Sold To The Dragon Princes: The Novel

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Sold To The Dragon Princes: The Novel Page 40

by Daniella Wright

  “Wow…” I found myself saying aloud when he took off my gag, allowing me to speak again.

  He smirked at my response. “You know, it’s always like this. My life is a constant cycle of adrenaline and adventure.” He leaned in closer. “I wouldn’t mind adding another A to the mix.” He whispered, tenderly kissing my lips. I felt my heart skip a beat at his comment. “Aliza.” My name sounded divine on his lips. I found myself gazing into his pale eyes, holding my breath, waiting for what he might say next. “Don’t you want a life like that?”

  I stared at him, my mind buzzing. Did I want a life like that? I thought about the sensation still flowing through my body. I never wanted it to go away. I didn’t want to go back to the life of idle roaming. I bit my lip, trying to sort my chaotic thoughts. On one hand, I knew that the right thing to do was stay with the law, but on the other, a life of adventure with Zander seemed so alluring. “I do.” I finally answered.

  Chapter 6

  That night, I found myself sitting by the campfire with my head against Zander’s chest. I could hear his soft heartbeat along with the crackling of the fire. “What was your life like before you became an outlaw?” I suddenly asked. I rubbed my hands together, warming them against the flames. It felt good to finally be free from the restraints.

  His arms tightened around me as he laid his cheek on the top of my head in an affectionate manner. “It was hard. I come from a rather poor family. They were everything I ever lived for. I started my vagabond life because of them. It was the only way we could survive.” He explained, his words heavy with painful memories. “But I always promised myself that no matter what happened, I’d never kill anyone in any of my robberies… if I could help it. There were times I had no choice.”

  I shuddered slightly, thinking about my own experiences. When you find yourself staring into the face of death, you tend to do anything you can to save yourself. “What happened to your family? Why aren’t you with them now?” I questioned.

  “They died a while back, in a fire.” He explained somberly. “What about you, where’s your family?” His lips gently pressed against my neck, his arms tightening around my waist, pulling me even closer. “A gorgeous woman like yourself must’ve had her fair share of boyfriends.”

  I sighed as he picked at an old scab on my heart. “I was married once.” I finally said. “He was one of the best men in the universe. My partner in crime.” I chuckled, hearing how ironic that sounded. “We were both bounty hunters,” I explained. “No one could stop us.”

  “What happened to him?” Zander asked, his pale eyes full of both curiosity and concern.

  “He died.” My voice was void of emotion for a moment. “His horse was frightened by a snake and he was bucked off. He landed on his head and died on the spot…” I recounted the story, feeling numb inside.

  Zander frowned, pulling me into a close hug, his hands running up and down my back. In that moment of silence, I felt like we had both come to respect each other a bit more. “You know, I too had a fiancée once. She was the sweetest girl I had ever met. She had an angelic smile and a face worth all the money in the world.” He paused in contemplation. “I swear I loved her to death, but her family never liked me. In the end, she followed her parents’ direction and married a well-to-do man with a goal in life.” He sighed, pain in his voice. I looked at him. I could tell that he had been hurt by his broken engagement. Maybe that was why behind his smile there always was a sort of distance.

  “Zane, what’s your plan in life?”

  “Well, one day I’ll be caught. They’ll bring me to the chopping block and that’ll be it.” He murmured into my hair. My heart tightened in his response. A deep sense of sadness washed over me. I didn’t want to think about him being executed. “But, until then I’ll try to have the best life that I can.” He looked at me as if I was his key to a better life.

  I found myself getting lost in his gaze, my body getting closer to his. Our lips collided together and sparks flew between them. I parted my lips and his tongue quickly snuck its way inside my mouth. As the kiss grew more and more passionate, I moved onto his lap.

  I could feel his growing erection against my thigh and it excited me. His hands were all over my body, slowly pulling on the hem of my shirt, freeing it from inside my pants. Once it was untucked, his large, slightly calloused hands ran along my spine, venturing further and further until they wrapped around my warm breasts.

  My moan echoed through the wilderness as I felt my lust and passion for this man growing. Between my legs, a fire blazed, growing in intensity as he rolled his fingers over my hardening nubs, teasing them gently. I bit my lip, tilting my head back.

  Suddenly, he had me pinned to the ground, his hands tight around my wrists. “Aliza. I can’t help myself any longer. I want you.” He growled in my ear. Our hips locked together and I could feel his growing erection pressing against my belly. I rubbed my thighs against him in a silent plea for him to take this a step further. Our eyes locked and he seemed to read the desire written on my face.

  He grinned, leaning down and kissing my neck. Slowly, he unbuttoned my shirt, letting each button fall away, replacing it with a kiss, traveling along my body until his lips lingered above the waistband of my pants. He made quick work of them, shimmying them down my hips and throwing them aside.

  I bit my lip, awaiting his next move. Never before had I been rendered so speechless, but in that moment, it was like the words had been lodged inside my throat. I just gulped, my breathing causing my chest to heave.

