Suckers Bite Back (San Francisco Vampires #5) (Vampires of San Francisco series)

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Suckers Bite Back (San Francisco Vampires #5) (Vampires of San Francisco series) Page 19

by Jessica McBrayer

  But Mark is dead!

  Literally, I run right into him. Sebastian throws his smoothie down and pulls me behind him, snarling. The demon’s eyes turn red and glow. He snarls back.

  “Who, who are you?” I demand. I throw my hand up and realize the mistake the second the Mark look-alike sees my engagement ring.

  “I’m Mark’s twin, Dominic. I can’t find him anywhere. You are his mate. What the hell are you doing with this fang banger?” His anger rises from him in waves.

  “Dominic, Mark’s dead. He is in a cabin in the mountains in Hell.”

  “No,” he says, his eyes widen and then his jaw tightens. He shakes his head and gains control of his emotions. “If you did this, I’ll kill you both.” And then he walks away.

  A shudder runs through me. I start to shake and Sebastian folds me up in his arms. I don’t stop shaking. Bast picks me up and is racing back to the car. Once he straps me in and we are locked inside I begin to calm down.

  “Sebastian, we have to find a way to exile him to Hell. I don’t want to start our new life together with a shadow over our heads and someone always chasing us,” I say.

  “Cherie, I won’t let anything happen to you or me. I want to spend a long life with you and I won’t let that little motherless hatchling ruin it. We’ll find a way out of this. We need to talk to Diel. You up for a ride?” he asks.

  “I am so ready to see Diel if it will help with this mess Mark created.”

  “I hate the sound of his name and the fact that you have to even utter it again,” Bast growls as he kisses me harshly, trying to erase any trace of it on my lips.

  Sebastian finds a break in traffic and the sudden rush of speed throws us back in our seats as he hits the new Bay Bridge, careful of the new curves, relishing the lull in traffic. Eight miles later we take a Berkeley exit and making our way to Hannah’s bungalow. When we park out front I can hear Hades, Hannah’s and Diel’s Hell Hound whining loudly. I hope he doesn’t start barking. He barks fire wreaking havoc in his wake. We hurry to the door to hopefully avoid a fire. Hannah opens it with a huge smile on her face and a hand on her belly. Hades pushes her out of the way and flies into my arms.

  Giggling, I catch my godpuppie. Thank goodness for vampire strength. We hurry inside before anyone wonders why a five foot five female can handle a dog the size of a Volkswagen Beetle. Diel pulls me into a hug when I get across the threshold. It feels good to be loved like these three love us. I haven’t been to Hannah’s since she mated with Diel. Lots of subtle changes have been made. More leather, but it works with her soft feminine side that she has decorated the inside of her house with, a combination of Goth and Martha Stewart. Of course there are numerous baby paraphernalia lying around. My slow heart rate flutters with my ambivalent feelings. I think Sebastian senses this because he gives me a squeeze and a kiss on the cheek.

  There’s a big screen TV where she had a quilt hanging on the wall. The quilt is now across the back of the leather couch. It was made by a Voodoo priestess and of course it had a lot of skulls on it.

  “Diel, can I speak to you privately?” Sebastian asks. Bast must want to do something nasty to not include me. Hannah raises her eyebrows. I shake my head minimally, letting her know I will explain everything.

  “Sure, Sebastian. Let’s go to my office.” Diel has taken over the third room in the house. The other two rooms being their bedroom and the upcoming nursery. As soon as they leave Hannah is at my side demanding answers.

  “So…?” she asks.

  “We ran into Mark’s twin. Literally. We were coming out of a coffee shop and bumped into him. He had fire in his eyes and wanted to rip Sebastian into bite size pieces. I told him Mark is dead…” Hannah gasps.

  “I know not too bright, but I didn’t know what to say. The guy – his name is Dominic, said I was Mark’s mate and what the hell was I doing with Sebastian. That was before I told him Mark was dead. He said that if we did it he was going to kill us.” I let out a shuddering breath. “Hannah we have to do something about him. He has to go back to Hell. I can’t live with always being worried about him attacking Bast. I feel capable of taking care of myself but I just can’t lose Bast.”

