Claimed By Light (A Bound By Hades Novel) (Entangled Embrace)

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Claimed By Light (A Bound By Hades Novel) (Entangled Embrace) Page 13

by Reese Monroe

  Halena stepped in front of her Mate. “Who are you?”

  “Name’s Brenton Rutgers.” He flashed a wide smile. White teeth glowed against his ebony skin. Dreadlocks laced with multicolored beads rested on his shoulders. Green eyes the color of the shallow areas of the ocean nestled deep behind long, thick lashes. “And you, lovely, are the formidable Halena Girard, guardian of the European quadrant, based in France.”

  “Oh. Yes. Mother mentioned you,” Theo said. “Newly formed Gatekeeper for the Caribbean.”

  “Lots of trouble in this neck of the woods recently.” He offered his hand to Theo. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  “You’re based in Jamaica, right?”

  He dipped his head, the beads offering a little harmony of their own as they clacked together.

  “I hadn’t heard of you.” Halena flashed Theo a look.

  “You’ve been…distracted these past few weeks,” Theo said.

  “Ha! New blood,” Justin said.

  Still in his trance, Slade slowly moved forward. They needed to get to that Necklace before the demons. Who knew if they had the Gem already.

  “What’s with White Eyes? He Shomrei? I don’t sense that he is,” Brenton asked.

  “Not yet,” Theo said.

  Halena hissed.

  Theo coughed. “He’s an Oracle. Possibly leading us to the Necklace. He’s new with the visions, so we’re working in unknown territory at the moment.”

  “And a splice just opened. So we’re not the only ones after the Necklace. You’re sure it’s here?” Brenton’s deep voice thrummed, and his smile widened.

  Halena remembered that tingly anticipation and excitement from when she’d just become Shomrei. Over eight centuries ago, she’d been a newbie on fire for the cause and ready to jump into the thick of things.

  “Slade had a vision earlier about this place and is currently having one again. Now demons are here, so I’m thinking that’s a big hell yeah, it’s here,” Justin said.

  “Hey, mon, I’ll help.” Brenton had retrieved his Mavet daggers from his thigh holsters. “Let’s do this.”

  Slade tugged at Halena. “Left. See it?”

  “Yes.” A football-field-length of sand separated them from a cave. It looked familiar, only in Slade’s vision they’d stood on grass.

  Waves crashed on the beach and warmth cascaded along Halena’s face. A hint of salt laced the fresh air.

  “The splice is near,” Brenton said. “We should vanquish the demons while you go get your Artifact.”

  Slade led onward as Theo said, “Brenton and I will go. Yvonne and Justin, stay with these two.”

  Yvonne took off her long gloves and unzipped the legs of her pants. She balled them up and tossed them onto the sand.

  “Sweet!” Brenton said.

  “Yeah, just don’t touch me and you’ll be fine.” She smiled.

  Brenton frowned. “I wasn’t going to—I—”

  “Relax,” Theo said. “I’ll explain everything. Come on. I’m anxious to hear how Mother is doing.”

  The two ran up the sand toward the edge of the foliage that hemmed the beach. There weren’t any humans here, just an empty, deserted island. Seemed so strange for some reason.

  “Ready, cradle robber?” Justin asked.

  “Ass.” Halena urged Slade forward.

  Slade… Votar’s voice whispered along the air. Slade tensed. “You hear that?”

  “Sure did.” Halena squeezed his hand, confused that she wasn’t in the vision, yet she was hearing it. “Keep going.”

  “Hear what?” Justin asked.

  “Votar’s in our heads.” Less than ten feet separated them from the mouth of the cave now. “Still not sure why I’m not in the vision.”

  “Easy,” Yvonne said. “You need to protect him while he’s…how he is.”

  Staring straight ahead, Slade walked as if in a daze. Of course. He was vulnerable like this. Before, they’d been in the bedroom at Theo’s cabin—a safe place.

  “Nice call, szép,” Justin said.

  You backed out on the deal, Slade. Addie’s mine to enjoy for eternity.

  “Just stay focused, Slade. He’s messing with us. He won’t get Addie.” Halena glanced over her shoulder. “Justin, Yvonne. Stay alert.”

