Becoming A Knight (The Knights of Knightingale Prep Book 1)

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Becoming A Knight (The Knights of Knightingale Prep Book 1) Page 6

by K. L Hart

  “But you're totally fucking.” I feel my face go red and he claps, “Best news ever, if you two are together that means you can't leave us!” my jaw drops and he laughs, “come on Rails, can't you see that none of us want you to go back to the home, we like having you around, you bring out the nicer side in us.” he winks and I struggle to understand what he means and I suddenly feel like I'm trapped. I take a few deep breaths and sort my shit out. These guys have taken care of me and I don’t want to leave as much as they don’t want me too.

  “Now Rick has gone, please give me a cigarette.” I say, changing the topic.

  “Come on.” he says with a sigh and we make our way to the back yard which is literally the beach, I sit on the sun lounger and Tyler hands me a lit smoke.

  “Why wouldn’t he let you smoke? The doc said nothing about cigarettes.” Tyler asks,

  “He never said I couldn’t but he is watching what I put into my mouth like a fucking hawk and I doubt he would be happy with me having a smoke when I was so ill.”

  “But your better now though?”

  “Yeah, I haven't felt so good in years, I must have just gotten used to feeling so shit that I didn’t even realize.”

  “Why were you starving before coming to Knightingale Heights?”

  “I had shitty foster parents that didn’t buy me any food.” I explain.

  “Where are your real parents?”


  “Shit, Railey, I'm so sorry.”

  “It's ok, it was a long time ago, I was just too old to get a nice adoptive family, they only want babies not traumatized eight-year old's.” I shrug. “Where are your parents?”

  “Olivers and Harv’s parents, along with my dad and Ricks Mom were in a fire not long after I was born, our dad, Ricks actual dad adopted us all to keep us together, we were family anyway but now we are brothers.”

  “Was it an accident, the fire? What about your Mom?”

  “Nothing was ever proven, but our family is very powerful and people will try to take us out, so probably not. And my Mom disappeared a few weeks before that, we never found her.”

  “So, where's your dad now?” I ask, knowing he's not been at the house since I have been there.



  “He pleaded guilty to murder, but we know he didn’t do it, we were his alibi’s, we can't figure out what happened for him to plead guilty like that there must be another end game.”



  “So how were you not taken into the system? How are you able to live in that big house all alone?”

  “Ms. Ellie, she practically raised us and she is our guardian, we get to live in the house because money talks and Cps were paid to sign our guardianship off. We know how to cook, clean and whatever else and we have more than enough money to live it up, we make more and more money every day with the businesses we have, some legit and some not.”

  “Like the fighting ring?” He nods.

  “Dad takes care of most of it from the inside but we do what we can while keeping our noses relatively clean, we don’t want to draw any unnecessary attention from the authorities so we try and keep our distance until we have to get involved.” He explains. We sit in silence for a bit and I go over everything he just told me, the boys and I are alike really, apart from they had each other and I was left with no one. I make a decision and I'll probably live to regret it but I know I can trust them, all of them, if there's anyone in the world who I can put my trust in, its them, I want to be a part of their family and for once in my life I'm not scared.

  “I want to stay with you guys too,” I whisper, Tylers head snaps to the side to look at me,

  “You do?” I smile and nod, he stands and pulls me up and wraps me up,

  “Welcome to the family Rails!”

  “I'm going to have to talk to Ms. Ellie.” I say and he chuckles,

  “Yeah, but she will be happy about it, I promise.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  The next few weeks go by quickly, I have the all clear from the doc to eat normally but small and often to manage it, I have gone back to school with the boys and Ms. Ellie had my bags packed when we got back from the beach house, she was ecstatic that I had found a home with the boys. Ive been spending time with each of the boys, Oliver is helping me catch up with school work and he is very talkative when he takes his eyes off his phone, Harv has been teaching me to cook proper food and telling me all about nutrients, I still don’t get it but quality time and all that, Tyler just beats me on PlayStation and Rick steals me away every chance he gets. Life is going good for once and I feel care free and happy which I hope lasts.

