Red Letter Day

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Red Letter Day Page 29

by Colette Caddle

  'Sure! Celine, I really appreciate this.'

  'Wait until you see some results before you thank me. I'll see you later.' Celine climbed in beside Dominic just as he was finishing his call.

  'All organised,' he said, starting the car.

  Dominic followed her around the shopping centre, mystified at the kind of things Celine was buying. She'd spent nearly an hour in Roches Stores household department, finally emerging triumphant with twenty tablecloths. Then she'd gone to the office equipment shop and bought a large stapler and then spent what seemed to Dominic like hours in an accessory shop selecting flowers, scarves, feathers, beads, and various other bits and pieces. Her last port of call was the hardware where she bought three containers of black dye and some Superglue. She burst out laughing when she saw the expression on Dominic's face. 'Don't worry, Dominic, all will become clear.'

  When they finally returned to the car with their purchases it was almost five o'clock. Celine urged Dominic to drive faster and got very annoyed when he refused to use the dedicated bus lane.

  'Everyone else does,' she protested.

  'If I did, I'd be caught,' Dominic replied calmly. 'Now instead of criticising my driving why don't you make a few phone calls and check how everyone else is doing?'

  Celine scowled at him but obediently phoned Cathy.

  'Hi, Celine, how's it going?'

  'Not bad, what about you?'

  'We've got three different dry-cleaners working on the costumes and, get this, they're doing it for free!'

  'How did you manage that?' Celine asked, impressed.

  Cathy laughed. 'I got the parish priest to ask them.'

  'Very clever. Will they be ready on time though?'

  'We've to pick some of them up in the morning, the rest, they promise, will be ready by five.'

  Celine winced. 'That's cutting it fine. I just hope nobody's put on any weight.'

  'If they have they can leave buttons and zips open,' Cathy said airily. 'That's the great thing about theatre. The audience are too far away to see the detail.'

  Celine absorbed this piece of useful information. 'Right, Cathy, I'll talk to you later. Bye.' She hung up before the woman had a chance to answer. 'Dominic, we need to go by my flat on the way.'

  'Well, I know that,' he retorted. 'We have to get all your sewing paraphernalia, don't we?'

  Celine laughed. 'We do,' she agreed as she dialled Marina. After she'd filled her friend in on her progress so far and Marina had confirmed that both Rose and Kay were coming over, Celine rang off and called Richard.

  'Hey, stranger, how are you?'

  Celine told him quickly about the fire and the work that lay ahead of her.

  'And I thought I'd had an exciting day,' he murmured.

  'Oh, Richard, I completely forgot! How did it go at the gallery?'

  'Not bad.'

  'What does that mean?' she asked impatiently.

  'They're going to give me a solo exhibition in October.'

  'You're kidding? Solo? That's fantastic.'

  'Yeah, I know, I can hardly believe it. They seemed really impressed and they're planning to send out invites to all the important people, including the press.'

  'That's wonderful.' Celine beamed at Dominic and gave him the thumbs up. 'Listen, I have to go. We're setting up a sewing room at Dominic and Marina's and Rose will be there too. Why don't you come over? I'm sure Dominic would welcome some male company.'

  'Ask him could he collect Rose,' Dominic said.

  Celine passed on the message and nodded at Dominic. 'Great, thanks, Richard.'

  'No problem, see you later. Bye, love.'

  'Bye,' Celine said and wondered as she hung up if she'd ever get used to this gorgeous man calling her 'love'.

  When they got to her flat, Celine whizzed around collecting all her stuff and then she went down to the shop to get some more accessories. Ten minutes later she was back in the car, slightly out of breath. 'Let's go,' she breathed.

  Marina flung open the door as Dominic turned into the driveway and rushed out to help with the bags.

  She frowned as she peered into some of them and Celine grinned. 'Don't ask.'

  'All, apparently, will be revealed,' Dominic added.

  They brought everything into the kitchen and Marina laughed when she spotted the stapler. 'That old trick!'

  'What?' Dominic asked.

  'If clothes don't fit the models properly at a fashion show,' she explained, 'they're pinned to fit us.'

  'But you're going to use a stapler?'

  'A stapler would damage good material,' Celine told him, 'but it's fine for a situation like this.'

