The Watchers Trilogy: Awakening

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The Watchers Trilogy: Awakening Page 28

by Karice Bolton


  We crossed the border into the U.S. fairly seamlessly. The wait was almost non-existent, probably because it was early in the week and in the early afternoon. I rearranged my pillow, trying not to bump into Arie who had immediately fallen back asleep after handing over her passport. I was excited to be heading back to Seattle. It had been a year since I had last been there, and next to Whistler, it was my favorite place. Arie was in dire need of a shopping fix, and I had to admit there were a few stores I wanted to venture into as well. I wanted to make sure to hit Karen’s favorite handmade knits boutique.

  Athen was glancing at me in the rear view mirror, my eyes catching his. My heart began to sing. There was something so captivating about him. I didn’t know if it was the amused expression in his eyes or the ever-constant smirk, but I loved it. I had never experienced so much love before off of one look. I smiled back at him realizing this was what life was about. I couldn’t wait to see the house on the water. My body filled with great joy right before falling asleep, dreaming about the wonderful possibilities that were waiting for Athen and I.

  I awoke to Cyril teasing Athen about his driving ability in the city, and Arie scowling at the back of Cyril’s head. Matilda looked amused at the whole situation, her tongue hanging out and panting up a storm. Even though I had only been awake a few moments, I quickly figured out that they missed the turn into the Westin Hotel’s driveway. In this city getting lost in the maze of one-way streets meant doing circles for about 15 minutes. I met Athen’s eyes in the rearview mirror, and for the first time ever, I saw a flash of embarrassment bounce off of him.

  “It happens to the best of us,” I interjected into Cyril’s constant stream of jabs. “I think if we turn right at the next light, we should be good and can get into the parking garage.”

  I looked around the city in awe with how cheerful Seattle was despite the constant grey cloud cover. All of the trees had been decorated with lights and most of the main buildings had Christmas wreaths and decorations up. There was a mist in the air, but it helped Seattle maintain the ever-present coziness that surrounded the city year round. I was looking forward to walking down to the pier, possibly even squeezing in a holiday boat ride. It would be so fun to experience that with Athen. My plan was to treat this city as if I was a tourist, enjoying everything through the eyes of my newfound family. We pulled into the garage and immediately found a parking spot near the elevator. Perfect luck I thought to myself. Maybe, the change of scenery would allow me to forget my nightmares and the heaviness of what I am and should be. It was still hard to believe.

  The guys grabbed our bags, and we piled into the elevator that led to the lobby. Matilda sat like a perfect little angel. As we moved up each floor, my excitement built more and more. I couldn’t fathom what was in store for me this week. I looked forward to spending the beginning of the holiday season with Athen, Arie, and Cyril, regardless of location. The elevator doors spilled us into a magnificent lobby that already had holiday décor tucked in every crevice. To the right of the elevator were the banquet rooms, and the entire hallway leading to each door was covered with poinsettias and sparkly gold ribbon. To the left was the concierge and front desk with garlands and white lights hung on the cherry wood desk. The most spectacular sight was the large Christmas tree in the sitting area. It was completely blanketed in silver balls, icicles, and streaming silver ribbon woven throughout. Indeed, I would be enjoying the holidays this year. My emotional drought was finally over.

  Arie and I went over to sit on the overstuffed couches near the tree to wait for Athen and Cyril to check in. I got very comfy as we heard the Christmas music rolling off of the grand piano in the corner. I was thoroughly enjoying the music and moment, absorbed in my own world, when I saw everyone staring at me - waiting for something. I came back to earth, remembering that I was the one who made the reservations. I hopped up as Athen and Cyril started laughing at me.

  “I’ve got the confirmation number, guys,” my voice echoed through the lobby. “Sorry about that.”

  The staff was wonderfully patient as I dug it out of my purse and slapped it on the counter along with my credit card and id. I noticed the woman who was at the far end of the counter coming down behind the desk pretty fast, which I thought was odd. I looked at her eyes once she was close enough, and I saw the darkness in them, realizing at that moment she was a poser, not a human. She must have been recently changed. Selfishly, I was relieved she wasn’t the woman with the serpent eyes waiting to prey on Athen.

  Arie told me that the evil ones had an inherent ability to detect when we were around. Often when I was in the village and sensed the uneasy feeling, I asked Athen about my assumptions, and he would affirm my observations. I was shocked to find out that the evil was lurking almost everywhere. I wondered why, back in Whistler, we would go to a coffee shop where apparently there was a presence, and that was when I was told their kind was everywhere. There was no avoiding it, but with that, our kind exists everywhere as well. I simply can’t sense them yet. In the beginning of the reintroduction process, it was more important to be aware of the evil, more for self-preservation than anything. Athen assured me that in time I would be able to feel our kind. I hoped that would happen sooner rather than later. That certainly would make me feel better about things. I don’t want to think the world is purely evil because right now that is what it feels like, even partly with myself.

  We got the three keys for our suite and dispersed back towards the elevator as Athen squeezed my hand and whispered something I almost didn’t hear as we climbed in the elevator.

  “You were right, Ana. She was a tricky one too. Good job.”

  I wasn’t sure why she would be considered tricky, but I was relieved to hear that maybe I was catching onto things a bit.

  “Thanks,” I exclaimed, “That makes me feel better. Our eye color certainly is prettier than theirs isn’t it?”

