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Wilde Riders (Old Town Country Romance)

Page 10

by Young, Savannah

  “No!” I practically yell. The last thing I need is for Patti to come to New Jersey. I try to take in a calming breath. Then I say, “You don't need to come to New Jersey.”

  I wait but there's no response. “Patti?”

  She's already hung up...and she’s probably already on her way out of New York. I try to call back several times but it goes to voice mail.


  Then I realize Patti has no idea exactly where in New Jersey I actually am.

  I think about finding another way to contact her but then I decide against it. Maybe it’s better if she seeks but never quite finds me.

  I grab a quick shower in the blue bathroom, but this time I make sure to lock the door so one of the Wilde boys doesn’t accidently (or maybe even not so accidently) enters while I’m getting ready.

  As much as I still think Harley doesn’t like me, she obviously likes Jake enough to give me quite a bit of clothing to choose from. For this evening I decide on a little, flouncy white skirt that looks really cute with the red cowboy boots she loaned me. And I pair it with a white corset top that accentuates my cleavage just right with the push up bra. I hope Cooper likes it as much as I do. And maybe I’ll fit in a little better with the country music fans at Haymakers than I would if I if I picked something more like what I’d wear to a bar in New York.

  As I make my way down the stairs I can’t help but once again take notice all of the family photos lining the wall. Seeing photos of Cooper and his brothers when they’re young makes me think about one day having a family of my own. I try to push that idea to the back of my mind. No good can come from thinking about marriage and raising a family. Right now, my career needs to come first. With my hectic work schedule I’m not sure it will ever be realistic to think about becoming a mother.

  “Wow,” I hear a male voice say. The exclamation is followed by a low whistle.

  I turn to see Jake heading up the stairs. He’s eyeing me like a hungry lion. It immediately makes me uncomfortable.

  “Cooper is one lucky guy,” he makes a point of saying, even though the words don’t match his actions. He’s still eyeing me like a starved animal.

  “I’d say you’re pretty lucky, too.”

  He raises an eyebrow. “Me? Lucky? Nah. I’m not the Golden Boy of the family like Cooper.”

  I’m not sure what it is about these Wilde boys that they’re so competitive with each other but it’s a little disturbing. “If I had to bet, I’d guess that Cooper would say you were the Golden Boy of the family.”

  Jake gives a hearty laugh. “He’s the one who got you.”

  “And what about you and Harley?” I offer.

  “What about us?” He gives me a sideways glance.

  “The two of you seemed awfully cozy with each other.”

  “Cozy, huh? Is that what they’re calling hooking up in New York these days?”

  “And hooking up is what you’re calling what’s going on with Harley?”

  He steps a little closer to me and I can feel the heat radiating from his body. I want to step away but I don’t want to seem rude.

  “That’s exactly what I call it,” he insists.

  “And what do you think Harley calls it?” I push.

  He bites the inside of his cheek, which seems like a nervous habit. “She knows the score.”

  “Are you sure about that?” I now look directly into his eyes.

  He wipes at his forehead where a little bit of sweat has appeared. I can see my line of questioning is making him uncomfortable.

  “What’s going on?” I hear another voice at the bottom of the stairs. It’s Cooper.

  When Jake takes a step back, I realize that our close proximity might have made it look like something inappropriate was taking place between me and Jake. My suspicion is confirmed when I see that Cooper is seething. His eyes are slits of anger and his face is a stone mask.

  “Dude, chill,” Jake says as he turns to his brother.

  Cooper has now joined us on the staircase. I can see that his hands are clenched into tight balls of rage. I just hope he doesn’t hit his brother, especially for no good reason.

  “Jake and I were just having a conversation about Harley,” I say, hoping to alleviate some of the tension that is now thick in the air.

  Cooper’s eyes are still narrowed as they dart between me and Jake. I just wish Jake didn’t look so smug. I think he’s really enjoying getting his brother riled up.

  “I wanted to see how you’re feeling,” Cooper says to me. “Make sure you’re okay.”

