Sold To The Dragon Princes: The Novel

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Sold To The Dragon Princes: The Novel Page 34

by Daniella Wright

  “No,” I said. “I’m not afraid.”

  He smiled. “Good. There’s nothing to be afraid of while I’m here.”

  I believed him. We spent the whole ride just gazing at each other, sending messages back and forth with our eyes. I knew it was time to go home, to get into bed with him. I invited him over to my place for the first time and he accepted eagerly, driving us back in the quiet stillness of the car. For some reason, I was nervous. I didn’t know how to cap off such a perfect night—I wanted things to be absolutely pure between us, perfect, and I wanted him to remember our date with a smile. When we got to my house, we went inside and I shut the door behind us. He stared at me for a long moment, then looked at my lips. I took that as an invitation, and pressed my lips against his, my tongue seeking entry to his mouth. He accepted it and tasted me back, kissing me with feverish desire. We undressed quickly and I led him to my bedroom, where he slowly laid me down and climbed in beside me. We faced each other on the bed and he took time stroking my hips, my waist, touching my breasts with light touches that drove me crazy. I could tell he wanted to take it slow this time, to make it last, and I was on the same page with him. This time would be different than our previous encounters, more tender.

  He proved it by planting slow, gentle kisses over my jaw and my neck, then gazing into my eyes as he pulled my hips against his. He wrapped my leg over his hip and then guided his cock inside of me so that we were lying face-to-face and making love on our sides, his body rocking into mine while we kissed. It was slow and passionate while he pushed as deep as he could go, filling me up one inch at a time while I moaned breathlessly. There were no commands issued, no power play, just the two of us making love, relishing each other’s bodies as our hips moved in rhythm with one another. After I came, he put his lips to my throat, sank his teeth in slow and gentle and drank from me while he filled me with his come. We stayed like that, facing each other, even after we were finished. His eyes held mine and there was a smile on his lips. He pushed my hair back from my face, which was damp and curly with sweat, and leaned in to kiss me very softly on the mouth. I felt my heart swell with the look in his eyes, and knew then that I loved him, that I wanted him to be mine. I wanted to say it, but I kept it to myself. If he didn’t feel the same way, it would ruin the moment, and I wanted the moment to last in its perfection. After a while of just spending time in bed, gazing at each other and kissing and touching with tender hands, he got up to leave to go to his light-proof home. It was almost morning by the time we finished, and though I knew he had to get home, I regretted the fact that he had to leave. He seemed to know what I was thinking, because he promised to see me again the next night.

  Chapter 7: Eli

  We spent the next several days together, just enjoying one another’s company. Sometimes we made love and sometimes, when the mood was right, I fucked her the way she really liked it, rough and dirty. It depended on the mood. Either way, we spent the rest of our evenings in bliss. Being around her brought me to life, so to speak, made me feel like I was almost human again. I was overwhelmed by my feelings for her but wasn’t sure how to identify them. It had been so long since I’d felt anything, since I’d enjoyed love, that I almost didn’t recognize it.

  Emilia finished her story and it was published in the local paper the next week. I was hesitant to read it, wondering just what she said. A small part of me was worried that I’d read something negative, that she’d focus on the dominating part of my personality and imply that all vampires had a bad streak. Most of me knew this would never be the case. From the look in her eyes, the way she talked, Emilia’s feeling for me were tender and powerful. So I read the article. It was a story, deeply personal, about their relationship and how deeply they had connected. I felt my heart swell while I read it, completely touched by her words. The piece was enlightening and moving, and I found myself engrossed in the story as I read it. It had gotten major positive feedback and I could tell why; Emilia had put together a story that was emotionally powerful.

  Reading it made me realize my feelings once and for all. I had fallen for her. Hard. Even harder than I had with the human girl before. I had never felt anything like I felt for Emilia, never experienced such a powerful feeling of desire and adoration before. Her smile, her curiosity and willingness to try anything despite her trepidation were intoxicating to me. My whole heart belonged to her, and I wondered where I stood in hers.

  It was only a week after the story was published when I asked Emilia to meet me at the café we had met up at so long ago. She eagerly agreed and showed up looking radiant in a pale pink shirt that complemented her beautiful skin. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her, couldn’t keep from staring. She blushed when she met my eye, her cheeks turning a pretty shade of pink that made my heart thunder in my chest just to look at her.

  “Hi,” I said softly as she took her seat next to me. She leaned in to kiss me and I responded gently, savoring the taste of her lips, of her tongue. We kissed for a long moment before I noticed people starting to stare. I pulled back and grinned at her, unable to help myself.

  “Hello,” she said, her voice light and airy. “I’ve been wondering what this is about. Did you like the story?”

  “I loved it,” I said honestly. “It was perfect. I’m constantly amazed by you.”

  She blushed even deeper red at the compliment, smiling nonetheless.