  They stepped into the cave. Up ahead, flickering lights danced along stone walls, just like in the first vision. She didn’t sense any demons up ahead. Slade wasn’t black-eyed, so they were safe there. Something felt off, though. This new type of vision, how easily they found—

  “Hello, Slade. And you brought guests.”

  Slade tensed at the sound of Votar’s voice. Halena pressed Slade against the cave wall and positioned herself in front of him. Justin and Yvonne stepped forward.

  Three more demons materialized from the darkness behind Votar. Shit.

  Slade shook his head, and his eyes went brown again. He palmed his temples and groaned, melting to the floor.

  “How’d you know we’d be coming?” Justin asked, probably figuring things out a little more quickly than Halena, considering her mind was whirling. Daggers in hand, she stepped toward the towering demon.

  “We have other Oracles, you know. Though they aren’t nearly as strong as this one. Time to come home, Slade. We need you for the next Artifact.”

  A growl thundered through Halena’s chest. In unison Yvonne, Justin, and Halena charged.

  But Halena aimed for Votar. She had a score to settle with him for what he did to her and to Slade. Not to mention Addie.

  Her fangs dropped, heat blooming deep within her chest. Votar dropped the Necklace into his pocket.

  Mental note: rip that bastard to shreds and grab that jewel.

  Smiling as he held a dagger in each hand, Votar’s fingers waved her to him as a challenge.

  She lunged but couldn’t dust him until she had that jewel. Couldn’t chance it vaporizing when she said the vanquish. But stabbing him with the Mavet to paralyze him would be fun, too.

  He swung his blade, and Halena ducked. She rolled and hopped to her feet.

  “I see you finally touched him.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Even with the French accent, that talk doesn’t become you, sweets.” He licked his lips. “And you are sweet.”

  Her stomach contracted at the memories of him torturing her. The hesitation cost her, though. Ducking a fraction of a second too late, his dagger caught her shoulder.

  Spinning, she took in the scene.

  Justin and Yvonne had their hands full with three demons, but ash flew, so Yvonne must be getting her hands on some.

  Only three left?

  A whirl of wind whipped around Halena, followed by Theo’s roar. A dagger zipped past her and sank into Votar’s shoulder. “Reverto ut—”

  “No!” Halena drew out the Mavet with one hand while she ripped off the pocket of Votar’s leather pants.

  “Halena, what are you—?”

  Votar slammed her against the cave wall, pinning her by the neck. Slade shot to his feet, and Theo stalked toward Halena.

  “Let her go,” Slade ordered. His eyes flashed white.

  Theo. Necklace in my right hand. On three.


  “Of course I’ll let her go,” Votar said to Slade. “If you come with me.”

  No, Theo. Don’t let him. He’ll turn if he goes. Saw it in a vision.

  Theo put his arms out, blocking Slade’s advance.

  He can’t kill me, Slade. Stay with Theo.

  Justin nodded. Theo must be filling him in.


  “Votar. Let her go!” Theo ordered.

  A warm tongue slid along her cheek.

  “You’re so disgusting.” Halena squirmed, positioning herself to be able to toss this treasure to Theo. Two.

  Throw it to Justin on three, Theo said, then he vanished in a splice he’d created.

  Votar tensed. “What the—?”

  Three. Halena looked at Justin. He
dove toward Slade, who had stumbled forward when Theo vanished.

  Halena flicked the handful of fabric toward Justin. He palmed it, then tackled Slade to the dirt floor.

  Votar grunted and thrust Halena forward, and she fell onto her stomach. She scrambled toward Slade and Justin but cast a look over her shoulder as she did. Theo held the demon from behind, dagger poised and ready to impale him in the neck.

  In a move so fast, Votar yanked a dagger from his side pocket and swung. It sliced through Theo’s wrist, and his hand holding the Mavet flopped to the ground.

  Theo roared, snapping at Votar’s neck. The demon rammed his elbow into Theo’s gut. Yvonne leaped, hands at the ready to vaporize him. He kicked her in the chest and ran deep into the cave, leaving a howl in his wake.

  Theo crumpled to the ground holding his arm. Blood spurted onto the sand.

