TSN: The Best Laid Plans (Terran Space Navy)
Page 41
“Admiral Webster, I’ve worked with Secretary Anderson for almost three years now. I am finding it hard to believe that he is an agent for an ‘Alien race’ let alone a foreign power.” General Owens said forthrightly.
“Yes, I can imagine that you are having a difficult time with that concept General Owens. I can tell you though that he has been talking to the ‘Great Leader’ and he tripped my Quarn detector when I shook hands with him at my address to Congress. I didn’t have the detector earlier on when I first met all of you; we just recently developed it ourselves. So I am giving him the benefit of doubt, he probably has been parasitized within the last few weeks. That leads to another question, who did that deed?
In any case, he IS parasitized now and he ‘works’ for the enemy of mankind. Let me be clear here! A human being that has been parasitized by a Q-MOT is a dead human being. The body lives on but is now controlled by an Alien entity. The Human memories are available but they aren’t ‘REAL’ they can be likened to a Data Base. They can be read at will but no new human memories can be added.
And eventually when the ‘life force’ is eaten up, the body will be consumed by the ‘Mother’ and the Q-MOT will move on to another body. Well, in the case of that last part, that’s what we theorize. The Q-MOT might be consumed also by the ‘Mother’. That’s an unknown right now to us.” Admiral Webster admitted with a shrug.
“So what do you want us to do, Admiral Webster?” asked Speaker Thomas.
“Mr. Speaker, I can’t tell you what do. Even now as human beings we all have self-will. I have told you of the danger facing all of humanity, in every other analogue of Earth that the Gho L’Gamesh discovered the Quarn in, there wasn’t a shred of humanity left. They had been consumed and the planet was turned into either a dead world or a world hive-mind on the way to consuming all of the life-force of the planet.
In many ways the Quarn is the ultimate bio-weapon. It takes its time doing so, but the end is always the same, a dead planet.
The Terran Space Navy has warned you of the danger we have only just discovered ourselves. Our own institutional response is to evacuate as many Humans as we can. We are doing it quietly so as not to incite the Quarn into speeding up its efforts. That means our effort is going to take time so as not to alarm the Quarn or the rest of the human populace.
You on the other hand have your own choices to make. If you want our help we will give it, if you want to go it alone, we will stand aside and watch. If you decide to join with our efforts, we will accept gladly, in the end though, it IS your choice and not ours.
And now with that, my briefing to you is finished. President Richardson, thank you for allowing me to tell you and your representatives what we have discovered.”
President Richardson resumed his place in front of the Generals and politicians he had assembled. He carefully examined their faces and was looking for people with doubt or questions in their eyes or faces.
“Secretary Dunbar, I see you have a question.”
“Yes Mr. President, I’ve always been a bit of a doubting Thomas and my instincts keep pushing me in that direction even now. Are we POSITIVE that Secretary of Defense Anderson is parasitized by these Quarn aliens?”
“Yes Mr. Secretary we are positive, but even so you have a good point. You now have the means for proving it to yourself. Your new gauntlets have an inbuilt Quarn Detector. Arrange a meeting with the Defense Secretary and see if they detect the presence of the Quarn.
Only you will hear your detector go off. It’s quite eerie the first time. Also the gauntlets provide you instant communication to any of us here in this room at any time as well as to an A.I. of the Terran Space Navy. If you need help, information or possibly a rescue we and they will do everything we can for you.”
“Mr. President, you’ve obviously had more time to think about this than we have. Do you have a plan?” Senator Edwards inquired.
“Yes I do, but it’s a bit bare boned still. There are still a lot of unknowns here for us to deal with especially with the Quarn and their capabilities. But this is what I think we need to do for the time being. I have already sent a bill to both houses of Congress that will authorize the Administration to enter into a ‘Working Agreement’ with the Terran Space Navy. We need to fast track that.
That opens up the Defense department to have a closer relationship and allow more enlistment possibilities to those members who want to join the TSN. At the same time the bill will reduce the defense department funding to all projects devoted to weapons of mass of destruction especially Nuclear Weapons.
The Bill also authorizes any state to sell or lease land for use as a Space-port, that land can include current Airport space. And as usual you can put whatever else you want in it. BUT if it is too onerous I will use the Line-Item veto the New Constitution has authorized the executive branch.” He warned sternly.
“And what else is in your ‘plan’, Mr. President.” Asked Senator Edwards.
“When Admiral Webster talked about all of the various projects the Terran Space Navy was intending on doing and funding themselves, the Congress as a whole seemed to approve of them. I think you should go on record as doing so, maybe as a resolution? I’ll sign it and make a big deal of a bright new future for the Human Race. Perhaps also some new directives to the school system for designing and implementing a curriculum devoted to pioneering?” He added with a shrug indicating these were being thrown out for discussion.
