Bash, Volume III

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Bash, Volume III Page 21

by Candace Blevins

  “You show me every day how much you love me,” I told him as I wrapped my legs around him and pulled myself up so I was eye level with him. “The way you look at me, the way you watch our surroundings to make sure we’re safe, and make sure we have plenty of food so I never have a chance to get truly hungry. The bunnies you catch for me when we’re wolves, because you know they’re my wolf’s favorite, the barbecue you bring home when we’re human.” I took a breath and my eyes watered as I added, “And the way you let me lead sometimes, even though I know your wolf doesn’t like it. You respect who I am and what I can do.”

  We stared at each other a few seconds, my hair blowing around my face in the ocean breeze, and he said, “You’re mine, Princess. In some ways, maybe you always have been. I knew I couldn’t have you when you were fifteen, but I went way above and beyond what your father asked, to make sure no one else had a crack at you. My wolf claimed you then, though I didn’t understand it, at the time.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “From the moment you told me to protect your human friend first, then you, I knew you were different… special.”

  “Yeah, and then I pissed you off so bad you had to get out of the car and walk around.”

  He chuckled. “Had to let you know you couldn’t walk all over me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You were the youngest — and hottest — my dad had ever assigned me. It was worth a shot.”

  His face grew serious. “I can feel you all the time now, through our connection. I know when you’re happy, sad, frustrated. It’s always there, in the background, but I can pull it into the front of my mind and get more, even without opening up telepathically to actually talk to you.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I get it, too. It would freak me out with anyone else, but it’s comforting, having you there all the time.”

  He bounced me up and turned, so I was on his back, and he took off running towards the house with me hanging on for dear life.

  He leapt through the air a good ten feet from the pool, and I screamed as I realized our arc was going to land us in the middle of the deep end. The water wasn’t freezing cold, thank goodness, and Bash ripped my clothes away within seconds of us surfacing. Moments later, as I was screaming my way through an orgasm, his fingers in me, his mouth on my breasts as I hung onto the ladder to keep our heads above water, I telepathed, Oh goodie, now I get to drag you to the mall on our honeymoon.

  New rule, he telepathed with a mental chuckle as he added a finger and sped up, you’ll wear a butt plug when you drag me to the mall, and it won’t come out until we get home.

  I started to tell him I’d wear it if he could get it in my ass to start with, and quickly realized that would be the wrong response — it’s almost always a bad idea to goad the wolf. My heart swelled with love as I realized this man was mine, and I had the rest of my life with him — and I opened the conduit between us and sent him everything I was feeling.

  He did the same for me, and I couldn’t breathe for a few minutes, from the intensity of the emotions. I was his life, his love, his reason for staying safe. I brought beauty into his life and let him feel again. My eyes watered and tears threatened, and he said, “Not on our honeymoon. No tears on our honeymoon.” To emphasize his words, he changed the angle of his fingers, hit just the right spot, and pleasure sped through my veins until it engulfed me, and I was glad we didn’t have close neighbors as I screamed my way through an orgasm that pushed all thoughts from my mind.

  The End

  If you enjoyed Bash, you may also like the other books set in the same universe, though in different series.

  Chattanooga Supernaturals series, paranormal romance:

  The Dragon King (Aaron Drake’s story, and the first time we meet Duke and Brain)

  Riding the Storm

  Acceptable Risk

  Only Human series, urban fantasy

  Only Human

  Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Series



  Bash Volume I

  Bash Volume II

  Bash Volume III (November 20)

  Erotica Shorts from the world of The Chattanooga Supernaturals


  Indentured Freedom

  The Safeword series, intense BDSM contemporary romance

  Safeword Rainbow

  Safeword: Davenport

  Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon

  Safeword: Quinacridone

  Safeword: Matte

  Safeword: Matte – In Training

  No Safeword: Matte – The Honeymoon

  No Safeword: Matte – Happily Ever After

  Safeword: Arabesque

  Check out other books by Candace Blevins at

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Indentured Freedom, Owned by the Vampire


  Indentured Freedom

  Owned by the Vampire

  an erotica short from the world of

  The Chattanooga Supernaturals

  by Candace Blevins

  Chapter One


  Where does a vampire who lives in The Abbott’s territory go for fast food?


  There’s no wining and dining, just pay, strip, fuck, and feed. With some, I have to screw with their mind so they only remember the incredible orgasm I gave them, and not the feeding. However, the Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club has a human working for them who knows about the supernatural, and I gladly pay a little extra to feed from someone who knows the drill every time.

  As I stepped out of my car at the whore hotel, I listened for Belinda’s voice, and sighed inwardly as I realized she was still with someone else. Rolling Thunder does a decent job of scheduling, but sometimes one has to wait ten or fifteen minutes on the weekends.

  Bash nodded to me as I stepped in, and told me, “Belinda’s still with someone else, she isn’t scheduled to be too much longer.”

  The scent of a she-wolf hit my nostrils, and I turned to look at her. She was too thin, and exhausted, but her blood called to me. Drinking from a wolf is so much better than drinking from a human — and because of Pack politics I don’t get to do it anywhere near enough.

