Seasonal Winds: Winter Wind

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Seasonal Winds: Winter Wind Page 4

by Charlotte Boyett-Compo

  "Venom,” he repeated. “Venom is defined as a toxin secreted by some animals, snakes and various insects. Toxin is a poisonous substance. On my world, the words venom and toxin don't equate with aphrodisiac, which is a drug to stimulate sexual desire."

  The Seoid nodded. “Did you not have strong sexual desires when my sisters Gaing and Ómra came to you?"

  "Yes, but..."

  "And you are still alive and thriving, are you not?"

  His eyes narrowed. “For now, but who's to say I won't succumb to your venom and either die or turn into a blood-sucking cave creature?"

  "Because I tell you that you won't,” she said, putting a hand to his cheek and caressing him. “Because I tell you our venom is not toxic and that it is to heighten your pleasure, not detract from it."

  Kai knew he was at the mercy of this woman and her sisters. He was trapped in the caves with no obvious way out. They were giving him one hell of an experience, weren't hurting him that he could tell, and he felt fine. Being honest with himself, he had to admit he felt better than fine. He felt strong and relaxed.

  "Are you going to keep me here?” he asked.

  "No,” she replied. “You will return to your home."

  "As what?” he countered. “One of you?"

  She laughed and pushed her hand up his forehead to stroke his hair back. “Sweet man,” she said. “You could never be one of us. The Seoid are female and we are not of either your race or your galaxy for that matter. We can not turn you into one of us even if that were our desire. We are here to gift you with words, with images, with ideas that will expand your mind. We are not here to harm but to help."

  He frowned. “Help me how?"

  "To get over the blockage that has kept you from spinning your tales,” she said gently. “To give you incentive to create. To allow you to experience entirely new ideas from which you can draw your marvelous tales.” She trailed her fingers down his neck. “We are your Muses."

  His cock hardened even more at her words and he pressed a bit deeper into her. “You are telling the truth?” he asked, searching her eyes.

  "I am telling you the truth,” she whispered and lifted her head.

  Kai closed his eyes as she dragged her tongue over the pulsing vein running down his neck. He barely reacted when her fangs pierced it. His reaction was to push his cock into her, for at the moment he felt her suckling his blood, a wild surge of lust shot through him.

  The ride was hard and wet and as deep as he could thrust. His hips rocked hers, his cock slamming savagely into her sheath. Her fingernails were digging into his back; his were digging into the plumpness of her firm ass, his bare toes digging furrows in the dirt as he drove into her. When he climaxed, it was to the same supersensitive sensation that shot through him like liquid fire until every pore in his body seemed alive with desire. Shooting into her welcoming channel, he pushed hard one last time then lay still as the last pulses from his shaft rippled away inside her.

  "That makes three of you,” he said, collapsing so his cheek lay against her breast. “There's one more, right?"

  "No,” she said as she stroked his damp hair. “You are thinking of the traditional Muses. We are not Them."

  "How many more are there of you, then?"

  "Two,” she answered as she smoothed his hair, ran her palm down his back and along his lean flanks. “Rúibín and Saifír."

  "Are they as lovely as you?"

  "Lovelier,” she told him. “And younger."

  He yawned. “Okay.” And with her silent command he once again plunged into a restful, rejuvenating sleep that would last him the rest of the night.

  Around him the Seoid kept silent vigil, watching over him as he lay on his side with his head on his outstretched arm, one leg crooked to hide the temptation of his shaft from their eager view.

  "So very handsome,” Rúibín said with a sigh.

  "For him, I would almost give up immortality,” Saifír said. She smiled. “Almost."

  "Spin him a tale, ladies. Weave your webs as he sleeps so we can gift him with the stories when he wakes,” Aimitis encouraged them. “Make them intense and give them the rich color of blood for that is how he writes.” Her lovely nose crinkled. “And include steamy sex so he will enjoy writing the story and have fond memories of us."

  "Are you going to allow him to come visit us again?” Rúibín questioned.

  "No, but we could go visit him,” Aimitis replied. “Under the cover of night.” She looked around her. “This is something that has not come up until now."

