Beautiful Chances (The Beautiful Series)

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Beautiful Chances (The Beautiful Series) Page 24

by Alicia Rae

  “You gave me a key?” Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.

  I couldn’t respond when he was kissing me. I was unable to physically get any words out between kisses, and he was also making my brain go from being hazy with sleep to feeling full-on need.

  And those eyes—their exact color was a mystery to me. Green dominated around the pupil, but the outer iris was chocolate brown. His eyes overflowed with so many emotions that it made my heart constrict tighter, pulling me deeper.

  I took a deep breath, trying to put my emotions into words. “Yes—”

  My words were cut off with Kyle’s kiss. This was not just an ordinary kiss. I stifled my groan. I was too overwhelmed with the intensity of his kiss and his urgency to claim me.

  I was experiencing complete sensations all over my body as he—

  My thoughts were interrupted when my phone chimed, showing I had a new email. I decided to get back to work. I responded to a few emails quickly before returning to my writing. My book was progressing along just as I had hoped, and the story was approaching a big climax where the couple would either work out their differences or call it quits.

  For me, books needed an emotional connection. Most couples just didn’t move in together and live happily ever after. It was the story in-between that mattered. Along with a great storyline, that was what I strived to give every one of my readers.

  For my current book, I’d done some research, wanting to bring in some history. My male main character was taking his girl to Ireland, and I wanted to add some vivid descriptions of the scenery and culture to make the reader feel like he or she was there with the characters. It was supposed to be a learning experience as well as an incredible journey.

  I took a quick break for lunch. Roaming through my phone, I came across the text that Luke had sent to me while I was in California. He had not tried to contact me since then, and I had a feeling he was trying to give me space. Luke was my friend. I wanted to see him and make sure the air was clear between us. I was hoping we could go back to our easy friendship, but if he needed time to put aside his feelings for me, I would respect that, too.

  Heading down to the concessions, I hoped Luke was at work already. I knew that he usually went to school in the mornings and worked in the afternoons on most days. I found Luke sitting at a table, eating his sandwich with a notebook in front of him. His classes were difficult, and they required a lot of dedication on his part. I was very proud of him for going after his dreams.

  Luke looked up as my shadow loomed over him.

  “Lily!” he said in disbelief. “You’re back.”

  He stood and pulled me into a tight bear hug, squeezing all the air out of me. I inhaled sharply, trying to breathe as his cologne invaded my nose. I had never noticed his cologne before. After being intimate with Kyle, hugging Luke now almost felt a bit awkward. I would always love Luke as a friend. That would never change. He had been a part of my life for the past three years, and he had helped me cope even if he never knew what I was going through. I’d also helped him through his life struggles. We would always have that connection.

  “Hey, Luke…can’t…breathe,” I croaked.

  He immediately pulled back. “Sorry, Lil.” He smiled. “I’m just happy to see you.”

  “Me, too.” I smiled back softly while pulling out a chair to sit down. “How are you? How’s school?”

  “School is school. It’s going good. I just have lots of studying to do. How are you?” he asked, looking at me intently.

  I could not get a read on what he was thinking. He seemed almost hesitant and withdrawn as if he were fighting against himself.

  “I’m great. I needed a break from writing. I thought I’d come to see if you were working, so I could say hello.”

  “I start in…” He glanced at his watch. “About three minutes.” He laughed.

  “Luke! Need you to start, man!” Mike, the concessions owner, yelled, leaning over the counter.

  Luke nodded and looked back at me. “Well, I gotta run. You want your usual? I can bring it over.”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Okay.” He started to turn toward the concessions, but he stopped and looked back at me. “Do you have plans tomorrow morning? I thought maybe we could catch up over breakfast.” The look in his eyes was hopeful as he awaited my response.

  “Sounds great. See you tomorrow.”

  The rest of the day flew by in a blur. Brooke had sent me images for possible book cover designs for the novel, and she also asked me if I had any of my own ideas. Together, we laughed at concepts of covers that would be fun and creative.

