by Gary Tulley
"Are we talking a coup of some kind here, old chap?" Enquired, Levinson.
"I realize its a pun, but it all depends on ones values, If you see where I'm coming from? Primarily, the third-party bidders, are instructed, to ensure that, Brezznov will come out on top. From my standpoint, and an educated guess to fall back on, he will, at the end of the day, find himself the owner of the 'Kimberley Legend',
"Hmm, I'm impressed, Mr de Ville. You've obviously got every aspect covered.
Lets hope that our enigmatic victim, rises to the bait. In ignorance, I presume you will place a substantial financial figure on the 'Kimberley', to include a flexible fixed reserve.?"
"Absolutely, the fact that the reserve is, as you say, 'flexible', means that we will have full control on a bidding plain. The price-ceiling, will also act as an incentive to draw, Brezznov in. I would like to add at this stage, if I may, that, as a reputable international renowned auction house, I'm totally unaccustomed to this type of practice, but when needs must, I suppose...."
" becomes necessary to 'turn the cheek', I think Is the phrase you're looking for Mr de Ville." Interrupted, Levinson. "I thank you for your time and input, and I will throw your ideas, open to those present, later during the day. With regard to your concerns over reputation sir, should our combined 'cheek-in-jowl' plan, interfere with future trading, you would be completely exonerated, and I have the P.M's written word on that."
Eastern, made a bad attempt, to smother a chuckle, at Levinson's interpretation of the proposed 'scam'. "Stitching, Brezznov, up like a fucking kipper, would be more like it." He told himself inwardly. Levinson then brought him down to earth.
"CI Roger's, unfortunately sir, you have a big cross to bear, in a word, overall security of operation 'Cuckoos Nest'. I strongly suspect, the word 'nightmare', has figured highly throughout the last week? saying that, I feel sure, that when you have laid out your case, it will prove to be incontrovertible."
"Patronising bastard." He mused, “Where the hell are you, Rogon? I'm missing you already." Roger's raised one eyebrow at an acute angle, signalling Levinson's, definition of 'the bollocks' as, Eastern would have put it, before opening up.
"Security, small word, one hell of a responsibility. As we all know, in a case like this, It means that I have had to empower the use of rigid forces, far beyond what I would class as terminally normal. The security alone, alienated to the 'Kimberley Legend', far outreaches any set guide-lines. As such, its contrary to say, I'm forced to keep the home of the 'Kimberley' to myself, merely as a precaution you understand."
Eastern was slowly getting pissed off, with the rhetorical verbal crap on display.
Without any hesitation, he went for the proverbial jugular. "Coffee, anybody?
I know that I could use one." His timing, proved to be faultless. Levinson acknowledged his timing, and called for a short recess. Minutes later, his request matured, "thanks, Milton. "He laughed, "poor old, Rogon and those MI6 morons, don't know what they're missing, the catering staff must have been threatened with deportation." For reasons of his own, Milton gave a quizzical smile, and placed Eastern's coffee in front of him, and added.
"Possibly, Mr Eastern possibly." He then exited the room. Momentarily, Eastern was left to frown, Milton's parting remark, had somehow managed to crawl underneath his skin, and in effect, leave his addled thoughts to have a field day.
"Strange, that's not the, Milton I know, I got the impression that he was trying to tell me something, he shouldn't have. The best................."
".........When you're ready, Mr Eastern I'd like to crack on dear boy." The over bearing tones issuing from, Levinson brought him back to reality. "As we are all aware, the success of operation 'Cuckoos Nest', hinges on Brezznov's approach toward the 'scam', be it by phone or a third-party mediator. What I can tell you, is that our man in the field, Fuller. Has at last, made contact."
"Presumably, for all the right reasons, one would hope." Echoed Eastern.
"Fortuitous comes to mind, Mr Eastern. It appears that, Brezznov has taken Fuller into his confidence, alluding to our proposed 'scam'."
"Now that is what you call a breakthrough, tell me, is Fuller in a position to expose Brezznov's intentions if any?"
"Nothing that appears to be conclusive I'm afraid."
"Same old, same as, typical Brezznov. Knowing him like I do, he won't even know himself, until five minutes before it all kicks off." Eastern without any forethought, had unwittingly dug a hole for himself, by declaring his keen conflict of ambivalence, twinned with, Brezznov.
