Shroud of Doom

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Shroud of Doom Page 25

by William Manchee

  Chapter 23

  Unpopular Orders


  Captain Vin Lugart, the commanding officer of Earth Shuttle Command, received the urgent call from Colonel Tomel asking about the availability of Earth Shuttles for temporary duty as housing for refugees. He was aghast with the news that his shuttles would be used for such a purpose. He had hoped when he got the command that he would get an opportunity to travel to Earth but that hadn’t happened. Of the 1,937 Earth Shuttles in his inventory only about twenty-five were fully operational and ready for service. He had been ordered to place the others in long term storage as it wasn’t anticipated that there would be a need for Earth travel in the immediate future.

  Since he had been rather bored with this command he was glad, at least, that he finally would be doing something. He immediately gave orders to begin the process of bringing the fleet out of storage and getting the shuttles ready to for use. Then he prepared to personally supervise the deployment of the twenty-five Earth shuttles that were flight worthy to Shisk. Although he could have assigned the task to underlings, he decided since this was just the first of many deployments of Earth shuttles around Tarizon, that he should make sure it was done quickly and efficiently.

  Sixty three kyloons after Captain Lugart got his orders the first shuttles began landing in a large field just outside Shisk. Fortunately the shuttle’s thrusters were self-contained and didn’t require the burning of oxygen or elements in the atmosphere, so the ash-laden air had no impact in their proper functioning. An advance team had surveyed the location selected for the shuttles to land and sent back landing instructions for each of the shuttles. It was an incredible sight to see twenty-five huge Earth shuttles descend upon Shisk at one time and settle down just outside the city.

  The crowds that had gathered at each of Shisk’s eight gates now flocked to the area that the media had dubbed “Shuttle City.” The TGA had cordoned off the area to prevent refugees from getting injured when the shuttles landed, but the sight of the shuttles landing caused near bedlam and the soldiers on duty had a difficult time containing the anxious crowds.

  The shuttles had the capability of burrowing underground for the purpose of stealth when they landed on Earth, but it was determined not to be necessary for the purpose of handling refugees. When all the ships had landed Captain Lugart stepped out and surveyed the new city that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Looking to his left he saw a jet copter approaching from Shisk. It set down a hundred strides from his shuttle, officially known as Tormenter, and Assemblyman Basset Als stepped out and waved to the captain. Moments later Basset Als and his aides were whisked aboard Tormenter and followed the captain to the officer’s conference room.

  “I appreciate you responding so quickly,” Bassett said.

  “Well, I’m glad I got the call. I’ve been rather bored babysitting a fleet of old ships.”

  “I can imagine. . . . I was so relieved when I was told you had twenty-five ships flight-ready. I can’t imagine what would have happened had that not been the case.”

  “Well, Central Command felt a few ships needed to be ready in case of an emergency, although I doubt this is the type of emergency they had in mind.”

  “No, probably not,” Basset agreed. “So, I have brought you the Assembly’s resolution. It instructs you to house as many of the refugees as you can. Unfortunately, there are many more than will you be able to accommodate, but do the best that you can.”

  “As I understand it, since the mutants were allowed to stay in the city that I am only to house unimpaired humans aboard the shuttle.”

  Bassett grimaced. “Well, I am afraid the Assembly did not address that issue. I fear had they tried the resolution would not have been passed.”

  “So, what am I do to?” Captain Lugart asked.

  “Use your discretion. I know it’s a terrible burden to thrust upon you, but it would take the Assembly several phases to agree on the criteria for selecting which refugees to be allowed on the shuttles.”

  “So, you are asking me to play God—selecting who shall live and who shall die?”

  Basset shrugged. “Hopefully, it won’t be that bad. We are looking into other ways to help the people outside the domes. One idea is to shut down all the transport tubes and turn them into housing.”

  Captain Lugart grimaced trying to picture how that would work. The tubes were protected from the environment but they didn’t have a water filtration system since the traffic that flowed through them was self- contained. There were periodic fuel stations, restaurants and rest stops but not nearly enough to take care of any sizeable population. Plus, once the tubes were shut down to traffic there would be no way to supply the facilities that were in place.

