Sold To The Dragon Princes: The Novel

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Sold To The Dragon Princes: The Novel Page 64

by Daniella Wright

Before Tessa could blink, Isaac pulled his other gun and it was now right on her face. She braced herself for what she knew was going to happen. He was going to shoot her. There would be no more warnings.

  But Isaac surprised her.

  “You know, you are just too beautiful and too feisty to kill. So, you are coming with me,” Isaac said.

  He ordered Peter to tie up Tessa, Lester, and the two ranch hands. Then Isaac ordered Peter on his knees so he could tie him up.

  He grabbed the money out of the satchel that Lester carried with him and counted it. He whistled at the impression of that much money in his hand. “Very nice. I’ll be taking this with me. And the horses. Don’t get any ideas about following us. I’ll shoot this girl dead if you do.”

  Tessa watched as Isaac stole any money that the other men were carrying, emptying their wallets and change purses. Then he ordered her up and helped her climb onto the horse, her hands still tied behind her back. She had never felt so humiliated. What did he want with her? Why wouldn’t he just kill her already and get it over with?

  Isaac climbed up on the back of the horse, wrapped his arms around in front of Tessa and grabbed the reins. He spurred the horse slightly and they began to trot away into tomorrow.

  Tessa had a very strange feeling about all of this.

  Chapter 4

  “So, tell me a bit about yourself,” Isaac said, munching on an apple.

  Tessa tried not to look directly at him. She didn’t want to speak to this man who was now holding her prisoner. He was refusing to answer any of her questions, so why would she want to open up to him? She kept her gaze down, watching the crackling fire. The Texas night had grown cold and the fire felt good. The warmth was soothing and comforting. It was the only thing she felt right then that was.

  “Come on, don’t be that way,” Isaac said. “If you don’t talk then we can’t get to know each other.”

  Tessa glared at him. “Are you crazy? I’m your prisoner. What the hell do I have to say to you?”

  “You’re the one who was interfering in my business, remember?” Isaac said. “I didn’t come looking for you.”

  “Your business happens to be terrorizing and robbing from hard working people,” Tessa said.

  “Well, on the surface it would appear that way. But what about the people who terrorized me all my life? What about the men who worked my father into an early grave so that I had to support my family when I was just ten years old?”

  “Oh, now you are going to give me a sob story?” Tessa asked. “I don’t care why you feel justified in what you do.”

  “Sure you do. That would help you understand me a bit more.”

  “Why do I want to understand you? We aren’t friends. You are my job,” Tessa replied.

  "Well, since you asked I started stealing to support my mama and baby sister after my daddy died of a heart attack working on the railroad. They forced him to work weeks on end sun up till sundown. He fell dead at the age of thirty-five. After that, I developed a bit of a chip on my shoulder. I tried to get some honest work, doing odd jobs. But at ten years old there is only so much hard labor you can do and after a few farmers stiffed me on pay that was due me I decided to just steal it from them. And then I decided that it was a hell of a lot easier to just steal the money instead of doing any of the work or asking for a job. That’s how it started.”

  “Your mother must have been very proud,” Tessa said.

  “She was, but of course she didn’t know what I was doing. A year later my mom and little sister both died of pneumonia during a hard winter. I’ve been on my own ever since then.”

  “You think this justifies you in what you do? You had a cruddy deal, but that does not make you entitled to what other people have,” Tessa said. “Does it entitle you to murder?”

  "Maybe not, but it sure is fun," Isaac said with a laugh. "Truth is after I started stealing I developed a taste for it and the outlaw life. Setting my own rules, never being tied down to one place, always having to stay one step ahead. It is a bit of a rush. And I've never actually killed anyone, unless they were trying to kill me at the time."

  “There it is; you aren’t on some moral crusade after all. You do it because you like it.”

  “Is there a crime in liking what you do?”

  “When what you like to do is crime, then yes.”

  Isaac laughed at the wordplay. "I like you. You got spunk and a wicked mind. You and I aren't so different."

  “You are a criminal and I chase criminals; I’d say that makes us pretty damn different.”

  “You think you are all about law and order? Please, you are a bounty hunter because the money is good, it utilizes your talents, and you get to play by your own rules. You could never be a real woman of the law. You are a rebel, just like me. I can tell,” Isaac said.

  Tessa felt herself getting angrier and less angry at the same time. He was right in some ways. She was the type to go against the grain and she hated to walk the straight and narrow.

  “You think you know me so well? You don’t really know anything about me,” Tessa said defiantly.

  “I know you’ve been hurt before. What happened? Abusive family? Husband?”

  Tessa winced at the mention of her husband.

  “So, that’s it,” Isaac said. “You marry a bad one?”

  Tessa snapped at Isaac. “You don’t know a damn thing about it. My husband was a good man who never hurt anybody. He died of a freak accident.”

  Isaac’s expression softened a bit just then. He moved closer to her, kneeling down right in front of her. His blue eyes were so penetrating.

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” Isaac said. She could hear genuine sorrow in his voice. He held a bowl filled with beans he’d heated up over the fire. He scooped a spoonful and held it up to her mouth. The beans smelled wonderful. It had been a long day and she had not eaten since breakfast.

