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Heiress Page 4

by Zingera, L. C.



  “It wasn’t the only thing that was exhilarating...”

  “Oh,” Ryan chuckled. “You mean this...” He tossed aside the towel, pulling her close into his arms, and kissing her deeply, trying to transmit his need wordlessly to her, giving her a chance to show him exactly how far she wanted to take this.

  She shivered slightly against him when he raised his head. “Time to get out of these wet things, don’t you think?

  Ryan drew her closer, taking her hand in his and pressing a kiss to her palm. “Together?”

  “Yes, together.”

  Mel whooped in delight when Ryan suddenly scooped her into his arms and carried her up the stairs two at a time to his room.

  Chapter Eight

  With cold and trembling fingers, Ryan undid the buttons on his shirt as Mel quickly cast aside her own garments, cold and wet, they were both in too much of a hurry and too eager to worry about anything other than shucking their damp clothing and coming together. He wondered briefly if Mel had been feeling as frustrated as he? Night after night, for weeks he’d laid awake, alone in his bed, wishing that Mel was his, that he’d met her when his life was just a little different and he had something to offer her. Though ironically, if that had been the case they might never have met.

  Mel stood before him now, damp honey blonde hair slicked back, her cheeks flushed from the cold, and hopefully also from anticipation. She was beautiful in her nudity, her high firm pink tipped breasts thrusting in his direction, her small waist, and womanly rounded hips and long slender legs that he couldn’t wait to feel wrapped around him.

  He reached for her, taking her hand, she stepped into his embrace sliding her arms around his neck and finding his mouth with her own. Mel’s kiss was deep and erotic, smoothly sensual, encouraging more, she used her plump pink lips to coax and tease. He took over, loving her with his mouth, caressing, learning every curve, tracing every crevice, taking his time to explore. Until they pulled apart, almost breathless.

  Cool damp skin quickly heated as Mel’s naked curves pressed lightly against his own. He groaned. Mel chuckled at the sound. Sliding her fingertips softly down the curve of his back and lightly caressing his buttocks. He groaned once again, thankful that they were alone in the house. He watched Mel’s beautiful lips part in a sensual and very pleased smile at his reaction. He’d dated a lot when he first moved to Los Angeles after college, many superficial and not very fulfilling dates; he’d learned to be more discriminating. Nothing had ever felt his good. All that Mel wanted was him—she loved him, he was certain of it. She didn’t let anyone get close to her if she didn’t trust them. Her faith in him touched his heart and filled it with thoughts of only her. He was pretty sure that it was at her instigation that not only her housekeeper here, but also Nick and Drew had gone away for the summer, leaving the two of them alone to discover where this would take them, to understand what was developing between them.

  Mel was a very tactile lover. She wanted to trace and caress every line, every curve, and taste every part of him. Allowing a woman to take the lead was something very new to him, but Mel’s soft caresses held him so enthralled he was barely able to move. To think.

  Soft tender fingertips traced the curve of his shoulder blades and descended down each bicep, kneading and stroking, as she moved behind him, she nipped his shoulder lightly, bringing him out of the fog of sensation, he made to turn, but she forestalled him with a chuckle.

  “I’m not done yet.”

  Almost vibrating with need, he endured the sweet torture of her tender kisses sliding further down until she reached the two dimples at the base of his spine, flicking her tongue over them and caressing his firm hair roughened thighs. With a swift movement he drew her to her feet. Finding her mouth with his own and plundering the sweet depths.

  Mel reveled in the feel of Ryan’s deep caressing kisses, his tongue performing a sensual dance with hers. Her teeth sank into her bottom lip when his mouth left hers and his smooth large hands slid up from her waist to caress the rounded globes of her breasts, thumbing gentle circles across her thrusting nipples. An audible moan escaped her lips as his hands slid down to cup her bottom, drawing her closer, feeling the evidence of his desire pressed against her belly. She thrilled at the heat and length of him, renewing her confidence in her own desirability and his very evident need for her.

