Christmas at Emelia's: Blossom Creek Novella

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Christmas at Emelia's: Blossom Creek Novella Page 2

by Lexi Buchanan

  “I’m old. I’m alone. You don’t want to end up like me,” he says. “How old are you now, anyway?”


  “You’re getting old,” Roy grumbles.

  “I’m not that old yet.”

  “Emma is a lovely young woman who has eyes for you. Don’t let her get away because you think you’re doing the right thing. She likes you. You like her. What is the problem?”

  “A thousand miles between our homes for one.”

  “Hogwash! There is nothing in the law that states you have to stay in town forever, nor does it state that Emma has to go back to Vermont. You have a week to change her mind, or your own. But don’t give up on having her in your life because of the distance. If you both fall in love, then compromising is a thing these days.” Roy grins and gives a throaty chuckle. “Now, I’ve just spoken more than I have in the last decade, so I’ll take a bottle of whiskey for my trouble.” He nods and slams the door as he leaves my office.

  Nathan rushes inside and I immediately raise my hand up. “I’m about done with advice for now.”

  He coughs to hide a laugh and then becomes serious. “Vivien Taylor just called. She said something odd happened to Levi De La Fuente last night and she thinks we need to check it out. He’s at his apartment.”

  I frown. “Was she more specific?”

  “No. Said she didn’t know what was going on, just that she had to rescue him from um…” He chuckles and coughs. “From being tied to his bed.”

  I blink and know Nathan is telling me the truth by the amusement in his eyes.

  “They had a meeting planned to discuss chocolate for the opening of Emelia’s, and when the weather turned bad, Vivien decided to go to his apartment.” Nathan sighs. “I wish I’d been a fly on the wall as she rescued him.” He shakes his head. “Anyway, Vivien said she thought he might have been drugged.”

  “Shit.” I rub my brow. “Get the drug kit and give me a minute to get my gear on.”

  Nathan hesitates, and I raise a brow in question. He opens his mouth but snaps it shut with a smirk.

  I add, “Do not laugh at the man when we get there.”

  “I’ll try not to.”

  “Try harder,” I shout to his disappearing back.

  What the hell has Emma’s brother gotten himself into?

  It takes an hour to get to the converted farmhouse, and when we knock on Levi’s door, it doesn’t take a genius to work out we’re the last people he wanted to see.

  “She called you?” Levi sighs. “I can’t believe she called.” He shakes his head and moves away from the door.

  I enter and hold Nathan back. “Go and talk to Vivien,” I whisper.

  Nathan doesn’t argue, he just disappears as though there’s a fire. I roll my eyes at the deputy who is always eager to please, especially when it concerns Vivien. If only he’d open his eyes to her younger sister, Ingrid Taylor, who is smitten with my deputy.

  Sighing, I close Levi’s door behind me and join him in the small living area. He looks tired and annoyed, but other than that, I’d say he’s okay. “Want to tell me what’s going on?”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “Yes. As far as I’m aware, there hasn’t been a crime committed.” I raise a brow and wait for him to answer. But he won’t meet my gaze. “Okay, then. So maybe one has been committed.”

  “Can’t we just pretend you didn’t get a call?”

  “Spit it out, Levi, so we can both go about our day.” At this point, I’d have my notebook and pencil out; however, I have a feeling Levi will say more if I’m not taking notes.

  “I woke up naked and tied to my bed,” he growls and runs his hands through his hair. “I can’t remember what the fuck happened. I must have fallen asleep after—”

  “After a date?” I continue.

  “You could call it that.”

  “What would you call it?”

  Levi winces. “This hot chick came on to me. I brought her back here and we, um, had a good time. Sort of. She left, obviously, after making sure I wasn’t going anywhere. Can you go now so I can be embarrassed alone?”

  I grin at the man, and Levi snaps his eyes closed and groans.

  “Please do not tell my sister that Vivien saw me naked with a hard, um, you know? I’ll never hear the end of it.”

  “Name?” I choke on the question while trying to act like the serious sheriff I am when all I want to do is laugh my ass off.