  “Thank you, Eli,” she said softly, looking at me with adoration writ all over her face.

  “I wanted to talk to you,” I said, taking her hand in mine and kissing her fingers.

  “About?” she asked, raising her eyebrows. She looked a little apprehensive, but I soothed her by kissing her mouth.

  “I love you,” I said, my heart beating fast. “I’ve never felt this way about anybody before.”

  “Oh,” she said, her lips parted. Her eyes were dancing, filled with joy.

  “I want you to be my mate,” I told her. “My partner. I want to be with you, Emilia, if you’ll let me.”

  She looked at me breathlessly, biting her lip. Then her face burst into a radiant smile, and she leaned forward to plant a kiss on my cheek.

  “Of course,” she said. “Yes, Eli. I love you more than anything.”

  My heart swelled. Those were exactly the words I’d wanted to hear. I sat there and gazed at her, reading her face, hoping it was true. The sweet look she gave me was absolutely genuine, and I felt myself relax. I leaned in to kiss her again, our lips locked together in a passionate embrace. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close, ignoring the other people in the restaurant. All that mattered was her, touching her, loving her until the end of my days. She kissed me back, and when she pulled away, she was smiling brightly.

  “So this is it,” she said. “You’re mine.”

  “I’m yours,” I promised, and kissed her again. We left the café then and went back to her place to celebrate by making hot, passionate love to each other for most of the night. She fell asleep with her face pressed against my chest, and I spent the rest of the night reveling in her touch, my heart swollen with love.


  ~ Bonus Story ~

  An Erotic Secret & Forbidden Alien Romance

  “...I reacted by stepping back quickly out of the range of her lips. The Princess was very confused.

  “Princess, I’m sorry, but you are my charge. It would not be appropriate for us to develop feelings like that for each other. I’m sure your father would forbid it. He might even react… um… well, hastily to say the least.”

  I don’t understand the humans. Their views, beliefs, their feelings, or emotions. In fact, I hold their entire species in contempt most of the time. But I have to study them. I have to learn their behavior, their ways, and I have to try to fit in amongst them. I look human, I have learned to act human, but I am nothing of the sort…

  My name is Cahn. I am from the place the humans refer to as The Other World. My race has been at war with the humans for centu
ries, trying to take over Earth and claim its rich natural resources for our own.

  I'm not sure why I have been sent here. But I have done well in adapting and fitting in. In fact, I am a soldier of high rank in the King's Army. For the past six years, he has assigned me as guardian and protector of Princess Reah as she goes from village to village keeping the people united and giving them hope that the war will soon be over.

  But now we have been called home. I’m not sure why and I’m not sure now.

  I don't understand what is happening to me, but the moment I returned and I laid eyes on Tarin I knew that I was no longer who I was before. When I last saw her she was a child of thirteen, but now she is a young woman six years later. And she is the most beautiful and perfect angel I have ever seen. I want her… I need her… I have never felt this way about any human, but I know that I can’t help myself around her.

  And she feels the same about me. We have fallen so deeply in love, but it is so forbidden… much more than she even knows.

  For the Other Side has come for the Kingdom. And they will stop at nothing to destroy it. I find myself torn in loyalty between two worlds at war and a dedication and a need to possess a love I never knew I could have.

  What can I do? I must follow my heart…

  * * *


  I groaned slightly at the aching bones of my false body as I leaned back and stretched. Even after all these years I was still not used to this fragile, mortal body that was called human. I hated it. The weakness, the vulnerability to cold and pain, and the emotional fragility that these humans showed. They were either going insane with rage, or grief, or glee at the drop of a hat it seemed. I had studied them and learned to fake all of the necessary emotions so that I would fit in and be one of them, but deep within my real self I pitied them and I was disgusted by them.

  But that was the job. It was my duty to offer protection for these people, well namely one special person. The beautiful Princess Reah. She had been my charge for six years now and during those years I had grown quite fond of the girl. She was loyal, caring, and sweet. She cared genuinely for the people within the Kingdom and for humans in general. I had witnessed her kindness as she offered food and coin to vagrants as she traveled near and far to spread the words of her father, King Joseph to the people of his kingdom. The war will soon be over.

  But I knew that those were empty words. The Kingdom has been at war with the Other World for centuries, long before I was even created hundreds of years ago. The Other World viewed humanity as a plague that had to be stamped out. The people were vermin and they were destroying what was one of the most densely resource rich planets in the galaxy.

  The humans were weak. That was what The Other World believed. But I quickly figured out that if the humans were in fact so weak then they should have been easy to destroy, but they had fought the Other World tooth and nail for centuries, winning some battles and losing others, but the humans still controlled the majority of the planet.

  The morning sunrise was just beginning to take shape. It was beautiful. I did not see beauty quite the way the humans did, but I could still appreciate interesting sights and the light show that this planet put on, utilizing its one small simple sun, was pretty spectacular if I had to say so himself.

