now, writing takes up so much of my time, and I really love that, too. There is just something about being able to write a story, telling how you see it and feel it. When I have writer’s block though, I turn my mind over to the lens. I love to capture photographs and edit them to their full potential.” I laughed at my own indecisiveness. “So, I guess I haven’t really figured that part out yet.”

  “I can understand that. It wouldn’t be easy to have two careers at once.”

  “I just take it one day at a time. My dad always told me, ‘You are doing exactly what you are supposed to be doing in that moment. Cherish it, and don’t rush it because it will soon be over.’”

  Kyle’s hand found mine again
. “That is very good advice. I feel that way about real estate. I get the same satisfaction I did when I was a kid working with my dad and brother. It’s an awesome feeling to buy a rundown building and make it into something great.”

  “Do you ever picture yourself doing something else?” I truly wondered.

  “No, not really. I might branch out a little more in my field.” He hesitated, deep in thought. “I’ve thought about renting and leasing as well as buying and selling regular homes instead of just businesses. Someday, I’d like to offer both.”

  “Do people ask you to do that now?”

  “Sometimes but not often.” He was quiet for a moment, his gaze on the water. “I have even thought of designing homes for some people. I had never considered it before, but then I built my house, and I really enjoyed it. Once I started to sketch, I found it hard to stop making up several drawings of different possibilities. I had to remind myself that I was building only one house.” He laughed softly.

  “That sounds like it would be really neat to design your own house and decide how each room was placed.”

  “It was.” Kyle shifted us, leaning me back farther, so I was more comfortable. “Let’s keep cherishing this moment.”

  I woke up as strong arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me off the ground. Feeling a firm chest against my cheek, I tensed as my eyes darted open, but then I relaxed quickly when I saw Kyle’s smile.

  “It’s alright. I got you. Time for bed, sleepy.” He chuckled softly. His chest rose and fell with his steady breathing. “You fell asleep again while watching the sunset,” he teased, walking toward my back patio door.

  “Sorry. It’s just so relaxing and peaceful to watch.” I leaned my head on his chest once again, breathing in his scent, as I thought about the first time he had held me in his arms like this when he was just a stranger to me. This time, I knew his unique aroma, his firm hands and chest, and that sexy tousled hair. They were all familiar to me now.

  He laughed again softly into the darkness. “Do I smell?”

  “No.” I breathed him in again as we entered my cottage. “I was just remembering the first time you carried me like this and how it feels different now that I am familiar with you, your scent, and your body.”

  He supported me in his arms while he strode down the hall and into my room. He laid me on the bed, and then he snuggled in behind me, pulling me in close to him.

  “You are familiar to me now, too—the way your skin feels…” He kissed my cheek. “Your laugh, your smile, the way you squint your eyebrows when you’re worried.”

  I smiled sleepily as he kissed my shoulder.

  “Sleep, beautiful.”

  And I did…with all my thoughts of Kyle.

  Kyle’s breathing was steady as he slept the next morning. The sun was already up, and I wondered why he was still here. He was supposed to be leaving today for a business trip. I continued to feel uneasy about him making sacrifices for me.

  Moving his arm off of me, I sat up and took in the marvelous sight of Kyle before me. It was quickly becoming my favorite part of the day. His hair was disheveled on his forehead, and I wanted to run my fingers through it. His face was so much softer when he slept, and it made him look younger, but his large body still made him look intimidating. I was going to need a much bigger bed if he wanted to keep sleeping over. The poor guy could not be comfortable on my queen-size mattress.

  I thought of how easily he had taken down Luke. He was not only well-built but also very skilled. I wondered what he was like back in his military days and why he had needed Jeanine’s help at one time. Do I want to ask? Do I really want to know? Yes. I hoped it was not anything too terrible. I made a mental note to ask Kyle about his time with Jeanine.

  Kyle shifted slightly and moved his bicep up over his eyes, covering that gorgeous face. Hmm…well, that won’t do now, will it? Turning onto my stomach, I propped myself up on my elbows, and I started kissing his defined stomach. I made my way across his abs and then down to that little patch of hair below his navel.

  Kyle groaned and lowered his arm. “Good morning.” He smiled and then sighed. Quickly changing his tone, he threw my words back at me. “Ugh…you’re not one of those morning people, are you?”

  I laughed. “Maybe…why?” I said, playing along.

  “It’s a definite deal-breaker for me.” He smirked, and I continued kissing his stomach. “I’m going to get you all hot and bothered in return,” he threatened, his eyes darkening with heat.

  Oh, the sensations he could stir with only his eyes. “Oh, yes, please.” My breathing was already labored as I rose to my knees to quickly get rid of my clothes. I straddled his hips as my hands greedily roamed up his chest. I was ready to swallow him whole.

