Miley the Stylist Fairy

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Miley the Stylist Fairy Page 1

by Daisy Meadows

  It’s about time for the world to see

  The legend I was born to be.

  The prince of pop, a dazzling star,

  My fans will flock from near and far.

  But superstar fame is hard to get

  Unless I help myself, I bet.

  I need a plan, a cunning trick

  To make my stage act super-slick.

  Seven magic clefs I’ll steal —

  They’ll give me true superstar appeal.

  I’ll sing and dance, I’ll dazzle and shine,

  And superstar glory will be mine!


  Title Page




  Clashing Clothes

  At the Harbor Café

  Drab Dressers

  Gorgeous Goblin!

  Photo Opportunity

  The Groove Gang Rocks!


  Also Available


  “What’s that noise?” Rachel murmured sleepily. She could hear a steady pitter-patter sound on the roof of the tent above her. Yawning, Rachel sat up in her sleeping bag. At the same time, her best friend, Kirsty, stirred and opened her eyes.

  “Oh, it’s raining!” Rachel exclaimed, suddenly realizing what the noise was.

  Kirsty sat up, too. “Is that thunder?” she asked a little nervously as a loud rumble echoed through the tent.

  Rachel laughed. “No, that’s my dad snoring in the other section of the tent!” she explained. Scrambling out of her sleeping bag, she went over to the tent’s main entrance. Kirsty followed, and together the two girls looked out.

  The site of the Rainspell Island Music Festival was soggy with heavy rain. It was morning, but the sky was dark and threatening. The grassy fields where the tents, stages, and performers’ trailers had been set up were already turning to mud.

  “What a shame!” Kirsty remarked. “Especially since we had such amazing weather yesterday.”

  “It doesn’t matter whether it’s sunny or rainy, though, does it?” Rachel reminded her. “We still have to keep looking for the Superstar Fairies’ magic clefs!”

  Kirsty nodded. “I wonder which fairy we’ll help today,” she said.

  When the girls had arrived on Rainspell Island the day before, they’d discovered that Jack Frost and his goblins had stolen the Superstar Fairies’ clefs, the magical items that helped them ensure that superstars everywhere gave great performances.

  It was Jack Frost’s dream to be the richest and most famous superstar in the whole world, and he planned to use the power of the clefs to perform at the Rainspell Festival. Rachel and Kirsty had promised to help the fairies get the magic clefs back, because without them, pop music in both the human and the fairy worlds would be ruined for everyone. So far, the girls, along with Jessie the Lyrics Fairy, Adele the Voice Fairy, and Vanessa the Choreography Fairy, had rescued three of the clefs from the goblins who were hiding them.

  “We saw three fantastic concerts yesterday, didn’t we?” Rachel remarked as she and Kirsty went back to their sleeping area. “It’s good that Jessie, Adele, and Vanessa got their clefs back in time, and that they had just enough magic to help The Angels, A-OK, and Sasha Sharp perform well.”

  “But the Superstar Fairies need all the magic clefs for things to be right again.” Kirsty sighed. “And even though we’ve seen the goblins, we still haven’t found Jack Frost! I wish we knew where he was hiding.”

  Rachel glanced at her watch. “We’d better get dressed,” she said. “We’re supposed to meet The Angels for a pancake brunch at the Harbor Café, remember?”

  The girls had become friends with the famous singing group The Angels after winning a competition to meet them. Lexy, Emilia, and Serena had even invited Rachel and Kirsty to the Rainspell Island Music Festival as their special guests.

  Kirsty and Rachel went over to the corner of their sleeping area where they’d put the duffel bags full of their clothes. Suddenly, Kirsty gasped as a raindrop hit her nose.

  “Where did that come from?” Kirsty asked, glancing upward. To her dismay, she saw a small rip in the tent roof. Rain was leaking in and falling on the bags directly underneath.

  “Our bags are soaked!” Rachel groaned.

  “And that means our clothes are probably soaked, too.” Kirsty sighed. She opened her bag and pulled out a couple of wet T-shirts. “Yes, they are!”