  With eager eyes, I watched him unbutton his own pants, freeing his large, throbbing member. My eyes widened, trying to figure out how he was going to get something so big inside my tight hole. He held it in his hand a moment, stroking it gently, a glint in his eyes. Slowly, he pulled my panties to the side. I felt a cold breeze roll past us, making me shiver. The moonlight above shined down on my glistening juices, catching his eye.

  “I hope you’re ready baby.” He murmured, pressing his tip against me. I spread my legs for him, feeling my passion grow, turning into a burning coal inside my stomach. Suddenly, before I knew what was happening, he plunged into my wet folds. I screamed out as he broke through the walls of my womanhood that had laid dormant for so long.

  We both grunted in desire. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close as my nails ran down his back in carnal pleasure. “Oh God… that feels…” I couldn’t even complete a sentence as he rocked his hips back and forth. My mind went numb. “Zander… I…” Words evaded me as he continued, plunging deeper and deeper until his entire length was buried inside of me.

  I clawed at his back, finding no other way to express the mind-numbing pleasure. “Shh baby. Don’t talk. Just enjoy the ride…” He whispered into my ear, breathless. He pinned me to his chest, his hands on my hips, guiding me up and down his considerable length. Suddenly, I was hit with a surge of pleasure. I screamed out, feeling myself tighten around him, holding his throbbing member like a vice grip inside of me.

  I cried out, my whole body shaking as wave after wave of pleasure rolled over my body, leaving me panting before I slumped against his chest. Seconds later, a long, drawn-out grunt escaped his lips and I felt a warm stickiness inside my womb. We both fell back into the soft dirt, pleasantly exhausted.

  Chapter 7

  The next morning, I couldn’t keep my conflicting thoughts at bay. My night with Zander had been the best experience of my life, but he was still a criminal. And I was still a bounty hunter. Our relationship was never meant to be. Yet, these feelings kept swarming inside of me, reminding me that I was slowly falling for the cunningly handsome outlaw. I was stuck between two worlds. I could stay with him and continue the life of adventure and adrenaline he could offer me or I could do the right thing and turn him in.

  “What’s wrong?” Zander’s voice suddenly broke through my trance. He was still naked from our night of passion. I couldn’t help but notice his now flaccid member, bouncing between his
legs. I quickly looked away. He frowned, putting his pants back on, but remaining shirtless as usual. “You’re upset about last night, aren’t you?”

  I didn’t respond, afraid of what I might say. I just hugged my knees, looking at the burning embers of our fire.

  He sighed and sat down next to me. “Aliza…” He said, his voice soft as he placed his fingers under my chin, pulling up my head so I would look at him. “All I ask is that you spend a few days living with me. Living my life. If you like it, then we can run away together. Otherwise, you better take the first opportunity you get to turn me in because I’d rather die at your hands than someone else’s.” He said earnestly.

  I hesitated but eventually nodded. “Okay,” I whispered. I couldn’t believe I was actually agreeing to live the life of an outlaw. What had gotten into me? I stared at Zander, trying to figure out how he had managed to affect me so quickly. Just a few weeks ago, I was a well-known bounty hunter. One who was determined to throw this man behind bars, but now, I was planning to live a life of anarchy with him. Just thinking about it made my head spin.

  “Really?” He asked, a little surprised as if he had expected me to deny his request.

  “Yes.” I nodded.

  He grinned wildly. “Fantastic.” He got up and pulled me into his arms, spinning me around. I felt my heart swell with happiness. I giggled like a giddy schoolgirl, my cheeks turning pink. “Let’s start right away!” He smirked, setting me down.

  I raised an eyebrow, wondering what he meant. “We aren’t robbing another bank, are we?”

  “No, nothing like that.” He called over his horse. “Do you want to ride with me or your own horse?” I looked over at Bianca who flared her nostrils at me. I walked up to her and patted her side affectionately. While I did miss her, I knew I couldn’t give up the opportunity to ride with Zander, the feeling of his body rubbing against mine as we galloped toward the horizon.

  “You.” He grinned.


  Zander rode us into a local town. No one recognized us so we had no problem slipping into the local saloon. Everyone was so hammered, the bartender just gave us two shots of whiskey, thinking we were regulars. I downed mine, banging it onto the counter. Zander looked at me, surprised. “I always did like a girl who can hold down her liquor.” He commented, drinking his shot and asking for another. Our glasses were quickly refilled as Zander handed them a small Blood Diamond.

  Suddenly, he looked at me, his hand on his gun. I knew exactly what he was planning. I nodded in understanding, grabbing hold of my revolver. In a flash of gunpowder and bullets, we quickly found ourselves in a full-fledged shoot-out. People screamed at us, trying to stop us as we ransacked the cash box. Tables were turned over and smashed, glasses shattered. Girls screamed, hiding behind their partners, praying they wouldn’t get hurt, but we never did aim to kill.

  By the time everyone had run out of bullets, we were high-tailing it out of there. Zander hoisted me onto his horse and we were off like the wind. We laughed together, riding off into the dying day, knowing no one could ever catch us. Adrenaline rushed through my veins and I absolutely loved it. I rested my hands on top of Zanders. “You’re crazy!” I screamed at him.