  “She’s fine,” Jake responds.

  Cooper glares at him. “I wasn’t talking to you.”

  I can’t reach Cooper because Jake is still standing between us but I really want to have some kind of physical contact with him. I think my touch would relieve some of the enormous amount of tension that seems to have overtaken his body.

  “What crawled up your ass?” Jake replies.

  “Do you mind moving out of the way so I can have a conversation with Riley?”

  Jake crosses his arms over his chest, which seems even broader today. “Maybe I like where I’m standing.”

  “Don’t be a jerk,” Cooper spits.

  With a smirk Jake says, “But I’m so good at it.”

  The brothers glare at each other but neither one will move from his position on the stairs.

  “This is ridiculous,” I hiss. “Both of you need to grow up. I’m going back upstairs and if one of you decides to stop acting like a twelve-year-old, you can meet me there.”

  I waste no time marching back up the stairs and into the guest bedroom. When I sit on the bed, I can actually feel myself shaking a little. I’m usually not that bold and direct with people but the Wilde brothers, especially when they’re together, seem to bring that out in me.

  Only a few moments go by before I hear a soft knock at the door.

  “Come in,” I call out.

  When Cooper enters, he looks like a puppy that’s just been yelled at by its master. It tugs on my heartstrings a bit to see him look so pitiful.

  “I’m sorry,” he says as he approaches the bed.

  I glance up and give him a small smile. That seems to lift his spirits a bit.

  “I don’t know what happens when I get around Jake. I just can’t seem to think rationally, which isn’t like me at all.”

  I pat the spot on the bed right next to me and Cooper takes a seat. When I place my hand on his leg, he immediately takes it into his. I like how well our hands fit together.

  Not that they’re the only body parts that fit together nicely.

  He doesn’t waste any time reminding me how well our lips fit together too.

  After a tender kiss, Cooper looks into my eyes and I can see there’s still some uncertainty there.

  “You have nothing to worry about,” I whisper, then place another soft kiss on his lips. “I don’t want Jake. I want you.”

  “Girls always want Jake,” he replies, as he moves a hand on my cheek and searches my face.

  “Haven’t you figured out yet that I’m not like other girls?”

  “Oh, I’ve figured that out all right.”

  When he gives me his signature half smile, I realize that confident Cooper has returned. I just wonder what I can do to bring out his full-blown smile that I love so much.

  “How much time before you have to get back to the bar?” I ask.

  He raises an eyebrow. “How much time do we need?”

  “It depends,” I tease. “What will it take to get you to give me a real smile?”

  “I’ve got several ideas.” He looks at his watch. “And we’ve got enough time for any one of them.”

  “Care to share some of those ideas with me?” I ask, as I move in closer to him.

  “I think I’d rather just show you.”


  Another round of mind blowing sex and I don’t want to get out of the bed. My body is like jelly.

  Cooper has his ar
m around me and is holding me tight. I don’t think he wants to get up either but we both know we have to.

  “So what it is with you and Jake,” I say as casually as possible. I don’t want to upset him but it’s a question that has been burning in my mind.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Why are the two of you so competitive with each other? I mean I know about sibling rivalry and all that but it seems like there’s more to it.”

  Cooper heaves a small sigh and I wait while he seems to be collecting his thoughts. Then he says quietly, “Merilee Winters.”

  “Who is that?”

  When he looks at me, I can see that deep sadness in his eyes again. Part of me wishes I hadn’t brought up the subject but I really want to know what happened.

  “A girl I was absolutely crazy about in high school. I thought I was in love with her. Of course, she didn’t even know I existed. I hadn’t filled out yet. I was a skinny, kind of nerdy guy, sort of like Hunter.”

  “Hunter isn’t nerdy,” I say in his defense.

  Cooper gives me a look like I must be blind.

  “Okay, maybe a little,” I admit.