  “We must have something dry enough to wear.” Rachel began digging urgently through the damp contents of her bag. “We can’t meet up with The Angels in our pajamas!”

  The girls searched through their clothes.

  “The things at the bottom of my bag are still dry,” Kirsty said. She pulled out a long pink skirt printed with yellow flowers and a green T-shirt with white polka dots. “I’ll have to wear these, but they don’t exactly go together!”

  “Mine either!” Rachel said with a grin, holding up a pair of purple and white striped leggings and a red plaid shirt. “But they’re all I have.”

  Quickly, the girls dressed in their mismatched outfits. They looked at each other and burst out laughing.

  “Oh, well, I guess rain and mud and funny clothes are all part of being at a music festival,” Kirsty said. “I think we should take a picture of ourselves!” She grabbed her camera and, holding it out in front of her, took a picture of Rachel and herself.

  “At least we have raincoats, umbrellas, and rain boots, too,” said Rachel.

  The girls put on their raincoats, and both of them slipped their cameras into their pockets. Then, pulling on their boots, they headed out. On the way, they called to Rachel’s parents in the other sleeping area and warned them about the leak.

  “Your dad and I will figure it out while you’re gone,” Mrs. Walker promised. “We’ll see you at the concert later.”

  Rachel and Kirsty stepped out of the tent into the pouring rain.

  “I hope it stops raining for the concert this afternoon,” Rachel remarked, struggling to put her umbrella up against the strong wind.

  Kirsty opened her umbrella, too. Immediately, a shower of rainbow-colored glitter tumbled out, followed by a tiny fairy.

  “It’s Miley the Stylist Fairy!” Kirsty exclaimed.

  Miley smiled at the girls, shaking the dazzling fairy dust from her long brown hair. She wore a denim mini skirt with leggings and a blue hoodie. Orange sneakers sparkled on her feet.

  “Isn’t this weather awful, girls?” Miley cried, hovering under the shelter of Kirsty’s umbrella. “Of course, you know why I’m here — to find my magic clef. Without it, all the superstars’ special, stylish clothes will be ruined!”

  “Yes, it will be terrible if the superstars have to wear silly outfits like the ones Kirsty and I have on!” Rachel agreed. “We’re just on our way to meet The Angels at the Harbor Café, Miley.”

  “We can keep an eye out for your clef on the way,” Kirsty added.

  “Wonderful!” Miley smiled at them. “I’ll stay out of sight up here.” She fluttered up to the top of Kirsty’s umbrella and perched on one of the spokes.

  The girls began to make their way across the festival site. Even though it was raining heavily, people were still out and about in rubber boots and raincoats.

  “Star Village is just as busy as usual, even though it’s raining,” Rachel remarked as they trudged through the mud. Star Village was a group of tents where people could try out different superstar activities like dressing up, singing karaoke, and learning dance routines.

  Suddenly, Kirsty grabbed Rachel’s arm. “Sta
y away from those boys over there, Rachel,” she murmured. “They’re splashing everyone with mud!”

  Rachel glanced around and saw a gang of boys wearing long, bright green raincoats, large rain hats pulled down over their faces, and huge boots. The boys were pretending to perform a dance routine, but Rachel could see that they were just jumping around in the puddles and splattering everyone who went past with muddy water.

  “Thanks, Kirsty,” Rachel said as they walked by, keeping far away from the mischievous boys. “Someone’s going to get really upset with them in a minute!”

  The girls continued through the festival site, keeping a lookout for the magic music clef. But there was no sign of it, and they didn’t see any goblins, either. They left the site and headed for the Harbor Café, which was located in Rainspell’s pretty little harbor overlooking the sandy beach.

  When they reached the café, the girls stopped under the red-and-white-striped awning to close their umbrellas. Miley zoomed out and neatly hid herself inside the pocket of Rachel’s plaid shirt.

  “Look, Rachel.” Kirsty pointed with the tip of her umbrella at a colorful poster stuck in the café window. “It’s The Groove Gang! I can’t wait to see their concert this afternoon.”