  “Railey? Where's your phone?” Oliver asks as he falls into step with me in the school's hallway,

  “Locker, I think, could be at home. Why?”

  “We have been trying to get a hold of you! Please learn to take your phone with you.” He sounds exasperated,

  “I'm not used to having one, so I forget,” I smile sweetly and he rolls his eyes.

  “Your needed, come on.” I follow him as he rushes out the school entrance and towards the car park, Rick, Tyler and Harv are all standing around Tylers car. Rick pulls me into him and I stand in front of him facing the others his arms wrapped around my chest.

  “What's going on?” I ask,

  “We have to go out of town.” I suddenly feel sad,

  “Oh.” I say quietly,

  “You coming for a quick road trip?” Tyler asks and my mood goes back to normal in an instant.

  “Why not. Where are we going?”

  “Ohio, we have been summoned to visit our dad.” Rick says, I look up at his face from over my shoulder and he looks concerned.

  “Ok, when do we leave?” I don’t ask why none of them look happy to go see their dad figuring I probably don’t want to know the answer anyway.

  “Now, we have to get on the road in a few hours and need to pack an overnight bag.” Harv says,

  “I need to grab my phone out of my locker.”

  “Done it.” Tyler hands me my phone and I glare at him,

  “You broke into my locker?” he just smiles so I flip him off.

  I'm currently shopping in Ohio, while the guys visit their Dad, I didn’t want to stay indoors on my own in a hotel so I thought I'd get out for a bit, I'm wandering through store after store and picking up random bits that I want, like bath bombs and some snapback caps, I put the white one on straight away, backwards of course and I like the way it suits me. I spot a nail place over the road and decide I would give that a go, the smell is strong when I enter but I find it quite nice. A girl greets me and takes me to a seat and sits the other side of the small table.

  “So, what you having?”

  “I don’t know this is my first time.”

  “Oh, ok, look at these tell me which you prefer.” she hands me a menu with pictures of different nails and I spot the ones I like the best.

  “Those, but in black please.”

  “Coffin nails, great choice, how long do you want them?”

  “Long but I need to be able to close my fist.”

  “No problem, pop your hands on the cushion.” I do as I'm told and let her work for the next forty-five minutes, after she is done and I stare at them and smile.

  “There perfect.” I hand her the cash and she waves as I leave, I know have girly ass long nails in matte black and they look good. It’s getting dark now so I start to head back to the hotel, I walk about a block in the right direction when I am grabbed from behind and dragged down an alley.

  “Get off me!” I growl as I struggle to get out of the persons hold.

  “Not today, she’s a pretty little thing!” Someone says in front of me, he is standing in the shadows so I can only make out his outline, I throw my head back to headbutt the guy but he expected it, my hands are tightly held behind my back and there is no wiggle room for me to use any part of my upper body. The g
uy in the shadow's steps forward and I recognize the look in his eye, the evil, smug look that tells me everything he and his friend plan to do to me. Not again, it’s not happening to me again. When he is close enough, I kick out and he buckles over in pain for a second, the other guy twists my wrists and the pain travels up my arms and through my shoulders, I grit my teeth to stop from crying out. The guy I have just kicked pulls himself together and lunges towards me putting his hands around my throat choking me, I panic, I can't breathe and his face morphs into one from my nightmares, I feel the tears fall from my eyes, he takes one hand off my throat and I gasp for air, then he punches me in the face my head snaps to the side. He removes his other hand from my throat and he grabs my top ripping it, exposing my bra. The one restraining me kicks the backs of my knees and I fall down, his hold on me is gone and my instinct kicks in, I punch the guy in front of me in the gut, he stumbles, I got to stand but the other one kicks me in the ribs, I cry out this time. I try to get up again but hands wrap around my throat again as I'm pushed to the floor, my leg is in an awkward angle and I can't use it to kick him off. His weight holds me flat to the floor so I can't buck him off either, I can't breathe and dark spots appear in my vision, I know if I'm passed out, I have zero chances of getting away from this situation. I muster some strength and bring my hands up and I claw at his face, I use my new nails to dig into his eyes, he howls in pain and lets my neck go, I use all my weight to roll him off me. I roll over and get to one knee, I'm about to stand when the uninjured guy stamps on my ankle, I scream with the pain. He grabs me by the waistband of my jeans pulling me back, I spin on him and claw at his eyes too. I try to stand but I think my ankle is broken, I do manage to get up and I grit my teeth through the pain as I limp as fast I can out of the alley. I spot a woman on the phone walking down the sidewalk on the phone, I limp across towards her.

