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Page 44

by Blaze Ward

  After all, what were good bonding, but teaching yer kid how to swear, drink, and sneak past watch geese?

  Growing up didn’t mean turning boring.



  Jessica saw that Captain Gorzen was already standing when she entered the bridge, Torsten at her side with his arm entwined with hers.

  “Any problems?” she asked, gesturing the man to sit.

  It was his bridge. Archangel was his ship, at least until the man retired, or David replaced him.

  “Negative, sir,” Gorzen said. “The Grand Admiral himself came on-line when we filed our flight plan, but he cleared us. zu Wachturm did explain that I had better get you home safe, and that he hoped I would be with you when Terra returned.”

  “Would you like that duty, Arnd?” she asked. “We’ll be exploring and trading, not fighting.”

  “In a light battleship designed by Yan Bedrov, Pops Nakamura, and Lady Moirrey of Petron, Admiral,” he laughed. “If we’re not fighting pirates or fools at some point along the way, it’s because you’ve already scared them into surrendering ahead of time. It will still be the greatest adventure of all time.”

  Jessica laughed along with Torsten. Perhaps these men did understand. The war might be over for her, but there were worlds that had never been visited by Imperial or Republic ships. Places like semi-mythical NovLao, or whatever might lie beyond them.

  Jessica Keller had completed the first half of her life’s work. The galaxy was safe to become something better.

  Now she could go home, just long enough to become somebody else and set out again, on an adventure where the fate of humanity wasn’t on her shoulders for once.

  “Are we ready to depart?” Jessica asked.

  “Just waiting for you to give the order, Admiral,” Gorzen said.

  She started to say something tart, perhaps angry, but then she stopped herself.

  Arnd Gorzen understood that they were at a new beginning.

  She should give those orders herself.

  “Pilot, begin your acceleration and prepare to break orbit,” Jessica called to the room in that Command Centurion’s voice Nils Kasum had once taught her. “Galactic Coordinates: Zero, Zero, Zero. Destination: Petron. We’re going home.”

  Around her, the men of Archangel cheered.

  Jessica turned to Torsten and kissed him, something that turned into a longer and deeper engagement than she had anticipated, but it felt right. She didn’t even care that they were in public and all of the bridge crew were watching. And maybe cheering as much for her and Torsten as they were for the end of the war.

  Jessica Keller was finally going home.

  * * *




  Name / Rank / Affiliation or Position

  Jessica Marie Keller / Fleet Centurion, Admiral of the Red / Queen of Corynthe

  Torsten Wald / Crown Consort / Corynthe

  Marcelle Augustine Travere / Chief / Jessica’s Personal Aide, retired

  Willow Dolen / Yeoman / Jessica’s bodyguard

  David Rodriguez / Vice Admiral, Regent / Corynthe

  Kimiko Rodriguez / Wife of David

  Arnulf Rodriguez / David’s son

  Jessica Rodriguez / David’s daughter

  Desianna Indah-Rodriguez / First Minister / Corynthe

  Uly Larionov / Comptroller of the Court /Corynthe

  Vibol Harmaajärvi / First-Rate-Spacer, retired / Scholar of Fashion

  Amala Bhattacharya / Ambassador / Personal Representative of the Queen of Corynthe

  Summer Ulfsson / Adventurer / Personal Representative of the Queen of Corynthe

  “Seeker” / Scholar, Formerly Ul Banop Cheani Yuur / Corynthe

  Nicolai Aoiki / Head Chef / Corynthe Household

  Girisha Dhaval Misra / Herald / Corynthe Household

  Yan Bedrov / Crown Naval Designer / Corynthe

  Ainsley Barret / Test Pilot, Bedrov & Keller / Petron

  Iorwerth Pops Nakamura / Crown Naval Designer, Dowager / Corynthe

  Shiori “Wiley” Ness / Vice Admiral / Corynthe Fleet

  Asra “Neon Pink” Binici / Pilot / Co-Commander, The Queen’s Own

  Alexandra (Saša) “Rocket Frog” Binici / Pilot / Co-Commander, The Queen’s Own

  Galin Estevan / Captain / Commander, Qin Lun

  Donal McKiersky / Combat Officer / Qin Lun

  Holger O’Ryan / Commander / Badger

  Kari Estevan / President / Estevan Trading

  Arnd Gorzen / Captain / Archangelsk

  Jakob Li / Commander / Flag Commander, Archangelsk

  Anton “Digger” Wolanski / Republic of Aquitaine Navy (RAN), retired / Husband of Moirrey

