by Peter Watson
Bodmer, Johann Jakob, 57, 74, 124
Boeckh, August, 235, 345
Boehm, Anthony, 316
Boehm, Max Hildebert, 655
Böhm, Karl, 645
Böhmer, Caroline. See Schlegel, Caroline
Böhmer, Johann Friedrich, 266
Bohr, Niels, 596, 597–598, 691
Bohrer, Karl Heinz, 782, 832
Böll, Heinrich, 28, 780, 791–792
Bollingen Press, 735
Bölsche, Wilhelm, 426, 427
Boltzmann, Ludwig, 348, 483, 854
Bonds, Mark Evans, 161, 162
Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 680–681, 818, 855
Book of Burnt Books, The (Das Buch der verbrannten Bücher) (Weidermann), 29, 798
Book of Songs (Buch der Lieder) (Heine), 298
Bopp, Franz, 191, 192
Bormann, Martin, 620
Born, Max, 598, 659, 745, 753
Börne, Ludwig, 303
Borsig, August, 375
Bosch, Carl, 361, 666
botany, 79–80, 85, 203
Bothe, Walter, 653
Böttger, J. F., 168
Bötticher, Paul Anton. See Lagarde, Paul de
Boumann, Johann, 213
Boureau, Alain, 607
Bourgeois, Der (Sombart), 453–454
Bousquet, René, 17
Bowen, James, 829
Bower, Tom, 797
Boyer, Carl, 349
Boyle, Nicholas, 29, 115, 122, 800
Bracher, K. D., 22
Brahm, Otto, 524
Brahms, Johannes, 133, 173, 292, 459–462, 465, 525, 558
Brainin, Norbert, 752
Brandt, Max, 587
Brandt, Willy, 733
Braun, Volker, 796, 801, 802
Braun, Wernher von, 693, 695
Brecht, Bertolt, 584, 585–587, 588, 590, 651
on Adorno, 724
anti–World War I poems, 552
Berliner Ensemble and, 803
collaboration with Auden, 818
friendship with Benjamin, 619
on life in East Germany, 801
in Novembergruppe, 568
refugee in the United States, 702, 715, 736–737
return to Europe, 738
Breitinger, Johann Jakob, 57
Breker, Arno, 632
Brentano, Clemens, 212, 230
Brentano, Franz Clemens, 492–493
Brentano, Lujo, 533
Breuer, Josef, 395, 396, 492–493
Breuer, Stefan, 454–455
Bridgwater, Patrick, 547
Bright Picture (Kandinsky), 517
Brinkmann, Carl, 650
academics studying in Germany, 538
Anthropological Society of London, 430
dye industry in, 359
German influence on University of London, 317
on German scholarship, 538
Great Exhibition of 1851 (London), 320
interest in German culture, 314–318
Kindertransport to, 744–745
London International Exhibition (1862), 356
London Philharmonia Orchestra, 809
London Philharmonic Orchestra, 747
refugees, 699, 743–756
Academic Assistance Council and, 663, 745
Artists’ Refugee Committee, 699
BBC and, 750
in Cambridge, 746
Free German League of Culture, 699, 746
internment on Isle of Man, 745, 754
in Oxford, 746
visited by Tönnies, 450
World War I propaganda of two Germanies, 534
British Arts and Crafts movement, 510
British Association for the Advancement of Science, 752
British Psychoanalytic Society, 754
Britten, Benjamin, 292
Brod, Max, 578
Brodie, Bernard, 184
Broken Jug, The (Der Zerbrochene Krug) (Kleist), 293
Brotherhood of St. Luke, 215–217. See also Düreristen
Brotstudium, concept of, 229
Brown, Robert, 282, 284
Browning, Christopher, 20
Brücke, Die, 516, 528
Brücke, Ernst, 234
Bruckmann, Peter, 510
Bruckner, Anton, 459, 469
Bruford, William, 119, 833
Brügmann, Walter, 646
Brunfels, Otto, 79
Brussig, Thomas, 799
Buber, Martin, 609, 682–683, 685
Bubis, Ignatz, 784
Büchner, Georg, 290, 301–303, 585
Büchner, Ludwig, 301, 426
Buckingham, John, 272–273, 279
Buddenbrooks (T. Mann), 511–512
Bühler, Emil, 375
Bühler, Karl, 717
Bullitt, William, 662
Bullivant, Keith, 36, 452, 618, 790, 793
Bülow, Adam Heinrich Dietrich von, 187
Bülow, Hans von, 459, 460, 462, 466, 525–526