  “I will sort this mess out.” Levi narrows his eyes. “Go on, laugh! If it were anyone else, I’d be laughing too.” Levi smirks. “God! Do you know something? I wouldn’t be half as embarrassed as I am if someone else had found me.” He shudders. “But seriously, if Ryan had found me, or you even, it’d be awkward but not embarrassing as hell. Why did it have to be the sexy woman?”

  “Speaking of Vivien, she mentioned you might have been drugged?”

  “This is weird. Let’s talk about something else.”

  “I’m trying to do my job, Levi.”

  “Not at my expense, you’re not. The moment Emma finds out about this, so will everyone else. She can’t keep a secret. Trust me on that.”

  “Look, in all seriousness, if the woman gave you something, then we need to find her so she can’t do it again.”

  “Let me try to find her first.”

  “That will have to wait. We’re putting a call out for everyone to stay home unless it’s an emergency. So, heed the warning, please.”


  Moving toward the door, I comment, “Look on the bright side, now that Vivien has seen what you have to offer, she’ll be back.”

  Levi doesn’t say anything in response, which tells me he’s either thinking or I’ve left him speechless.

  “Sheriff,” Vivien says, smiling as I arrive on the ground floor. “Is Levi okay?”

  “He is. A bit embarrassed too.”

  Her cheeks blush a lovely shade of red. She clears her throat, and says, “I shouldn’t have called you. I just thought maybe something was wrong.”

  Swallowing around my laughter, I shake my head. “Nope. He’s okay.” I look at Nathan. “We have to go. You take care, Vivien.”

  “You too, Sheriff, Nathan.” She closes her apartment door.

  Stepping outside in the cold snow, I hiss to Nathan, “Do not laugh until we’re out of here.”

  He squeaks in response.

  At my age, I should be able to control myself better. However, Levi’s situation isn’t one I’ve had to deal with before. I mean, I have dealt with clothes being stolen from the river while the owners swam naked. But Levi De La Fuente’s predicament is a first.

  And for another first, I’ll take Roy’s advice and ask Emma out for coffee. Glancing around me, though, I realize the coffee will have to happen at the inn. No way do I want her to risk going anywhere right now. It’s too dangerous.


  Vivien Taylor

  When I find myself out of my depth, I cook. It’s something I’ve always been good at and I have full control over. The handmade chocolates I sell at my store, Temptations, is extremely popular in this small town. Of course, the hot chocolate sells just as quickly as the confectionary items. Anything I can make with chocolate, I make and sell. I also eat it, which my hips can attest to. At least my younger sister, Ingrid, doesn’t care much for sweet things. She’s younger, taller, and slimmer than me, but I’m happy and that’s all that matters.

  The image of Levi lying spread out on his bed is something I won’t ever forget. The man is gorgeous with all that bronzed skin, toned abs, and one hell of a happy trail. It was challenging to focus elsewhere with his long penis stretched up to his naval. It had been thick and pulsing, nestled in the dark thatch of hair at his pelvis. I hadn’t missed the way the cover had moved as he twitched and leaked while I leaned over him to unfasten his wrists.

  He’d gotten me all hot and bothered with the look in his eyes. Levi had been embarrassed for me to find him th
at way. I don’t blame him. Something changed, though. That’s why I’d gotten to my knees at the end of the bed. I’d wanted to tease him as I stroked his ankles before unfastening them. I’d gotten one hell of a look from that position too. I’d covered him with a throw from the sofa. However, it was on top of him. So, from the bottom of the bed, I’d had a good view of his large, hairy balls, and the way his cock had pulsed when his body had gone rigid.

  I’m not naive and know he’d finished under the throw. My cheeks had gone from heated to fiery in seconds. I couldn’t have gotten out of there quick enough. It was weird if I’m honest. My luck doesn’t usually involve rescuing naked men. Especially the one who always smiles and flirts with me at every opportunity. He’s just friendly. At least that’s what I thought until earlier today.

  Levi De La Fuente isn’t a man I thought would ever be seriously into me. I’m usually right. There’s now a little something in my head telling me I’m wrong about this man. That he does like me.

  Ugh! “Men,” I mutter to myself, and pop the freshly made almond croissants into the oven.