“I think we can do that.” Speaker Paul said with a smile. “Especially when it costs the treasury nothing. That will make it more palatable. But what is your long term goal here?”
“I’m convinced, totally convinced that we need to evacuate as many of our people and humanity in general off of the Earth as quickly as we can do it. BUT,” The President paused and raised his hand in a commanding gesture, “BUT it needs to be done in such a fashion as to not generate panic among our people.”
“It would seem to me that this threat should involve Homeland Security, Mr. President. Why isn’t the Secretary here?” Senator Unger asked in curiosity.
“Yes Mr. President, Where is Secretary Gore-Simmons?” Asked Speaker Paul, “There was a committee meeting earlier this month and her Assistant Secretary came in her place and told us she was unavoidably detained.”
“Ha!” The president gave out a bark of laughter. “You know, I’ve been waiting for that question for some time now.
The Secretary of Homeland Security and nearly all of her top regional directors have been arrested. The charges vary but most were arrested for Terrorism.” There was an intake of breath throughout the Theater that was just short of being a gasp of disbelief.
“Before you ask why, I’ll tell you. Mrs. Gore-Simmons and her top cadre were all members of ACT-NOW. Remember them? They were the President-for-Life’s personal troops as we found out after he supposedly ‘died’ at his personal Fuhrer-Bunker in Maryland.
They haven’t changed their allegiance either. They are still his willing followers and Mrs. Gore-Simmons? She was the ‘First Commander’ and she tried to capture a TSN Scout Ship as well as the ship blockading the IUR. She failed, but it certainly wasn’t for trying hard.” He finished into dead silence. After a quick glance around he continued.
“That is another one of those items I referred to about our past coming to haunt us. As far as Homeland Security is concerned that department is currently undergoing a person by person examination. We are going to have to extend the parameters there to include Quarn Parasitation along with allegiance to ACT-NOW and the President-for-life.”
And with that being said, there seemed to be a change in attitude among the men and women being briefed. The memories of the Second Civil War were still raw in many of their minds. And the bald announcement that some of the people who had perpetrated the most heinous acts of Terrorism on a populace that just wanted to be left alone by Government, were actually heading the very agency dedicated to defending the country against terrorist acti
vity made the whole idea of an Alien Invasion and the President-For-Life being one and still alive to boot, suddenly more acceptable and real.
Admiral Caparelli arose from his seat and with an attitude of total respect told his Commander-in-Chief, “Sir, the Department of the Navy will follow you and defend to the best of our capability the citizens of the United States and those who stand as allies to us.”
One by one the others followed suit, each saying it in their own way. Once they were done they were also unified in purpose and real planning followed suit with a vigorous give and take.
Pentagon, Monday, January 4, 2027
Conference Room “A”, the Secretary of Defense has called an all-services staff meeting for all officers O6 and above.
“Good morning ladies and gentlemen”, Secretary Anderson began, “I have just had the pleasure of meeting with President Richardson. Using his considerable powers of persuasion he has asked the Congress to reconvene earlier than they had intended.
He earlier presented a bill to them for consideration. This bill impacts the Armed Forces of the United States directly. The bill if passed will approve a ‘Working Agreement’ with the Terran Space Navy that from my quick reading of the bill falls just short of treaty status. It does provide for either party to suspend or sever the agreement with ten days’ notice. I found that to be of interest, in many ways this is written like a commercial contract.
In any case, the positive points are that we will have more access to TSN technology the negative points in my opinion is that our nuclear weapons are to be un-funded and dismantled unilaterally. Also we are to allow any and all of our personnel to volunteer to join the Terran Space Navy if they meet the TSN’s qualifications and approval.
I plan on meeting with as many Congressmen and Senators as possible to help move this bill forward. I am in turn not going to order any of you to do the same. However at the same time I am encouraging you to put a positive spin on this bill to anyone who asks you for your opinion.”
* * *
Admiral Caparelli was meeting with Secretary of the Navy Dunbar in his office.
“Ok Gus, you and the President were right and how I wish you weren’t. My Q-detector nearly took the top of my head off with its warning when Secretary Anderson shook my hand.” The Secretary said sadly.
“Yes Sir, I know what you mean. I’m afraid that in my own mind I have counted him a casualty of war. The bad part is that he is now fighting for the other side. And we cannot let the Quarn win this one. So with the air clear between us now, how do you want me to handle his ‘request’ to have the Epiphany come here to D.C. where it can be put on display and have the various Congressmen tour it?” The Admiral asked his superior.
“Can it get here in the first place?” The Secretary of the Navy asked cautiously.
“Probably not, I think the draft is too deep, but don’t hold me to that until I get my people to give me a firm answer on that. In any case we can have it patrol off of the East Coast.”
“Perhaps you can ask the TSN to ferry her here in one of their vessels? They obviously have the capability of doing so.” Secretary Dunbar asked.