   “Well, I’ll do the best I can,” Lugart said.

  As Bassett was leaving he introduced Captain Lugart to Lt. Lelfendix Fulty and told him he would be his liaison with the ground troops assigned to protect the city. When Basset left Lt. Fulty stayed behind and was given quarters on the ship to be close to Captain Lugart. Early the next morning Captain Lugart, Lt. Fulty, the ships executive officer, Lt. Sitch Elmst and the ship’s medical officer met with the officers of the other twenty-four shuttles by video conference to discuss the criteria for the selection of refugees. Captain Lugart stood to address the group.

  “Much to my chagrin, I have been given the task of deciding which refugees should be housed on our twenty-five shuttles. Since it is a matter that we could debate for kyloons on end, I have decided just to make the determination myself based on the information that is available to me. From what I can determine the idea of using Earth shuttles to house refugees came about to avoid having to deal with a proposal to evict the mutants from Shisk. That being the case it only makes sense that only non-mutated humans should be allowed on the shuttles.

  “I know that this may be offenses to many of you, but I believe that was the spirit of the compromise that was made. Accordingly, only non-mutated humans will be allowed aboard the shuttles. The next criteria for selection shall be the state of each refugee’s health. The shuttles are not hospitals. We have limited medical facilities, so we should avoid persons with serious medical issues. Our goal isn’t saving lives, but preserving life on Tarizon for the long run. I know this may seem callous to some of you, but it is the reality that we face and we do not have time to debate it.

  “Should anyone disagree with my orders you are free to contact your assemblyman and complain, but don’t bother me with your concerns. They made the decision to lay this responsibility on me and I will gladly give the task back to them should you convince them they have made a mistake.

  “Are there any questions?” Captain Lugart asked.

  One of the shuttle captains beeped in indicating he wanted to ask a question. Captain Lugart opened a link for him to speak.

  “Yes, Captain. Am I to understand that no mutants, rhutz, or Seafolken will be allowed aboard the shuttles.”

  “That is correct,” Captain Lugart said.

  “Sir. Whereas I understand the order quite clearly there are many Seafolken who serve on this ship and who will be highly offended by the criteria that you have established.”

  Captain Lugart shrugged. “I am sure you are right, Captain. But like I said, no matter what decision I made on the issue, someone is sure to be unhappy. But the reality is, I have made my decision and I don’t have the time or patience to deal with any dissent. So tell your crews that if anyone fails to carry out my orders they will be subject to immediate court martial. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  When the meeting broke up Lt. Fulty forwarded Captain Lugart’s orders to the TGA troops and they began processing them and delivering those that met Captain Lugart’s criteria to the shuttles. It was a long tedious process and there was much bitterness among those who were sent away to fend for themselves in the toxic haze that hung over the desolate countryside. By morning the crowds around Shisk had disappeared for it was
clear Shisk was closed to those from the outside and there were no vacancies in Shuttle City.



  Once Threebeard had been placed in the capable hands of the doctors at the Northeast Casualty Center he was stabilized and sent into surgery. Two kyloons later he emerged with a rebuilt shoulder better than the natural one that had been destroyed by the laser. Nic was delighted when they rolled him into the recovery room where he had been allowed to wait. He rushed over to where they parked his bed.

  “Hey, brother. How do you feel?”

  Threebeard opened an eye and looked up at him. “Is that you, Nic?”

  “Yes, how do you feel? You just came out of a long surgery.”

  “I feel like I’ve been run over by a zodillo.”

  “I bet. You’ve got a new shoulder. They say it will be twice as strong as the old one.”

  “Really. Good. That might come in handy someday. . . . Say, what happened after I was shot.”

  “Falling Star ripped apart the skutz who shot you.”

  “She did? Good. You’ll have to thank her for me.”

  Nic’s face dropped. “Well, I would if I could, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to. She was killed.

  “Oh. No. Don’t tell me that.”

  “I’m sorry. There was a riot and many died.”

  “What about the bill. The Mutant Relocation Act?”

  “It was defeated.”