  Tessa opened her mouth and he placed the spoon inside. She slowly wrapped her lips around the spoon as he pulled it slowly out. Tessa took a few deep breaths feeling her body getting warm as her mind drifted to thoughts of naughty things. She tried to keep the blush at bay, but it was determined to shine through. She hoped that Isaac did not notice.

  The beans tasted wonderful and soon she was opening her mouth for another bite. Again the act of wrapping her lips around the spoon and him slowly pulling it out again was making her think of things she wished she could just push out of her mind.

  How the hell could she let herself feel any sort of attraction for this man? He was against everything that she’d ever told herself she wanted in a friend or a lover. She was being held against her will, her arms tied behind her back. Now this man thought he could make things right by feeding her some beans?

  “So, what happened to you?” Tessa asked.

  “What’s that?” Isaac said.

  “Ever married? Ever found anyone special?”

  “You are getting a bit personal,” Isaac said.

  “I told you about me. It’s only fair.”

  "No, I guessed most things about you and you basically confirmed them. Besides, let's not forget who is tied up here."

  “Speaking of which, when are you going to let me go? What do you want with me?”

  “Maybe I enjoy the conversation,” Isaac said with a smug smile. “Or maybe I’m just tired of staring at dirt.”

  “You are impossible,” Tessa said.

  “What makes you think that?”

  “I thought you were finally showing me that you aren’t a total jerk and then you are right back into Jerkville. God, you are so infuriating. If I was free, I’d beat your ass.”

  Isaac threw his head back and laughed.

  “Oh, wow. Those are fightin’ words. What makes you think you could accomplish such a feat?” Isaac asked.

  “I’ve done it before,” Tessa said. “I’ve beat guys who thought they were better shots than me, and guys who didn’t think I could beat them in a fist fight. People tend to
underestimate me because I’m a woman.”

  “Does that bother you?” Isaac asked.

  “Of course, it bothers me. People are always trying to push past certain lines with me and when I push back they are shocked.”

  “Well, that is an issue that everyone has, but you’re right; people won’t take you seriously because you are a beautiful woman.”

  “I never said I was beautiful,” Tessa replied.

  “Beautiful women don’t have to,” Isaac said. “You are always going to have to prove your toughness because of your beauty.”

  “Please quit calling me beautiful,” Tessa said.

  “Why? You don’t agree?”

  Isaac moved close to her once again, leaning against the boulder beside her.

  “I’ve never really thought much about it,” Tessa said truthfully. “I’ve always been more interested in other things in life. I hate to be liked or given anything because of my looks.”

  Tessa got up angrily and tried to walk away. Isaac grabbed her arm and pulled her close to him.

  “Untie me and let me go!” Tessa said.

  Isaac ignored her pleas, instead, he just looked deeply into her eyes. She could see an air of passion in them. He looked hungry.

  “I want you to let me go!” Tessa said again angrily. But she could sense her anger was weakening and she was ready to just give in to it all.

  Isaac leaned forward right then, his breath was sweet, his scent musky and brimming with sex. Tessa tried to calm her breathing as the lust rolled through her, but she knew that she could not resist this beautiful man.

  Isaac’s fingers were running through her hair now. It had been so long since she’d felt the stirrings of real passion brewing within her. But it was so wrong with this man. He was a criminal. He hurt people. He stole from hard working people. But he lived life on his own terms and allowed no one to place shackles on him. There was something so free and desirable about him. She wanted him so badly, but she wanted to resist it.

  His lips were on hers suddenly. There was no warning, no anticipation. It was just an eruption of pure passion and lust.

  His mouth was strong, his lips smooth and drawing hers into him. Tessa wanted to resist with everything she had. Her feet were trying to inch away, but her body was moving forward. Oh, God… what was happening?

  She was getting so wet and ready. The moistness between her legs was growing by leaps and bounds, her panties now sticking to her. She found herself leaning forward, ready to rest her head on his and just surrender to it all. She was tired of being good and pretending to be someone she was not.

  What had it all been for? She was lonely and unhappy when she really thought about it. The money could be good, but it was too much work with too little reward. And did she really have any respect? Was she even feared? No. She was just a glorified Marshall and she was tired of it. At least for right now she had to give in. Her body demanded it.

  Isaac gently guided her bound wrists and arms over her head until they were now resting behind his head. She had a momentary thought where she thought she might be able to grab his head and pull him closer for a quick head butt to his nose and turn the tables on him. It would have been so easy…

  But she didn’t do it. Her body had made up its mind and it wanted to experience this magic.

  Isaac quickly pulled her pants down, panties with them, and she stepped out of them while he unzipped his own pants and unbuckled his belt. His pants fell to his ankles as he lifted her up in the air and lowered her directly onto him. The second his throbbing member touched her she began to moan.

  He was inside of her, holding her body in midair. His strength was amazing as he continued to hold her there and lift her up and down on top of him, her body falling hard on his stiff appendage. He was so hard and so thick. It was an almost perfect fit as she could feel the inside of her pouch swelling up, creating a perfectly tight seal.