"Suffice to say, that's why you're here, Mr Eastern." Levinson concluded.
"Your maverick persona, in the past, has served the agency well. Rogon always spoke highly of you. I for one, suspect that you will be involved right to the death."
Patronising bleeder." Eastern muttered under his breath, "although, thanks for the credit, Rogon. I won't let you down."
Levinson then declared 'any questions' time to those present. Eastern for one, had a problem with the coverage, entailing telephone and Internet bidders.
"I can put your mind at rest, on that account, Mr Eastern." de Ville ventured, "things have moved on somewhat, since we last met. After taking advice from CI Rogers, I have decided to classify the sale of the 'Kimberley' as being a 'Reserve', and 'Catalogue' auction combined. ."
"Can you enlarge on that? I'm not familiar with the procedure."
"Basically, working in conjunction with a 'Catalogue auction', means that the 'Kimberley' will remain in a Government vault, thus simplifying the security measures, entailed in transportation."
"Amen too that." Rogers concurred, "the thought of having to deliver a 'rock' of that value across London, would have been my biggest nightmare."
"So, you need to help me here, the bidders themselves."
"How do they get to see the 'Kimberley?"
"Through the normal advertising coverage, or under lock-and-key in a designated location, I've set in place, which in fact comes into force tomorrow morning. It's paramount, that we have complete transparency, in every aspect of the 'scam'. We cannot afford to scare Brezznov, off, the minute he smells a rat......."
"......he'll be on his toes, end of." Eastern cut in. Is there anything else that you think I should be aware of?"
"Monitoring Internet and land bidders will prove a headache. Brezznov as we now, will be bidding under a pseudonym, rather like a 'Private' auction whereby bidders identities are not disclosed. We can only hope that, Fuller will be acting for Brezznov, in which case, we will be forewarned of the alias that he'll be using."
"And at the same time you can track any transaction back to its origin. I like that, so, assuming that Brezznov has now procured the 'Kimberley Legend', he needs to start talking money. Will that become a problem for him?"
"No, not in terms of financial holdings, generally, an immediate deposit will have to be made, with the balance securing his bid, settled within an allotted time scale."
Eastern still wanted more, and pressed, de Ville for more information.
"Payment! how do we stand on that one, can it be tracked back?"
"That, I'm afraid, is rather a grey area, Mr Easter. One can only assume, that Brezznov will have the use of an offshore account, when closing any deal."
"Surely there's a way round that, legal 'scam' or not?" de Ville indicated that he was having a 'bad-hair-day'.
I'm afraid not, I'll refer you to the world of Banking privacy, if I may. Its a principle born within the 1943 Swiss Banking Act. Brezznov or his associate's, I suspect, will have the use of a 'Corporate Debit Card', which if required, can be used at any ATM, and does not entail a large security deposit. Any transactions by way of Banks, Merchants and so forth, are not traceable to the client."
"Shit! surely it can't get any worse, can It?" Shrugging his shoulders, de Ville delivered the only coupe-de-grace available."
"Although I strongly share your sent
iments, Mr Eastern I can categorically state, and I quote, 'the only information revealed by the transaction, belongs to the Corporation in its entirety', therefore I'm sorry."
"Eastern slumped back in his chair, looking fully dejected, words didn't come easily.”Brezznov might have won the financial world, but he hasn't won the bleedin' war, he's still in the country, and that, as far as I'm concerned, gives us the edge."
Some thirty minutes later, the meeting was dissolved sine die.
CHAPTER 21...Day of reckoning. Part 3.
Eastern, was beginning to have reservations, extending over and above, the current Brezznov affair. Three days had now elapsed since his inimical meeting at Spooks HQ. In which time, he had reason to suspect, that his level of uncanny perception, had at times been threatened. "I swear too God, Joan I feel like I'm being constantly shadowed. I could well understand it, if Rogon was still alive, although that regime even died a death, prior to my last mission." Joan didn't appear to share his conviction.
"Whilst I share your concern, Mike. I seriously don't think that, Levinson would be culpable of such an act. What could he possibly hope to gain from it?"