  'And there's more likelihood of the clothes staying on,' Marina chipped in.

  Dominic grabbed Josh and headed for the garden. 'Come on, mate, let's leave them to it.'

  Celine quickly explained to Marina what she was planning to do and sent her up to the bathroom with seven of the tablecloths and the dye. 'Make sure you use gloves,' she warned.

  Marina raised her eyebrows. 'Since when did you have to tell me how to take care of my hands?'

  Celine laughed. 'Go!' she ordered.

  'Yessir!' Marina saluted and hurried out of the room.

  When she was alone, Celine set out her booty on the kitchen table, took her pad and pencil from her bag and began to sketch. As she completed each design she took the accessories she needed for it and put them to one side with the sketch and a label. She hummed as she worked, engrossed in the job at hand.

  'If I didn't know any better I'd say you were enjoying yourself,' Dominic said from the doorway.

  Celine jumped. 'Dominic! I didn't hear you come in.'

  'Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I just need to get a snack for one hungry little footballer.'

  Celine laughed. 'Go ahead.'

  'So how's it going?' he asked, taking apple juice and yoghurt from the fridge.

  'Not bad, although it's hard to tell until I get my models to try the clothes on.'

  Dominic frowned. 'Models?'

  Celine smiled. 'Marina, size ten, Rose, size twelve and Kay, who's somewhere between a fourteen and sixteen but don't tell her I told you that.'

  'So that's why you need them — very clever, I'm impressed!'

  Celine grimaced. 'Let's hope it works.'

  'I'll let you get on with it. Once Josh has finished his snack I'll take him up for his bath so he's not in the way.'

  'Ah, the bath . . .'

  Dominic grinned. 'Or maybe a shower would make a nice change.'

  'Thanks, Dominic.' Celine smiled. 'I promise to give you your house back before bedtime.'

  'Hey, you're single-handedly saving our show, don't worry about it.'

  Marina appeared shortly after with some of the cloths. 'I haven't left these for as long as it says on the bottle but if I did we'd never be ready on time.'

  'Don't worry about it, I'm sure they'll be fine. Put them in the washing machine on a rinse, spin cycle and then into the tumble dryer.'

  Marina did as she was told and then came back to the kitchen to look at Celine's handiwork. 'Isn't some of this stuff from the shop?'

  Celine nodded. 'They'd better look after it or Rose will have my guts for garters.'

  'How much longer is she going to stay in Arklow?' Marina asked.

  'I'm not sure.' Silently, Celine prayed it would be until Mick Garvey was out of the way and Fergus could breathe again. She was glad she was so busy this evening and had a good excuse for not talking to her boss. Tomorrow night, however, would be a different matter. Once the show was over it would be hard to avoid Rose and her questions. She'd just have to spend all of her time in the kitchen when they went back to Richard's. She smiled and started to sing under her breath, 'That's why you'll always find me in the kitchen at parties . . .'

  'You're really enjoying this.' Marina smiled.

  Celine, who'd forgotten her friend was still there, shrugged. 'It's a buzz I suppose. I don't have time to think too much abo
ut the designs, I just have to trust my instincts.'

  Marina's eyes roamed over the sketches scattered on chairs around the room. 'I'd say your instincts are pretty good. Right, I'll go up and check on my other cloths. Shout if you need me.'

  Marina and Kay were taking the last of the cloths from the dryer when Rose and Richard arrived. Celine flew out to greet her boss and give her a warm hug.

  'Rose, how are you? You look wonderful.'

  'I'm fine,' Rose confirmed with a pain-free smile.

  'She'll be hitting the nightclubs in no time,' Richard confirmed.

  'I don't know about that but I wouldn't mind getting back to my ballroom dancing. Well, Celine, Richard tells me that you've been hard at work all day. I knew you were planning on taking up designing again, but not this quickly.'

  Celine laughed. 'I think it's called being thrown in at the deep end. Anyway, I must get back to work. We'll use the bedroom to put the dresses together,' she added, and then shot Marina a guilty look, 'if that's okay?'


  'What do these labels mean, twelve A, fourteen C?' Kay asked, after she and Rose had been introduced.

