Wilde Riders (Old Town Country Romance)

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Wilde Riders (Old Town Country Romance) Page 6

by Young, Savannah

  “Wait there,” Cooper says as he jumps out of the truck and hurries to my open door.

  As he helps me out of the truck, I notice that he hasn’t really answered my question. Maybe he’s embarrassed that he still lives “at home.” But if my family had a place like this, I might consider still living at home, too.

  Even if it is in New Jersey.

  The inside of the house does not disappoint. It’s even more breathtaking than the exterior. The place could easily serve as a feature story for Architectural Digest.

  It’s actually a little hard to believe that four young guys live here. It’s so lovely, and well decorated, and clean. Not the typical bachelor pad.

  “What are you thinking?” Cooper asks. His voice is a bit tentative.

  “No women live here? I don’t want to sound sexist but it seems far too nice for four guys.”

  “My mom was the only woman who lived here in years. My grandparents died when Jake and I were kids.”

  I continue to look around at all of the antiques and artwork. I’m no appraisal expert but it looks like some of this stuff is worth a lot of money.

  I’m surprised when Cooper comes up behind me and pulls me into his muscular body. “Jake and Tucker won’t be home for a while,” he whispers into my ear. “I’m not sure where Hunter is but he usually keeps to himself.”

  “Is that a proposition?” I ask playfully.

  As Cooper moves his strong hands down my knee-length skirt, I’m aware of having entirely too much clothing on.

  He turns me so we’re facing each other and I feel like all the air is quickly sucked out of my lungs. He really is stunning to look at. He doesn’t have the boyish good looks and charm of his brother, Jake. Cooper is dark and brooding and intense.

  And every bit of his intensity is now focused on me. He’s looking at me like he would give anything to possess me.

  And every part of my body feels ready and willing to be possessed by him.

  Neither one of us says anything. Nothing more needs to be said. The air is heavy with our desire for each other.

  Cooper pulls me closer and I can feel that he’s already hard. That fuels my longing even more. It’s been a while since I’ve had any satisfaction in the sex department. It’s been six months since I’ve even had sex at all, but satisfaction in the bedroom has been elusive for even longer than that.

  But as Cooper looks at me, with hunger in his eyes, they promise more than I have ever experienced and the idea of being completely consumed by him sends shivers of excitement through me.

  He doesn’t hesitate any longer. He puts his lips to mine and I taste the sweetness of his kiss—a little flavor of the Jack and Coke still lingers in his mouth.

  It doesn’t take long for our tongues to find each other and soon our hands join the party and we explore each other’s bodies.

  “We’ve got to get you out of this damn suit,” Cooper curses under his breath. “I need to feel your skin.”

  “We’re in the middle of your foyer,” I remind him.

  He looks around as if he’s just remembering where we’re standing.

  “Guest bedroom,” he says as he grabs my hand.

  As he pulls me upstairs, I notice the staircase is lined with generations of family photos. Something I feel compelled to explore more thoroughly later.

  But why? I remind myself that I’m only here for a few days. It’s not exactly a one-night stand but I don’t plan on this lasting longer than the weekend. How could it? My life is in Manhattan. Rural New Jersey is definitely not part of my five-year plan. Or any plan for that matter. And neither is a boyfriend.

  The hallway is lined with more antiques and artwork and I almost feel like I’m at a historical site rather than someone’s home.

  “This one,” Cooper says as he pulls me into one of the numerous doorways.

  It’s a lovely bedroom, decorated in a purple motif. It feels modern even though the furnishings are obviously antiques.

  For a moment, I feel as if the room is almost too nice to tarnish with sex. That is until I catch sight Cooper’s hungry eyes and I’m completely undone.

  He moves in for the kill and doesn’t hesitate in removing my suit jacket.

  “All day, I’ve been wondering what was under this jacket. Not that you don’t have great taste in suits but there’s entirely too much material there.”

  Underneath, I’m wearing a form-fitting white blouse, which Cooper takes in. “This is nice but it’s also got to go.”

