One Last Kiss: A Second Chance Romance

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One Last Kiss: A Second Chance Romance Page 13

by Lauren Wood

  The day went by quick but a certain scenario kept replaying in my head, the moment when Jaxon said my name. The way he said my name was so fucking sexy but when was Jaxon never sexy? The way my name rolled off his tongue felt so natural. I could listen to him say my name all day even if it was my nickname. Mostly, people called me Ange but the people who called me Angel were my family. So Jaxon calling me Angel made me feel like a freaking Angel indeed.

  My head was in the clouds that I didn’t notice Stephen talking to me.

  “Hello, earth to Ange! Are you done visiting planet Jaxon?” he asked as he waved a hand in front of my face. “Oh, sorry Steph. What did you say?” I asked. Stephen grinned as he asked “We’re still hitting the club later, right? Or do you want to visit the handsome stud next door?”

  I frowned and said “What the hell are you talking about Steph? I need to hit the dance floor and probably drink myself till I pass out.” Stephen gave a cheer and said “There’s the Ange I know. You’ve been mellow lately.”

  I grinned and said “I guess I just need to recharge and hit the club.”

  Hopefully, going to the club would keep my mind from thinking about a certain silver eyed guy.

  Chapter 4


  The music resonated around the room, a bunch of sweaty bodies grinded against one another, and the overwhelming scent of alcohol and sex was comforting in some way. I haven’t been to a club in so long but a few friends of mine wanted to meet up.

  “Hey Jax, what’s got you so busy lately? You haven’t been around in a while.” One of my friends asked me. I took a swig of my beer and said “My sister’s been a pain in my ass.” They all laughed and told me how I’ve become my sister’s bitch now.

  “Dude, there’s this sexy chick on the dance floor. Check her out.” One of the guys pointed out. All of us turned towards the dance floor to see a bunch of people. One of the guys asked “Which one dumbass? There’s a lot of people here.”

  “She has some sort of blonde hair wearing a short red dress. You know when you’ll see her.” he replied. We all searched and when my eyes spotted the red dress I couldn’t help but jolt in my seat which caught all of the guy’s attention. “What’s wrong man? Did you suddenly cum when you looked at her?” they jokingly asked.

  It just shocked me to see the woman in the red dress, it was none other than my next door submissive neighbor. Angela. She looked absolutely sexy in a short red dress with a sweetheart neckline, the neckline emphasized her boobs making them look bigger than they usually are. I found myself completely under her spell, I couldn’t look away.

  She looked completely different than usual. She looked more confident and she looked free, like a bird finally soaring after being tamed for so long. The way she moved her body was mesmerizing and I knew I wasn’t the only one because all of my friends were under her spell as well.

  My gaze started trailing down her body when suddenly I frowned, finding the sight bothersome. Not only does she look sexy but the way she moves is also sexy, but I would prefer is she didn’t move her body against anyone else but me. Her body was grinding against another man, a total stranger.

  I stood up from my chair and started making my way towards them. The guys started asking questions about where I was heading to but I ignored them. My eyes were narrowed at Angela and that scum dancing with her, my eyes held a fury that no one has seen before. The people on the dance floor must’ve felt my aura because as I walked towards Angela the people around me gave way.

  Once I stood in front of Angela and the guy she danced with, I instantly grabbed the guy by the shirt wasting no time to stake my claim on the beautiful strawberry blonde headed girl. The guy seemed too drunk to notice anything but once his dazed eyes connected with mine it instantly filled with fear. I leaned forward so that I could literally growl in his ear “Scram.” Once I dropped him to the ground he immediately ran away.

  Angela didn’t notice that her dancing partner was nowhere near her. Good. Like a predator who’s eyeing its prey, I noticed the men who was eyeing Angela and can see that they were planning to come near her. I quickly grabbed Angela by the waist and easily lifted her up making her squeal. Her eyes widen from the sudden action as they drifted over to me, and they widened even more when she saw me.