  “Justin. Help me.” Yvonne couldn’t touch Theo without her gloves.

  “Go.” Halena reached for Slade so Justin could help his Gatekeeper. “Where’d Votar go?”

  “Splice.” Theo fought for breath. “Deep in cave.”

  “He’s gone.” Brenton came into view, black demon blood coating his once-tan shirt. “I got the other two coming into the cave.” He gave the area a once-over and sheathed his weapon. “Meeting with you all has really upped my on-the-job training.”

  “Shut up.” Halena and Slade stood. “Justin, get Theo home to Sadie.”

  A splice opened, and Theo gasped. “Can’t hold it long.”

  “Go.” Halena gathered Slade to her. “Brenton, we’ll stay with you and investigate things here.”

  Theo, Justin, and Yvonne stepped into the splice. At least they had the Necklace. It would be safe now. Maybe there was something here that would give them a clue to the Gem.

  Halena glanced at Slade, and he cupped her face. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine.” Or not. Felt like a cat with razor-sharp claws had mistaken her for a scratching post.

  Leaning in, he said, “I can help your injuries, right?”

  She held her breath as his face drew nearer. Those full lips… She’d held that pouty bottom lip between her teeth before the Ahavah had surfaced. Felt the frantic strokes of his tongue against hers.

  A line of heat streaked across her abdomen. Frenzied heartbeats rapped against her chest. Less than three inches separated their mouths. Her body ached, but not only from battle.

  It ached for him. Her Mate.

  Sagging into his arms, Halena closed the distance. A breath before their lips would touch, Slade turned his head and rested his cheek to hers. His fingers tunneled through her hair, releasing it from its ponytail as he massaged her scalp.

  Why had she asked him not to kiss her? Even more, why’d he have to be so honorable and keep his end of the agreement? In the heat of this moment, this situation, she never would have resisted. Hell, she wanted the kiss.

  No, she didn’t. Damn it!

  Slade had done the right thing. Votar wanted them closer, mated, and they shouldn’t let that happen.

  “I won’t kiss you, Lena,” he whispered, soft lips brushing her temple, then across her forehead. “Not until you ask for it.”

  “We can’t.”

  “Oh we can, we just shouldn’t.” His chest vibrated with a low, rumbling laugh. “And I want to. You know that, right? If I knew it wouldn’t play into Votar’s plan and you were ready for me, I’d have you against the wall with your legs wrapped around me.”

  She tightened her grip on him as an image of exactly that flashed through her mind. Naughty little frat boy. Burrowing her hands beneath his shirt, she flattened her palms to his back. Streams of energy seeped into her fingertips. The ache in her shoulder faded while another one bloomed hotter and faster in her abdomen.

  One only he could sate.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “You got shit for luck, brother.” Brenton shook his head as he poured Slade a cup of coffee. “Halena’s one tough chick. Mother pointed her out specifically.”

  “Who is this Mother I’m hearing about?”

  “Sabrina. She trains new Gatekeepers. Teaches them the way of the Shomrei—and the world.”

  “So, you’re basically a little baby Shomrei and she’s raising you.”

  “Funny, Oracle.” Brenton flipped him off.

  “She teach you that?” Slade took the drink from his new Jamaican friend.

  He was tall, well built, but not overwhelming. Slade had at least three inches on him. Strange. He’d thought all Shomrei warriors were built like Theo.

  “How long have you been…around?” Asking him how long ago he was created just felt weird.

  “A few weeks.”

  “That’s not long for training.”

  “Seems another Shomrei needed to be created elsewhere, and Mother hooked me up with Halena. Besides Theophilus, she’s the strongest. That must have been why she told me so much about the ornery female.”

  Slade growled. Actually growled. He couldn’t help but chuckle.


  “Nothing.” Only that he just let his first growl rip. Holy shit. He really was changing, wasn’t he?

  Brenton strode to the porch door. “Let’s sit out here while your woman cleans up.”

  My woman.

  They settled into chairs on the wooden porch that wrapped around the one-story compound. Slade stared out into the ocean. Salty air caressed his senses, and he breathed in a deep sense of peace.