  “Or you, Lily. Diel will figure something out. He’ll do whatever he can. He was so pissed off the other night it was scary.” Hannah rolled her eyes so I know it wasn’t quite as bad as she is letting on. She has a flare for drama – just a smidge. At least not as scary for her as his mate. I probably would expire under a Royal Demon’s glare in his fury.

  Diel and Bast come back down the hallway deep in conversation. Diel has his hand on Bast’s shoulder in a companionable gesture. I hope they have plans. Bast chooses that moment to look up and see’s the worry in my eyes. He is standing in front of me in a flash, taking my hands and whispering soothing words to me. What I really need is to know what is going on.

  “Lily, cherie, we have a good plan and we are prepared. Don’t worry, ma petite.”

  “I’m worried about you, Bast. How many more demons can he wrangle together to attack you when you are alone? I think it wise you don’t go anywhere alone too. Maybe we should just go somewhere for a while,” I say.

  “Even though I don’t do as much at the club, I do have responsibilities, especially now that I have to prepare to take two months off.” He winks at me, reminding me of our wedding trip and honeymoon. “And you need to keep seeing Sophie and I know you like your kick boxing classes. I think those are important too. We can’t let him make us prisoners under house arrest. We just need to be careful.”

  I lean into his chest and let him envelope me in his arms. I take comfort from it and sigh. I feel Hannah’s small hand rub my arm and I peek out and smile at her. Her answering smile is full of conviction.

  We sit and drink wine, except for Hannah, and talk about mundane things. It soon wears on me. I am too strung out from the past days and want to know what is going on. Bast is so attuned to me that he senses my unease and we make our goodbyes.

  “I’m so glad you stopped by tonight, Lily and Bast. It’s been too long since you’ve been on this side of the Bay. You know when the baby comes you’ll have to schlep it over here more often, right?” Hannah says.

  “We know, ma petite maman. Take care of yourself,” Sebastian says.

  Diel wraps an arm around her and rests his hand on her belly. “Take care of each other,” Diel says.

  “We will,” Bast says and waves as he gets me settled in the passenger seat. He walks across the front of the car and I ask a blessing from the Goddess for his protection. How did I get so lucky to have him love me?

  “I know you are dying to know what we have planned, Lily, but you are going to have to just trust me and Diel. He has to shuffle some paperwork to make this work. Very dull actually but he assured me he could get Dominic banished into Hell.”

  “This is frustrating, Sebastian. I’m not used to being kept in the dark or at least I don’t want to be kept in the dark any longer,” I say a little angry.

  “I’m virtually in the dark too, Lily. Diel is operating with super-secret Demon hierarchy business here and wouldn’t share the details.”

  “Okay, as long as you don’t know anything either, I’m willing to wait a bit longer, but then Diel better spill the beans.” Sebastian bursts out laughing.

  “I see how you roll, ma petite.”



  “I’d like to roll with you,” I say.

  I feel myself get thrown into the back of my seat as Sebastian maneuvers through the traffic in a sudden spurt of speed to get home. I giggle in a fit of unexpected joy. Bast moves his hand to my knee and gently squeezes.

  “You can’t tempt me like that you little vixen. We’ll be home as fast as I can get us and then you are mine.”

  “Yes, yours,” I whisper.

  “Mine,” he whispers back and then shakes his head like he doesn’t believe it. I twine my fingers into his. He looks at me and for a
moment I feel all his love for me. It’s heady and intoxicating.

  39 AIDAN

  Manda and I are ready to transmanifest to Milan. I have her suitcases in one hand and her fingers twined in the other. I smile at her and then we are chasing the winds before we land in a room on the seventh floor of the Hotel Spadari al Duomo in the center of Milan. Manda gasps at the vision of the city, lit and stretched out below her. The Royal Palace, Piazzo Duomo and a myriad of destinations are laid out for her to see. It is beautiful but only a reflection of beauty compared to her.

  I stand behind her and wrap her in my arms, kissing her neck moving her hair out of the way to get to the sensitive skin at the back of her neck. She leans into my kisses and I can feel her smile. She lays her hands over mine.

