Sold To The Dragon Princes: The Novel

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Sold To The Dragon Princes: The Novel Page 131

by Daniella Wright

  “Hurry you guys!” Jake said.

  The thrill of getting caught, aroused me more. It wouldn’t take me long to climax now. As Jeremy penetrated me and ran over my g-spot, I barely suppressed a groan. Jeremy thrust again and again. The desk began to squeak with his movement.

  “Hurry!” Jake repeated.

  Jeremy began to grunt after a minute. He kept his noises to a minimum and I tried to as well. He increased his pace as he came close. I breathed deeper and deeper as I came close to.

  Then my muscles clenched tightly around his cock as I reached climax.

  “Argh!” I cried out.

  Jake clamped his hand over my mouth. The rest of my groan was suppressed by his palm. And the throbbing pleasure flooded out through the rest of my quivering body. They had done it again. They had quenched my wild sex drive. I wondered how long it would last, as I quickly pulled my panties back on and my dress down. I didn’t know how I was going to keep a straight face when we stepped outside of the lab door and back among the other students.

  Chapter 5

  I heard my phone ringing and ignored it. Then it rang again and again. I rolled over and picked it up. I looked at the ID. It was one of my friends.

  “Tara-”she began immediately.

  “What, it’s Saturday morning,” I grumbled. “What’s so important?”

  “Tara, you need to check out the news link I’ve sent you. Now!”

  “Why -”

  She was silent. I hung up and quickly clicked on the link with my iPad. I already had a terrible feeling I knew what it would be about. I recognized the dress immediately as the video began. It already had over a million views. The next second my mobile rang again.

  “ I- I’m watching it now, Beth-”

  “This is not Beth.”

  Oh god.


  “You have an interview with the University Dean at 14:00pm today. I am sending a car to take you there and then bring you directly home.”

  “Da- I’m-”

  “Do not leave your apartment. The car will pick you up at two.”


  “I am sending you an email. Read it. It’s what’s already been agreed upon in my discussions with the Dean. Make sure you read it, and agree to the terms at the meeting. There is nothing more to discuss with him.”

  I felt like I was six years old and in trouble for writing on the kitchen wall in crayon.

  “Terms?” I asked.

  “You will agree to the terms, Tara. They are fair, under the circumstances -”

  I heard the phone bleep. Another call was coming in. Maybe in was Jake or Jeremy. But I didn’t dare disconnect my father until he had had his say. When my father hung up, I flopped back onto the bed. How the hell had this happened, I wondered. How could reporters have gotten into the university? I shook my head. How could I have been so stupid!

  The phone rang again and again. I kept checking the number, but it wasn’t either of them. And no message from them.

  Eventually, I couldn’t wait anymore and phoned Jake. No answer. I tried Jeremy. No answer. I tried both again. Nothing. I messaged them both too. No reply. Why were they ignoring me? Were they responsible for the video somehow? Surely not. I couldn’t stay off social media, but the more I read the hurtful comments people posted, the more I wanted to just disappear out of town and out of the country. When the phone rang again, I threw it onto the floor, stuck my head under my pillow and started to cry.

  The car pulled up exactly on time in the afternoon. I had my small suitcase packed and was ready for the Dean’s reprimand. I didn’t know how I was going to face him or my parents. I knew my father’s campaign would probably be ruined now. I had wanted to hurt him, but not like this.

  When the car eventually pulled up outside my parent’s mansion, I gulped. I had survived the first ordeal with the Dean. I did not look him in the eyes once. Now I had to face my mother and my father.

  I stepped out of the car and looked up at the two-story stone-façade. I guessed I wouldn’t be leaving there for quite a while.


  All I heard, as soon as my father returned home, was how I’d ruined his career, that I was a selfish little brat and always had been and that I’d ruined all his plans he’d worked years at. I sat and took it in. Most of it was true, but what about him and the example he set, I thought.

  Two days passed and still no word from Jake or Jeremy. I was devastated. I didn’t bother to leave my room. I’m sure my father was happy. I actually felt better imprisoned there and isolated. I even continued to read all the hate messages people posted. I couldn’t stop myself, even though they sunk me into a deeper and deeper depression.

  I lost interest in food and eventually my mother knocked on my door five days after the incident.

  “Tara, please, you need to eat something!”

  I didn’t take the sheet off from over my head. I could feel the pressure of her body as she sat next to me on the bed. She stroked my arm. It only made me feel worse.

  “Don’t ma,” I said.

  “Please, you can’t starve yourself, darling,” she urged.

  Eventually she gave up, but left a plate of food on a tray, in case I changed my mind. When she closed the door, I pulled the sheet back and sighed.

  That night I finally gave in and picked at a roast potato on the plate. It tasted damn good. I wolfed it down and a piece of chicken breast. Then my phone beeped with a message. I couldn’t help myself. I picked it up to read what horrible comment someone had made.

  I looked down and stared at the screen. It was from Jeremy. Finally. I immediately opened the message.