“Yes… Yes, that IS a good solution to that request. But do we really want that ship here so quickly? If you recall, Secretary Anderson was ordered to parasitize her Commanding and Executive Officers.”
“Well there is that…” The Secretary mumbled and was quiet.
“I’ll tell my Ops Chief to work on a plan to have her moved to the East Coast.” Admiral Caparelli finally said into the silence.
“Ok, let me know what they come up with. In the meantime get me a report drafted on the effects of Service Members being able to be released to join the TSN. Have them cover it exhaustively. You can authorize direct polling of members if required.”
* * *
‘Quarn Exudate detected – a person in your vicinity or the vicinity itself has recently been in the presence of a Quarn parasitized individual.’ Admiral Caparelli’s new Q-Detector went off. He stopped walking toward his office and looked at his Office Manager quizzically.
The detector had been quiet earlier this morning when he had come in to work. “Ms. Nolan?”
“Yes Admiral?” She replied alertly.
“If you would, could you and Captain Eagleton come to my office as soon as you are both available?” He asked her politely.
“I’ll get right on it Sir.” She replied and left to go find the Captain.
Later in the Admiral’s office the three of them were talking quietly so that the office staff couldn’t hear anything through the sheet rock walls.
“Julie, this is a strange question I know, but who did you meet with this morning while I was at my nine-thirty meeting? Or did the office have any visitors?” The Admiral probed gently.
She got a funny look on her face and then replied forthrightly. “We had no visitors this morning since you were out doing your other meeting sir. As for meeting anyone? Well I took a break at ten o’clock and went to the cafeteria. Susan Harris had tea with me like she normally does, otherwise today has been a typical Monday, quiet for the most part but with the potential to ramp up.”
The Admiral and Captain listened intently and after she was finished he said. “Susan Harris, eh? Is she the one who works for …” He paused trying to remember.
“She is the Office Manager for Admiral Stevens Sir, personnel management.”
“Ah yes, that’s right.” He leaned back in his chair and looked at the ceiling and tapped his fingers of his left hand idly. He thought intensely for a few minutes and then shrugged his shoulders. “I am in a difficult spot here; there are some things that I must tell you so that you can be included in some highly important yet potentially very dangerous work that we are embarking on.” He paused and looked at his two subordinates intently. “The problem here is that I alone can’t decide to bring you in. So I need you to meet some people and soon.”
Ms. Nolans and Captain Eagleton glanced at each other and kept quiet as the Admiral worked his way through a verbal minefield.
“I would like to invite you both on a tour of the Terran Space Navy’s training center at their Camp Heinlein. I believe you both were in attendance at that inter-service Christmas Party they threw?” He asked mildly.
“Yes Admiral, I went with my son and my husband.” Julie replied, “We had a marvelous time too.”
Captain Eagleton just smiled and said, “My children and Grand-children were in attendance. It was a very well done party.”
“Admiral… Is this ‘thing’ you want Ms. Nolans and I brought into.” Captain Eagleton started off slowly and then paused as he gathered his thoughts. The other two in turn gave him the courtesy of being quiet as he did so. “Does it have to do with the TSN and the rumor going around that the President is pushing a ‘working agreement’ with them?”
Admiral Caparelli just smiled and said, “In a roundabout way it does, but it involves quite a bit more than just that piece of the puzzle.” He then leaned forward and indicated they were to come closer. “I rely upon both of you, I NEED your assistance in what has to be done.” He paused and a pensive look went across his face. “I am going to need a lot more people than you also but you are in the forefront. There are so many things happening in the background right now and I…”
He paused again, “As much power as this position I hold has, it just isn’t enough. I need people I can trust and trust fully to help me accomplish what must be done. So… Will you help me?” He finished up simply.
Julie Nolans was first to speak. “Yes Admiral I’ll help you. I need to know though, how will this affect my family?”
The Admiral sat back and thought about it. “I’m not sure what the affect will be immediately, but the long term affect? Hmmm, depending on how this goes down they won’t notice any real changes in their lives. If it goes south though… We’ll do everything we can to protect them.”
“Protect them? How dangerous is this ‘thing’ you are
talking about?” Captain Eagleton interjected.
The Admiral covered his lower face with a wide opened hand cupping it gently. He knew he had said something he shouldn’t have. ‘Oh well, time to jump into the deep end of the pool’ he thought.
“This place isn’t the right place to talk about it. I’m not even sure that a secure room is. But that’s what is available right now. Ms. Nolans please book me one right away. I’ll call Admiral Saunders and Admiral Stevens myself to ask them to attend.” He murmured to himself then, “Damn I wish I could talk to Commander Webster, I could use his insight right about now.”
Then he heard, “Request acknowledged, attempting connection at this time.”
“Yes sir, I’ll get on that right now.” Julie Nolans told him and then taking that as a dismissal got up from her seat and left the room to the two officers.