Bultmann, Rudolf, 677, 678–679, 769, 855
“Bummelmeir’s Complaint” (Scheffel), 305
Bunsen, Robert, 348
Burckhardt, Jacob, 22, 91, 250–251, 410, 441
educated middle class and, 830
Prussian, 45, 48–49, 108
Weber on, 457
Burgh, John, 746
Burke, Peter, 92
Burnouf, Émile, 184
Burns, Mary, 257
Burte, Hermann, 634
Butler, E. M., 97, 100
Buxtehude, Dietrich, 153
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The (film), 568
Café Deutschland (Immendorf), 813
Café Müller (Wigman), 804
cafés, 470, 490, 504, 521, 563–564
Cahn, Arnold, 362
Calleo, David, 421
Calvert, Frank, 412
cameras, 367
Camera Work (journal), 517
Campbell, Thomas, 317
Campendonck, Heinrich, 699
Canetti, Elias, 746
Cantor, Georg, 37, 174, 485–486
Cantor, Norman, 35
Cantril, Hadley, 727
Capa, Robert, 735
Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (Schumpeter), 704
Carlyle, Thomas, 314, 315
Carnap, Rudolf, 601, 602, 631, 729–730
Carnaval (Schumann), 307
Carow, Heiner, 806
cartels, 361–362
Carter, Erica, 832
Case of J. Robert Oppenheimer, The (In der Sache J. Robert Oppenheimer) (Kipphardt), 736
Cassirer, Bruno, 527, 606
Cassirer, Ernst, 136, 143, 564, 605–607, 723, 741, 746
Cassirer, Paul, 527, 606
Castle, The (Das Schloss) (Kafka), 577, 578
Cat and Mouse (Katz und Maus) (Grass), 792
Catholic Church
anti-Catholicism, 421–425
ban of Myth of the Twentieth Century, 621
Hitler and, 683
monastic orders, 423, 425, 687
Rosenberg on, 620
Caucasian Chalk Circle, The (Der kaukasische Kreidekreis) (Brecht), 736
Celan, Paul, 800
Cellar, The: A Withdrawal (Der Keller: eine Entziehnung) (Bernhardt), 797
Central Council of Jews in Germany, 784
Central European University, 755
Centre for the Study of Nationalism (Prague), 755
ceremonies of the whole, 647, 836
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart, 421, 434, 435–436, 449, 452, 892n61
Chamisso, Adelbert von, 305
Chemisches Journal, 226
chemistry, 168, 271, 272, 279, 358
Chickering, Roger, 428, 536
Childhood and Society (Erikson), 717
choral societies, 164, 325
Christianity, 673, 677–678, 683–685, 686, 788, 853. See also Catholic Church; Protestantism
Positive Christianity, 684
br /> Cicerone, The (Der Cicerone) (Burckhardt), 91
Cieszkowski, August von, 245
Cincinnati Volksblatt (newspaper), 326
Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy, The (Der Culture der Renaissance in Italien) (Burckhardt), 91, 92
Civilising Process, The (Elias), 609, 754
Civilization and Its Discontents (Das Unbehagen in der Kultur) (Freud), 611–612
Civil Service law (1933), 660
Class, Heinrich, 421
Classical Scholarship: A Summary (Darstellung der Altertumswissenschaft) (F. A. Wolf), 106, 107
Clausewitz, Carl Philipp Gottlieb von, 184–188
Clausius, Rudolf, 234, 345–348, 479, 819, 854
Clement, Ricardo. See Eichmann, Adolf climatology, 180
Closing of the American Mind, The (A. Bloom), 833–834
coffee houses. See cafés
Coffin, Henry Sloane, 680
Cold Amnesty (Die kalte Amnestie) (Friedrich), 798
Coldness, The: An Isolation (Die Kälte: eine Isolation) (Bernhard), 797
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 314–315, 883n10
Collin (Heym), 796
Colm, Gerhard, 726
Cologne, 517, 757
Combes, Sonia, 16
Commentary (magazine), 720
Communio (journal), 787
Communist League, 253
Communist Manifesto, The (Manifest des kommunistischen Partei) (Marx and Engels), 253–254, 257