  I knew I had just a few more minutes and then I would be taking over for Lyle, the other night guard to stand guard while the Princess got ready for the day. We both took turns alternating sleeping in three-hour shifts. I usually did not wake Lyle up for his full shift. I did not need that much sleep. My alien body got by on very little rest and very little food, but I did love to eat. That was one of the sweet pleasures of this world, all the wonderful foods that were available. I needed very little nutrition, but I enjoyed eating as a hobby if you will. It was one of the few indulgent pleasures that I actually had.

  The other guards had warned me to be wary of falling in love with Princess Reah. I just smiled and told them I would be careful, but truthfully the idea of my falling in love with a human woman was just not going to happen. The art of falling in love, the romance, the passion, the lust—all of these things were human experiences that I knew only in vague terms. My race did not possess such abilities. I looked like a human, I spoke like one, dressed like one, ate like one, but it was all a show. I was not human.

  As I lay there watching the sun rising slowly over the mountain in the distance, I tried to remember what I was. I had been taken from my family at a young age and placed among the humans. I was not sure why exactly, but I was here. I was on Earth and I had to continue to fit in. What other choice did I have? I remembered my family. I remembered my brothers and my pack, but I had not seen them or spoken to them in so long.

  I used to be able to do it telepathically, but in the past few years they had stopped replying back. I thought that they might be dead. I might be the only one left of his race. I rarely dreamed but when I did I dreamed of my home world being destroyed somehow. My family—father, mother, brothers--all being destroyed.

  I knew my brothers had escaped and had arrived on Earth as well, but the last time I spoke to them they warned me to stay the course I was on and that they would contact me when the time was right. There was something they had to do, but I did not know what. I couldn’t remember. It had been a long time and I found that the longer I stayed human the less I remembered about who I used to be.

  I finally moved my groggy bones up off the animal hides I was sleeping on and stretched myself to my full height. I’m taller than the average human, about six feet four inches in height, and I have a muscular, strong build. I’ve always been proud of this fact, but with my alien strength these puny human muscles really mean nothing. I’m three times stronger than any human alive, but I can never show anyone this of course.

  I took a few deep breaths, enjoying the crisp fall air invading my lungs sending a slight chill through my body. I needed a cup of coffee to warm me up and get my human body going in the morning, but there was none to be found this morning it looked like.

  I slapped Lyle on the back as I arrived in front of the coach that Princess Reah was in. He was already starting to drift off to sleep and he startled awake as was his usual routine. He was a character.

  I knocked on the coach and a moment later I heard the stirrings of the Princess. I often tried to imagine what she was doing to get ready every morning and how she did it so quickly. It usually took her no more than three minutes after I knocked to come out from the coach looking fantastic and beautiful as always. Her charms were lost on me, but I could still tell that she was much more beautiful and radiant than most of the women on this planet. I imagined she was expected to be so, being Princess and all.

  She nodded to me as she came out of the coach. “Good morning, Cahn,” she said to me.

  “Good morning, Princess,” I grunted. My human voice did not often work well first thing in the morning.

  As she stepped out into the early morning light the rays of the bright, yellow sun lit up her auburn hair giving it a peaceful glow that engulfed her entire face. She truly looked a vision right then.

  I wondered what it was like to really love a human. I had seen people in love, the way they looked at one another, the way they acted with each other, the way they genuinely seemed to need each other and it was fascinating to observe. The most interesting thing was the physical expressions of these emotions they shared with each other. The kissing, the caressing, the holding of one another—it was all so bizarre to me. As far as I could remember no one on my planet had ever done those things and I wasn’t sure if I would ever really be able to feel like that, especially with a human. Or maybe I would feel that way and I would only be able to feel that way with a human. I just wasn’t sure. It was another mystery to me in the world I didn’t really belong in.

  I watched as the Princess was served breakfast on a table that was set up for her as it was every morning. The rest of us would wait until she was done and we might each get a
few servings of oatmeal. There would be more food later on for lunch or dinner after the hunter’s in the group (myself included) secured a deer or a pig that we might stumble onto. Perhaps in the next town there might be some fresh fruit that would be given to the Princess. It had been a while since we had some good fruit.

  After her breakfast, the princess got back in her coach and the group loaded up everything as we made our trek to the next town of Nordstern, on the Eastern Province of the Kingdom. After that, we would begin the journey back to the castle. It was tough to believe it had been so many years since the Princess had been back to see her family, but it was mostly at her father's behest. With the war waging on against the Other World it was really not safe for Princess Reah to be there. She was a target. If they ever overpowered the Kingdom’s soldiers and stormed the castle then they would kill everyone there. That was the plan.

  The King had wondered about sending his youngest daughter Princess Tannin, but she was too young when they'd left. She was barely thirteen. She was too young to spend years traveling the country. She would have been a young woman of nineteen now, though.


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