  He quickly unbuttons my blouse and removes it from my shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Luckily I’m wearing a bra and panties that are somewhat sexy. I didn’t just wear standard issue.

  Cooper gives a small smile of approval as he looks at me.

  “So is it everything you’d imagined underneath my suit jacket?” I tease.

  He nods. “It’s so much better.”

  As he puts a thumb under my bra strap and pulls it off my shoulder, he places a kiss on my shoulder blade that gives me goose bumps. He does the same thing on my other shoulder before he completely removes my bra.

  Then he devours my breasts, licking and sucking them until my nipples are completely erect.

  “This needs to go, too,” Cooper says, indicating my skirt.

  Before I have time to respond, he unzips my skirt and pulls it down. As I step out of the final piece of my suit, I’m left standing only in my underwear.

  I feel vulnerable as Cooper takes in my nearly naked body. I’ve never had a guy just look at me the way Cooper is looking at me, almost with reverence.

  Most of the guys I’ve been with, the Wall Street wannabes, are more interested in the finish line than enjoying the race. They were all sprinters who wanted a quick win.

  Cooper seems like he’s more of a marathon runner.

  I’ve had guys tell me I was beautiful before. But it rarely sounded sincere; more like a means to an end.

  But Cooper doesn’t say a word. He just looks at me. But the way he’s looking at me, like I’m the most precious object in the world, nearly brings me to my knees.

  Without removing his eyes from mine, he takes his index finger and places it on my collar bone. Then he slowly moves the digit down my chest, between my breasts, down my stomach until it lands on the edge of my panties.

  As he runs his fingers along my panties’ edge, I feel a wave a shivers run through me.

  “I think we need to lose these, too,” Cooper whispers as he slides my underwear down.

  I already know he’s not one to show too much emotion but there’s an unspoken Wow in his desire-filled eyes.

  I place a hand on my hip and glance up at him. “I’d like to know something.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “Really? What’s that?”

  “I’d like to know why I’m completely naked and you’re still fully clothed.”

  He puts a finger to his chin and rubs. “That’s a really good question. I don’t have an answer for you but I do have a solution if you think it’s a problem.”

  I nod. “I think it’s a really big problem.”

  He quickly remedies the situation. As he removes his shirt, I have to restrain a gasp. His tight-fitting Polo shirt hinted at a muscular chest but Cooper is as close to perfection as I have ever seen. Whatever he’s doing for physical activity is definitely working, and working well.

  He doesn’t waste any time with his Khakis, either. He has them off in a matter of seconds and I can’t help but take note of the rather large bulge in his boxer briefs. I’m not disappointed at all when those are removed and his manhood is displayed in its full glory.

  I don’t even realize I’m licking my lips until I see Cooper smirk in response.

  “Subtle is definitely not your middle name, is it?” he teases.

  I know I should be embarrassed but I’m too consumed with desire. Every cell in my body longs to connect with Cooper. The feeling is so raw and overwhelming, I can barely control it.

  He must hav
e a similar feeling because he grabs me and pulls me close. His erection is rock hard as it pushes up against my stomach. Before I’m even aware of what he’s doing, he lifts me and carries me the short distance to the bed.

  We’re a tangle of mouths, and hands, as we explore every inch of each other’s bodies. Cooper’s touch is masterful and I feel like every inch of me becomes fully awakened by his contact.

  I’ve never longed so deeply for anyone but I can feel the desire for Cooper stir deep within me.

  “Do you have a condom?” I throw out there because I’m not sure how else to let him know I need him inside me right now.

  “Subtle again.” He laughs as he disentangles himself from the little human knot we’d created on the bed.

  He searches through the nightstand until he finds a box of condoms. “One of the benefits of having three brothers,” he says. “Plenty of condoms when you need one.”

  It only seems like a matter of seconds before he’s got the condom on. “Now where were we?” he says as he straddles me.