  "We have had none who are as handsome and virile as this one,” Gaing reminded her.

  "Well, then are there those of you who would wish to revisit with Kai McDonough?” The other four women immediately raised their hands and Aimitis nodded. “As would I. So it is settled. We will remain with our seanchaí for as long as he desires us."

  Chapter Six

  When next Kai woke, bright sunlight was floating on streams from the chimney high above him. He lay on his air mattress and knew he'd not been the one who had inflated it. Though he was naked, he was not cold, for there was a lightweight blanket covering him from the waist down. He stretched, yawned, and sat up, looking around for the next woman who would come to seduce him.

  She was sitting on a boulder beside the sluggishly moving black stream. Her long hair fell almost to the floor and was a deep, rich brown but he couldn't tell the color of her eyes, for she was sitting partially in shadow.

  "I am Saifír,” she told him and he knew her eyes would be a deep, vibrant shade of blue.

  Getting gracefully to her feet, she came toward him without a stitch of clothing to hide her magnificent body. His attention was caught and held by her large breasts that were tipped with dusky plump nipples. The sweet triangle at the base of her belly was spiked with what appeared to be glitter.

  Kai felt his groin tighten as she knelt down on the air mattress with her long legs slightly parted.

  "Would you like to take me from behind?” she asked, her beautiful eyes crawling over his bare chest.

  He swallowed. “I've never done that before,” he said.

  She reached out to lay a hand over the bulge that had suddenly appeared beneath the light blanket. “Then perhaps it is time you experienced the sensation.” She caressed him. “Don't you think?"

  Groaning as her slender fingers manipulated his turgid flesh, he wanted to throw himself on her and ravish her. Her hips were wide and shapely and her thighs looked very strong. Like her sisters, she had not a spare ounce of fat on her seductive body and her scent—of warmed honey—filled his nostrils to make his cock throb with need.

  She tossed aside the blanket then turned so she could present him with her smooth flanks, the soft temptation of her plump ass. Shifting her thighs farther apart, she looked back over her shoulder at him. “Take me, my seanchaí."

  Kai was not a small man and he had always been proud of the fact his cock was long and thick. He hesitated thrusting into her for fear he might hurt her. “Saifír, I don't think..."

  "Nay, Seanchaí, don't think,” she countered. “Do.” She wriggled her luscious butt at him.

  Unable to resist that alluring enticement, he got to his knees and positioned himself behind her. “Are you sure?” he asked. “I'm not average size."

  She pressed back, the cleft of her ass luring him. “I'm not an average woman, either,” she replied.

  Biting his bottom lip, Kai took his cock in his hand and pressed it to her opening. He was breathing heavily, for this was something he wasn't even sure he wanted to try. He had always been a fastidious man and...

  "I will clean you when we are finished,” she said as though she'd read his mind. “I brought soap and water."

  His cock was burning with the need to push into her. It wanted to know her in that way and before he could gainsay the cautionary fellow within him, he eased into her orifice and sucked in a breath. She was so tight, so silky along his length that he felt himself grow
even harder inside her.

  "Good,” she said on a long drawl. “Now slide in and out, my seanchaí."

  He couldn't have kept from doing so even under threat of having his balls smashed with a hammer. Before he knew what he was about, he was ramming into her with quick little jerks then long, velvety glides that set his blood to humming. Though she had not sunk her fangs into his neck he must still have some of her sisters’ venom bubbling through his veins for he was on fire with a lust that totally controlled him.

  It wasn't until he felt the hands on his shoulders, the soft fall of hair on his back that he realized the fifth sister had arrived. He drew in a breath, knowing full well she was about to bite him. When the piercing came, he felt the need in his cock double, and he began frantically thrusting inside Saifír's tight little hole. The Seoid behind him had her fingers on his nipples and was squeezing them, pulling at them, twisting them, pinching them until he burst like a dam and cried out with the force of his climax, his hot juices spraying into Saifír like a jet stream.

  Hanging his head as the last spurt drained from him, he rested his forehead on Saifir's curved back. He was dragging in short, shallow breaths and his heart was pounding in his chest.

  "You women are going to give me a heart attack,” he said, feeling his shrinking shaft pull free of the Seoid's lush body.