  Tolga Reese / Republic of Aquitaine Navy (RAN), deceased / Close Combat Instructor, Lasaux

  Tanis Bedrosian / Fool / Ramsey

  Task Force Kosnett

  Name / Rank / Affiliation or Position

  Phil Kosnett / Fleet Centurion / Task Force Kosnett

  Bohumil Križ / Command Centurion / Commander, RAN Cyrus

  Piloqutinnguaq Katarin / Senior Centurion / Tactical Officer, RAN Cyrus

  Paskal Nevena Maisuradze / Centurion / Flag Centurion, RAN Cyrus

  Andrea Velazquez / Centurion / Legal Affairs Office, RAN Cyrus

  Raoul al-Salah / Yeoman / Legal Affairs Office, RAN Cyrus

  Republic of Aquitaine Navy

  Name / Rank / Affiliation or Position

  Petia Naoumov / First Lord of the Fleet

  Alkash Ming / Command Centurion / Office of the First Lord

  Miles Candalan / First Fleet Lord / First Solicitor of the Navy

  Gotzon Bengoetxea / First Fleet Lord / RAN Adamant

  Phillip Navin Crncevic, "Viking One" / RAN, retired

  Iskra Vlahovic / RAN, retired

  Enej Zivkovic / Command Centurion / Communications Instructor, Ladaux

  Kasymyra Arno / Command Centurion / RAN Adamant

  Arott Whughy / First Centurion / Fleet Headquarters, Ladaux

  Nina Vanek / Command Centurion / Commander, RAN Vanguard

  Tobias Brewster / Senior Centurion / First Officer, RAN Vanguard

  Alber d’Maine / Command Centurion / Commander, VI Victrix

  Robertson Aeliaes / Command Centurion / Commander, VI Ferrata

  Tamara Strnad / Command Centurion / Commander, II Augusta

  Arsen Lam / Command Centurion / Commander, CA-264

  Hardie Glenraven / Command Centurion

  Hollis “Gaucho” Dyson / RAN, retired / Former commander, Cayenne

  The Republic

  Name / Rank / Affiliation or Position

  Calina Szabolcsi / President of the Republic of Aquitaine

  Indira (Chastain) Keller / Jessica’s mother

  Miguel Keller / Jessica’s father

  Vyacheslav “Slava” Keller / Jessica’s brother

  Sasha Keller / Jessica’s sister-in-law

  Ruhal Keller / Jessica’s nephew

  Margaret Keller / Jessica’s niece

  Juan-Pablo Keller / Jessica’s nephew

  Kamil Miloslav / Republic Intelligence Service

  Tadej Marko Horvat / Premier, Republic Senate

  Stacia Muldoon / Aide to Senator Horvat

  Judit Margrét Chavarría / Palsgrave, Republic Senate

  Tedrik Kasum / Senator, Republic Senate

  Svetlana Lala Ognianov / Sergeant-At-Arms, Republic Senate

  Seth / Bartender, The Marquette Room

  Sigrún / Steward, t]The Marquette Room

  Declan Burdge / Legate, Fourth Saxon, retired

  Dashyl Mitja / Patrol Centurion, Fourth Saxon

  Zorana Arlo / sister to Vo zu Arlo

  Sonja Arlo / sister to Vo zu Arlo

  Tomas Kigali / RAN, retired / Owner, Private Service Explorer Olivier Janguo

  Aki Ridwana