  “They look so cool,” Rachel said, studying the poster. The five members of The Groove Gang each wore a special color — Yvette’s hoodie and sneakers were yellow, Rick wore red, Blake blue, Lila lilac, and Paige was pretty in pink. The same five colors had been used in swirling patterns all over the background of the poster.

  “Those are the outfits they wear in the music video for ‘A Style of Your Own,’ ” said Rachel. “I love that song!”

  “Me, too,” Kirsty agreed. “I hope they sing it this afternoon.”

  Rachel pushed open the café door and the girls went inside.

  “Rachel, Kirsty!” called Lexy, one of The Angels, from a table in the big bay window. “Come and join us.”

  The girls hurried toward Serena, Emilia, and Lexy. But The Angels weren’t alone. Sitting with them were five teenagers who were all wearing brown hoodies.

  “Kirsty, it’s The Groove Gang!” Rachel whispered excitedly as they approached the table. “Looks like we’re having brunch with two bands instead of one!”

  “Fantastic!” Kirsty murmured, her eyes shining. Then she frowned. “But they look so different from the poster. I wonder why they aren’t wearing their special colors today. . . .”

  “Glad you could make it, girls,” said Serena with a smile as Kirsty and Rachel sat down. “I’m sure you recognize our friends The Groove Gang?”

  “Of course we do!” Kirsty said a little shyly. “Rachel and I love your videos. We’re always trying to copy your dance moves!”

  “Our favorite is ‘A Style of Your Own,’” Rachel added.

  Lila smiled at the girls. “Thank you,” she said. “We love meeting our fans.”

  “It’s a little embarrassing, though,” Blake said, making a face, “because we don’t have much style today at all!” He glanced down at his brown hoodie.

  “We had an accident with the washing machine this morning,” explained Paige. “Our stylist, Suzy Sparkle, washed our hoodies and the bright colors got mixed up in the wash. They all came out brown!”

  “Oh, that’s too bad,” Kirsty said.

  “Actually, all our clothes turned brown in the wash,” Yvette said with a sigh.

  “Except our outfits for the concert this afternoon,” Rick reminded her. “Don’t forget we’re picking them up from Suzy after breakfast.”

  “That’s lucky,” remarked Emilia. “The Groove Gang just wouldn’t be the same if you didn’t all have your special colors to wear.”

  Kirsty looked at the members of The Groove Gang. “Would you mind if Rachel and I took a photo of you?” she asked politely.

  “Not at all,” Paige replied with a smile. “But maybe you’d rather wait until later, when we’ve changed into our concert outfits?”

  “Yes, we’ll look more like ourselves then!” Lila agreed. “We’ll be wearing our special, signature colors.”

  “OK,” Kirsty agreed.

  Lexy turned to Rachel and Kirsty. “Sorry, girls, but Serena, Emilia, and I aren’t looking too great this morning, either!” she said, pointing at her jeans. Rachel and Kirsty saw that they were damp and had muddy stains all over them. Serena’s and Emilia’s jeans were stained, too, and there was a big splash of mud on Emilia’s white T-shirt.

  “What happened?” asked Rachel, taking off her raincoat.

  “Did you notice that group of boys jumping around in the puddles near Star Village?” Serena asked. The girls nodded.

  “Well, they splashed us with muddy water.” Lexy sighed.

  Rachel and Kirsty exchanged an anxious look. They knew exactly why the stars were having such bad luck with their outfits. It was because Miley’s magic clef was missing! Rachel could feel Miley moving around restlessly inside her shirt pocket, and she guessed that the little fairy was upset by what she was hearing.

  “Well, Rachel and I had no dry clothes this morning because the rain leaked into our tent,” Kirsty explained, hanging her raincoat on the back of her chair. “That’s why we’re both wearing things that clash!”

  Serena smiled. “Let’s forget all about our clothes and enjoy a nice brunch together,” she suggested as two waitresses came toward them. The waitresses were carrying trays stacked with plates of pancakes, a pitcher of orange juice, and containers of maple syrup, honey, and jam, which they placed on the table.