community, redemptive. See redemptive community
Community and Civil Society (Gemeinschaft und Gesellschaft) (Tönnies), 450–452
Concept of the Corporation, The (Drucker), 728
Concept of the Political, The (Der Begriff des Politischen) (Schmitt), 668–669, 723
Concerning German Literature (Friedrich the Great), 62
Concerning the Spiritual in Art (Kandinsky), 517
Condition of the Working Class in England (Die Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in England) (Engels), 251, 257
Confessing Church (Bekennende Kirche), 678, 680
Congress of German Naturalists and Physicians, 365
Conquest, Robert, 759
consciousness, 125, 144, 147. See also self-consciousness
Conservative Revolution, 452, 618–619
Constitution of Liberty, The (Hayek), 749
Contact (magazine), 747
Contemporary Crisis in Geman Physics, The (Die gegenwärtige Krise der deutschen Physik) (Stark), 599
Continuity and Irrational Numbers (Dedekind), 485
Conze, Alexander, 415
Conze, Werner, 670
Copenhagen (Frayn), 691
Corinth, Lovis, 515, 528
Cornelius, Peter von, 217–218, 218–219, 239
Cornwell, John, 660, 691
Correns, Karl, 286, 391
Coser, Lewis, 716–717, 726, 728, 730
Courage to Be, The (Tillich), 730
Courant, Richard, 487, 659, 664
Crabb Robinson, Henry, 314, 315
Crabwalk (Im Krebsgang) (Grass), 798
Craig, Gordon, 33, 402, 403–404
Cranko, John, 804
Crawshaw, Steve, 22, 23, 792, 798
Creation, Redemption, and the Last Judgment (Cornelius), 239
Crell, Lorenz, 226
Crelle, August Leopold, 349
Crelle’s Journal, 349–350
crime detection, beginning of modern, 897n17
Cristofori, Bartolomeo, 154
critical method
adoption by Marx, 251
transformation of, 231
critical theory
Frankfurt method of, 573
Habermas and, 775–776
Critique of Judgment (Kritik der Urteilskraft) (Kant), 143–145, 161, 201
Critique of Practical Reason (Kritik der praktischen Vernunft) (Kant), 142–143
Critique of Pure Reason (Kritik der reinen Vernunft) (Kant), 139–142
Crookes, William, 479
Cross on the Mountains (Friedrich), 221, 239
Cullen, William, 175–176
Cultural Alliance for the Democratic Revival of Germany, 758
cultural pessimism, tradition of, 616–618, 675, 837–842
German concept of (See Kultur)
Nietzsche’s critique of contemporary, 339
Culture of Defeat, The (Die Kultur der Niederlage) (Schivelbusch), 566
Cuno, Theodor, 256
Curtius, Ernst, 410–411, 415
Czechowksi, Heinz, 801
Dada, 563–565
Dahlmann, Friedrich Christoph, 408, 410
Dahrendorf, Ralf, 452, 732, 748, 761, 762–765, 842, 920n23
Daimler, Gottlieb, 376–377
Daimler, Paul, 377, 378
Dali, Salvador, 221
Damm, Christian Tobias, 95
Dannhauser, Josef, 305–306
Danton’s Death (Dantons Tod) (Büchner), 302
Darnton, Robert, 56
Darwin, Charles, 180, 430, 615
Darwinism, 426–428, 427, 431
Dawson, John, Jr., 601
Daxelmüller, Christoph, 655
Dead City, The (Die tote Stadt) (opera, Korngold), 591
Death in Venice (Der Tod in Venedig) (T. Mann), 513–314
Debit and Credit (Soll und Haben) (Freytag), 439
Debreyne, P. J. C., 395
Decision (magazine), 817
“Declaration of Notables” (Berlin), 522
Decline of the German Mandarins, The (Ringer), 765–768
Decline of the West, The (Der Untergang des Abendlandes) (Spengler), 560, 620, 839
Dedekind, Richard, 174, 485 defense of the wolves (verteidigung der wölf) (Enzensberger), 800
degeneracy/degeneration, 428, 429
Degenerate Art exhibition, 632–633, 908n7
degenerate art law (May 1938), 633
Degeneration (Entartung) (Norday), 429