  “Oh no. My turn,” Kyle half-growled. Gripping my thighs, he yanked my hips up until my sex was directly above his parted lips.

  Oh god. A groan left my lips when his thumbs spread me wide open as his eyes feasted on me. My legs shook with need for him to touch my most intimate spots.

  “Brace your hands on the wall, and don’t move,” he commanded.

  I tore my eyes away from him and glanced up at the wall. I spread my palms wide against the flat surface and supported myself as a shiver raced down my spine. His tongue softly brushed the tip of my clit. His delicate touch made me even more sensitive, and I writhed with pure need. A deep intense pull tugged in my abdomen, begging for release.

  “Your clit is so swollen,” he said in a raw voice, “and I’ve barely touched you. I fucking love how hot you get for me.”

  I couldn’t form any coherent words. Instead, I bravely rocked my hips slightly forward, wanting and needing more. He pushed two fingers into me, curling them along the front of my sensitive tissues. My fingers pressed tightly against the wall, trying to grip anything but failing. His tongue gently licked back and forth, matching the rhythm of his fingers.

  It was too much. Sensations were taking over, and I closed my eyes. I let his name leave my lips as I dropped my forehead against the wall. A tingle in my toes intensified, and it began to work its way up to my spine. The profound aching in my belly also strengthened, sending every last nerve ending into hyperdrive. I was pretty sure I was panting, too.

  His teeth ever so gently brushed along my clit as his fingers rubbed a firm circle inside me. Finally letting go, I convulsed as my orgasm ripped from my core, tossing me over the edge.

  Kyle’s strong arms held me in place until my brain reconnected to my lips.

  “That…that was…” I was breathing rapidly.

  “I’m not finished,” he said, his voice rough with need. “Stay there.”

  He slipped out from beneath my legs as I sat there, naked. My hands were still braced on the wall, and my knees were spread wide apart. The position alone made my heartbeat kick up a notch. My breathing quickened as I felt the bed shift from Kyle’s weight.

  “You look so hot right now. I need a minute, or you might unman me before I start.” His hands roamed up and down my spine before lowering to my behind. “And this ass is fucking gorgeous,” he breathed huskily into my ear while gripping my ass firmly.

  I let out my own husky laugh. “You’ve already told me that.”

  “That’s because it is, and I should tell you that every day. That’s how much I love it.”

  He’s definitely an ass man…although he does enjoy my breasts, too.

  He brushed my hair aside and kissed my shoulder and throat. Gently, he turned my head, and then he kissed me until I was breathless. He inched away, and he gripped my hips and pulled them back. His erection stroked along my sensitive skin, teasing me. His hands roamed up my sides to cup each of my breasts. He began squeezing and kneading them, making me pant with need.


  “Yes?” His voice was raw and deep.


  I lost my train of thought as he leaned forward and pressed his erection in between my legs. The thick tip pushed on my clit, ma
king me cry out. His head snaked around my side, and he clamped his hot lips around my nipple, sucking firmly, as his erection rubbed steadily along my sex.

  He lifted his mouth and blew softly on my nipple, making me shudder.

  “I love these, too,” he added.

  I tried again. “I need—”

  I suddenly felt his hand down between my legs, sliding over my uncontrollable wetness.

  His warm mouth brushed along my ear. “What do you need, Lily?”

  His erection was making torturous circles as he leaned to the side again. As he sucked my nipple back into his mouth, his erection slipped partially into my sex, triggering my orgasm.

  “Kyle!” I cried out.

  He continued to rub firmly against that sensitive spot, prolonging my release. I faintly heard Kyle grit his teeth and curse as my sex clenched him hard. Not wanting it to end, I pushed my hips back on him, taking him deep inside.

  “Fucking Christ,” he grunted loudly as he lost control and started to move.

  He was really moving—fast and hard. Relentlessly, he thrust in and out of my sex. He was taking everything as I gave everything, and I was taking as much as he was giving. His hips made a slapping noise against my ass, and it was a sweet, sweet sound.

  I closed my eyes, letting the sensations take over. He was everywhere—behind me, underneath me, inside me…and I loved every second of it.

  After sweaty, hot sex, we both decided we needed a shower.

  “I thought you were leaving early this morning?” I asked while rubbing shampoo into his hair.

  “I moved the meeting. I’ll leave later in the week or possibly next week.” His eyes were closed while he was enjoying his scalp massage.

  It was easy to read in between the lines of why he’d canceled his meeting this morning. “You didn’t have to reschedule your meeting.”

  His eyes opened instantly. “Of course I stayed, Lily. I didn’t want to leave you on the day you have a session with Jeanine. When you were talking to her the other day, the expression on your face alone was proof enough that you needed me here.”


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