  The door chimed just as I was closing my laptop.

  I grinned when I saw the deliveryman through the window. It was so late in the afternoon that I didn’t think I would get flowers from Kyle today.

  I held the note to my chest and smiled while inhaling the rich smell of the lovely flowers. He loves his key. Part of me did the happy dance while the other part was freaking out. Surprisingly, somehow, they must have evened each other out because I was not having a panic attack.

  I texted Kyle.

  Thank you for the stunning flowers. Thinking of you, too. Do you know how long you are staying yet?

  His reply came almost immediately.

  You’re most welcome. Thursday night. TOO LONG. Next time, I’m taking you with me!

  I laughed and typed quickly.

  You big baby. I miss you, too. We were invited to go out with Brooke and her hubby on Friday night. Do you want to go?

  I went to get a glass of water, and my phone chimed again.

  Anything you want. Got to go. Call you later.

  Another text followed.

  P.S. Still smiling over my key.

  I smiled affectionately at imagining Kyle’s reaction to seeing the key on the dresser. I could picture his perfect grin that could make any girl swoon.

  I put away my laptop and the notes I had scattered everywhere from working. Now that I was finished, I had some free time before I went to bed early. My thoughts wandered to yesterday’s session with Jeanine. All of her questions leading up to my assignment had really made me think of why I needed to return to Colorado for a visit. It became obvious that this had been Jeanine’s plan all along. How could I try to move forward when I ran away from my past?

  During the past three years, I had tried to be strong by throwing myself into my work and keeping my distance from forming close relationships. Emotionally, I didn’t think I had made much progress with moving forward. That was what I was trying to work on. I wanted to be strong, independent, confident, and happy on the outside and on the inside. If Jeanine felt this was something I had to do, then it was time to put on my big girl panties and do it.

  As I sat on my bed, I took a deep breath and dialed my Aunt Lucie’s number. This would be the first time I called her since I’d left.

  She answered on the second ring. “Hello? Lily, dear? Is that you?”

  I was sure she had been shocked to see my name show up on her cell phone.

  “Hi,” I said simply.

  “Hi, Lily. It’s so great to hear your voice, sweetie. Are you alright?”

  I mentally winced at her thinking the only reason I’d called was because something was wrong, but I knew it was a fair reaction, considering I had not called her once in three years. I felt ashamed for abandoning the only family I had left.

  “Yes, I’m okay, Aunt Lucie. How are you all doing?” Asking that simple question made me miss them all even more.

  “We are all doing well, dear.” I could hear my Uncle Dan mumbling in the background. “How are you doing, Lily? It’s so great to hear from you.”

  “I’m doing well.” I took a deep breath and decided to get to the point. We both knew that there must be a reason I was calling. “I’m calling because I’m planning to come home for a visit.”

  My aunt gasped. “Oh, Lily! That is wonderful news, dear!” She must have turned to talk to my uncle. “Dan! Lily is coming to v

  I couldn’t hear his response clearly.

  “When, dear? When are you coming home?” she asked excitedly.

  “I’m thinking about leaving here on Saturday and staying there for a few days.”

  “That would be wonderful,” Aunt Lucie said. “We are so happy that you’ll be coming for a visit. Can I ask what made you decide to come home?”

  I exhaled as I thought of the best way to explain. I was hoping to have the courage to do most of it in person, but it looked like I would have to start now. “Yesterday, I had my second session with a therapist, Dr. Jeanine Peterson. She has been helping me work through some things.”

  “I’m so proud of you, Lily. I’m so proud and happy for you.” Aunt Lucie sounded like she was trying to hold back from crying.

  “Thank you,” I replied. “Oh, and I’ll be bringing Kyle with me when I visit. Is that okay? If not, we can check into a nearby hotel.”

  “Of course, dear,” she said, surprised. “I will tell your cousins to behave…or I’ll ask them to try to behave, I should say.” She laughed.