Dehmel, Richard, 510, 532
Deichman, Ute, 696
De l’Allemagne (Staël), 311, 313, 323
Delbrück, Hans, 409, 533–534
Delius, Frederick, 336
Demnig, Gunter, 815, 849
Democracy in Germany (Dahrendorf), 748
Democratic and the Authoritarian State, The (Newmann), 762
“Denial of the Vagina, The” (Horney), 613
Denying the Holocaust (Lipstadt), 7
Deputy, The (Der Stellvertreter) (Hochhuth), 736, 802
Biedermeier furniture, 305–306
Jugendstil and, 508–509
in Vienna, 496–499
Dessoir, Max, 395
Destruction of Reason, The (Die Zerstörung der Venunft) (Lukács), 762
Deutsche Chronik (Schubart), 55
Deutsche Demokratische Republick (DDR).See East Germany
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, 690
Deutsche Frage, Die (Röpke), 762
Deutsche Gelehrtenrepublik, Die (Klopstock), 102
Deutsche Grammatik (J. Grimm), 230
Deutsche Hochschule für Politik (German Institute for Politics), 570
Deutsche Merkur, Der (monthly), 113
Deutsche Mythologie (J. Grimm), 266
Deutschen, Die (Moeller van den Bruck), 617
Deutsche Problem, Das (Ritter), 762
Deutscher, Isaac, 750
Deutscher Sozialismus (Sombart), 454
Deutscher Werkbund, 510
Deutsches Wörterbuch (Grimm brothers), 230
Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher (German-rench Annuals), 249
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles (Tucholsky), 582
Deutschlands Schicksal (Hirsch), 686
Deutschland und der Weltkrieg (Hintze, Meinecke, Oncken, and Schumacher), 534
Dewey, John, 539–542
Diagnosis of Our Time (Mannheim), 703–704
Dialectic of Enlightenment (Dialektik der Aufklärung) (Adorno and Hork
heimer), 725, 775
Dialectics of Secularisation, The (Die Dialektik der Säkularisierung) (Habermas and Ratzinger), 787
Diary of a Ne’er-do-well (Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts) (Eichendorff), 290
Dibelius, Martin, 650
Dichterliebe (Schumann), 307
“Dichtung und Wahrheit” (Auden), 818
Dido (Charlotte von Stein), 118
Diederichs, Eugen, 614
Diehl, Carl, 323, 324
Diesel, Rudolf, 378
Dieterle, William, 736
Dietl, Helmut, 808
Dietrich, Marlene, 513, 581, 592, 593
Dill, Ludwig, 507
Dilthey, Wilhelm, 441–444, 447, 455, 605, 675, 682, 750, 854
Dinter, Artur, 674
Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune, 174, 234, 350, 485
Discourse der Mahlern (periodical), 57
Discovery of the Unconscious, The (Ellenberg), 393
Dismissal of Bismarck, The (film), 593
Divided Heaven, The (film), 806
Diwald, Helmut, 11
Dix, Otto, 553, 565, 629, 700
Döblin, Alfred, 619, 738
Doctor Faustus (T. Mann), 737, 836
Documenta (Kassel), 811
Dog Years (Hundejahre) (Grass), 792
Dohnanyi, Christoph von, 680
Dohnanyi, Hans von, 680
Dohnanyi, Klaus von, 680
Dokupil, Jiri Georg, 813
Doll, Richard, 665
Döllinger, Johann, 317
Don Carlos (Schiller), 128
Don Juan (R. Strauss), 465, 466
Don’t Mention the War (Ramsden), 5
Doppler, Christian Johann, 391
Dorn, Walter, 49
Dornberger, Walter, 658
Dörpfeld, Wilhelm, 410, 413–414
Double Ego, The (Das Doppel-Ich) (Dessoir), 395
Double Indemnity (film), 591
Double Life (Doppelleben) (Benn), 710
Dow, James R., 654
“Dread of Women, The” (Horney), 613
Dream, a Life, The (Der Traum, ein Leben) (Grillparzer), 294
Dreser, Heinrich, 364, 365, 856
Drost-Hülshoff, Annette von, 305
Droysen, Johann Gustav, 410, 424, 445, 839
Drucker, Peter, 728
Du Bois-Reymond, Emil Heinrich, 234
Dudow, Slatan, 588, 805
Duino Elegies (Duineser Elegien) (Rilke), 574–575