Ali / RAN, retired / Pilot, Private Service Explorer Olivier Janguo

  Devin Lehein / Gardener, Private Service Explorer Olivier Janguo

  Tasha Lonagan / Engineer, Private Service Explorer Olivier Janguo

  Doyle McMurtry / Engineer, Private Service Explorer Olivier Janguo

  Dashyl Mitja / Primus Pilus / Fourth Saxon Legion

  Garth Andresson / Assassin

  Naruhito Yamagura / Assassin


  Name / Rank / Affiliation or Position

  Milton Hialeah / Governor / Ramsey

  The Fribourg Empire

  Name / Rank / Affiliation or Position

  Kasimira zu Wiegand / Ritter / Karl VIII

  Vo zu Arlo / General, Ritter / Imperial Consort

  Anna-Katherine Kallenberger / Lady-in-Waiting / Imperial Household

  Lady Moirrey zu Kermode-Wolanski / Ritter / Lady-in-Waiting, mother of Dina

  Dina Kermode-Wolanski / Engineer-In-Training / Imperial Household

  Freya Wachturm / Duchess / Wife of Emmerich Wachturm

  Tiede Wachturm / Commander / Son of Emmerich Wachturm

  Jeltje Voight / Burggraf / Daughter of Emmerich Wachturm

  Carsten Voigt / Commander / Husband of Jeltje Voight

  Henriette Anne Wachturm / Burggraf / Daughter of Emmerich Wachturm

  Bernard Hourani / Commander / Husband of Heike Wachturm

  Tobias Inmon / Director / Household Guards

  Cameron Lara / Chief of Deputies / Office of the Emperor

  Willem Lorenz / First Deputy/ Hall of Justice

  Adolphus Gulan / First Deputy / Hall of Law

  Reinhard Hjördís / Representative / House of the People

  Nils Kasum / First Lord of the Fleet, retired / Strategy Instructor, St. Legier

  Rosemonde Kasum / Wife of Nils

  Avelina Indovina / Duke Presumptive / Lighthouse Station

  Bok Battenhouse / RAN, retired / Lighthouse Station

  Magan Gerig / Duke / Bergelmir

  Gerhold Warner / Duke / Andhrimohr

  Howalt Rosson / Duke / Trenga

  Chrandy Breson / Duke / Diego de la Vega

  Gerhardt Wald / Landgraf / Skuodas

  Six / ??? / Imperial Intelligence

  Gunter Tifft / Captain, retired / Imperial Intelligence

  Karoline Provst / Wife of Tom Provst

  Jacob Provst / Lieutenant / Tom’s son

  Mallory Provst / Tom’s daughter

  Melina Arcidiacono / Owner / Restaurant Tenochtitlan

  Thurman Arcidiacono / Cook / Restaurant Tenochtitlan

  Christina Arcidiacono / Daughter of Melina / Restaurant Tenochtitlan

  Nicola Arcidiacono / Daughter of Melina / Restaurant Tenochtitlan

  Celine Arcidiacono / Daughter of Melina / Restaurant Tenochtitlan

  The Fribourg Fleet

  Name / Rank / Affiliation or Position

  Emmerich zu Wachturm / Grand Admiral, Ritter / Commander of the Fleet

  Hendrik Baumgärtner / Admiral of the White / Chief of Staff, Grand Admiral

  Ralf Frankenheimer / Admiral of the Blue / Commander, Fleet Headquarters, St. Legier