  He looks into my eyes as if he’s searching for something, I’m not sure what. Playtime is definitely over. He’s back to being Mr. Intense.

  “Keep your eyes open and on me,” he demands.

  It seems like such an unusual request but I do as I’m told. I keep my eyes aimed at his as he enters me with a quick, hard thrust.

  I may have gone a little too long without sex because I gasp at the intrusion. He’s big and really hard and it takes a few more thrusts before I stretch to fully accommodate him. “That’s it, Baby,” he says as he continues to push. “Just relax.”

  Normally I’d want to punch any man who would even consider calling me anything like baby, doll, honey or any other such diminutive, but for some reason, when Cooper says it, I really like it.

  So much for being a modern day Joan of Arc feminist.

  Cooper continues to thrust with so much force I think we might break the poor antique bed.

  “Look at me,” he insists, and I realize I’ve been looking at the headboard.

  His dark eyes are now filled with an absolute determination that sends waves of shivers through me.

  I let out another gasp when Cooper grabs my ass and angles me in such a way that his next thrust reaches even deeper inside me, which I didn’t think was possible.

  I’m just about to completely lose my mind in the fervor of intense sex when he again angles me in such a way that he goes even deeper.

  And I’m completely and totally lost.

  I can faintly hear myself saying, “Oh, God,” and I can hear Cooper say, “Look at me, Baby” but I’m floating somewhere outside of my body in the bliss of orgasmic release.

  The only thing that brings me back to Earth is Cooper’s hand brushing my cheek. “Where did you go?” he whispers.

  I shake my head in response. “I have no idea.”

  He looks confused, and maybe a little crestfallen, like he’s not sure he’s performed to my satisfaction.

  “Was that okay?” he asks as he continues to brush his hand lightly on my cheek.

  I can’t help but laugh. Okay would be the understatement of the millennia.

  He looks like I slapped him. I suddenly feel horrible that I laughed. “I’m sorry,” I say quickly. “I really didn’t mean to laugh. It’s just that okay is not the word I would use to describe—whatever it is that you just did to me—it was absolutely amazing. And that’s not even a good enough. More like Earth-shattering.”

  Now he’s biting back a smile. “Earth-shattering, huh? I’ll take that.”

  He places a soft kiss on my lips. Then says, “I’d better get cleaned up. We’ve got plenty of bathrooms, if you need to use one.”

  “Do you mind if I take a quick shower?” I ask.

  “Not at all. All of the bathrooms should have fresh towels. Are you hungry? I could make us something to eat.”

  I hadn’t thought about it but as soon as Cooper says hungry, I can feel my stomach rumble. “I could eat,” I reply.

  “Meet me downstairs in the kitchen whenever you’re ready.”

  As Cooper gets up from the bed, I remember that I only have my business suit to wear. “Do you have any sweatpants and a T-shirt I could borrow? I’m not sure I want to put that suit back on.”

  “Yeah, sure. You’ll be swimming in my clothes. Maybe I’ll borrow something from Hunter. He hasn’t quite filled out yet.”

  “Are you sure he won’t mind?” The last thing I want is for one of Cooper’s brothers to be mad at me because I borrowed some of his clothes.

  “I’m sure he won’t mind,” Cooper assures me. “I’ll put them in the blue bathroom for you. It’s the second door on the right.”

  “Blue bathroom, huh? Does that mean there’s a pink bathroom somewhere? Maybe even a purple one?”

  He laughs. “The guest bathrooms are blue, yellow and green. Sorry, no pink. That’s probably because my mom never had any daughters. Much to her chagrin, I might add.”

  “I would imagine having four boys was tough,” I say.

  “You have no idea.”

  “You’re right about that. Being an only child had some advantages but it definitely had some disadvantages.”

  “Do you want kids?” Cooper asks. It seems like a casual question until he looks at me and I’m frozen in place by the seriousness in his eyes.

  “I haven’t given it much thought,” I lie and I’m not sure why. It seems like such a deep question for someone to ask a one-night (or in our case one-weekend) stand.