  Tessa’s breath was coming in hard, short gasps accompanying each thrust. Isaac’s face was buried in her chest, her blouse partially ripped open in the process of the lovemaking. His hands were now cupped carefully around each of her butt cheeks, squeezing and occasionally smacking it hard, the vibrations moving through her helping to trigger the oncoming climax.

  When it finally came, she saw stars exploding in front of her face even though her eyes were closed.

  Chapter 5

  “How much farther is this place?” Tessa asked.

  “About another hour or so,” Isaac said. “I didn’t realize you were in such a hurry to get there.”

  “I’m in a hurry to get a hotel and a decent night’s rest,” Tessa said.

  They had been riding for most of the day, with an occasional stop to rest the horses and give them water. But for the most part, it had been total boredom marching along on horseback across an open prairie.

  Tessa kept thinking back to what happened last night. It had been such a mistake. She somehow let this man take control of her mind and her body had followed. How could she have done something that stupid with such a horrible man?

  But was he horrible? He had not really mistreated her in any other than tying her up at first, and that might have been for his own protection. She had tried to kill him already after all. Besides if he was telling the truth, he had never really hurt anyone except in self-defense. The Wild West was full of crazy gossip and exaggerated rumors about outlaws. It was possible that Lightning Isaac was just a thief with a greatly exaggerated reputation.

  But he was a master at what he did. He could be in and out in less than five minutes and leave a joint completely cleaned out.

  And what about the sex. It had been the most amazing experience of her life and she could not stop thinking about it. Every time she did she felt herself breaking out in gooseflesh and her body start to tingle. There was something there. She could not deny it. She was developing real feelings for Isaac.

  And what if he was right about her? Maybe she was an outlaw who just never broke the law.

  “Well, we won’t have much time to rest in Lawrence, I’m afraid. We are just there to meet my buyer for these horses. He is willing to give me an insane amount of money for them. Much more than that schmuck back there was going to pay for them.”

  “He said he was paying double,” Tessa said.

  Isaac smiled. “He was paying double the fool’s price. This guy does not understand the fine art of negotiation. He was getting ripped off. If all that old guy was going to pay was what I stole from him then he was underpaying for those horses by about half. Some of these guys out here—business is not their strong suit.”

  They finally reached the outskirts of the town at the rendezvous point to meet with Isaac's buyer. The buyer was a middle aged Mexican man, who was not exactly friendly. He spoke very little English when he even spoke at all. But somehow Isaac didn't have any problems and the two came to an agreement for the horses. The man paid Isaac a huge sum of money and he put in his pocket.

  And that was that. It all took just five minutes and they were on their way.

  “So, the deal is done. I don’t see why we can’t just rest in this town for a while and then head wherever you are going in the morning. Or better yet, let me go here. You don’t need me anymore,” Tessa said.

  Isaac looked at her and smiled. “You mean to tell me after last night, you want to leave still?”

  “Yes. I’m still being held against my will,” Tessa replied.

  Isaac looked back at her and glanced at her feet and her hands.

  “I don’t see any shackles,” Isaac said.

  “You mean to tell me you wouldn’t put a bullet in my back if I took off?”

  “I told you; I only kill people who are trying to kill me,” Isaac said. “Of course, there has been nowhere for you to go until now.”

  “But why would I stay? I’m here in a town. I can get settled and be on my way,” Tessa said.

  “Well, you can do what you like, but I’m not sure I’d want to s
tay in a town whose bank I just robbed.”

  “What are you talking about? I’m not robbing any bank,” Tessa said.

  “Well, I am robbing a bank and today old Lightning Isaac is going to have a partner,” Isaac said.

  “No. I refuse. I’m not robbing a bank!”

  Thirty minutes later Tessa was tied to the saddle of the horse, waiting while Isaac went inside to clean the town’s bank out. She couldn’t believe she’d gotten wrapped up in this mess. If anyone gave her description or worse if someone happened to recognize her then she would be on a wanted poster right beside his.

  This was so bad. What was she doing? There had to be a way to escape from this. Surely if anyone did recognize her or her picture on the posters that would surely be coming they would know that she'd been forced to do this. Wouldn't they? Or would they believe that she'd fallen under Isaac's charms and been corrupted?

  Wasn’t that what was happening?

  It was true. She was feeling more and more attracted to this man all the time. What was it about him that had gripped her so tightly? What could she do to get herself out of this mess?

  Her heart was already pounding hard in her chest when she saw Isaac running out of the bank with the bag of money. He tied it to the saddle and hopped on behind her, reaching around to grab the reins.

  A second later the horse was galloping down the street out of town as fast as it could go. She could hear the bank manager in the street shouting for the Marshal, yelling they'd been robbed.

  But by the time the Marshal could get on his horse and follow a direction they were already long gone, backtracking a bit and moving off to the west to cover their tracks.

  Isaac had gotten away with it again.

  When they finally found a resting spot about an hour later Tessa's heart was still pounding in her chest out of control and echoing through the back of her head. She felt so jazzed up that it took her a full ten minutes to fully calm down. What had just happened? The fear and excitement were overwhelming, but it was easy to see how it could become addictive. She'd never felt so alive in her whole time on this Earth.


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