  Tomas Provst / Admiral of the Red / Supreme Commander, Home Fleet, St. Legier

  Denis Jež / Admiral of the Red / Imperial Fribourg Vessel (IFV) Valiant

  Reif Kingston / Admiral of the White / IFV Indianapolis

  Charles d’Noir / Captain / Aide to Admiral Provst

  Yasuko Pitchford / Captain / Commander, IFV Valiant

  Everett Zhelaniya / Commander / Flag Commander, IFV Valiant

  Valerian Alexey Antonov / Captain / IFV Manchester

  Roland Exeter / Captain / IFV Hans Bransch

  William Dannahue / Captain / IFV Achterberg

  189th Legion

  Name / Rank / Affiliation or Position

  Alan Katche / General / Commander, 189th Legion

  Edgar Horst / Founding Color Decurion, retired

  Michelle Ali al-Inverness / Armourer / Fourth Saxon Legion

  Victoria Ames / Patrol Centurion / Cutlass Ten

  Iakov Street / Decanus / Cutlass Ten

  Hans Danville / Curator / Cutlass Ten

  Colton Formain / Decanus / Draconarius, Cutlass Ten

  Vladimir Amburgy / Curator / Cornicen, Cutlass Ten

  Thaddeus Gunderson / Decanus / Cutlass Ten

  Audie Teagle / Decanus / Cutlass One

  Imperial Land Forces

  Name / Rank / Affiliation or Position

  Arald Rohm / Grand Marshal / Commander, Imperial Land Forces

  Olaf van Gorzen / General / Imperial Land Forces (ILF)


  Name / Rank / Affiliation or Position

  Buran/ The Lord of Winter / God/Emperor / Ruler of Buran

  Xi Arakh Goran Lan (M) / Co-Owner / Freighter, Lighthouse

  Nu Ulap Narah Kiel (F) / Co-Owner / Freighter, Lighthouse

  The Concord

  Name / Rank / Affiliation or Position

  EASC Carthage / Commander, Earth Forces / Earth Alliance super-dreadnought

  The Lord of Tiki / Bartender / Last Survivor


  Blaze Ward writes science fiction in the Alexandria Station universe (Jessica Keller, The Science Officer, The Story Road, etc.) as well as several other science fiction universes, such as Star Dragon, the Collective, and more. He also writes odd bits of high fantasy with swords and orcs. In addition, he is the Editor and Publisher of Boundary Shock Quarterly Magazine. You can find out more at his website, as well as Facebook, Goodreads, and other places.

  Blaze's works are available as ebooks, paper, and audio, and can be found at a variety of online vendors. His newsletter comes out regularly, and you can also follow his blog on his website. He really enjoys interacting with fans, and looks forward to any and all questions—even ones about his books!

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  Connect with Blaze!


  Boundary Shock Quarterly (BSQ):


  The Jessica Keller Chronicles


  Queen of the Pirates

  Last of the Immortals

  Goddess of War

  Flight of the Blackbird

  The Red Admiral

  St. Legier



  * * *


  Queen Anne’s Revenge



  * * *

  Additional Alexandria Station Stories


  Two Bottles of Wine with a War God

  The Story Road

  * * *

  The Science Officer Series

  The Science Officer

  The Mind Field

  The Gilded Cage

  The Pleasure Dome

  The Doomsday Vault

  The Last Flagship

  The Hammerfield Gambit

  The Hammerfield Payoff

  * * *

  Shadow of the Dominion

  Longshot Hypothesis

  Hard Bargain




  Princess Rualoh

  * * *

  Earth Force Sky Patrol

  Birth of the Star Dragon

  Flight of the Star Dragon

  Call of the Star Dragon

  Shadow of the Star Dragon

  Trial of the Star Dragon


  Knotted Road Press fiction specializes in dynamic writing set in mysterious, ex
otic locations.

  Knotted Road Press non-fiction publishes autobiographies, business books, cookbooks, and how-to books with unique voices.

  Knotted Road Press creates DRM-free ebooks as well as high-quality print books for readers around the world.

  With authors in a variety of genres including literary, poetry, mystery, fantasy, and science fiction, Knotted Road Press has something for everyone.

  Knotted Road Press


  The Jessica Keller Chronicles: Volume 9

  Blaze Ward

  Copyright © 2019 Blaze Ward

  All rights reserved

  Published by Knotted Road Press

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  ISBN: 978-1-64470-086-0

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  Cover art:

  ID 52047921 © Luca Oleastri |

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  Cover and interior design

  copyright © 2019 Knotted Road Press

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  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. All rights reserved. This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental. This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission.


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