  Not to mention, Abbott has rules against supernatural beings enslaving humans, but a little loophole allows us to enslave lone wolves who don’t have Pack or MC protection. If I wanted this one I’d have to negotiate with the MC, but it would probably be doable. Assuming I could convince her to give herself to me.

  I looked back to Bash and said, “She’ll do.”

  “I don’t think she’s your type. Let’s stick with Belinda — I know she does it for you.”

  The she-wolf stood and looked at me, then Bash.

  I tested the waters a little by dipping into her thoughts — she knew I was a vampire, and was intrigued.

  “He plays rough, doll,” Bash told her.

  He wasn’t wrong, but for a taste of wolf blood I could make an exception. For a short time, anyway.

  “I do,” I told her agreeably as I flashed my nice-guy smile at her, “but if you’re good with me having dinner while we play, I’ll back off if I sense you’re in true distress.”

  She looked to Bash for confirmation, and he told her, “He has no reason to lie.”

  He told her what I paid Belinda, and I was about to point out I paid extra to get rough when the she-wolf told me, “But she’s human and you have to be careful. I got no problems feeding you, and I know how to give you more.”

  She knew I was in her head, because she shot me an image of a vampire teaching her how to give him her aura as he fed.

  My cock went rock hard and I agreed to the price.

  She told me the room number, and then followed me down the sidewalk a step behind, just to my left. When we arrived, she swiped the card, opened the door, and held it open for me to enter first if I chose. She’d been trained well. I motioned her inside first — not because I think women should go first, but because I wanted to close the door behind us.

  The Rolling Thunder Motor Hotel is an old motel, built perhaps in the fifties or sixties, but they’d done a decent job of renovating it for their use. The rooms were small and Spartan, but surprisingly clean — even to a vampire’s nose.

  “Something tells me you like to be in charge,” she said with a smile as I closed the door to our room, looking around and taking a final sniff to be sure none of my enemies were near. There was no reason to think they would, but I hadn’t lived this long by letting my guard down.

  She’d worn a lightweight dress, and she pulled it off over her head to reveal her nude body beneath.

  I sat in the chair and telepathically ordered, Come here.

  She walked to me and got the image I put into her head, because she straddled my lap and slid up my black leather pants until her cunt was right over my cock.

  Make it easy for me. Think of the vampire who taught you. Let me see who he was, what he taught you, and why.

  She rested her forehead on my shoulder, leaned her cheek against my throat, and I saw Webster letting her in his front door, then heard him teaching her how to give him her energy as he fed.

  I remained aware of what she was showing me, but I also skated through her mind and saw the things her Alpha had done to her, as well as the way Webster had treated her.

  She’d been giving men blowjobs when she was seven or eight, and her Alpha took her virginity when she was twelve. He used her as a reward for other men in the Pack, and she had to do as she was told, and be pleasing, or the punishments were harsh. Her Alpha was operating within the rules of the Concilio, the ruling body for the supernaturals, but there weren’t many such leaders in the United States, and none would be allowed this kind of behavior in The Abbott’s territory. I should know — he often sent me to set them straight when they inched out of line.

  Webster had thoroughly used her, but he hadn’t been cruel, and he’d kept her nourished and hydrated as he practically bled her dry, time after time. Apparently, her blood had called to him, too.

  I patted her ass and thought, Up.

  She leaned to the side, stood on her right leg, and swung her left off. I smiled at how eager she was to obey, and almost didn’t care it was because she’d been severely punished all of her life for not immediately doing as she was told in the most graceful and pleasing way possible.

  My most recent human companion had been male — I’d found him working the streets when he was seventeen, and I’d fed him enough vampire blood to keep him looking seventeen for more than a decade. He’s nearly thirty now, though, and it was time to let him live his life. He left me better than he came to me — he has a GED and a massage therapist license, and the self-control and self-confidence to live as a successful adult. Sending him to massage school may have been totally self-satisfying on my part, but he now made a good living and was supporting himself. I’d weaned him off me slowly, to make sure he didn’t go back to drugs once he was no longer getting a regular supply of my blood. I still fed from him every couple of weeks, but it was time to pull away completely.

  I’d fucked a lot of ass while he’d been with me, though I’d had plenty of pussy, too. I never tired of either, so now I debated whether to take the she-wolf’s ass first, or sink into her cunt.

  “Bend over the bed, spread your legs.”

  The temptation was to dive into her ass and listen to her scream and beg, smell her fear and pain, and drink it in… but I needed to convince her to come home with me.

  I could smell her lust and knew she’d be wet without checking. I breathed her scent in as I removed my black leather pants and black silk shirt.

  Okay, so maybe it’s a little cliché for a vampire, but I don’t give a shit. Synthetic fabrics drive me crazy, and I’m not a cotton kinda guy.

  I situated behind the she-wolf, rested my cock at the edge of her cunt, and ordered, “Slide back onto it, girl.”