"Guess you're right, Joan. Sorry If I come across as being tetchy, a damned phone call right now, wouldn't go amiss though."
ESP is a wonderful attribute, especially when you're wanting. "I'll get it, Joan. I have a feeling that's, Levinson. Hello...speaking, I understand, thanks Milton."
"Well, that's cheered you up, Mike. You look like the cat-who-got-the-cream."
"I'm back in business, Joan. Anthony de Ville, has forwarded a firm date, for the 'Kimberley Legend' auction to proceed."
"Are we talking sooner, or later, Mike?"
"Forty eight hours minimum, that's as much as I can tell you, Joan. Official Secrets Act, you know how it is, "tell you what, lets celebrate tonight, we can book 'Jamies' again if you like, it owes us, especially after that last ordeal concerning, Rogon." An hour later, they were sharing a corner table together, engrossed in a menu apiece. Some time later, their meal became history, as they savoured another bottle of their favourite wine.
It was Joan who initially picked up on it, interrupting Eastern as she did, when in conversation. She went on to recall a previous conversation that they had shared, earlier on that day. The topic being, over Eastern's hang-up, concerning a possible shadow, source unknown. Leaning across to him, she divulged her feelings. "Mike I don't want to hear you say 'I told you so', but there's a remote chance that your theory holds water." Amongst other things, She emphasized the fact, that one other diner in particular, for whatever reason, seemed to have taken an uneasy interest in his presence. "Call me stupid, but I'd be surprised if you had any back left, Mike. The man in question, hasn't taken his eyes off you all night."
"Maybe the guy fancies me, Joan." Joked Eastern, and left it at that.
The following two days flew by, as pre-arranged, an agency car was on hand to whisk Eastern, off too Spooks HQ.
Three hours later following a quick briefing, Eastern was dropped off at the designated auction room, set aside for the sale of the 'Kimberley Legend'. Primarily his role during the proceedings, would constitute acting as an officious observer. In no time at all, the room was beginning to look like a millionaires cattle market. With time on his hands Eastern, took to consulting the catalogue. Minutes later, he wished he hadn't. "Fuck sake!" He muttered, wincing as he did so. "I wouldn't earn enough money in a lifetime, to buy one of these little babies, even the catalogue itself is worth framing."
Breaking off, he glanced at his watch. He noted that the auction, would be kicking off in five minutes time. Full of trepidation, he instinctively trawled through a sea of faces, on the off chance of finding Brezznov or indeed, Fuller. It was always going to be a long shot, but at the same time a necessary one. His thoughts came to an abrupt close, as the auctioneer focused in on the would be bidders. Finally, following weeks of intense planning, the 'scam' came into fruition.
"Ladies and Gentleman please, If I may draw your attention to lot number five in the catalogue, the State owned 'Kimberley Legend', who will start the bidding." Eastern felt a sudden blood rush, in sympathy with the obscene amounts of money, produced by a spontaneous bidding war, "one point two million pounds with me in the room thus far, I have to tell you that the reserve price has not yet come into play." And so it went on. Phone, internet and would be buyers alike, all intent on one purpose, vying for, Brezznov's 'baby'.
The bidding, had now achieved the undisclosed reserve, and now stood at one point three million. "Do I hear one point five? Ah, a fresh bidder." With no further outside interest, the future of the 'Kimberley' lay in two peoples hands. "Where the hell are you, Brezznov?" Eastern found himself almost shouting. "You know you want it, its there for the asking, fucking do the right thing, its got your name on it."
"Two million with me in the room, do I hear three?"
Eastern's gut tightened, his mind, body and soul, were momentarily lost in translation. His subconscious had now started to play games with him. A distorted vision of Brezznov exposed itself, to mock his futility. 'Don’t want the diamond, don't want the diamond.' Over and over again, it ranted in a soliloquy mode, each word destined into pummelling his brain. His head was now at bursting point, due to his blood count rising, subsequently, he found himself forced to sit in a ringside seat, to witness a curtain of utter despair, slowly descending into a meaningless abyss.
"With no more bids, I am going to sell.............ah, a fresh bidder on the internet." Almost at once, a hidden reality impetus, cajoled his being back to normality.