  “Help!” I shout and she turns to face me, she looks me up and down and gasps. “Please, there are two men who just dragged me down that alley, please help me.” I plead and she rushes to me she lets me put my arm on her shoulder and she helps me walk.

  “It’s ok sweetie, there is a restaurant just here, they won't touch you in there.” she says hurrying me to the entrance. The staff rush to help us as we enter and the lady explains what happened and they usher us to a private room, bring us both hot drinks and find me a blanket from somewhere.

  “We have called the police, is there anyone you need to call?” The waitress asks me, I pat my jeans pockets for my phone, realizing I must have dropped it in the alley, with my shopping bags.

  “I don’t have their numbers; my phone must be in the alley.” I need the Knights; I need my boys. The hotel, they should be back by now or I can leave a message. “Do you have a number for the Drury plaza?” I ask and the waitress nods, she takes her mobile and hands it to me when she presses dial.

  “Good evening, The Drury Plaza, Geoff speaking, how may I help you?”

  “Hello could you put me through to Suite Four please?”

  “Certainly, please hold.”

  “Hello.” Harv answers,

  “Harv, its Railey.” I say my voice hoarse and shaky.

  “Railey, where are you, are you ok?”

  “I'm at some restaurant, I was attacked, please come get me.” I say a sob leaving my throat.

  “Shit, which restaurant? We are coming now; everything will be ok.” I sob again, “Railey I need to know where you are so we can come find you, ok?” I nod, even though I know he can't see me.

  “What restaurant is this?” I ask the waitress,

  “The Watercress.” She replies,

  “Railey, I heard her, we are coming now, you stay there ok.” Harv says reassuringly and I hang up the phone. The cops are shown in the room then and two female officers come towards me,

  “What's your name, sweetheart?” the first one says bringing a chair so she can sit in front of me.

  “Railey,” I answer quietly,

  “Railey, can you tell me what happened to you?” I nod my head,

  “Two men, grabbed me and dragged me down the alley across the street, I tried to fight them off but they strangled me and I think one of them broke my ankle.” I sob some more, them coming constantly now. “They tried to rape me.” The waitress hands me a tissue while the lady who helped me rubs my back.

  “Can you describe these men to us?” The cop asks and I nod,

  “No need, I looked at the restaurants CCTV for outside and you can see them grabbing her and just before the walk straight past here we have clear images.” The waitress says,

  “Thats very good.” The second cop states. “Can you show me them.” The waitress leads her out of the room and before they shut the door, Rick bursts in. His panicked gaze lands on me and roams over my body from head to toe, looking for injuries. When he sees my neck, his panic turns into rage, but he reigns it in to lift me up and sit me on his lap,

  “Baby, I'm so sorry, we should have never left you on your own.” he whispers.

  “Railey, are you happy to continue with these boys in here.” I look back to the door to find three very angry Knights. I nod my head. “We will need an official statement from you, but that can wait for the moment, you need to get medical attention, I will call an ambulance.”

  “We can take her to the hospital.” Rick says and the cop nods.

  “Railey, I just need to clarify, did they manage to rape you before you got away?” I feel Rick tense, I shake my head. “Ok, we will find them, I promise.”

  “They may need medical care too, I stabbed and clawed at their eyes with these.” I lift my hand to show the cop my nails and she nods. She hands Rick a card.

  “Call me when she is in the hospital,” I feel rick nod his head and the cop leaves. Tyler pulls his hoodie off and then gently puts it over my head and Rick pulls it down.