  It was like everything was in slow motion. Since I lifted her up and was looking up at her, with all the light shining behind her she looked like an angel descending from the heavens. I wrapped my arm around her still not dropping her to the floor. I then started walking away from the dance floor with her in my arms. I can even hear my friends cheering me on as they saw me walk away with Angela in my arms.

  I didn’t know where I was going, I didn’t get too far in my plan. All I know is that I wanted Angela away from here.

  “Jaxon,” the way she said my name made my grip on her tightened. I want her to moan my name and to scream it. “Where are you taking me?” she slurred as she gave out a small giggle.

  She’s drunk.

  “Stephan got lost in the sea of men, but what are you doing here?” she asked as she suddenly leaned over my shoulder, most of her weight was now on my right shoulder. “I’m here to get you away from the sea of men.” I said seriously as I walked outside of the club. She shuddered from the sudden coldness. I placed her on her feet and shrugged off my jacket and placed them on her shoulders.

  She swayed for a bit but I quickly grabbed ahold of her. I stared at her as she didn’t hide the fact that she was sniffing my jacket. She moaned and I had to grit my teeth from doing anything rash. “I love your smell.” she practically purred. My body was finally shaking, it was fighting the urge to bend her over and just take her right where she stood.

  Her glistening brown eyes looked up to me and unexpectedly threw her arms around my neck. But what was even more shocking was that she inhaled my scent as she buried her face into the crook of my neck. I growled as I wrapped my arms around her tiny waist as we both stood on the sidewalk, we didn’t stand out as much since there were people littering the place and some were even making out.

  I was on the verge of breaking.

  I wanted to take her, fuck her in all ways possible.

  Unconsciously, my hands trailed from her waist down towards her plumped ass. Once my hands felt the softness of her ass I squeezed it making her body press more onto mine which made her whimper. Hearing that made me think that we weren’t going to make the trip back home.

  My head whirled around and once my eyes spotted the word motel I scooped Angela into my arms and started walking towards it. I couldn’t wait any longer.

  I needed to dominate her tonight, to make her submit.

  Chapter 5


  The world seemed to keep spinning. I was contented in drowning in the sea of men but when Jaxon lifted me up I felt as if someone saved me from drowning and I could finally breathe again. Next thing I knew, all I could focus on were those silver orbs shining in my direction.

  I didn’t know where he was carrying me to and I didn’t care. All I care about was this addicting smell of flowers, who knew someone so manly could smell like flowers. In a blink of an eye, I was on a soft surface. I didn’t hesitate but lounge more on the soft surface. My world finally focused when Jaxon shrugged his shirt off and crawled on top of me.

  My heart was beating fast as I stayed flat on the soft surface, we must be on a bed. Since when did we get to a room?

  I’ve had too much alcohol but I didn’t regret it. If this Jaxon was only a figment of my drunken state imagination then I never wanted it to ever end. I felt his warm breath against my ear as he whispered seductively in a low tone “I will take you on this bed and make you groan. I’ll worship your body, every square inch of it. I’ll paint your skin with my tongue… but I won’t be nice.”

  I felt a huge lump in my throat just by hearing those words coming out of his mouth. I couldn’t say nor think anything.

  His fingers lightly touched my exposed n
eckline, once again his touch was warm and it made me ache everywhere. I closed my eyes as I basked in the pleasure of his sweet touch. Suddenly I felt his lips gently press against mine, it wasn’t rough like the first few times he kissed me. It was soft almost like cotton kisses.

  He pulled away slightly and I could feel his breath tingle against my lips. I wanted to kiss him again, to taste his sugary sweet lips again. But as I looked into his eyes I was suddenly taken aback.

  His silver eyes held an emotion that made me want to melt. They held a want. A need. A lustful desire. I was torn on whether to melt within his stare or be utterly confused. Didn’t he say I wasn’t his type? Yet he’s looking at me with such intensity.

  “I thought I wasn’t your type?” I didn’t want to ask him that but my drunk-self decided for me. He suddenly licked my earlobe and dragged his tongue down all the way to my collarbone making me gasp out loud. I’ve never had a man do something like this and making me feel amazing.