"Brezznov! It has to be, Brezznov. I knew that...................."
"...............with outside interest, I am selling at one point six million, and sold!" Crash! The hammer came down, while at the same, the curtain of despair lurking in his brain, lifted in unison. He hadn't realized it, but beads of sweat were prominent on his forehead, the intensity of the 'scam' had taken its toll on his body.
"I need to get some air, and quick." He persuaded himself. The rest of the morning proved to be a predictable anti-climax. In contrast, the de-briefing at Spooks HQ following the auction, revitalized Eastern's conception, that Brezznov himself. Had indeed, instigated his short lived moment of glory. Levinson for his part, wasn't found wanting, in the acceptance of the outcome arising from the auction.
"Without fear from contradiction, I think it's fair to say, that our man Brezznov, by his own standards, has unwittingly put himself in the frame. It was touch and go at one point, and I thank acting bidders, agents Bennett, and Groves, for their last minute stand to incite Brezznov. The fact that the ten per cent deposit, for the 'Kimberley Legend' was paid with the use of a Corporate debit card, via an offshore account, tells us all we need to know. As things stand, Brezznov, has twenty days in which to complete his bid, prior to collection. On a legal stand, CI Rogers has informed me, that a plan of action, will be put into place to counteract any move that, Brezznov makes."
"What's the position regarding formal charges, as things stand?"
"I wish I could be more positive, Mr Eastern. Unfortunately, old chap, conspiracy to steal is not surreptitious enough at this moment in time for us to put him away, for an extended period of time. No, we need to ensure that we catch him 'bang-to-rights'..."
".........and by that, with the 'Kimberley Legend' in his possession," Interrupted, Eastern.
"Exactly, dear boy. Our intention, is to ultimately throw the key away where Brezznov is concerned." It had all been said, their meeting came to a memorable close, leaving Eastern to focus on Brezznov's next move. The next three weeks would become a war of nerves by testing his patience consistent with a 24/7, 'on call' regime. 'bring it on asshole', would figure highly where Eastern, was concerned.
CHAPTER 22...Day of reckoning...Part 4.
Unbeknownst to Brezznov, due to his erratic mode of planning, he'd inadvertently handed Eastern a favour. By a quirk of fate, he just happened to have
been at Spooks HQ, mulling over the auction with Levinson, when the call came through. "Excuse me, Mike. I'd better get that. I'll take it in the 'ops' room, Milton. A couple of minutes later, a jubilant Levinson returned from making his call. "You'll be pleased to know that we're back in business. That was Jonathon Grimes on the phone."
"Oh, sorry dear boy, you wouldn't have met him. He's in charge of security down at 'Nympton House'. It's a specialist holding base for State investments."
"Bullion, diamonds and the such like, I presume?"
"Yes, and in this case, home to the 'Kimberley Legend' for the last twelve months. But to get back to the important part. It would appear that our Mr Brezznov has made an application to collect his divining glory, for want of a word."
"Under what pseudonym? I presume he is using one?"
"He's calling himself Frederic Orlando, and yes, before you ask, he's settled the balance for the 'Kimberley' via his offshore account."
"Its just occurred to me."
"Go on."
"What if we're wrong, and he is indeed kosher?"
"Rest assured, Mike. I don't have any qualms in that department, old chap. Out of all the bidders, he was the only one with access to offshore banking. Security picked on it when he paid his deposit. Any bona fide dealer wouldn't have reason to bank outside of the UK."
"Fuller! Its just occurred to me. Has he been in touch recently?" Levinson frowned before replying.
"No, no he hasn't, worryingly enough, although I strongly suspect that he's got his reasons," and added, "I'm certain that, like yourself, old boy, he intends being in on the kill." Little did Levinson know at the time, as to how much truth was attached to his statement. Before their short meeting came to a close, Levinson handed Eastern a sealed dossier, the contents of which contained highly secretive and sensitive information. "It's paramount Mr Eastern that you take on board the relevance of the documents inside. Once your satisfied that you're familiar with the contents, you will need to destroy them per se. I can't emphasise how radically important this knowledge will become, given time. At this stage, I'm not prepared to divulge any information regarding Brezznov's movements, once he has taken possession of the 'Kimberley'. What I can say...."