  “You love it.” He teased. I knew he was right.

  After a while, we stopped at the outskirts of another boomtown. There was a small family huddled around a fire outside a shanty. Zander rode up to them, dropping off the spoils of our shoot-out in the father’s lap. He gave us a quizzical look, his one eye blinking slowly in surprise. Zander flashed him a warm smile before yanking on the reins, quickly taking us in another direction.

  I was shocked. He had given them everything. We weren’t left with a single Diamond. Had he always been stealing to give back to the less fortunate? I rubbed my hand against him, smiling slightly, praying it was the reason he had chosen a life of crime.

  Chapter 8

  After my first experience of actually committing a crime, it was like I was addicted. We would do small jobs here and there, robbing banks or saloons and then dropping off our profit to someone in need. It felt good and spending time with Zander was the cherry on top.

  Now, we were done with the small fry. We wanted something big. We had been planning to rob a train loaded with Blood Diamonds for weeks now. We had charted its course multiple times, making sure that nothing changed. We came up with the perfect plan of action. It seemed like nothing could stop us from stealing from the rich and giving back to the poor.

  Throughout it all, we didn’t stop having our fun. Every night we made love under the stars, slept in the open, and enjoyed the beautiful Ayrisian landscape. One time, Zander even took me to the coast, where we sat watching the beautiful purple water wave and ebb on the shore. The sound was unlike anything I had ever heard before. It wasn’t like back on Earth where it was rhythmic and predictable, instead, the water dance over various shells, creating a swarm of different hums and cords, creating a sort of melody you couldn’t quite sing along to, but that you could feel deep inside your soul.

  Finally, after living totally free and wild for almost a month, the day had come. The train was due to leave that morning and it was time for us to give back what belonged to the workers, who were breaking their backs for some greedy overlords. Together, we dashed through the open country, kicking up dust in our wake. Behind us, hired help was hot on our trail. But just as we were coming toward the valley where we planned to ambush the train, we ran into something unexpected.

  The government had come prepared. Somehow, they had caught light of Zander’s plan to hijack the train. A tightly-packed line of law enforcement officers surrounded the mouth of the valley, closing it off the moment the train rushed by them. Zander slowed his horse, eyeing the huge contingent, waiting to capture us.

  “What are we going to do?” I whispered at him as we hid in a bush, trying to calculate our next move.

  “We have to go through them.” He said confidently. “It’s the only way. If we try to go around, then the train will reach its destination before we can ever catch up with it. We have no choice.” His words were calm and collected as he looked down at me, his eyes fierce. “This kind of haul could change the lives of thousands of people. We have to do it… for them.”

  Behind us, Zander’s crew gathered, waiting for orders. There was tension in the air and no one felt it stronger than I did. This was my moment of truth. I bit my lip, torn between two worlds. I could either choose to help and forever brand myself as an enemy to the Zerothian government or I could do the right thing and turn him in.

  My hand had at some point rested on Zander’s chest, near his heart. I could feel its steady beat, reminding me that he was still there. I looked up at him, trying to find the answer to my inner turmoil in his eyes, but all I saw were two glass mirrors, returning my reflection.

  My face was tanned from being out in the open for so long. My hair was long and dirty. I had grown wild with this man, to the point that I could barely recognize myself.

  Was I going to let him change my identity even further? Would I forfeit my reputation as a bounty hunter for him?

  Chapter 9

  In in a split-second decision, everything clicked. I couldn’t turn this man in. I loved him. “I’m in,” I said decisively, knowing I was sealing my fate. I had picked my allegiances and I could never go back.

  Zander smiled as if he had expected it all along. Passionately, he leaned down, cupping my face in his hands and kissing me roughly. Our lips danced together as if this was our final goodbye. I held onto him tightly, my heartbeat quickening, knowing how dangerous this would be. Finally, he pulled away, gazing into my bright green eyes, sending a shiver down my spine. “You heard the lady, let’s go!” He took hold of his steed’s reins and snapped them like a whip. His feet dug into its back and we shot off like lightning, barreling toward the contingent.

  The officers looked shocked at first glance, standing there like statues before they picked up their weapons, aiming them
at us. A few bullets flew dangerously close to my head, but we still rode on, trying to get close enough for our revolvers to be of any use. “Now!” Zander called out. In a flash, we all started firing, aiming at the officers.

  I made quick work of a few, shooting their weapons right out of their hands. The sounds of gunfire echoed through the canyon until it was deafening. My heart hammered in my chest as Zander effortlessly guided his force closer to the front line. A rush of exhilaration washed over me, and I got up, balancing on the saddle.

  Zander’s eyes grew wide as he saw my brass move. Like this, I was nothing more than a moving target. “Come and get me, boys!” I called out, cupping my hands around my mouth, haphazardly holding my gun in one of my fingers.

  A volley of shots came my way and I grinned as they all missed their mark. I felt invincible. “You’re going to have to try harder than that!” I was about to take aim when I felt Zander standing next to me.


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