  “We’re here.”

  “What?” I texted back.

  “Outside the back entrance gate.”

  I jumped out of bed, slipped on a pair of pumps and quietly opened my bedroom door. It was late and the alarm system would be on. At the back door keypad, I looked over my shoulder quickly and then punched in the code.

  I ducked to the left, as I stepped outside, out of the spotlight sensor range and dashed to the back gate. The hood of his Camaro peeked out from behind the metal gate frame.

  “What are guys doing here?” I whispered, seeing Jake in the passenger seat.

  I couldn’t decide if I was more angry at them or eager to find out what had happened.

  “Tara, we had to come and see you,” Jeremy said.

  He and Jake climbed out of the car and came up to the gate.

  “How could you do this to me!” I hissed, under my breath.

  Jake pushed closer to the gate.

  “We’re so sorry Tara!” he said.

  “But it wasn’t us!” Jeremy added, “We didn’t film it or post it. I swear!”

  I looked back at my parent’s house.

  “What do you mean, it wasn’t you?” I said, “Who was it then?”

  “We don’t know,” Jake said.

  “Must have been some sneaky media bastard or someone that wanted to get back at you for something?” Jeremy added.

  I shook my head. I wasn’t totally convinced of their innocence, though they had risked driving to my parent’s well-guarded mansion. I took a small step towards the gate.

  “Why didn’t you answer my calls or text me?” I asked.

  “We couldn’t,” Jake replied, “Our parents and the University banned us from making contact!”

  I sighed and rubbed my arms. Jake began to take off his jacket.

  “No,” I said and laughed.

  Maybe it wasn’t them behind it after all. But not hearing from them for so long had broken my heart.

  “We missed you, Tara!” Jeremy said.

  Jake nodded his head vigorously.

  “I missed both of you too!”

  Chapter 6

  It was so good to see them again, I couldn’t sleep that night. I was so relieved it wasn’t them behind the terrible video. I was glad the guards hadn’t spotted them outside the gate, as my father would defi
nitely not have waited to hear their side of the story.

  His campaign had taken a dive, as I thought it would, and there wasn’t anything I could do about it. As much as I was angry at him for cheating on my mother, I did feel bad for what had happened to his re-election plans. Politics was his whole life. He was not talking to me and probably wouldn’t for a long time. At least my mother was still talking to me. I guessed my public shame would not disappear any time soon.

  After seeing Jake and Jeremy I felt much better. I was still getting attacked on the net, but after two weeks passed it eventually started to subside, thanks to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. My father said I could return to University in the new semester, but I still had the issue of being banned from seeing Jake and Jeremy or speaking to them ever again. They had had to swear to the same terms in order to stay on the football team. It didn’t seem fair.

  Though it was very risky for all of us, we still managed to see each other. We had returned to the same motel as before, but were very cautious not to be seen. Before we parted ways one night at the motel, we decided things had to change.

  “What if we came out as a - err – threesome?” Jeremy said.

  I nearly choked on my coffee and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I think he means that we’re all in a relationship together,” Jake added.

  “Oh, you mean a polyamorous relationship?” I said.

  “Yes, that,” Jeremy replied.

  I was reticent to draw attention back to us again, but I was also tired of having to sneak around like a spy. I had real feelings for the boys, for both of them and missed being out with them in public and having fun together like we used to. We decided the best way to do it was with a press conference, so we could be in control of the message that went out there.

  A week later, we climbed up on the podium, in front of the eager press. I hadn’t told my parents about it and knew they were going to be shocked. If the public didn’t accept it, we could be thrown out of University, the guy’s football careers terminated and my father’s career would certainly be done for. I gulped and then composed myself.

  “Welcome ladies and gentlemen and thank you for being here today,” I began confidently.

  I was used to being in the spotlight and wasn’t afraid to address the gathering of press officials. I clicked open the document on my iPad and began to read our statement.

  “I am engaged in a polyamorous relationship with Jake Black and Jeremy Miller. The nature of the relationship is meaningful and lasting. I feel a great respect for both Jake and Jeremy as they do for me, in the context of the relationship and in life. We apologize for our misconduct prior to today, but request that the press grant us privacy in our private lives. We cannot and will not apologize for the very real feelings we feel for each other and though our relationship may not be viewed as conventional, it is our relationship and sacred to us.”

  The flashes of multiple cameras obscured the reporters for a few seconds. Then the questions began.

  “Does your father, Senator Leon, condone your three-way relationship?”

  I dug the front of my shoe into the ground behind the podium.

  “My father has not had a chance to comment as he was not made aware of this press conference, however I am no longer a minor and can legally make my own decisions about my life, independent of him. I would like to add that my father is his own man, and my actions are no reflection on him.”

  “Do you feel your father’s questionable moral activities, opened the way for you, Miss Leon?”

  Jake stepped forward.

  “Miss Leon has no further comments at this stage. Thank you!”

  He put his arm out and gently moved me backwards. For a jock, he could be very gentlemanly, I thought and smiled.