  “Didn’t I say that I’d worship your body? If you weren’t my type then I wouldn’t worship it… remember Angel, men can easily lie.” his tone was still low and seductive.

  His hands expertly made its way towards the back of my dress to unzip it. “You look amazing in your dress but I’d prefer your clothes to be on the floor.” he whispered. Every time he spoke I could feel a pleasurable shiver travel down my spine. His hands touched and roamed my newly exposed skin, and I was in nothing but matching nude color lacy bra and panties.

  It even exposed the light freckles I had all over my body. I had a few freckles on my cheeks but I cover them up with makeup. Making it seem like they were never there. I’ve always hated my freckles since I always got teased by people for having them. His eyes trailed all over my body and his hand traced where my freckles were.

  “Cute.” he said as his eyes still traced all over my freckles.

  Usually, when I’m with a guy I would be the one in control. But with Jaxon, I was under his. I felt weak being near him. I suddenly wanted him to dominate me. Punish me. Make me feel incredible heights.

  I never wanted his touch to fade. I wanted to feel more of him on my body.

  I suddenly remembered the other night he had with the girl and it only made me want him to dominate me more. I wanted to be the only one his fingers touched, the only one he lusted for. He pressed his lips against mine once more, part of his lips squeezed in between mine. When he detached his lips from mine he pulled away just enough for him to look at me with his silver eyes.

  “I want you to never get the taste of me out of your mouth.” he said as he joined our lips once again in a fury kiss. I wanted him to want me without restrictions.

  I simply wanted him to be mine.

  Suddenly he roughly flipped my body so I was lying on my stomach. He kissed the back of my neck making me shiver then he dragged his lips down my back until he reached the part right above my butt. He kissed my lower back and gently sucked on it leaving a love mark.

  My hands gripped tightly onto the bed sheet as my toes curled in ecstasy. I was going crazy just by the feel of his lips. I moaned when his hand gave a firm spank to my ass.

  “I don’t want anyone to see you in this state.” he growled as he gave another spank on my ass making me whimper. “Do you understand me?” he asked as he squeezed my ass. I nodded but then he gave another spank and demanded “Answer me.”

  “Yes.” I managed to squeak out. He unhook my bra and managed to toss it across the room. Where the hell are we? I don’t know. All I know is the only thing existing in this room is the soft bed and Jaxon.

  He reached from underneath and squeezed my breasts. My toes curled in pleasure as I shut my eyes. “They’re so perfect.” He commented.

  He unexpectedly and roughly flipped me over once more so that I was now lying on my back. My eyes opened to look at him who looked like a predator staring down at his prey. All my life I’ve played the predator when it came to the other sex, and suddenly here comes Jaxon who made me seem like I was at the bottom of the food chain and I enjoyed it.

  I already felt tension building up for my climax. And he hasn’t even touched my goods yet. That’s how magical Jaxon’s touch is at the moment.

  Just as things were getting good and I was stuck in Jaxon paradise, I was suddenly pulled out of my little fantasy world by the feeling of vomit. The disgusting bile made its way to my throat but I wasn’t sober enough to quickly react. Instead I bolted up and threw up on my lap.

  “Shit.” I heard Jaxon cussed as I kept vomiting on the bed. When I was done vomiting I became extremely dizzy. Instead of standing up to get away from my vomit I buried my face within my hands, incredibly embarrassed. I was utterly embarrassed of my situation, everything was going great until the consequences of drinking alcohol decided to come now. My sweet dream suddenly turned into a complete nightmare.

  I’ve never wanted the ground to swallow me more than ever. I expected Jaxon to turn away and feel disgusted but he did the complete opposite. He scooped me up into his arms, bridal style, even if I was covered in my own vomit. My face was still buried within my hands, I don’t know how to face Jaxon let alone say anything to him.

  I was suddenly placed on a cold surface that made slightly jump. I looked around to see that I was in the bathtub. He turned on the water, he touched the water with his hands making sure the water was the right temperature. I was barely sober that I couldn’t help but stare at how Jaxon’s muscles on his arm flexed. He caught me staring, he said nothing but the smirk on his face was enough to know what he was thinking. His hands were gentle and tender even when he’s just cleaning but it also made me wonder if he was just cleaning me so he got an excuse to touch my legs… but he really don’t need any reason to touch me.