  “This looks great!” Blake said eagerly. He reached for a pancake and then for the maple syrup, but he ended up dripping sticky syrup all over his sleeve. Serena handed him a paper napkin to clean it up, but accidentally knocked over Paige’s glass of orange juice. The juice ran across the tablecloth and dripped into Lexy’s lap.

  Kirsty bit her lip and stole a glance at Rachel as Yvette dropped a blob of strawberry jam on her knee. The girls knew that things would only get worse for the superstars unless they found Miley’s magic clef. Kirsty wondered where it could be.

  “I think we need another rehearsal before the concert this afternoon, guys,” Rick remarked when breakfast was almost over. “Are you all up for it?”

  Blake, Paige, and Lila nodded.

  “Aren’t we supposed to be picking up our stage outfits from Suzy now?” asked Yvette.

  “We could get them for you,” Kirsty offered.

  “Oh, would you?” Yvette said. “Thanks, girls! It would give us more time to rehearse. Could you get them from Suzy’s trailer and bring them over to the dressing rooms behind the main stage, please?”

  “No problem,” said Rachel.

  Kirsty, Rachel, The Angels, and The Groove Gang walked back to the festival site together. It was still raining, but not quite as heavily.

  “Suzy Sparkle’s trailer is that pink, sparkly one over there,” Rick told the girls. “Thanks again.”

  “Thanks for brunch!” Rachel and Kirsty called as The Groove Gang went off to their rehearsal tent and The Angels headed for their trailer. Once they were alone, Miley popped her head out of Rachel’s pocket.

  “Isn’t it a shame about their fabulous clothes?” Miley sighed. “We’ve got to make sure that nothing ruins The Groove Gang’s outfits for the concert this afternoon — and that means finding my clef. I can feel that it’s here somewhere, close by.”

  “There must be goblins around here, too,” Rachel said as they went over to the bright pink trailer.

  “We haven’t seen any so far today,” Kirsty said.

  Miley ducked out of sight again as Kirsty knocked on the glossy pink door.

  A young woman with long blond hair, wearing a black lace dress, opened the door.

  “The Groove Gang asked us to pick up their out
fits for this afternoon and take them to their dressing rooms,” Kirsty explained.

  “They decided to rehearse before the concert,” Rachel added.

  “Oh, come in!” Suzy Sparkle smiled at them. “You’re Rachel and Kirsty, aren’t you? I’ve heard all about you from The Angels.” She ushered the girls into the trailer, which had clothes piled everywhere. “Look, these are The Groove Gang’s outfits,” Suzy went on, pointing at a rack with three short black skirts and two pairs of black pants hanging on it. Next to them were five colorful shirts. “What do you think, girls?”

  “They’re fantastic!” Rachel exclaimed. Metallic threads were woven into the shirt material, so they glittered in the light.

  “And they’re all the right colors,” Kirsty said happily, touching the sleeve of Paige’s pink shirt. Relieved, she glanced at Rachel. There was nothing wrong with these outfits.

  Carefully, Suzy began removing the clothes from the rack, and Rachel and Kirsty draped them neatly over their arms.

  “Thanks, girls,” Suzy said. “At least it stopped raining! See you at the concert.”

  Rachel and Kirsty left the trailer with the outfits. As they headed toward the dressing rooms, Miley peeked out again.

  “The shirts are fabulous, girls!” she declared with a big smile. “We have to keep them safe —”


  A loud voice nearby made Rachel and Kirsty jump. Then they saw one of the boys they’d noticed earlier come running toward them. His rain hat was pulled down and his bright green raincoat was flapping around him.

  “Look at those shirts!” the boy yelled. “They’re amazing!”

  Suddenly, the other boys appeared and rushed toward Rachel and Kirsty. The girls were too surprised to move, and the boys gathered around them, jumping in the muddy puddles and trying to grab the outfits. To Rachel’s and Kirsty’s horror, they were both knocked backward. They fell into an enormous, dirty puddle that splashed them and the clothes they were carrying.


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