  “Anyway, Merilee was cute and everyone loved her. But she didn’t pay any attention to me. At some point, I guess I was feeling sorry for myself and I let it slip to Jake why I was so upset. I told him I was crazy about Merilee and she didn’t even know I existed.

  “As soon as I said the words, I knew it was a mistake. He got this look in his eye like he now held the secret weapon that he could use to destroy me. And that’s exactly what he did. Within a few days he was going out with Merilee. She bragged to all of her friends, and anyone else who would listen, that she was dating a senior and the star of the football team. It was quite a catch for a sophomore. I could tell she really liked Jake but he didn’t seem to have the same feelings for her. I still saw him flirting with the cheerleaders when she wasn’t looking. They went out for about a month. It was just long enough for Merilee to lose her virginity to my brother and for him to dump her the following Monday. Within a few days he was dating one of the cheerleaders that he’d been flirting with behind her back.

  “She was furious. Especially because my brother let everyone in the school know how much he loved doing it with a virgin and how much he wanted another one. He joked that he just didn’t want to have to go down to the junior high to get another one. I’m sure it was humiliating. Merilee wouldn’t even look at me after that. For the next two years I was more invisible than ever, no doubt because I’m Jake’s brother.”

  I give Cooper a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for sharing that with me. I know it wasn’t easy but it explains a lot. Now I know why you’re so possessive of me around him, and also why you kind of rub our relationship in his face.”

  “I don’t mean to,” Cooper admits.

  “It’s okay,” I assure him.

  He places his hand on my cheek and gives me a small smile. “I’m glad you’re here. With me.” Implied in his statement is: And not with him.

  Before I have a chance to respond, Cooper says, “We’d better get ready.”


  I’m squished between Jake and Cooper in the front seat of the old Dodge Pickup truck. Cooper seems much calmer and more self-assured than he did earlier. No doubt thanks to the fantastic sex.

  Jake is another story entirely. He’s driving on the winding country roads like it’s the Indy 500 and he’s actually talking to himself.

  At least, I hope he’s talking to himself because I’m not really sure what he’s saying. It sounds like he’s mumbling something about trucks ruining the road because of the Tawnee Mountain construction.

  Cooper and I are holding hands, our fingers entwined, and I’m seated about as close to him as I can be without being in his lap. Although part of me thinks he wouldn’t mind at all if I actually was in his lap.

  I’m looking forward to seeing the Wilde Riders perform but I am especially looking forward to seeing Cooper on stage. He’s dressed in tight-fitting jeans and a light blue button-down shirt. I notice he’s wearing cowboy boots that look like they’ve been around for a while. They’re well-worn but they also look comfortable.

  “Why are you ginning?” Cooper whispers.

  “I didn’t realize I was,” I reply, and it’s the truth. “I guess I was just wondering if you’re going to wear a cowboy hat when you’re onstage later.”

  “No,” he replies. “It’s too hot for a hat. None of the guys wear one.”

  I give him a fake pout. “I thought I was going to get the full country music experience, hat and all.”

  “Plenty of country performers don’t wear cowboy hats.”

  “And how would I know that? I don’t have any experience with country music at all.”

  “We’re going to change that tonight,” he teases, as he gives me a kiss on the cheek.

  “You two love birds are going to make me sick,” Jake barks from the driver’s side.

  Love. That word kind of sends me into a bit of a tailspin. I know it’s just an expression, but there’s no way what’s going on between me and Cooper is love. We’ve only known each other for a few days and it’s ridiculous to think anyone can fall in love that quickly, isn’t it?

  But I feel like I’ve known Cooper a lot longer. It’s almost like we’re two pieces of a puzzle that just fit together. If I was a spiritual person, I’d say it feels like were destined to be together. But I’m not a spiritual person.

  I know this is just a weekend fling. An extended one-night stand, if you will. I can’t deny that I’m starting to have feelings for Cooper but it’s not love. It can’t be. It’s not an option at this point in my life. Not when I’m so focused on my career.

  “Worry about the road,” Cooper yells. “Not about us.”