  “Before you go any further, my love, I am starving. Can we go out and eat?” Manda asks. I keep forgetting that she needs sustenance. I am full of energy when we are together.

  “Of course, or I could manifest something for you,” I say hoping to spend some quality time with her.

  “I know what you have in mind and we will have plenty of time for that,” she says cocking an eyebrow at me. “I want to get a taste for the city. I’ve always been scooted from one photo shoot to the next and never got to go out anywhere.”

  “Then by all means, let us conquer Milan.” I wink at her and she gives a little squeal as I replace her jeans for the top fashion and put on my signature Armani.

  We take the elevator down so she can see the art and design that the Hotel Spadari al Doumo is known for. I escort her through the lobby.

  The city noise of traffic, both automobile and foot, hits us as we dart through the hotel’s front doors. The bustle is inebriating for someone like me. I realized I had been feeding off of Manda for far too long. While she is like nothing I had ever had, I still needed other energies to be healthy and happy. Tonight would be fun for both of us.

  I flag down a cab and request he take us to the finest restaurant in the city. He says that can only be L’Osteri. He explains in Italian. As luck would have it, I speak Italian, and find out that the restaurant is fairly new but already has rave reviews on their traditional Italian fare. The best thing is that they are open late night and that they also deliver so that if Manda likes them she can have more of it without having to go out if she is tired from working and I’m not here.

  The driver pulls up to L’Osteri and we see several diners sitting outside and decide that it is such a balmy night we would like to sit outside too. We get a table, with a bit of djinn persuasion since reservations are usually needed. Manda is momentarily flummoxed when she picks up her menu since it is all in Italian but the waiter carefully explains the choices to her. She is delighted and orders several things since she can’t decide on one thing. I grin anticipating watching her eat. She is like a child when she is able to experience good food. Her whole face expresses her pleasure. What a pleasure it is that she doesn’t have to starve herself for her career.

  Soon enough her food is presented. Her eyes are wide at the generous quantities and the waiter chuckles. I know we will be packing up what is left and sending it back to the hotel room.

  Manda slowly makes her way through her choices. Her moans and sensual looks are an unexpected treat for me leading my mind in a delicious direction. She clears her palate with white wine before trying a new dish. Watching her eat is a sensual experience and I am trying to remember why I can’t just feed off of her and spend the rest of the time making love to her.

  “Manda, you know you don’t need to work anymore. We could travel the world together, try all the foods there are to try. Make love day and night. No responsibilities except to love each other.” She studies me for a long time before she tilts her head and speaks.

  “Aidan, that is so tempting. I want that with you but I also want to keep the things that are me. You fell in love with me and I would lose me if we did that.” She shakes her head and closes her eyes. “How about a compromise. I quit modeling after this gig and go back to school to become an environmental lawyer like I wanted to. Then we spend our time split between doing what you want to do and maybe starting a foundation where I could do research in the field to help stop species extinction. How does that sound?”

  “I think I just fell in love with you all over again,” I say. This woman is so amazing. She has created a solution to make both of us happy. I realize that what I had suggested would eventually lead us to the same boredom and repetition that had brought me to that Suicide Hotline so long ago. But I am selfish and want to show her the world before her short human life is over. She gave me a way to do that and a way for her to save herself along the way.

  The week goes by in a blur of high octane photo shoots and nights out dining and sight seeing. Manda is glowing but exhausted the night before the full moon and so she looks relieved when I mention I have to leave for Lilith and Liam’s feeding.

  “I honestly just want a hot soak in that marvelous tub and to order in delivery from L’Osteri. It’s been a long day and I have an early start tomorrow. Two more days and we can head home,” she says.

  “So you’re not upset with me for leaving for a couple of hours?”

  “No, not at all. You made a commitment and I expect you to be the honorable man you are and stand behind it. Besides a bath then bed, to sleep, sounds like a perfect night for me.”