  Daringly she looped her arms around his neck as she encouraged him to lift her off her feet, and wrapped herself tightly around him, her legs around his waist. His mouth caressed and nipped lightly at her shoulder blade, the slope of her neck, the pulse points at the base of her throat, and then lowering her onto the bed, he finally took a pebbled nipple between his lips and drew on her. Mel’s hands swept lower, stroking a devastating path over his abdomen, finally reaching her goal. She held and stroked his length, sweeping delicate fingertips over the head and down his shaft. He shuddered in delight, moving to her side, he stilled her hands as he swept a palm over her belly down to her inner thigh and she arched her hips into his touch.

  Spirals of sensation vibrated through her as Ryan parted her nether lips finding her moist and swollen and began a slow deliberate caress. In her heightened state, it took only seconds for her body to reach the highest pinnacle of ecstasy, but he wasn’t done yet. His mouth replaced the tender touch of his fingertips, bringing her to peak a second time. But as Mel slowly returned to earth, her head still spinning, and Ryan moved over her, she held her breath, waiting for him to fill her. He took his time, she wanted to hurry him, to feel his length, his heat deep inside, filling her to the hilt; but slowly and tenderly he moved at his own pace, until her body had absorbed every inch of him. Then he began to thrust, long deep strokes, increasing his rhythm and depth until she was crying out beneath him, shaking with the depths of sensation pulsing through her as Ryan too, cried out and collapsed beside her finally replete.

  But if Mel thought they were done, she was wrong, because only moments later, Ryan began another slow sweet caress, first with his lips, and then the tender stroking of his large gentle hands over her bottom as he rolled them over and lifted her onto him. Mel sucked in a breath, realizing that he was hard again already, and with his guiding hands on her hips, she slowly lowered herself onto him.

  Ryan watched Mel’s beautiful body work its sheer magic on his senses, feeling her tight inner muscles tugging and surrounding him where they were intimately joined, with each movement of her hips he groaned; he hoped Mel’s energy and desire would continue to match his own because he was certain it was going to be a very long night.

  After dozing for a very short time in each other’s arms, Mel once again began a tender, caressing and leisurely touch, now that some of their energy had been expended, they could each take their time to enjoy a slow and thorough exploration of one another.

  Mel knelt beside him on the bed, slowly she slipped back the covers and allowed her hands to explore what her eyes could not see. She caressed each flat male nipple with a teasing swirl of her fingertips, shushing him when he tried to insist on taking over. Her delicate hands trailed further down to his abdomen, over his rib cage and the flat plains of his stomach, caressing every line of muscle and sinew. His breath caught in his throat when her hands trailed lower to massage his outer thighs and then slowly to intimately caress his manhood with fingertips and tongue. He returned the torture to her, loving the little encouraging sounds she made, and her gasp of fulfillment as he flipped her onto her back and entered her again for another long slow lovemaking session.

  This was very definitely the best night of his life. Later, with Mel curled up beside him, he simply enjoyed caressing her smooth delicate skin, savoring her closeness and the gentle rhythm of her breathing.

  Mel closed her eyes, savoring the wonder of Ryan’s beautiful hands caressing her body. This sweet man she had dared to dream about from the moment she’d heard his sultry voice on her intercom and the blurry but tem
pting vision of his features on her camera. This was a dream come true.

  His easygoing personality and love for Raven had only enhanced his endearing qualities. She loved him. Lock stock and barrel. She fallen quickly and she’d fallen hard. Nick and Drew knew it. Nick had been concerned, the ever protective father figure, didn’t want her to get hurt, but Drew had encouraged her every step of the way. They both wanted her to be happy. She simply adored them both, but right now, pushing thoughts of anyone, anything else from her mind, she savored the feel of Ryan’s gentle touch.


  It was the middle of the night. The lightning flickered occasionally, the second pass of the storm system moving over them after a short lull. Mel was sleeping soundly in his arms. Ryan watched the flashing lights beyond the French window to his balcony. The dark shapes of the trees silhouetted against the storm.