  It’d been centuries since I’d had a wolf bitch oath to me, and I’d called her either dog or bitch. I was tempted to name this one pup, though it occurred to me she might respond better to a different kind of pet name. Dog in Romanian is cîine, pronounced kind of like queen-uh, with the emphasis on queen.

  Sometimes you take someone on who’s full of themselves, and tear them down until they know they’re a worthless piece of shit before you build them back up to be who you want them to be.

  This little bitch had been torn down all her life, though, and the idea of turning her into a wealthy socialite who could one day look down her nose at the Alpha who’d mistreated her suited my fancy. So, I’d name her Queenie, and she’d never know I was calling her a dog.

  I’d mold her into who I wanted her to be, and then someday marry her off to someone with political power, and she’d help me behind the scenes without him ever knowing it.

  Or, maybe I’d take her to Europe — far outside of Abbott’s territory — and drink her dry until she couldn’t change and heal, and I’d absorb her and her wolf’s life force into me as they died.

  Centuries upon centuries of life had taught me the value of a life was largely appraised by tallying the number of people who loved them. There were nuances, of course, mostly assessed by how many people also loved those people, and how many people were dependent on them.

  After sifting through the she-wolf’s head, I saw no evidence that even one person loved her. A few in the RTMC felt responsible for her, now that she worked for them, but there was no affection.

  Also, she’d been treated as property all her life, and she’d thought being free would take care of all of her problems, but instead it’d just given her a whole slew of new problems. So long as she pleased the Alpha, she’d been fed and had a roof over her head. There were clothes, dishes, pots and pans, beds, sheets, towels. Now, she had to provide for all of her needs, and she was still having to spread her legs to do it.

  As I slowly pumped in and out of the girl’s cunt, taking a measure of her, I strolled through other parts of her mind. In some ways she had the mentality of a six year old, and in others she was as mature as a sixty year old.

  She groaned as I picked up speed, and her thoughts clearly told me she was enjoying my cock and looking forward to my bite. Webster had done a good job of making her want it without totally addicting her to it.

  I wasn’t sure why he hadn’t wanted to keep her, and I’d need to find out. I didn’t recognize her Alpha, and I should probably make sure I wasn’t stepping on a landmine, though I couldn’t imagine it would be the case.

  I fucked her until she was close to an orgasm, and then pulled out and slid into her ass with only the lube from her pussy to ease the way. She groaned and whined, gave a few yelps, but she didn’t do anything to slow me or physically stop me.

  She’d been trained well.

  With a combination of pleasure and pain now streaming through her veins, I stilled my hips and let my fangs extend, rested my torso on hers, and let my teeth sink into her delicious neck.

  Her blood was as mouthwateringly delectable as I’d known it would be, and I took a long draw of it before I put any numbing chemicals in. I could taste her pain, but she still channeled her aura into me until I was nearly lightheaded from the head rush of it.

  I drank her down farther than I should, but I’d buy her as many burgers as she wanted on the way home — she didn’t know it yet, but the little bitch was coming home with me tonight.

  I injected the cocktail to give her a series of orgasms before I finally lifted my mouth from her, carefully sealing the puncture wounds with my saliva. Her body jerked and spasmed as she orgasmed, her ass muscles squeezing my cock in a heavenly rhythm, and I groaned in bliss as I straightened and flexed my hips, and then pounded her without mercy until I came deep in her ass.

  She’d aimed her face into a pillow to scream through her orgasm, and I appreciated her taking it easy on my hearing. I wasn’t out of breath, but she was, and I lifted her, cradled her in my arms, and then sat on the bed with her in my lap.

  Showing affection to someone you don’t have feelings for, and yet want in your life, can be tricky. Doing so right after sex or a feeding is considered good form, though, even if you’re paying for the privilege, so I held her until she caught her breath, and then seated her beside me as I told her, “I’d like to take you home so we can discuss turning this into a permanent arrangement.”

  “What do you mean by permanent arrangement? Like, a standing appointment every week? I don’t have to come home with you to negotiate that.”

  “No, I’d like to discuss making you the wolf equivalent of a human companion.”

  She froze a few seconds, and I smelled grief. “You won’t want me, when you find out…”

  Find out what? I gave her a moment to continue, and when she didn’t, I told her, “Let me be the judge. What is it I need to find out before I can make an informed decision?”

  “My old Alpha loaned me to a vampire some, for payment or bargaining or whatever. Sometimes I knew why I was being loaned, but I usually didn’t.”


  “You know him?”

  “Yeah. Spent some time with him in Prague a few centuries ago, and I figure a phone call will be in order at some point, but I’d like to hear what you think I need to know.”

  She was relieved I knew him, which piqued my interest even more.

  “He’s one of the good guys,” she said, “and he helped me escape my Alpha. He taught me how to use my own willpower and go against my Alpha’s orders. We came to an agreement, so he’d hide me away and break as many of the ties as he could to my old Alpha, but he said he couldn’t keep me — not only because of the political ties he holds with my old Alpha, but because once I knew how to override my Alpha’s hold, I’d be able to override his, too.”


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