  “I’ll be back to hold you,” I whisper and then kiss her temple and move down to her mouth, lingering. “I better leave, they get quite rabid,” I say and wink at her horrid expression. She swats at me when she realizes I’m teasing but I’m already fading away to the sound of her laughter and the smell of her skin’s perfume… peaches…


  The last week before the full moon phase was relatively quiet. Sebastian and I continue to explore each other and our relationship. I go to my kick boxing classes and Sebastian escorts me to Sophie’s. I still use my hand sanitizer but not as much and I haven’t pulled a hand- wipe out in a week. I call that progress.

  Diel is still stuck in red tape as per the “Dominic Situation.” He finally let slip that Mark’s father is the mayor of Hell. A truly prestigious position but not above the law. And not above royalty. It just means that there is more paperwork than usual. Dominic has stayed clear of us so far but I feel little tingles when we go out, like we are being watched.

  It’s the first night of the full moon phase and I don’t expect Aidan to show. He is out of the country with Manda but the doorbell rings and I pick up on Andrew’s excitement.

  “Oh, Mr. Aidan. I’m so glad you’ve come to help. It will be so much easier with you here. You know you don’t have to ring the bell,” Andrew gushes.

  “Of course I have to be here, Andrew. Can’t have my silver eyed beauty going through this without me, can I?” he says.

  My heart does a little flip before settling back down next to Sebastian. For life. Settled and happy and in love for life. And to a vampire that’s a very long time. I guess that doesn’t mean I won’t have the occasional twinge for Aidan.

  “Lilith and Sebastian, I hold you both as dear friends and I want you to be the first to know.” Sebastian raises his brows and Aidan laughs. “Yes, Sebastian, in our odd relationship I have come to realize that you are a friend, one that I want to have for a long time. One that I want taking care of Lilith forever.”

  “Thank you, Aidan.” Sebastian nods formally acknowledging his great gift. “I feel the same way,” Aidan nods back.

  “So I want you to hear my great news first.”

  “What is this news?” I say.

  “Manda and I are getting married,” he says looking me in the eyes for my reaction. I don’t know what he was expecting, but I feel a rush of happiness for him.

  “Aidan, my dearest, I am so happy for you and for Manda. So, so happy. She couldn’t be here? I would love to tell her in person,” I say.

  Aidan grins and envelopes me in a hug.

  “No, lo
ve. She was well and tired from work today. But this will be her last job. She has two days left then we head home and she is going to continue her schooling and get a degree in environmental law. We plan on starting a foundation so she can do research and maybe do some good in this world.”

  “I can’t think of any better news to get today, my friend. I sure as hell wish you drank champagne,” Bast says while he shakes Aidan’s hand. Aidan barks out a laugh and shakes his head.

  “Believe me when I say the energy you two give off together is like any champagne in this world. It’s like getting drunk to be around so much love. That’s how I know I have the real thing with Manda and how I know you two are right together.”

  “Now I might get weepy. Damn it, Aidan. That’s the most romantic thing to say and now I have to go change clothes because I am going to change into a blasted she-beast,” I half-sob, half-laugh.

  “Let me take care of that, love,” Aidan snaps and I am in designer jeans, sneakers and an expensive t-shirt. I can’t help but smile at him. I am going to miss his mischievousness. Hopefully he and Manda will visit often.

  “Are Helena and Julian taking Liam out?” Aidan asks.

  “Yes, they already left. Sebastian was going to take me by himself,” I say shyly.

  “Don’t ever lose faith in me, please, Lilith.” Aidan begs me.

  “I won’t, never, I promise.”

  “Okay, sappy sapmeisters, let’s get this show on the road,” Hannah says from the door.

  “Hannah!” Our three voices exclaim. Everyone rushes her but Aidan gets there first and affectionately rubs her belly while kissing her cheek.

  “Are you taking good care of my god son or god daughter in there?” he asks.

  “Of course I am, even if some people want to keep me sheltered in plastic bubbles,” she says as she glances back at Diel who has the decency to look sheepish. “I am coming with you tonight like always,” she says and stomps her leather booted foot. I try to hide my smile, I really do, but Hannah sees it and she starts to smile too, ending her tantrum.


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