  “Why are you baking?” my sister asks. “Does it have anything to do with the sheriff being here?”

  “If you’d have come out of your room when Nathan was here, then you’d know exactly what was going on.” I raise a brow, knowing why she’d decided to stay hidden.

  “He doesn’t like me.” She jumps up and sits on the counter. “He likes you.”

  “I’m too old for him. He’s barely out of high school.”

  Ingrid rolls her eyes then stares at me. “He only looks at you when I’m around, so I don’t bother anymore.”

  “He needs to be knocked on his ass by my beautiful sister.” I laugh. “And I have seen just the dress and shoes for the opening of Emelia’s, which we are both invited to.” I wiggle my eyebrows. “I have it on good authority that Deputy Nathan Simmons will be there. Alone.”

  Ingrid’s eyes light up. “Really?”

  “Hmm. I think you should show him your inner naughtiness. The poor deputy won’t know what hit him.”

  “Now you’re embarrassing me,” Ingrid grumbles. “Mom wants me home for Christmas.”

  “Oh!” I blink a few times to get rid of the unexpected tears that rush into my eyes. “Okay.”

  “I’m not going,” Ingrid announces. “I’m twenty, Vivien. I’m old enough to make my own decisions. I’m working for you in the shop since Clara left town, so I have my own money. I really like Nathan. You do like me living here with you, right? I mean, you don’t want me to move out, do you?”

  “Stop,” I quickly say. “I love having you live here. You’re my sister and I don’t want you to go anywhere. I want you to stay.”

  “Phew!” Ingrid sighs. “I’m going to have to work up the courage to tell Mom and Dad I’m staying here with you.”

  “I can be with you when you make the call.”

  “No. I have to do this myself.” Ingrid grins. “I’ll call after the opening of Emelia’s, though. I don’t want anything they say to put a damper on the evening.”

  “I get that.” I grab the mitt and open the oven. “Do you want one of these for breakfast?” I slip the hot tray onto a cooling rack.

  “No, thanks.” She winks. “I think you should take a couple upstairs and see how our neighbor is doing.”

  “I’m sure he’s doing fine.”

  Ingrid rolls her eyes. “You are seriously funny.”

  I frown.

  “I may have stayed in my room, but I know exactly how Levi was when you found him this morning. Get it over with, sis.”

  Get it over with!

  My sister does not know anything about this—whatever it is—with Levi. At some point, I’ll meet with the man to discuss what chocolate he wants on the tables during the opening event. It won’t be embarrassing at all.

  Who am I kidding? It will be embarrassing as all hell after seeing the man hard and naked. It wouldn’t be too bad if his groin had been covered. Instead, I’d gotten a glimpse of a very aroused man who just so happens to be the man I can’t stop thinking about.

  “I’m going next door,” Ingrid shouts before I hear the front door slam shut.

  At least I’m one of the luckier ones with a two-bedroom apartment. It would have been fun having Ingrid living with me and sleeping on the sofa.

  “It smells good in here.”

  “What?” I spin around and find Levi standing behind me. “How?”

  “I was about to knock when Ingrid came flying out.”

  “Oh!” I swallow nervously. “How are you?”

  “Better now that the sheriff has left.” He narrows his lids. “You had to call him, huh?”

  Not knowing what else to do, I grab a plate and using serving prongs, I slide a croissant on to it. “Here. Eat.” I turn the coffee machine on then give the man my attention. “Look, I don’t know what happened to you. It looked like you didn’t either.” I wish my cheeks wouldn’t flush. “I called the sheriff. I’m sorry if you don’t think I should have done that.”

  He grins and takes the coffee I spend five minutes making after my little explanation and apology.

  “It was embarrassing as hell, if you must know. The sheriff was polite. However, he was killing himself trying not to laugh. Not one of my finest moments. With you finding me or the sheriff questioning me. I just hope he doesn’t tell my sister.”

  “Surely not.”

  “I’m not sure.” He sighs and takes a massive bite from the pastry in front of him. “This is good,” he mumbles, his lips full of the confectioners’ sugar I topped them off with. “Anyway, I thought I better come down and get our meeting over with so we’re both not spending too long thinking about how the other will react when we see each other again.” He grins. “I hope I haven’t frightened you for life.”

