The Case of the Parisian Vendetta: A Mark Julian Vampire PI Mystery #10 (Mark Julian Vampire PI Mysteries)

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The Case of the Parisian Vendetta: A Mark Julian Vampire PI Mystery #10 (Mark Julian Vampire PI Mysteries) Page 2

by L. G. Fabbo-Gonnella

  “Well anything more you want to tell us you waste of flesh,” Viola taunted the now quivering troll. ”Come on just one word,” she taunted. Her face took on a murderous look.

  “Viola,” Jean-Claude interrupted. “This is not going to help.” His green eyes gazed at Tortego, the vampire delegate, who signaled his approval of these words.

  She saw this action and growled in disgust. It took all of Viola’s will not to toss her pen at Jean-Claude and walk out the meeting. “His she-bitch,” she muttered.

  Tortego smiled at seeing her distress and felt other council members eyes looking at him. The tall, dark haired, ascetic looking vampire was a former cleric of Spanish Inquisition. Lately he had begun to dress in his former Roman Catholic clerical garb. It was an occurrence that had happened only in the last few months. Prior to this he had dressed in strictly secular albeit drab suits. Now, for reasons no one knew, he was emphasizing his former life as a priest. Knowing Tortego, many on the governing council simply assumed the wily priest was doing it for to carry out some nefarious plan. The old vampire slowly rose from his seat. “Speaking for my vampires we support Jean-Claude.” He gently placed his hand on Jean-Claude’s shoulder in a paternalistic way and squeezed it. “The boy is doing all he can. Now I suggest we have a rational discussion about war tactics and try to let all our tempers cool.” He gazed indulgently at the werewolf who quickly nodded and smile at him.

  Off in a corner of the room Mark Julian sat typing into a small computer tablet. His spouse, Vinnie Pasquale, officially served as Jean-Claude Roué’s chief advisor. Today Mark’s NYPD detective husband was working on a very human murder case. Vinnie had asked Mark to take his place at today’s meeting and take notes. Since the current war had reduced the need for Mark’s private eye services the vampire had more than sufficient time on his hands for the assignment. As the council debate droned on, he recalled that conversation with his spouse.


  “Fill in for me honey,” Vinnie said as he checked his police issued service revolver. He adjusted his tie then took a quick look in the nearby mirror. He grunted and fixed the tie again.

  “You look fine,” Mark laughed as he took in the sight of his spouse’s tall muscular frame. In Mark’s eyes his spouse always looked sexy in a suit. Mark suddenly experienced that familiar stir of sexual desire rise up in his groin. “Better go before I jump you,” he teased.

  “Yeah your five foot nine body taking me huh.” Vinnie lightly joked as he walked up to Mark. Vinnie reached out to playfully muss Mark’s short curly brown hair. The detective’s dark eyes focused on his vampire spouse. “So want to see if you can take me,” he asked with a deep growl.

  Mark arched an eyebrow and moved his own leanly muscled body against Vinnie’s more massive torso. When they were alone this was their usual signal to begin a bout of sex. The vampire ground his crotch into the detective’s noticeably growing bulge then sighed and backed away. “No, we both know we don’t have the time for even a fast quickie. You have work to get to. I have a council meeting to sit in on,” he huskily stated as he let his hand reach out to fondle Vinnie’s still stiffening manhood.

  “Yeah I better go then,” Vinnie moaned as he pulled Mark close and kissed him. Moments later they were stripped and rolling on the floor in a tangle of limbs. “So you going to take me what,” a naked Vinnie rasped as he positioned his bulkier muscled torso underneath Mark’s leanly muscled body. “Maybe you need encouragement,” he teasingly said as he proceeded to wrap his strong legs around his spouse’s narrow waist.

  “You don’t have to ask twice,” Mark softly replied as he felt his arousal growing. “Sweet Juno, I always love being inside of you.” Mark’s his eyes went dark and his fangs slowly extended. Now also fully erect, he gently he pushed himself forward between Vinnie’s legs. Gently he eased into Vinnie’s anal opening.

  “Yes,” Vinnie responded. His breathing deepened. “I love you,” he whispered to Mark.