  “I'm going to go give my statement to the police, I hope you will be ok Railey.” The woman says,

  “Thank you for helping me.” I reply, she gives a warm smile before leaving. Rick stands and carry's me in his arms,

  “Let's get you to the hospital.” He says, guilt in his tone.

  Chapter Fourteen

  “Railey, darling girl!” Ms. Ellie says as she bursts into my hospital room and comes to my side. “I came as quickly as I could.”

  “You shouldn’t have come, what about the other girls?”

  “They are fine and well looked after, I had to come I have to sign everything and speak to the police. Plus, you are my girl and I will always be there if one of my girls need me.” I nod and she smiles taking my hand. “Now how are you feeling?”

  “I'm ok, just tired and a bit achy.” she pats my hand and we all go back to sitting in silence. The boys are sat around my bed staring at me, but they all look a mix of angry and guilty, and haven’t said much at all. The cop from last night comes in with the doctor,

  “Railey, we caught them and they have been charged, the statement is enough to send them to jail, so you won't be called as a witness.” relief washes through me, thank god, justice for once!

  “You can go home now, but I suggest a checkup with your doctor in about a week, I will send them all of the notes, make sure to keep hydrated and don’t put any weight on your ankle, or get the cast wet.” I nod,

  “Thankyou.” I grab the crutches that are leaning by my bedside but Rick takes them off me and hands them to Harv, He then slides his arms under me and carry's me.

  “Rick, you can't carry me around for six weeks.” I chuckle and he gives me a stern look,

  “You want to bet on that?” I roll my eyes but don’t argue with him.


  “Shh baby, hide in here with Layla, don’t come out and don’t make a sound ok!” Mommy closes the door to the small closet but I can see through a crack, I wrap my arms around Layla. I hear loud footsteps coming down the hallway,

  “Stay away!” Mommy yells at the strange man, she moves back and now I can't see
her, I see the man pass by the closet and then I hear Mommy scream, I shut my eyes but Layla cries, I put my hand over her mouth but she is loud, she cries so loud. The door to the closet swings open and the strange man with an ugly face pulls us out, he has a scar running down his face that makes his smile scary. Layla is screaming now and I try to get to her but he won't let me, I look around for Mommy and I see her sleeping on the floor, No not sleeping! she has blood all over her neck and its staining her rug.

  “Mommy?” The man throws me against the wall and I scream in pain, I hit the floor and watch as he drags Layla towards the door.

  “No, Leave her alone!” I cry, I get up and run to my sister but he smacks me around the face. Mommy said only bad girls get smacked? Was I bad? The man locks the door and lets Layla go, she runs to me and I hug her. The man grabs us both and pushes us, we land on the floor he towers over us before kneeling on the floor, he takes his large hand and wraps it around Laylas throat.

  “Ray-Ray!” She cries, but her voice is weird. The man does the same to my neck with his other hand and I feel him squeeze. I can't breathe and my chest hurts. My nails scratch the man’s arm but he won't let go, Laylas screams and cries have stopped and I see her out of the corner of my tear-filled eye, she’s asleep. I look back to the man hurting me, I feel like I'm on fire, his blue eyes stare into mine and the look he has is strange, like he is having fun but it’s a scary look

  “Say goodbye, brat, I'm taking everything!”

  My terror filled scream wakes me up and I'm immediately in floods of tears.

  “Shit Rails? Are you ok?” Tyler asks from the front seat of the SUV. I try to speak but I can't, all I can do is cry into my hands.

  “Pull the car over Harv!” Rick orders as he wraps his arms around me. “Baby, were here, nothing can hurt you.” He says in a reassuring, soft tone. I nod but the crying won't stop. Rick rubs circles into my back and my face is buried in his chest. The car pulls over and I'm lifted out of the car and sat on the curb. Rick sits next to me his arms around me and waits patiently for me to calm down. I have no idea how much time passes but I eventually run out of tears and my crying turns into these horrid hiccups. “Do you want to tell us what the dream was?” He asks and I shake my head.


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