  I rolled my eyes, thinking of how my cousins would act. “That’s all we can ask.”

  “Get some sleep, dear. Call us when you are on your way, or you can even text me, too,” she stated proudly.

  I chuckled at the thought of my aunt learning how to text, wondering who took the time to teach her. She had barely even used her cell phone before I left, so she had indeed come a long way.

  “Good night. See you soon,” I said before hanging up.

  I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing. I glanced at the clock. It was ten in the evening. I must have fallen asleep shortly after I had gotten off the phone with my Aunt Lucie.

  “Hello?” I answered sleepily.

  “Hey, beautiful. Sorry to wake you. I just wanted to hear your voice and say good night.”

  I pulled up my covers as I snuggled up on Kyle’s side of the bed. “It’s okay. How was your meeting?”

  He sighed. “It was a long fucking day.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “I miss you. I wish you were here.”

  Kyle exhaled. “Me, too, beautiful. My bed and house are lonely without you. Next time, I’m making you come with me.”

  I smiled, inwardly swooning, as images of being wrapped in Kyle’s arms in his bed flashed through my mind. I wanted that, too. Yes, please. “Is that so?” I teased.

  “Definitely. If you protest, I’ll just toss you over my shoulder and bring you anyway.”

  Of course he would. I shook my head and laughed. “Make sure you bring my laptop, too.”

  Kyle chortled. “I’ll try to remember.”

  “I…called my aunt tonight,” I said in a soft voice.

  Kyle was quiet for a moment. “That’s great, Lily. I’m so proud of you. I knew you could do it.”

  “She seems very excited to see me.”

  “Of course she’s excited to see you. They all are,” Kyle replied reassuringly.

  “It just makes me so nervous. Three years is a long time.”

  “That’s true, but family is family, and time apart doesn’t make any difference.”

  Kyle was so strong and confident. His family values were evident in his words. It was an amazing quality to see in a man.

  “When do you want to leave?” Kyle asked.

  “I will probably make travel arrangements tomorrow. And you still want to come with me?” My voice sounded shaky.

  “Of course I still want to go with you. I wouldn’t let you go through that all alone. Don’t worry about arrangements. I will handle that.”

  I sighed in relief. “Thank you.”

  During a moment of silence, my thoughts drifted to Kyle and the way he would wrap his arms around my waist and pull me close into his chest. His warm body fit around mine so well. My bed felt empty without him.

  “What are you thinking about?” he whispered.

  “You,” I answered honestly. My thoughts frightened me, but I was really trying to work on being open with him.

  “Me? What about me?”

  “You lying next to me with your arms wrapped around me.”

  I closed my eyes as I heard Kyle groan into the phone.

  “I want to be there, too.” He sighed. “Get some sleep, and dream about me. I’ll see you soon.”

  My tired eyes fluttered open, looking into complete darkness, as the bed shifted.

  “Kyle?” I said sleepily as his familiar warm body snuggled against mine. My foggy mind was trying to process that he was back.

  “Hmm?” he said, his voice quiet, as he tucked the sheets back around us. He sounded like once he hit the pillow, he would be out.

  “How…I mean, why are you here? I thought you had to work?”

  “I can work from here.” He kissed my cheek thoughtfully. “You said you missed me and wished I were here, so I’m here…and I told you how much my day sucked, and I wanted nothing more than to be here, too.”

  “But you need—”

  “Shh…I need to be right here. This is where you need me. Go back to sleep.” He kissed me again and pulled me closer. “We’ll talk in the morning.”

  Knowing he was dead on his feet since he had just flown all the way here in the middle of the night, I decided to let it go for now. My heart clenched at how he put others before himself. I smiled as I drifted back to sleep, thinking of how Kyle had such a kind heart underneath that rough and tough exterior.

  I awoke as the sun started to rise, wishing my mind would just go back to sleep. Yawning, I crooked to the left and blinked twice at seeing Kyle in my bed. Ah. My morning haze faded as the memory of Kyle joining me in bed last night flooded my mind.