  It was hard to believe that only a couple of months ago his world had been very different. It might be a whole lot different again if Nick got hold of him. A shudder went down his spine. How were they going to explain this to Nick?

  He grimaced, but one way or another he was going to have to figure it out, because no way, no how, was he going to be bullied into giving up on Mel. She was his now, godammit!

  Involuntarily his arms tightened around her. Mel snuggled closer at his sudden movement. The storm was edging away to a mere occasional flicker, he closed his eyes, he really needed to sleep, on the other hand, maybe not? He opened his eyes, fully alert. Mel was sliding her delicious curves against him once more.

  The flickering light cast its shadows across the windows, a figure, a shadow silhouetted against the night...? Or just his imagination? He looked again and it was gone. Just the storm playing tricks on his eyes, or was it?

  But he had other things to think of right now as Mel’s tiny teeth playfully grazed his ear lobe and he flipped her onto her back.

  “Hey!” Mel giggled. “It’s my turn to be on top!”

  Ryan snorted on a laugh, “As my lady desires!” and quickly switched places with her.

  Chapter Nine

  Ryan wasn’t quite sure what to expect the next morning. Would there be any regrets? He sure as heck didn’t regret a thing, but would she? He eased himself slowly from the bed, Mel’s features were still peaceful in sleep, her pink lips parted, rich honey colored hair cascading across his pillow, she looked adorable. He’d let her sleep, after a very full night, she had to be exhausted. He slowly opened the closet, quietly retrieving a clean set of clothing for the day and hurried down the hall to shower in one of the other bathrooms so as not to awaken her.

  Ryan was brewing a fresh pot of coffee when he heard a loud thud in the floor above.

  “Mel! Are you okay!” He dashed up the stairs to find Mel spread-eagled on the floor in the hallway, one of the small decorative hall tables used for displaying knick-knacks against the wall was overturned. Raven rushed up to her mistress, licking her face and nuzzling.

  “Oh, Mel, sweetie!” He pulled her into his arms, “Are you hurt?”

  “No, I’m fine, just a little stunned. Why was the table in the middle of the hall, Ryan?”

  “I don’t know, Mel, when I went downstairs it was still against the wall.”

  He inspected the table for damage, no, none. It couldn’t have fallen over by itself, there were no broken legs that could have caused it to topple. It was fragile, flimsy even, but he doubted the vibrations of the crashing thunder would have been enough to do it. He’d brought Raven downstairs with him, anticipating her morning run, so it couldn’t have been her huge bushy wagging tail, either.

  Mel took his hand and walked downstairs with him. Neither saying much.

  “Coffee?” Ryan asked awkwardly.

  “Ryan,” Mel began at the same time. “Oh...yes, coffee would be fine.”

  Great, she was feeling uncomfortable with him! He poured her a cup and joined her at the kitchen table.

  “Ryan, there are one or two things you should know about this house.”

  Okay, not what he’d been expecting!

  “Like what?” he asked curiously, she was acting a little sheepish.

  “Have you noticed anything odd since we’ve been here? Any unusual occurrences?”

  Then at his indrawn breath she burst out laughing. “Not that!” she elbowed him in the ribs. “I wasn’t talking about you and me...and last night! You’re okay with it though...right?” She slipped the last sentence in there so seamlessly, he nodded in relief.

  “Ryan, are you nodding?”

  “Yeah, I was! Sorry, Mel!”

  “It’s okay,” she laughed.

  “Well, now that you mention it, I could have sworn I heard you calling my name the other day. And last night I thought I saw a shadow or a figure silhouetted against the window.”

  “That’s all?”

  “What were you expecting?”

  Mel shrugged. “There are a lot of stories about this house, about the former owner Victoria, they say she still walks the halls calling Ryan Grady’s name, waiting for him to come back.”

  “He was lost at sea?”

  “Yes, they say she refused to believe it, she was convinced if she just waited long enough he would come home.”

  “How sad.”

  “Yeah, it is. The locals say they’ve seen her walking the cliff’s edge, waiting and watching for his ship to return. It would anchor off the coast and ferry supplies ashore with the small lifeboats.”