  The woman behind him was smoothing her hands over his shoulders, massaging his neck muscles and when she slipped a hand to his forehead and pulled him back, she held him braced against her bare body.

  "We are merely pleasuring you, Seanchaí,” she said. “We will allow not harm to come to you."

  Saifír moved away from him and back to the boulder upon which she'd been sitting. She returned with a basin of water and soft fleecy rag. Hunkering down in front of him, she took his shrunken shaft in her soft hands and bathed it gently.

  "Such a glorious weapon you wield, Seanchaí,” she said as she worked.

  "I can not wait to have it inside me,” the woman behind him stated. Her hands roved over his shoulders and down his chest, her fingers threading through the wiry hairs that grew there.

  "My sister's name is Rúibín,” Saifír told him.

  "What are you really?” he asked, reveling in the warm hands on his chest and the gentle hands on his cock.

  "We are Seoid,” Rúibín replied.

  "But what does that mean?” he asked. His writer's mind was coming alive with a thousand questions to which he needed answers.

  "It is an ancient word which means jewel."

  "Aimitis means amethyst, Ómra means amber, Rúibín is ruby, Gaing is jet, and my name means sapphire."

  "Jewels,” he repeated. “That you truly are."

  Saifir got to her feet and took the basin of water away. She returned to her seat on the boulder and sat down, her chin cupped in her palm.

  He knew when he turned he would find another beautiful woman behind him and he was not disappointed. Her hair was a color that fascinated him for it reminded him vividly of ripe pomegranates. Looking into her deep rose colored eyes with the fiery red pupils, he shivered.

  "Do I disgust you?” she asked, her lovely face crinkling.

  "No,” he breathed, reaching out to cup her cheek. “You are more than lovely. You are perfection."

  The Seoid smiled. “Then you will not mind taking my body?"

  He trailed his fingers down her neck until he could mold his palm on her beautiful breast. “I would be honored to pleasure you, Rúibín,” he said.

  He moved over her, wanting to taste the sweetness of her flesh. He drew her nipple into his mouth and suckled her like a new born, closing his eyes to the taste. He flicked his tongue over that straining pap and then gave the other nipple just as much attention. He put a hand to each breast and drew them together so he could lap his tongue along the deep cleavage then alternate lapping each turgid peak. He lightly worried those sweet nipples with his teeth until she was writhing beneath him, her hips arching up in silent entreaty for the hard as rock shaft that dragged along her soft belly.

  He did homage to her navel, sweeping the tip of his tongue inside, around it, and over it before he moved down to place gentle kisses on her sleek, hairless mound. He knelt between her legs and eased back the folds of her cunt to lick his way along those sweet petals. He slid back the hood of her clitoris and swirled his tongue over the swollen nub. He tasted her. He probed her with his tongue and he slowly and tenderly slid his hands beneath her thighs, her ass, to lift her closer to his questing mouth. He drew on her honeyed juices and lapped at her sex until she was moaning, her hands buried in the folds of his blanket, her head whipping back and forth as he devoured her.

  When he became aware of the other four women standing around him he would never know but their presence seemed to spur him on as he continued his feast on Rúibín's willing body. They lent a delicious sinfulness to the mix that turned him on as nothing ever had before. His cock was burning with a need to sink into each and every one of their cunts, to plunder and ravish, to ravage and loot their tempting treasures.

  He pushed Rúibín's thighs up to her chest and stabbed his tongue into her silken slit. He lapped at the puckered hole of her ass and delved a ways inside.

  "Kai!” he heard her call out and the one word was a pleading he could not ignore.

  He slipped two fingers into her moist channel and then a third. He rotated as he pushed into her and his lips settled around her clit. She came in a rush of honey that he caught upon his tongue.

  "In me!” she breathed, undulating her hips. “I want you in me!"

  He obliged her with a long, hard thrust that made her cry out with the force of it. She clamped her legs around his hips and locked her heels, one silken round heel digging into the cleft of his ass as she held him.