  'They're the different sizes of the cast,' Celine explained. 'We have two size tens, three size twelves, four size fourteens and five size sixteens.'

  'So Marina doesn't have much work to do.' Rose chuckled.

  'Our cast like their food,' Celine confirmed.

  'Why don't we all go into the sitting room and leave Celine in peace until she calls us?' Kay suggested.

  Celine shot her a grateful look. The last thing she needed at the moment was an audience. 'That's a good idea — you relax and have a glass of wine.'

  Kay winked at Rose. 'I think I might enjoy being a model.'

  'Marina, you're first,' Celine told her.

  'Can I just get the drinks? Oh, and I want to nip up and say good night to Josh.'

  'Can I come?' Kay asked.

  'You go on, Marina, I'll get the wine,' Richard suggested.

  'Thanks, Richard, come on, Mum. Won't be a minute, Celine.' When she returned she had Dominic with her. Kay had stayed behind to read Josh a story.

  'Where is everybody?' he asked.

  'Richard and Rose are in the living room drinking your wine.'

  'Then I'll go and help them!'

  When Dominic had gone, Celine and Marina carried everything upstairs. 'Celine, why didn't you just buy material in the fabric shop at the centre?' Marina asked as she laid the cloths across the bed. When she looked up Celine was staring at her.

  'There's a fabric shop in the centre?' They stared at each other and then collapsed into fits of laughter. 'I never noticed,' Celine said after she'd pulled herself together and wiped her eyes. 'I wonder why Dominic didn't mention it?'

  Marina shrugged. 'He's a man! Now, do you want me to strip?'

  'Just down to bra and pants.' Celine glanced at the large window. 'You're not overlooked here, are you?'

  'We'll find out if I start to get funny looks from the neighbours,' Marina laughed as she took off her clothes, whirled them around her head and threw them in a corner.

  'You're quite mad,' Celine said, wrapping a black tablecloth around her. 'Now hold still,' she said as she went to work with her stapler. Within minutes she'd fashioned a strapless dress with a strip of white cloth around the top and a white sash around the waist that fell in folds down the back of the dress. 'What do you think?' she asked Marina as she turned her to face the mirror.

  Marina appraised herself, turning this way and that. 'It's fantastic, Celine!'

  'With the hat and gloves I think it should be okay.'

  'It's a masterpiece. Oh, I can't wait until you start on my wedding dress!'

  Celine smiled. 'Okay, take that off very carefully and I'll get ten B.'

  'What about the hem?'

  'She's not as tall as you so I won't do that until tomorrow night.'

  'Right-ho!' Marina opened the Velcro fastening Celine had stapled to the back of the dress and slid it down over her hips.

  The night flew by with much laughter and oohing and aahing over Celine's creations. By gluing on feathers and beads and changing the necklines she'd made sure that none of the dresses were identical.

  'I can't wait to see this scene tomorrow night,' Rose said as she surveyed herself in the mirror. 'With the hats and the gloves these dresses are going to look amazing. Have you got plenty of costume jewellery, Celine?'

  'Oh, yes, in fact Marina helped me select it.'

  'Excellent, she has a very good eye. It should be a wonderful night.'

  'You don't mind me borrowing stuff from the shop, do you?'

  Rose waved a hand. 'Of course not, we have to play our part in helping a community project. And it's wonderful advertising.'

  Celine laughed. 'I can see you haven't lost your head for business. Right, you can take that off now — carefully.'

  Rose sighed. 'I've really missed the shop, you know. I'm just not cut out for lazing around.'

  Celine smiled. 'I know. So when do you think you'll be back?'

  'I thought just before Marina and Dominic's wedding would make sense.'

  'That would be great.'

  Rose hung her dress on a hanger. 'And looking at this dress, I have a feeling that you'll be ready to move on.'

  'I won't leave you until you're ready to work full-time,' Celine promised, 'but yes, I've been bitten by the bug again.'

  Rose hugged her. 'I'm so glad. And I'm thrilled that you and Richard are together. I just knew you'd be perfect for each other. Now, tell me, has my son been behaving himself?'

  Celine turned away and buried her head in her sewing bag. 'Yes, absolutely. He seems to be very busy at work, we've hardly seen him lately.' At least that was true, she thought, turning Rose around so she didn't have to look her in the eye and draping a white cloth over her shoulder.