  “I love you too,” Mark said as he leaned his head downward and began kissing Vinnie’s neck. His lips soon found what he was seeking. As Vinnie moaned and thrust his hips upward, Mark let his fangs lightly trace along Vinnie’s throbbing carotid artery.

  “Yes,” Vinnie gasped as he humped upward driving Mark deeper into him. “God your fangs scratching my neck. I love that so fucking much.” He began writhing under Mark. “I can’t wait,” he panted as his movements increased.

  “Ah Jupiter,” Mark cried out as Vinnie’s actions rapidly brought him to the edge. “Sweet gods Vin .... I am ... yes,” he barely managed to say before he unconsciously pushed deeper into Vinnie and began to climax.

  “Fuck yes,” Vinnie replied as he too achieved an orgasm.

  Now spent, Mark collapsed onto his spouse. Vinnie held him. After a few minutes their breathing returned to normal.

  “Damn that was intense this time,” Mark said with a slight laugh. His eyes had grown lighter and by now his fangs had almost receded. He lifted his head to look at Vinnie. “I ... we really were hot for each other,” he murmured as he gently leaned in to kiss Vinnie.

  “For you always. On the bright side that means the second round will take longer to achieve,” Vinnie softly replied as he shifted positions with Mark so that he was now on top. “Makes for a nice longer foreplay.” He teased as he resumed kissing Mark until they again both grew stiff.

  “Round two it is honey,” Mark happily told Vinnie.

  Sometime later a re-dressed and showered Vinnie stood before a mirror in their hallway adjusting his tie. “I think I better use a seat cushion at the office,” Vinnie said with a laugh as he reached down to playfully rub his butt. He gazed affectionately down at the floor where a naked and, still somewhat aroused, Mark was lying.

  Mark playful fondled his semi-hardness and lewdly winked at his spouse. “Best four out of five dear.” he chuckled before adding. “I’m still one up on topping you know. Care to even the score? ”

  “Damn maybe I can call in sick,” Vinnie said. Then his handsome Italian features suddenly grew somber. “Seriously honey I can’t be late today but hold that thought till tonight. I also need for you to check out the council meeting today. Something is wrong with our friend but I cannot figure out what so, keep your vampire senses on high alert,” he finished saying as he raced out the door of their Lower East Side home.

  Mark smiled then got up, showered and went to the council meeting.


  A loud angry outburst from a council member brought Mark’s attention back to the meeting.

  “We are not happy with things right now nor with the tactics that are being considered. My people did not leave the Middle East to live in another war zone,” the were-hyena delegate sharply stated. “We are not alone in this view.” He gazed over at the dwarf-like water sprite that represented the small African Tikoloshe clan that lived near the waterways of Brooklyn. The diminutive sprite nodded.

  “We are doing all we can,” a weary looking Jean-Claude said. His reply only provoked others to once more begin a series of complaints about the war and its consequences.

  As Mark observed the council proceedings he was stunned by the change in his friend’s demeanor. Jean-Claude had always been a take-charge type of person. He normally ran the government with a firm hand but was still flexible enough to listen to sound advice. Today he seemed lethargic. At times during the rest of the session he appeared to be mentally adrift. Tortego, before now the werewolf’s bitter rival and enemy, was literally running the show by the end of this meeting. Worse, Jean-Claude raised no objection to this situation. Mark wondered what was going on between the vampire and the werewolf. The whole dynamic of their relationship seemed to have been altered and not in any better way.

  Mark had cringed when Tortego referred to Jean-Claude as a boy. It was a verbal put down that was said in front of everyone yet; the werewolf had raised no complaint. Vinnie was so right about something being wrong, Mark thought after the council session
ended. He closed his tablet and watched as Tortego went over to Jean-Claude. The former Inquisitor put his hand on the werewolf’s shoulder and spoke quietly with him. Mark was amazed at how deferential the Jean-Claude was with someone who time and time again had tried to destroy him. Jupiter Best and Greatest why is Jean-Claude so submissive around him? Mark thought to himself. He realized he would have a lot to report tonight when he returned home.