  I didn’t know if my thoughts were what I truly felt or it was the alcohol talking.

  “You… you don’t really need to do this.” I stuttered. I never stuttered when it came to the opposite sex but I completely made a fool of myself in front of Jaxon.

  “Don’t worry… it’s only an excuse to touch your legs.” he said.

  I knew it.

  When I said nothing Jaxon let out a small laugh. “Not only that, things like this happened.” he tried making me feel better. I groaned as I laid my head on his shoulder. “But I totally ruined the mood.” I complained. I was craving for those sweet lips of his, the slight taste of him drives me crazy and leaves me wanting more.

  He chuckled, his voice seemed very close to my ear. When he suddenly whispered “We can always create the mood like that but it would be even better when you’re sober.” His voice was the same as before low and seductive, and no matter how many times I’ve heard it, it would still send chills down my back.

  I pulled away to look into his eyes. When his wet hand caressed my cheek it removed some of the makeup, revealing the freckles on my cheeks. He frowned at first as his hand continued to remove the makeup covering my freckles. He then leaned forward and press a kiss on each cheek as if he was kissing my freckles.

  “Don’t ever cover them up.” he said.

  “But they look ugly.” I argued.

  “No they don’t… they look beautiful on you.” he said. Who knew such words could give so much meaning? For the first time in my life I grew to love my freckles. After years of hating them, I finally love them just because he said I looked beautiful with them.

  When I was finally clean he wrapped my body with a towel and said “Let’s get you clean then get you home.”

  Chapter 6


  It has been two days since I ran into Angela at the club and almost had my way with her. Ever since then I haven’t been able to think about anything else. The way she moaned and squirmed underneath me made me want to do extremely naughty things to her. The way her skin feels against mine was one of the most amazing feelings ever.

  I never wanted to stop touching her.

  “Hello Jax, what’s got your head in the clouds?” my siste
r asked as she’s been watching me for the past ten minutes trying to trim the thorns off the roses. But I’ve been lost in thought for so long that I accidentally cut the rose off from its stem.

  I shook my head and said to my sister “It’s nothing.” But I knew she didn’t buy it. I tried my best to focus on cutting the thorns but every time I tried to focus a picture of Angela’s erotic expression would appear in my mind. It frustrated me that Angela was nowhere within my reach that I unconsciously slammed my hands on the table along with the thorn cutter making my sister scream and jump at my sudden action.

  “Seriously Jax! Tell me what’s wrong or I’ll keep showing up at your apartment.” she threatened. I didn’t want my sister to ever come to my house, if she sees Angela she would definitely tell Angela things. “Does this have anything to do with a girl? What did she do now? Did she confess her undying love and wants a relationship or you got someone pregnant?” she asked.

  “Geez Kathy, you make me sound like a shitty person.” I told her.

  “You are a shitty person.” she snapped at me. “Well, you can always give her flowers and move to a different state.” If she says I’m a shitty person than she give shitty advice. We were once again in our own sibling battle of snarky comments. That’s until a customer came inside.

  “Hello? We’re here to get flowers.” a woman called out. Kathy and I were hiding behind a wall of flowers. Kathy stepped out to entertain the customer. “What kind of flowers do you girls want?” Kathy asked.

  “Our friend here has like a sister-in-law in the hospital and it’s her birthday.” the same woman spoke up.

  “No problem,” Kathy said. “Hey Jax! Get the bright and cheery, daises from the back.” Ever since I started working with Kathy I’ve come to know the different meanings of each flowers and I would even know their names. If my friends saw where I was working then they would surely laugh at me.

  I got the flowers that Kathy was talking about and walked out from the wall of flowers. That’s until I heard a flower pot shatter. I looked up and also froze in place. We had three girls standing in the flower shop and one of them was none other than Angela. How come I always run into her? Was there some kind of invisible string pulling us together?


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