  As soon as I switched my mobile back on, there were four missed calls from my father. I ignored them. He must have been mad as hell. I was surprised he didn’t track my location and send a car for me again. Jake, Jeremy and I went out that night together, in public. One of my favorite female DJs was playing at the venue too and I couldn’t wait to dance. I hadn’t let myself go wild on the dancefloor for months.

  When we stepped out of the cab, I had Jake on my left and Jeremy on my right. Of course, the reporters were expecting us. The sound of numerous camera flashes welcomed us as we got to the nightclub entrance. I was dressed in a sexy dress. It wasn’t slutty though, but the guys loved it. It was a silver sleeveless, tight fitting dress which reached just passed my thighs. With my high silver heels, I was the same height as the guys and loved it.

  “Miss Leon!”

  “Miss Leon!” the press called.

  We ignored them and were ushered straight inside, passed the long queue of clubbers waiting patiently to get inside. We were given a private booth. I slipped onto the curved, leather seat and skirted around. Jake went to the bar to get us drinks. When he came back I leaned over, pulled his head closer and kissed him deeply. I turned to Jeremy, pulled him closer and kissed him deeply too.

  I started to giggle and the boys laughed along. It felt so good to be able to express our feelings in public. I felt free and happy again. A waitron appeared with a tray of shooters for the three of us.

  “We didn’t order those,” Jeremy said, “But we’ll take ‘em!” he added.

  “It was from the folks at the bar,” the waitron replied.

  We looked at the bar and saw a group of people our age waving at us.

  “You know those guys?” I asked.

  “Nope,” Jake replied.

  “Me neither,” Jeremy added.

  We chugged down the shooters and slammed the tot glasses on the table.

  “It looks like they like us again,” I said.

  I was relieved that I wasn’t getting anymore nasty messages either. Things were going better. I wanted to treat the boys after what we’d been through and booked us into a five star hotel for the night. We even signed in in our own names and I proudly signed for the bill. Our suite was on the fourth floor and looked out over the river. I kicked off my heels, walked out onto the balcony and looked down at the lights along the promenade and the wide waterway. Jeremy joined me and took something out of his pocket.

  “Like the view?” I said.

  “Sure do,” he replied, “and I’ll like it even more after this.”

  He put a joint between his lips and lit it with his golden zippo lighter. I looked at him and shook my head.

  “You must always push things a little further!” I joked.

  He laughed and took a deep drag of his pot.

  Jake came outside, took hold of my arm and pulled me gently inside the suite.

  “Have you seen this bed?” he said.

  “I’d rather feel it,” I replied.

  I ran and dived onto the elegantly made bed. Three continental pillows fitted along the top next to each other. I had never slept in such a huge bed before, but then again, I didn’t plan on doing much sleeping!

  Jake jumped on the bed next to me and pulled me on top of him. He kissed me in the neck and rolled me over onto my side. He kissed the top of my breasts, busting out of the top of my dress, found the zipper at the back and slid it down to my butt.

  Jeremy appeared at the foot of the bed, took hold of the hem of the dress and wiggled it off me.

  “Good timing!” I said.

  “Always, Miss Leon,” he joked.

  Jake reached around my back again and undid my lacy, strapless bra. I was getting seriously in the mood. Jeremy pulled my matching panties down over my feet. We hadn’t been intimate for two months and I couldn’t wait to change that!

  I lay on my back and looked up at the beige hotel ceiling. Jeremy kissed my thigh gently and worked his way up the tender skin until he reached my neatly waxed haven. His tongue worked its way further and entered me. I groaned.

  I grabbed hold of Jake’s belt and undid the buckle. He slid his jea
ns and boxers down his legs and kicked them off. I wrapped my hand around his stiff member and moved down slowly and then up.

  “Hmm,” he said, “He’s missed you.”

  I burst out laughing, but my laugh soon turned into a groan as Jeremy’s tongue found my swollen nub and rubbed back and forth over the top. Jake held my breasts in his hands and squeezed them gently and then harder.

  “Would one of you get inside me, already,” I burst out all of a sudden.

  Both of them laughed and Jake pushed Jeremy out of the way. He wrapped his member in a condom and climbed on top of me. My chest was heaving and I was throbbing for them.

  “Missed us too, did you?” Jake joked.

  I really did, not just physically but their company too. Jake stopped my thought process as he pushed himself inside me. I grabbed hold of my nipples and squeezed them hard. Jeremy jumped off the bed and whipped his shirt and pants off. He hopped back on the bed.

  “Come closer,” I said.

  As Jake penetrated me, I took hold of Jeremy’s hard appendage and guided it into my mouth. I had never done anything like that before, and usually played with the two guys separately. It was fun to do things differently.

  Jeremy’s eyes opened wide as I took all of him in. My tongue teased the sides as I slid him back out and back in again. Jake also enjoyed the show and thrust harder inside me. I dug my nails into his back and that made his pace increase too.


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