  “What happened to her?”

  “The stories vary, some say she moved away, other says she died here in this house of a broken heart, and still others that she fell from the cliff onto the rocks below.”

  That would certainly explain the sturdy fence her father had installed all the way along the cliff. He didn’t want Mel wandering out there alone.

  Mel was still looking pensive when she set down her cup and went to take a shower.


  Mel smiled to herself as she slipped under the warm cascading spray of her shower, reaching for her favorite fragranced shower gel and smoothing it over her entire body, all the places Ryan had touched and caressed during the night. He’d been very thorough. It had been a wonderful night, a dream come true. Almost magical. She closed her eyes, allowing the warm spray to soothe aching muscles she had long forgotten about.

  “Are you ready...?” Startled, Mel quickly rinsed away the soapy residue, listening.

  “Are you ready...?” There it was again, only louder. The very same masculine voice she’d heard a day earlier as though carried on the wind. But now the voice had grown stronger, it was more anguished, yet hopeful, almost pleading.

  “Victoria!” The voice cried. Mel jumped.

  Quickly drying off, Mel slipped into a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt, pulling on her sneakers. Are you ready the voice had asked. Yes, though she knew the voice was not actually addressing her. She was ready. Ready to help. Throwing on a light windbreaker she headed outside. She had a mission to accomplish.

  Now that she and Ryan had shared so much, she sure hoped he didn’t think she was crazy. But the hall table hadn’t moved itself, the voices were not in her head. Even Ryan had admitted to hearing a voice calling his name yesterday.

  But right now, someone was desperately trying to get her attention and she had a feeling she knew exactly who it was. Captain Ryan Grady.

  She had to find Victoria. And she knew just where she was most likely to be.


  Ryan stood by the window watching the steely gray clouds drift slowly by as he waited for Mel to shower and join him. The sky was rapidly growing darker. Well, things were a tad awkward this morning, but not in the way he’d expected. Did she really believe there were ghosts here? Granted, he’d heard a few strange noises, seen a few shadows, but...he jumped when Raven suddenly barked beside him, she was watching something outside. Mel!

  Mel was walking toward the fence line, alone. His heart stilled. What did she think she was doi

  He tore out of the front door with Raven at his heels. “Mel!” The storms were not over yet. The thunder crashed overhead, lightning struck the huge oak tree only feet away from where Mel stood, splitting it in two with a sharp crack. A shimmering apparition appeared, in the shape of a woman, shoving Mel to the ground. Oh, crap she was right! There really was something going on here. And was the ghost...apparition, trying to hurt Mel?

  But no, she was trying to shield her, holding her to the ground, making her less of a target for the flickering lightning bolts that would strike anything standing out in the open.

  “Ryan, did you see her?” Mel asked as he scooped her into his arms and dashed back toward the house, Raven was sitting watching something in the opposite direction, wagging her tail, then she turned and raced inside with them at Mel’s command.

  “I saw her,” he muttered as they entered the foyer.

  “Thank God! I’ve sensed her for years...heard her voice many times...she was calling Ryan’s name...she’s still looking for him...she seems to feel the need to wait right there, where she used to see his ship appear on the horizon...but he’s calling her too, they don’t seem to be able to hear each other. I was trying to...help!”

  “Mel, this could be dangerous.”

  “They’re just trying to find each other Ryan, we have to help them!”

  “But if they’re both here?” he asked, a creepy feeling tingling down his spine as he remembered the whispered words he’d heard over the last few days.

  “Maybe he’s never been able to get through the fog of her grief? The local legends all say she was inconsolable,” Mel said. “I can only speculate, Ryan. I don’t have any experience with what goes on, on the other side. Do you?” she asked with a hint of annoyance.

  “No, I guess not,” he conceded. “Could you see her, Mel?”

  “Only a vague shimmering of light. Perhaps that’s why I was never afraid in the past either. But I felt her touch today, pushing me down away from the lightning. She was trying to help me, Ryan.”


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