  He shifted onto his back, still half-asleep. “Morning,” he mumbled sleepily with his eyes still closed.

  Realization hit me at the thought of him coming back in the middle of the night to be with me. Deep emotions stirred within me, and I wasn’t ready to face them, so I pushed them aside. I decided to move on to a happier thought, and I focused on the glorious sight before me. I licked my lips in anticipation of consuming the man before me. I didn’t know what I had done to deserve such a prize, but I planned to enjoy every moment with him.

  My eyes started at his mouth. His bottom lip was slightly plump. I wanted to kiss it. His jaw was more relaxed as he slept, giving his face a softer, younger look. The sight of his bare chest made my mouth water. His skin glowed with his perfect tan. I wanted to run my hands all over his body. I didn’t think I would ever get used to this kind of perfection. He was like a magnet, and I had a gravitational pull toward him. My heart wanted to run and jump in with both feet, but my mind wanted to bolt in the opposite direction.

  Not being able to hold back any longer, I moved to straddle his hips, and my eager hands made long strokes from his firm chest all the way down to the indentation of his hips. His groan of approval was like putting fuel on the fire. My lips parted on a breath as I felt his impressive morning erection beneath me. Grinning, I thought about how his brain might not be fully awake, but another part of his anatomy clearly was.

  I shifted off of him, positioning myself between his legs, and I lowered my mouth to massage the tip of his erection through his briefs before gently squeezing it between my lips. I released and repeated. Dipping my hands underneath him, I grabbed each of his cheeks, reveling in how muscular they were. Kyle lifted his hips as I lowered his briefs.

  Now wide-awake, he propped himself up on his elbows to look directly into my eyes. “Good morning,” he said, his voice laced with lust. “Greedy this morning, are we?” he teased.

  “Good morning,” I replied in a sweet and innocent tone. Then, I let a naughty grin spread across my face. “I’m very greedy this morning.”

  His eyes blazed with desire as my hands stroked his erection. I moved slowly at first, feeling his soft skin beneath my loose grip. Kyle closed his eyes in pleasure as I increased the pressure slightly. Leaning forward, I took him into my
mouth. I swirled my tongue around the head before making my way down the thick base. Kyle’s breath caught as I increased my suction on the way back up. As I looked at him, his jaw clenched, and I could see his control wavering.

  “Lily.” His breath was ragged as his hands found my shoulders, squeezing with enough pressure to let me know he was already close. “Seeing you take me deep into that luscious mouth of yours makes me crazy.”

  Hearing my name on his lips while he battled to restrain himself was sexy as hell. It made my thighs clench with need while driving the desire to please him higher. I wanted to give this to Kyle. Keeping a steady pace, I pulled him in and out of my mouth while my hand worked in unison on the lower part of his shaft.

  “Lily, stop,” he commanded. “I want to come inside you.”

  I increased the suction on my way back up, hoping to make my point clear. “No,” I breathed. I shook my head as I blew gently across his sensitive tip.

  He took in a sharp breath.

  “I want you to come in my mouth,” I said seductively, trying to maintain control.

  I can do this. I ran the tips of my fingers up his inner thighs while breathing in his familiar musky scent that made liquid pool between my legs. Gripping the base of his erection, I eagerly took him back into my mouth again, pumping him in and out until I found a steady rhythm.

  My name left his lips on a half-cry, half-grunt as his release spurted into my mouth, flowing down the back of my throat. Quite proud of myself, I smiled shyly up at Kyle.

  His hands pulled me up the length of his body. “That was amazing, Lily.” His eyes glazed over with primal satisfaction. “You looked so fucking hot with your mouth wrapped around me. It took everything I had to let you finish.” Before I had time to respond, a mischievous grin spread across his face. “But now that you are, let me return the favor.”

  He pivoted, taking me with him, and he pinned me beneath his body. He kissed the base of my throat before slowly making his way up to my jaw. My body shuddered as he nipped and gently tugged at my earlobe.


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