  “I do,” he states as he slips on his boxer briefs. “Probably two or three.”

  “There are a few things I want to accomplish before I think about having a family,” I reply.

  He raises an eyebrow. “Like?”

  I can feel my face getting hot with embarrassment. Will my goals seem superficial to someone like Cooper? It’s obvious that family is important to him. And I’ve never shared such intimate things with a guy before. Most guys have never cared enough to even ask.

  Cooper is looking at me like he’s studying my face. “It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me.”

  “It’s not that,” I say. “I’m just surprised that you asked.”

  He frowns. “Why wouldn’t I?”

  I shrug. “Most guys don’t really care.”

  “I guess I’m not like most guys.”

  “There are very few ways in which you’re like most of the guys I know.”

  I can see him swallow, hard, and I wonder if I’ve offended him. “Maybe we’d better get cleaned up.”

  Just like that the conversation is over. I can’t help but feel a twinge of disappointment.



  I feel like I’m digging myself into a deeper and deeper hole the longer I let Riley believe that I’m not like every other Wall Street wannabe she knows when that’s exactly what I am—right down to the apartment in lower Manhattan and the car.

  But I’m also the simple guy from New Jersey that she thinks I am. At least I was. Maybe I still am deep down inside. Who the hell knows? What’s that old saying? Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive. Well, I’m not just tangled. I’ve really gotten myself twisted into one big knot of lies. And I have no idea how I’m going to get myself untwisted.

  As I head toward the kitchen, I notice my brother, Tucker, alone in the darkened living room. Jake must have let him come home early. That’s not unusual. What is unusual is that he’s stretched out on the couch staring at the wall.

  “What’s on your mind, Tuck,” I ask as I plop down on the couch next to him.

  He doesn’t reply right away. Then he turns to me and says, “Take care of that girl, Man. Do whatever you have to do but don’t let her go.”

  I rake my fingers through my hair. “I’m just not sure it’s going to be anything more than a weekend thing.” As much as I may want it to be more, it’s not just my decision.

  Tuck shakes his he
ad. “I’ve seen the way she looks at you. Like the sun rises and sets on your ass. I think you’re wrong, Man.”

  “There’s a lot more to it than that.”

  “You obviously like her. She likes you. What more is there?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “I think you’re making it complicated.” He looks back at the wall. “If I had a girl like that, I’d do whatever it took to keep her. But you and I both know that’s never gonna happen.”

  “Why would you say that?”

  Tucker doesn’t respond right away. He continues starting at the wall.

  “Tucker?” I say softly. I feel like he’s disappeared even though he’s still sitting right next to me.

  When he looks back at me, his eyes are moist. It breaks my heart.

  “What girl’s ever gonna want me? My leg is totally messed up. I look like a freak. And I walk like some old dude who’s constipated.”

  I want to laugh at his description of his limp, which is slight at best but I can see he’s really struggling to come to terms with his injury.

  “I’m sure you’ll meet someone who won’t care about your leg. You were in a war. You served your country. That’s something to be proud of. You’re not a freak. And you definitely don’t walk like someone who’s constipated. Old, maybe, but not constipated. ”

  That earns me a slight smile. “Easy for you to say. You never even have a hair on your head out of place.”

  “My life isn’t as easy as you think it is, Tuck. I wish it was. I know I don’t have the problems you do but I do have my share of problems.”

  “I’d trade your problems for mine any day.”

  “I wish I could take your pain away. I really do. You’ve just got to work through it.”

  When Tucker heaves a sigh and stares at the wall again, I sense the conversation is closed for now.

  Just as I’m about to get up, I hear a scream from upstairs.

  Tucker and I both jump up from the couch and hurry out of the living room. I take the stairs two at a time until I reach the blue bathroom.

  My youngest brother, Hunter, is standing outside the bathroom, with his hand stuck to the doorknob. His normally pale face is beet red and he’s blinking rapidly.


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