  Threebeard let out a long sigh of relief. “Thank God and Sandee.”

  “But now we have another problem”

  “What’s that.”

  “Captain Lugart who has been placed in charge of Shuttle City won’t let mutants, humans in need of medical attention, or Seafolken onto the shuttles. It also seems Central Authority has abandoned any effort to save them.”

  “Well, I better get well so I can start building my mutant army. It sounds like we’re going to need it.”

  Nic laughed. “You’ve got that right. Oh, Inquisitor Waldreen, is in the waiting room. He needs to talk to you.”

  Threebeard nodded. “Okay. Go ahead and send him in.”

  Nic left and returned a few moments later with Enforcer Waldreen. Waldreen was a tall, slender man with a somber face.

  “I am so glad to see that you are recovering,” Waldreen said. “I’ve talked to the doctors and they say had the laser hit you a little lower you would have died instantly.”

  Threebeard smiled. “Yes, Sandee was with me. So, do you know who the shooter was?”

  “Yes, a man named Tibor Raseen. He was a member of the CPC and apparently close to Rupra Bruda.”

  Threebeard shook his head. “Is there nothing Bruda won’t do to get what he wants? The man has no conscience whatsoever.”

  “Obviously not. Anyway, Bruda was seen fleeing with a woman on a jet cycle right after the attack. There is a citywide alert out for his arrest but he may have left the city.”

  “How do you know?”

  “His tracking chip went dark minutes before you were attacked and no one has seen him since.”

  “What about his companion?” Threebeard asked.

  “We believe it is his mate and her tracking chip is not functioning either.”

  “What do her parents have to say about it?”

  “They are very upset that she has disappeared and claim not to know anything.”

  “They may not. Bruda is a sly one and I doubt he’d tell anyone where he was going.”

  “That may be and with travel outside the dome nearly impossible, I can’t promise there will be much of an effort to find him.”

  “In that case, am I free to leave the city? I need to get back to Tributon.”

  “Yes, but if we get lucky and find him we will need you to return to aid the public prosecutors.”

  Threebeard nodded. “Don’t worry. I would be most pleased to respond to such a call, but I seriously doubt it will ever come.”

  Inquisitor Waldreen bowed slightly, then took his leave. Threebeard thought about Rupra Bruda and wondered where he might have gone. Unfortunately, with Tarizon in chaos he knew he could have gone just about anywhere outside the dome and easily disappeared. He thought about getting on the computer and searching the TGN for any sign of him, but he knew that would not likely be fruitful. Finally, he decided to forget about Rupra Bruda. As long as he was on the run he’d not likely be a threat. At least he hoped that were the case.

  In the next few days Threebeard had recovered enough so he could travel back to Tributon. Since all but emergency air traffic had been grounded he was forced to take a freighter from Shisk to Ben Lat. With most of the volcanoes around the globe still erupting a thick shroud of volcanic ash hung over Tarizon. The ash was so thick Tarizon was plunged into a state of perpetual darkness. It took Threebeard nearly a week to get to Behn Lat so he took advantage of the time to get a lot of sleep and accelerate his recovery. When he finally made it back to the Mighty Jolly he was anxious to start gathering together his troops as he knew for sure now that civil war was inevitable.



  As soon as Threebeard was shot, Rupra Bruda and Essyria got on their jet cycles and made their escape. They knew if they delayed they’d be drawn into the riot. Bruda saw Falling Star attack his friend Raseen but knew he could do nothing about it. He cursed himself for underestimating again how quickly the rhutz would counterattack. A wave of guilt washed over him for Raseen’s death but it quickly vanished as his and Essyria’s safety become a more pressing issue. He had expected Raseen to escape after the assassination attempt making it impossible for the PE to determine who was responsible, but once Raseen was identified as one of his friends, an arrest warrant would be issued for all of them. After they were far away from the East Gate they stopped to talk and consider their options.

  “I told you killing Threebeard was too dangerous,” Essyria spat. “But you wouldn’t listen to me.”

  Bruda looked back toward the East Gate with a worried look on his face. “That idiot just stood there for ten tiks after he made his shot. If he hadn’t delayed he’d have gotten to his jet cycle and made a clean escape.”