  All three of us are quiet for a while. I have to admit that rural New Jersey is a lot more scenic than I gave it credit for. In many ways, it’s nearly idyllic and almost picture perfect with just the right ratio of rolling hills to sunflower-filled meadows.

  Jake finally breaks the silence. “What do you think about starting the first set with that new song by Dan Patrick Fulton?”

  “Summer?” Copper asks.

  “Yeah, I think it’s the perfect song for a cool August night.”

  “Okay,” he agrees. Then he squeezes my hand. “I think Riley will love it.”

  When I glance at him, he’s finally giving me the big, genuine smile I’ve been waiting for all day.


  I take a seat at one of the tables closest to the stage area. As soon as Tucker spots me, he gives me a wave and pours a drink. He hurries over to the table with it and places the Jack and Coke in front of me.

  I give him a warm smile. “Thanks, Tucker.”

  He nods. “Glad to see you made it. Feeling better?”


  Tucker looks better tonight than I’ve ever seen him. Not that I’ve seen him all that much. He’s dressed in nicer black jeans and a white button-down shirt rather than an old T-shirt and worn jeans. His hair looks freshly washed and it’s pulled back into a ponytail. For once, he doesn’t look scary. He looks more his age and he’s actually kind of attractive.

  I take a small sip of the drink. He was a little heavy handed with the alcohol. Apparently that’s a trait that runs in the family. It burns a little as it goes down my throat and I cough just a bit.

  “Too strong?” Concern overtakes Tucker’s face.

  “It’s fine. I’ll just have to remember to drink it slowly.”

  “As long as you’re okay. I warned Coop about taking you to the Farm and Horse Show. Of course, he doesn’t listen to me. What do I know? I’m just his little brother.”

  “Cooper seems to have a mind of his own,” I reply.

  “Another term for it is pig-headed.”

  “Or that,” I joke.

  “I’ve never had a sister but I think you’d make a really good one.”

  Before I have a
chance to reply, Tucker takes off back to the bar.

  I watch as Jake and Cooper get instruments and gear set up onstage. After a few minutes Hunter hurries into the bar. He looks flustered. His cheeks are red and there are beads of sweat dotting his forehead. It’s like he’s been running to get to the bar on time.

  The place is nearly deserted. Just a few early birds at the bar and one couple eating burgers and fries at a table in the front of the place. I image in a few hours, when the band starts to play, the place will be packed.

  At least I hope it will be.

  I notice Harley enter from the back room. Today she’s wearing even tighter jeans, which I wasn’t sure was possible, with a pink corset top and pink cowboy boots. I don’t know how she manages to look both cute and sexy at the same time but she pulls it off flawlessly.

  I watch as she talks to two other young girls who have joined her at the bar. They’re both wearing similar outfits to the one Harley is wearing, only their corset tops are black and paired with black cowboy boots. They’re both attractive but they don’t fill their tops out nearly as well as Harley does and they don’t quite have her sex appeal and charm.

  The longer I sit and watch Harley, the more I realize I’m a little jealous of her. She really embodies everything I’m not. I’m a sensible banker who’s more comfortable in a knee length business suit. She’s young, wild and free. Even at twenty-five, the last thing I feel is young. And I’ve never considered myself wild or free. I guess the closest thing I’ve ever done that might be considered wild is spending the weekend in New Jersey having hot sex with a guy I just met.

  Even though Cooper and I haven’t known each other that long, I feel like we’ve made a connection and that scares me. I’m not here to connect with anyone. I’m here for a good time. But I’m starting to feel like there’s more than that going on.

  The two girls take places behind the bar and I assume they’re there to fill in for the guys while they’re performing on stage.

  When Harley finally spots me she makes a beeline over to my table.

  “Coop hasn’t managed to scare you away yet?” She stands over me with her arms crossed and I admit she’s a little intimidating. You’d think I’d be used to tough, self-assured females. Wall Street is filled with them. Even my best friend, Patti, is one of them.


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