  'I must admit that I wasn't keen on him working at that leisure centre but it seems to have worked out for the best.'

  Celine grunted, glad of the pins between her teeth.

  'Although he's acting very strange lately — I think he's keeping something from me,' Rose continued.

  Celine froze.

  'Everything okay, dear?'

  'Fine, yes, fine.'

  Chapter 48

  'She's suspicious,' Celine hissed in Richard's ear later when she'd finished the dresses and was flopped on the sofa beside him.

  'Don't worry about it,' he replied out of the corner of his mouth. 'Drink your wine and relax.'

  'Relax!' Her eyes widened in disbelief. 'How can I do that?'

  'Top-up, Celine?' Dominic stood over her with the bottle in his hand.

  She shook her head. 'No, I'm falling asleep as it is.'

  'You've done a fantastic job,' Kay told her.

  'I think we should have a fashion show, Dominic, what do you think?' Richard winked at his friend.

  'Great idea. Come on, ladies!'

  Marina stood up. 'Yeah, why not?'

  'We're not modelling them all,' Kay protested.

  'Just one each,' Rose suggested.

  The three of them disappeared upstairs, laughing.

  'I really appreciate all your hard work, Celine,' Dominic said. 'The cast will be overjoyed.'

  Celine sat up suddenly. 'Damn, I was supposed to phone Cathy!'

  'I did it already,' Dominic soothed. 'You had enough on your plate.'

  'Thanks. You know I don't mind the work, it's just avoiding Rose's questions about Fergus that's the real challenge.'

  'Why, what's up with Fergus?' he asked.

  Celine put her hand over her mouth and looked at Richard.

  'We may as well tell him,' Richard said.

  'Tell me what?'

  As quickly as he could, Richard filled Dominic in on the situation, swearing him to secrecy.

  'The poor lad,' Dominic said when he'd finished. 'But I think you should contact him and get him to talk to Rose.'

  Richard dragged a weary
hand through his hair. 'I would if I could. I've been calling him all day but his phone's switched off. And' — he glanced at Celine's worried face — 'I'm afraid he didn't turn up for work today.'

  'Ta-da! Whadayathink?' Marina swept into the room with Rose and Kay on her heels.

  'Amazing!' Dominic stood up and clapped and Richard whistled. Only Celine sat silent, staring into space.

  'Celine? Are you okay?' Marina bent down to look into her friend's face.

  Richard hugged Celine. 'She's just worn out, aren't you, darling?'

  Celine forced a smile and nodded. 'Yeah, sorry.'

  Dominic was gazing at the three women, his expression incredulous. 'You have nothing to be sorry for. Celine, these are better than the original costumes!'

  She reddened. 'Now you're exaggerating.'

  Rose shook her head. 'I've been in the fashion business for years and you know I wouldn't lie to you, Celine. You have a very special talent.'

  Marina pulled Celine to her feet and hugged her. 'I told you years ago you were a natural! Dominic, I think we should open a bottle of bubbly.'

  Dominic saw the look on Celine's face. 'It's late, darling, and we've a big day tomorrow. Let's save the champagne for after the show.'

  Richard stood up too. 'I promise, Marina, I'll have it on ice.'

  'You'd better,' she warned, releasing Celine and leading the other women back upstairs to change.

  'Come on, darling, I think you need your sleep.' Richard took Celine's hand.

  'What about the costumes?'

  'Leave them here,' Dominic replied. 'I'll bring them down to the community centre tomorrow afternoon.'

  'Okay then.' Celine suppressed a yawn and went to the bottom of the stairs. 'Thanks for the help everyone,' she called.

  'Any time. I haven't had so much fun in ages,' Kay told her as they emerged from the bedroom.

  'Me neither,' Rose agreed. 'Do you think Richard would mind dropping me home, Celine?'

  'Of course not.'

  'Maybe that son of mine will be there.'

  'I doubt it,' Richard said. 'To be honest, Rose, I think Fergus has found himself a girlfriend in your absence.'

  Celine stared at him and he nodded slightly.

  'Why didn't you tell me before, Richard?' Rose protested.


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