  “I think he wanted to see if Threebeard was dead,” Essyria replied.

  “Yeah, well he could have read about it the newspaper rather than compromising all of us. The incompetent skutz!”

  “So, what do we do now?”

  “We don’t have any choice but to leave the city,” Bruda replied. “There were too many witnesses and the PE is going to have to nail somebody for the riots.”

  Essyria sighed. “Where can we go? The air is toxic outside the city and the ash so thick on the ground that it is difficult to travel.”

  “That’s actually good. Once we leave the city no one will follow us. We just need a good ATV with an air filtration system.”

  “My father has several,” Essyria advised. “They are solar powered but they have a CNG backup propulsion system.”


  “Compressed natural gas. It’s a rather archaic system but it works. We can bring along extra tanks.”

  “How will your father feel about that?” Bruda asked.

  “He won’t mind if we borrow one to avoid capture and the humiliation to the family if I went on trial.”

  “I suppose not. Where are they?”

  Essyria started her jet cycle. “Just follow me.”

  Essyria took off and led them to the northwest part of the city where her father had his business. It wasn’t a workday so the office and warehouse was closed. They drove around the back, parked their jet cycles out of view and then went to the side door to the warehouse. Essyria looked into the retinal scanner, the keypad on the door flashed green, and the door unlocked. Inside there was an assortment of construction vehicles, tractors, and three ATVs. Essyria pointed to them and they rushed over.

  “Okay, I’ll go get the keys out of the office. There’s food and bottled water in the closet,” she said pointing to a door not too far

  Rupra nodded and went to the closet and opened it. He was pleasantly surprised at the good stock of provisions available to them and began picking out what he thought they would need. Essyria found the keys in the office and wrote her father a note.



  We borrowed an ATV. You’ll understand why when you listen to the news. Don’t worry about us, we will be okay and will return your vehicle in good condition. Just need to lay low for a while.




  Essyria went back into the warehouse and helped Rupra finish loading the ATV. Soon they were on the road heading toward the Northwest gate. As they approached they wondered if anyone would try to stop them. It had been less than two kyloons since the riot had started so they reasoned it was unlikely anybody would be looking for them yet, but they couldn’t be absolutely sure so they approached the gate cautiously. A guard waved for them to stop as they drove through. Rupra swallowed hard as the window rolled down.

  “You’re not going to leave the city are you?” the guard asked. “The air is toxic and travel is extremely dangerous.”

  Rupra looked at Essyria. “Ah, my brother is stranded in Lilial,” Essyria said. “He was visiting a friend and we’re going to get him and bring him back.”

  The guard nodded. “Well, I hope you have plenty of food and fresh water. I’m not sure you’ll be able to find fuel either.”

  “My brother knows where we can get fuel to make the trip back,” Essyria assured him. “We’ll be okay.”

  The guard shrugged. “Okay, then. Good luck.”

  Rupra accelerated the ATV out of the gate and gradually built up speed. The ash was falling so hard visibility was but a few feet, so he couldn’t go very fast for fear of hitting something.

  “Is that where we are going?” Rupra asked. “Lilial?”

  “No. That’s just the next big city. Actually, we should go to Dangali. My parents have a cabin up there. It’s always kept fully stocked with food and has a deep water well. It’s one of the most beautiful places on the planet, right on the edge of the Weeping Mountains. It will be an excellent hiding place as long as nobody is traveling. Ordinarily it’s crowded with tourists but I don’t think that will be the case now.”

  “No. That sounds fine,” Bruda said smiling. “I’m sure we’ll find ways to occupy our time.”

  Essyria smiled back wryly. “Yes, I imagine that won’t be a problem.”

  Fortunately there was very little traffic on the roads but even so as night fell traveling became quite treacherous. The light from the ATV’s big front lamps reflected off the falling ash making it impossible to see more than a few feet ahead. The fact that the ash now was several feet deep also made it hard to follow the road and several times Bruda felt the big ATV straying off the pavement. Finally, just before dawn, Essyria pointed to a sign informing them that they were but ten kylods from Dangali.