  They’d broken the vision. He wasn’t a demon.

  “So, you said something about being demon?”

  “No, I didn’t, asswipe. You’re in my head again.”

  He shrugged as he took a drink of his coffee, and Slade spilled the story about the vision that showed him as a demon.

  “Mother says visions aren’t always literal. They’re sometimes pieced together and need to be interpreted. But they are always given for a reason—to get you where you need to be.”

  “So why was I demon and working with Votar in the vision that got us here? What could that mean?”

  “Easy. It was showing you what would—or could—happen if you didn’t get the Necklace.”

  “Or, even bigger, what’ll happen if I fully mate Halena. The Mark had spread to my neck, meaning we’d taken the final step in this whole Mate process. Can’t mate her as a demon, so it had to have happened before I turned.”

  “Not possible. Mates are sacred, eternal—never to be broken other than through death, so I don’t think you can turn demon once you’re mated.”

  “Angels fall from grace.”

  “They may fall, but they aren’t necessarily demons after. Besides, we’re not angels.” He shook his head. “But I can’t think of anything more right now. Your chaotic mind is giving me a headache.”

  “Ass.” Slade scrubbed his face. “You said four acres of land? As in beachfront?”

  “Hmmm.” Brenton didn’t open his eyes. “A run will do you good.”

  “If you get in my head one more time, I’m going to kick your ass.”

  “No wonder you and Halena were paired. Such feistiness.” He quirked one eye open. “And yes. Beachfront. Don’t go more than two miles in either direction of this house, otherwise, you’re open game. Now go. Your brain is hurting my brain. Sexual repression is a dangerous thing.”

  “Something you obviously know a lot about.”

  Slade hopped the three steps to the sand. A few minutes later, he was barefoot and running along the beach. Sweat beaded on his forehead and drizzled along his spine. Ripping off his shirt, he pushed the pace.

  Images of Lena, Addie, Votar, Grams, Mom, and Dad flashed through his memory, driving him to run even harder. The heat melted through the thick memories threatening to suffocate him.

  Grams’s laughter wrapped around him as if she were nearby, and he skidded to a stop.

  I am here, Slade.

  Up ahead, a faded image of Grams floated nearer, and pain sliced through Slade�
�s skull.

  “Don’t fight it. Then it won’t hurt so much.” Grams smiled, wrinkles forming around her smoky eyes.

  “How are you doing this?”

  Her wispy image stopped two feet from him. “You’re so strong. Why else would a Shomrei warrior have come by the house looking for you?” Her focus drifted to his shoulder.

  “You’re an Oracle.”

  She dipped her head. “One in a line of many. But it’s your time now.”

  “Is this how we’re talking? Are we in a vision?”

  “Yes. Oracles can communicate with each other much like the telepathy between the Gatekeepers. Only different. If we were to come upon someone, they’d see you sitting, or possibly wandering in a daze, your eyes glowing.”

  “Sounds like what happened at the cave earlier. I was in a vision, seeing flashes of the cave from my original vision, yet I was walking and talking as Halena guided me. It was weird.”

  “Oracles have great power, Slade. But it’s also difficult to rein in and interpret. It takes time and practice.”

  “Did you work for The Great One?”

  “Our line hasn’t been needed for centuries. And the fact that Addison is seeing visions as well tells me you two are very important.” She reached out for his hand. “Let’s walk.”

  He touched her glowing skin, and her image solidified, like she was really there. “That’s why you didn’t tell us we were Oracles.”


  “I’ve been seeing things almost all my life.”

  “You hid that a little too well.” She winked.

  “I didn’t want to end up in a psych ward. But if you’re an Oracle, why didn’t you know?”

  “Hard to tell. Just because we can see things, doesn’t mean we’re allowed to see everything. Think about it. There have to be limits to what we see and feel or we’d get overwhelmed. There’s much evil out there, smaller and bigger than what you’re dealing with.”

  “You know about Votar?” The sand sifted between his toes as they walked.

  “I’ve had glimpses.”

  “Are you safe?”

  “Yes. I’m on the run, though. Don’t worry, I’m fine. I can see them coming.”

  “So your powers are active as well?”


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