  The women had moved closer to him and he felt their hands on his shoulders, his back, his rump, and legs. They were stroking him and one was bending close to his face. The moment her fangs drove into his neck, he increased the speed and depth of his thrusts into Rúibín's sultry body. He slammed into her. He pummeled her and he felt her fingernails digging into his shoulders, drawing blood that one of her sisters lapped away with a hot, little tongue.

  She came again—hard and long with tight little squeezes that reverberated along his rod. He felt her wetness, her juices flooding her, making her slick.

  He drove hard into her, striving for the release that was building in his groin. His shaft was throbbing, on fire with a pulsating need that nearly drove him mad. He was as randy as a teenage boy and just as eager to reach that intense nirvana. With their hands all over him he was panting with the effort to come.

  A soft, cool hand cupped his balls and lightly kneaded him. Two other hands reached under his chest to tweak his nipples.

  "Damn!” he shouted, grinding his teeth as still another of the sisters touched him—this time to slip an oiled finger into his anus. She pressed hard.

  With his head thrown back, he came like the proverbial race horse with a punishing thrust that stilled and held tight against Rúibín's womb as wave after delicious wave of pleasure trilled through him and his cock leapt and leapt and leapt, his juices spurted and spurted and spurted.

  He flexed inside her one last time then his shaking arms gave out and he fell on her, breathing hard, gasping for breath, sweat glistening on his brow. He barely felt them turning him over, felt hands cleaning his shaft then covering him once again with the blanket.

  "Sleep, pretty one,” he heard Aimitis say. “When you awake, we will truly rock your world."

  He smiled as the dark ripples of dreamland's lithesome waters enclosed him in a safe, warm cocoon. As he slept, old fairy tales and the folklore of their home world drifted through his mind like silk from a dandelion's clock. The soft fine filaments settled into the fertile soil of his writer's consciousness and took root—morphing into images more in tune with his particular genius and rearranging themselves into words that would one day flow fro
m his fingertips onto the pixels of a computer screen and then into the print of a bestselling novel.

  * * * *

  It was the most incredible thing he'd ever known.

  Ómra sat on his cock and rocked as Saifír knelt above him, her velvet moist sex straddling his face. Ruibin lay to one side of him and Aimitis to the other, their hands swirling complicated little patterns on his heated flesh. Gaing was massaging his feet and her hands were so warm and so gentle yet plied him with deep rubs that had turned all but his cock boneless.

  "Come for me, Seanchaí,” Ómra commanded. “Come for your woman."

  And he did only to have her remove herself from his shaft and Gaing replace her there. Already he was as stiff as petrified wood.

  "I don't understand this. How can I get hard so quickly?” he asked, breathing in the warm scent of Saifír's slick cunt.

  "All things are possible with the Seoid,” Aimitis told him. “You are dreaming, my love."

  Then he hoped to the gods he never woke up because the things these women were doing to him and with him had to be illegal somewhere and if it wasn't, it should be. He had never felt so satiated and yet so fulfilled in his entire life.

  For the remainder of the day and long into the night they took turns riding him and presenting their luscious bodies for him to use in any way he wished. He tasted each of them and compared the tang of their honeyed juices. They writhed together on the air mattress. He took them standing up against the stone wall. He took them bent over the rock by the ebony stream, their long hair hanging like streamers by their lovely faces. Leading him through a passageway he hadn't known was there, they took him in the crystal waters of a warm pool and beneath the cascading stream of the waterfall. He fucked them on land and in the water, in every orifice they possessed and all the while, he had the stamina of a man half his thirty-four years. His cock never seemed to wilt nor did it ever seem to tire. He was a walking, talking sex machine that did its job admirably.

  When the last of the sun's rays disappeared from the opening high in the cavern, they let him flop down on the air mattress on his belly. He was drained. He was spent. He had run a course full-out and was exhausted. His arms flung out, his legs spread, his hair tousled and hanging in his eyes, one of the Seoid straddled his back and sat on his rump, leaning forward to begin a slow and steady deep tissue massage of his aching, fatigued back muscles. Another ran her fingers through his hair to gently massage his scalp, two more sat by his legs to knead his feet, paying particular attention to his soles. With their delightful, knowing hands moving in tandem, he fell asleep.


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