  “Okay, just ahead there will be another road called the Weeping Mountain Highway. We will need to take it. Our cabin is about five kylods up that road.”

  Bruda nodded and took the turnoff. Half a kyloon later they pulled onto a small feeder road and drove up to the cabin. Although Essyria had called it a cabin it was quite large and luxurious. Bruda smiled when he saw it and looked over at Essyria.

  “Very nice,” Bruda said. “Are you sure nobody will be here.”

  “Yes. The caretaker came back to the city when the volcano began to erupt.”

  They drove down the long driveway and Essyria pointed to a large garage. “We should park the ATV inside out of sight.”

  She got out, walked to a control panel next the garage, and peered into a retinal scanner. The door began to rise and as soon as it was opened Bruda pulled the ATV inside. He got out and was immediately embraced by Essyria.

  “We made it! Thank God.”

  Bruda lifted her off her feet and swung her around. “Yes, we did. Now, let’s go inside, take a shower and see if your father has any Tekari.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about that,” Essyria replied. “This is a vacation home. It’s well stocked for partying.”

  They went inside the lavish cabin and headed straight for the shower. Soon they were washing each other’s body under a steady stream of hot steamy water. As soon as they felt clean again the fear and anxieties that had consumed them since their narrow escape from the angry mobs melted away into passionate lovemaking. When they were spent they went to the kitchen to find something to eat. While Essyria was fixing them a sandwich Bruda turned on the VC. A news report was in progress. A view of Mt. Soni’s continuing eruption was on the screen.

  “There is no sign of the massive eruption ending anytime soon. Scientist fear the eruption could last for a phase or more given the fact that Mt. Soni’s eruption is connected to numerous other volcanic eruptions all over Tarizon. Reports are coming in that Mr. Drala in Rour is now erupting as well as Mt. Makuta and Mt. Rumbia in Merria. Central Authority is urging all citizens to stay off the highways, stay indoors, and keep windows and doors closed to prevent the invasion of the toxic gases being emitted by the volcanoes.

  The view shifted to the Shisk’s massive dome. It glowed in the darkness with bolts of dry lightning striking the ground about it. Essyria came up next to Bruda and handed him a bottle of Tekari.

  “What do you think is going to happen? Is the world coming to an end?”

  Bruda turned and looked at Essyria thoughtfully. “No. Not the end, but a new beginning.”

  Essyria grimaced not sure she wanted an explanation of that remark. She was tired and in no mood for politics. All she wanted to do was go to bed and sleep for a phase.

   The reporter continued. “In Shisk rioting has ended at the East Gate as shuttles began landing to house the crowds trying to enter the city. The TGA is coordinating population of what is being called Shuttle City and the process is expected to take several days. Although only about 50,000 citizens will be able to board the shuttles more than 1900 more shuttles are being readied for service in the near future.

  “A city wide alert has been issued by the public enforcer’s office for five persons thought to be responsible for the attempted murder of the mutant known as Threebeard. Threebeard is the proprietor of the popular Mighty Jolly tavern chain with taverns in Lemaine Shane as well as Turvin. Although the shooter, Tibor Raseen was slain by a rhutz shortly after the attack, his suspected co-conspirators got away.”

  Five pictures displayed on the screen. “They are Rupra Bruda, Essyria Tomaso, Peeta Rufalus, Allie Chalk and Blinh Bligh. A spokesman for the Tomaso family indicates that Essyria Tomaso was secretly mated recently to Rupra Bruda and may be an unwitting accomplice. A global alert has been issued for detention of these fugitives and anyone who has knowledge of their whereabouts are urged to contact your local PE.”

  “Skutz!” Bruda said angrily. “Tibor was such an idiot. I should have killed Threebeard myself.”

  “Don’t worry about it tonight. There is nothing you can do about it now. Let’s just go to bed. Tomorrow is another day.”

  Bruda nodded. He’d go to bed but he doubted he could sleep. All his plans had been upset due to one idiot’s blunder. He shook his head in disgust and vowed he’d never let that happen again.







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