  “Oh God!” I chuckle. “It, um, brightened up my day,” I admit and pour myself a coffee. “Can we talk business so my cheeks can stop flushing?”

  He grins so wide that I want to fall under his spell. Well, more under his spell, considering I’m halfway there. The man is charming.

  “We can.” He frowns. “First, I need you to know that last night’s date”—he winces—“wasn’t something I’ve done for a long time. Longer than you’d think.” He holds my gaze. “I’m messing this up. What I’m trying to say is that I haven’t had a hookup or dated in forever. Last night, I messed up in more ways than one. Maybe one day I’ll tell you about it.”

  “I don’t want to know about your hookups.”

  “Last night’s, you will.”

  “Business.” I shut him up and lead him toward my small desk in the living room.


  Emma De La Fuente

  Breakfast still sits heavily in my stomach as I lounge in the armchair by the window in my room. I love watching the snowfall and the comings and goings of the few people who are moving around outside. It’s cozy. Not just the inn and my room, but the town. In the few days I’ve been here the small town has grown on me. Maybe the change will do me some good and I’ll stop dreaming about things I shouldn’t. I work long hours, which is not conducive to having a relationship. It hasn’t bothered me until now. It’s kind of a little whisper on my shoulder that won’t budge. I’m alone—no one to share my life with other than my parents. I’m twenty-six and have never felt the need to have that someone special in my life. I have plenty of time.

  Why does my heart crack that little bit when I think of going home without giving the sheriff a chance? I know the attraction is mutual. I also know he was burned in love a long time ago and has no time for it anymore. Dare I risk my heart on a man who is settled in his ways? A man who I’ll be leaving in a week?

  Footsteps outside of my room distract me from continuing to think the way I have been lately. When they stop, I turn my face and wait for a knock. I’m startled when it comes because I honestly hadn’t expected anyone. Judith shouts when she knocks. My brother bangs like there’
s a fire.

  Another knock sounds on the door, just as soft as the one before it. Curious, I get to my feet and pad across the room. There are no peepholes in the door, so I’m surprised but delighted to open it and find the sheriff holding two large mugs topped with marshmallows.

  “Hot chocolate?” Giggling like a schoolgirl, I open the door wider and usher him inside. “I love hot chocolate.”

  “It’s not the best.” He winces. “Don’t tell Judith I said that. She’ll have my hide.”

  “I wouldn’t dare.” I take the drink and indicate for him to sit in the second armchair. “I take it you’re referring to the hot chocolate from Temptations?”

  “I was. The best.” He removes his outer gear and takes a seat.

  “This is pretty good. Creamy.” Emma, shut up, stop discussing hot chocolate. “To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  “The truth?” Jared stares into my eyes and I find I can’t look away.

  “I always prefer the truth,” I admit.

  “I wanted you to have lunch with me. However, the snowstorm is preventing me from asking you out to eat, so I thought I’d take my break with you.” He winces. “I would suggest eating in the dining room downstairs, but the whole town will be watching us.”

  “God! I shudder at the thought.” I tilt my head and notice he’s embarrassed, so, I add, “You’ve made my day, Jared.” I offer him a soft smile. “Spending time with you is appealing.”

  “Phew! I thought you’d kick me out on my ass.”

  “What a cute ass it is too.” The moment the words pop out of my mouth, I cover it with a hand in horror.

  Jared roars with laughter. “Glad we’ve gotten that out of the way.”

  “Oh dear. Are you sure this drink isn’t laced?”

  “I promise.” His eyes sparkle with glee.

  Inhaling, I place my drink on the small table, and exhaling, I admit, “You make me nervous, but in a good kind of way.”

  “You make me nervous too, Emma.” Jared places his drink down beside mine and takes hold of my hand. “I like you.” He smiles. “I like you a hell of a lot and feel that time is running away from me. I want to spend time with you without the town's prying eyes so we can get to know each other. I haven’t wanted to do this in a very long time. Twenty years to be precise.” He shrugs. “You’re leaving in a week.” His grip around my hand tightens.


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