  The Talk of the Town

  As the council members drifted out of the room, Tortego’s corpulent aide came up to Jean-Claude and his boss. “I’ve set up the communion wine sir,” he deferentially stated to the vampire. He turned his eyes to the werewolf. “May I compliment you on not losing your temper. They were quite unjust towards you.” He gave Jean-Claude a wide grin.

  “Thank you,” the werewolf muttered without any real enthusiasm. A part of him had wanted to challenge the troll and his non-action to that insult still burned inside him. Yet, he had done what Tortego, his father confessor, had thought best and maintained his humility in the face of criticism. Over the last few weeks Tortego had consistently told Jean-Claude that he was filled with the sin of pride. Tortego pointed out that this character flaw inside of Jean-Claude had not only caused his cousin Sebastian’s death but was also responsible for this war. Jean-Claude was now firmly convinced that only with Tortego’s guidance, along with a humble submission to others, could he secure inner peace from the emotional turmoil he once had experienced owing to his part in his cousin’s execution. Jean-Claude also had to admit that at times during the council meeting he found it difficult to focus on what was occurring around him. This had been happened quite often over these weeks. He had been highly concerned until Tortego’s explained that his drifting into a state of spiritual bliss was usual when a malefactor purged oneself of their sins.

  “You are just too good for them,” the aide gushed as he stepped nearer to Jean-Claude. His eyes greedily gazed at the young werewolf.

  Although Tortego’s aide was always courteous to the werewolf there was something in his demeanor that always repelled Jean-Claude. At times, like now, he seemed to hover around the werewolf a bit too close.

  “I just want to say I appreciate you sir,” the man softly said as he reached out to touch Jean-Claude’s forearm. He suddenly moved nearer. “I really do appreciate you,” he whispered. He leaned in until he had literally invaded Jean-Claude personal space. “I think you know that sir,” he wheezed as he let his hand rest on the hard muscles of the werewolf’s arm.

  Jean-Claude fought off the strong desire to push the portly aide back. The man always seemed be touching Jean-Claude in some excessively friendly manner. Nothing overtly inappropriate but Jean-Claude hated it whenever it happened. For some reason, the man got under Jean-Claude’s skin. The aide seemed to sense Jean-Claude’s revulsion for he quickly moved back.

  Tortego sniffed with disdain at his aide. “Yes we all now know how much you appreciate him,” the Spaniard mockingly said with undisguised sarcasm. His contemptuous tone in speaking to the aide clearly indicated he did not approve of the aide’s brand of appreciation of the tall handsome werewolf. “Now go about your duties,” he snarled at his servant.

  As the man rushed off Jean-Claude couldn’t help but feel he needed a shower to feel clean. Unexpectedly a thought occurred to him. No one knew the aide’s name. He was just known to all as simply Tortego’s aide. “Can I ask what is his name?” the werewolf inquired of the vampire as he glanced at the man’s retreating figure.

  “I forget,” Tortego sniffed. “It isn’t important. Neither his name nor the man who bears it is worth bothering about in the slightest. Come,” the vampire briskly said to the werewolf. “Let’s continue our discussion in your office.” He saw Mark’s visual focus upon them. “We do not need anyone’s prying eyes watching us.”

  Jean-Claude turned his gaze in the direction Tortego was looking. He saw Mark standing by a wall looking at him. A part of him wanted to acknowledge his friend. By now he regretted their estrangement. He had realized that Sebastian was to blame for his own death not Mark. He was just about to go over to Mark, when Tortego put his hand on Jean-Claude’s shoulder.

  “We are late for your confession,” the former Inquisitor firmly said. The werewolf blinked then followed the Spaniard into his office.


  Mark knew that, for a brief second, he had caught his friend’s eye. Jean-Claude had appeared as if he was going to speak to him. Instead, thanks to Tortego’s action, the werewolf had turned away. Mark suppressed an urge to cry out to his friend. Ever since Mark had successfully prosecuted Sebastian Roué and secured the latter’s sentence of death things had not been right between him and Jean-Claude. Until then they had been the closest of friends. Now they had not spoken in months. Mark still sensed the intense undercurrent of Jean-Claude’s strong emotional friendship for him. Mark felt this similar feeling just as strongly for Jean-Claude. Since the trial Mark had agonized over how he had totally mishandled the situation. He did not regret seeking Sebastian’s death for killing friend Lucius’s death yet, he now realized he had been too driven with seeking his idea of justice to think about how his actions would emotionally impact Jean-Claude. I should have taken time to talk with him, Mark angrily told himself. Given him a day or two to mentally come to terms with what I found out about the murder. I instead I arrogantly confronted him with the evidence and demanded an immediate trial so I could see his cousin’s executed. I was so filled with my desire for vengeance I acted like the typical Roman by ignoring everyone and acting like that fanatic Geaeus Calpurnius Piso with his motto on justice. Fiat justitia, ruat caelum. Let Justice be done even if the heavens fall always works right Mark. He wondered how to end their breach.

  More frustrating for Mark were the growing signs that, with this estrangement, his best friend was becoming totally dependent upon Tortego. Mark glanced over to see Julio, the head of the supernatural government’s security forces approaching him. “What is going on with those two, Julio?” He asked.

  “He doesn’t make a move now without getting the Spaniard’s blessing,” Julio said to Mark as he stood alongside the vampire. “When they are together in private strategy sessions with me it’s the priest who now calls all the shots. He treats Jean-Claude like a wolf cub. It gets me so mad but Jean-Claude just waves off any criticism. He has all but become the vampire’s bitch,” Julio spat out in disgust. “I know both their sexual inclinations do not run into that area but some jerks here are whispering that the priest must be sexually mounting Jean-Claude. To them it explains this new dynamic between them.”

  Mark turned to his fellow vampire. His eyes grew dark. “My friend is no man’s bitch; you got that Julio. Tell me who is saying that shit and I’ll mount my foot up their ass.” He gazed at the Latino vampire and realized he had overreacted. His dark eyes returned to their naturally light blue state. “Sorry,” he muttered.

  Julio nodded. “Look I am only saying this isn't like Jean-Claude to defer to anyone this much especially to that priest,” he angrily stated. “You can trust me on this fact. Tortego has totally mentally screwed him up somehow into following everything the Spaniard says on every matter. Jean-Claude is his puppet or else is pretty close to becoming one. I used to think Tortego was going to oust Jean-Claude but now he seems to enjoy merely pulling the strings behind the scene. I swear he gets his secret jollies dominating Jean-Claude in every aspect of council decision-making. At times he is none to subtle about it.”

  “What does Jaime think?” Mark asked. He wondered if his Jean-Claude’s shape-shifting, sex demon spouse was aware of how things stood. Once he and Jaime had been close as well. She had even been Mark’s secretary. But the death of Sebastian had changed things between them too. Right after Sebastian’s trial, Jean-Claude had pulled away from Mark and could barely be in the same room with his formerly closest friend. He had sought her out to see what she could do to fix matters. He remembered how that talk didn’t go as he p

  “Mark he blames you for pressing for Sebastian’s execution,” she calmly told him.

  “But I was right to seek his death. Sebastian killed Lucius,” Mark had anxiously replied.

  “That fact is of little comfort for Jean-Claude,” she had sharply responded. “It only makes things worse for him. Do you know the agony Jean-Claude is experiencing as he struggles with his guilt over blaming you combined with remorse for not stopping Sebastian’s death? No probably not,” she angrily told him. “Mark I love you but right now I hate what you did to him. He cannot be around you right now and frankly neither can I. Give us both time.” She walked away and that was their last conversation.

  “Who knows what Jaime knows,” Julio stated. “She doesn’t come here as often since the war. Jean-Claude has said the government offices are an obvious a target so he wants her safe. He’s asked her to stay at their home with their son. I assigned a protection detail to her but they wouldn’t talk to her about office gossip. My gut feeling is Tortego is behind that request to keep her in the dark about what is going on here. I can’t just call her and tell her this stuff. Only a close friend can do it.” He looked expectantly at Mark.


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