  “That’s for sure,” Arie chimed in.

  For some reason with the protection of my family, I was not worried. I was beginning to understand the different threats that were lurking. Yet, I was pretty confident that with my family’s presence, I would be safe. They seemed overly confident, even though there was a strong presence. I knew I needed to trust their judgment, otherwise I would go completely crazy. As each day went by, since the first night of the reintroduction process, my confidence grew exponentially. I was beginning to enjoy my new-old self.

  As the elevator let us out on the 46th floor, I secretly hoped that maybe we wouldn’t be using all three bedrooms in the suite. Arie swung open the door revealing a beautiful granite entry hall. The suite was overlooking Seattle with the lights twinkling brightly to welcome us all into our home for the next couple days. Athen flipped on the lights, and I looked around thrilled that the hotel suite was as grand as the lobby. Arie and Cyril claimed their bedroom before I could even find them all, which made me feel extremely uncomfortable as I looked at Athen hoping to judge his next move. I knew that he was probably listening to my thoughts, and I didn’t even care. I wanted him to know that I wanted to share a room with him. I could feel myself getting warm, and thankfully, Arie recognized the awkwardness that was radiating from me.

  “Come on Athen. Don’t make her stand there,” she said giggling, as Cyril carted the last bag into their bedroom. Matilda ran and jumped on the couch and made herself at home for the evening. It never took her long.

  Athen grabbed my hand and led me around the sitting area to the two back bedrooms. He had my bag in his other hand, and I was anxiously awaiting to see where I landed. There was a door on each side of the flat screen, and I followed Athen into the room on the left. It was an elegant setting with a large goose down comforter spread on the bed with an orange coverlet. The room was very spacious and welcoming. The walls were a soft taupe. Athen placed my bag down at the end of the bed and pulled me closer. I was hop
ing this was where he would say it, but he didn’t. He only shook his head.

  “Athen, why not? I know you know what I’m thinking. You make it unbearably hard on me. I don’t understand why we can’t share the room?” I found myself pleading with him and couldn’t understand his reaction.

  Could it be her? The serpent-eyed demon flashing through me creating a self-consciousness I couldn’t understand. From the short time working at the bar, I knew most guys would be falling over themselves to get into this situation. With Athen, however, who was supposed to be my soul mate, I couldn’t even get him near me. It was hard not to take personally.

  “Believe me, sweetie, I want to be with you. It’s not the right time. It will all make sense for you when it happens. We can’t jeopardize anything. There are a few more memories that need to occur. When those surface it will be the right time. You may not believe it, but this is probably harder on me. I still remember what it was like with you. I have been the one waiting for decades.” His green eyes sparkled mischievously. I was instantly calmed. Serpent eyes had no chance. It was only a nightmare.

  “Well, I doubt that. Now get out of my room.” I threw a pillow at him - proud that I nailed him on his back as he was exiting.

  “Get ready for dinner. Arie made reservations at one of her favorite spots. We won’t want to keep her waiting,” Athen yelled out from his room, and then I heard a tapping on the wall between us.

  “Tapping the wall doesn’t make you seem closer, Athen,” I chirped back laughing.

  I began unpacking some of my things, relieved that I had packed an assortment. I knew I had better grab the nicest outfit I put in my bag. Knowing Arie’s taste, the place would be at the top of most people’s lists. I looked in the mirror over the dresser, still startled at the image staring back at me. I wasn’t sure if it was the green eyes that I wasn’t used to seeing or my overall appearance. I was beginning to like this aspect of the change. It was hard to remember that I had looked so different. I picked out a simple black dress and a silver scarf to wrap around the top and felt as good as new. I was happy to get the evening started.

  The car picked us up for dinner, which made me grateful that everyone was in the mood for a good time. That put me at ease knowing the seriousness of the week before might have been the worst of it, or I hoped it was. We piled into the back, and Arie began eagerly filling me in on the place we were headed, Canlis - a Seattle landmark. However, the conversation quickly turned serious.

  “After losing you, Athen was so distraught. We couldn’t come up with anything to distract him. The only thing that he looked forward to was the weekly dinner we had at Canlis because you two had been there together right before the incident. He vowed that as soon as you came back to us, we would start the tradition up again.”

  “Arie, you’re making me sound insane.” Athen was finally beginning to look a little embarrassed, a sight I didn’t think I would see often. “Could you cool it a little bit, sis? We don’t need to air out everything do we?”

  “I kind of like it,” I said, feeling a little in control of Athen’s emotions finally. I could feel the blood running through my veins at a pace that was quickened only by the thought of our first encounter. I could hear Arie going on, but I couldn’t concentrate on what she was talking about. I was getting a set of new images that I knew were a part of my past, and all I wanted to do was eat up every second. I saw Athen walk by me heading toward a lake. He didn’t seem to recognize me. I got up from where I was sitting and followed him. I could feel the same excitement level that I feel now from being around him. He stopped on the trail to the lake, turning around only to smile at me, which stopped me in my tracks – exactly like at the pub. Another image flashed in my head of us together, wrapped in a blanket. I could feel the warmth of his skin, and the electricity coming from him. If only I could remember what led us to be in that position. His lips gliding down my neck towards my breast.

  “Ana, are you okay?” Arie tapped me on my arm.

  “Oh, yeah. Fine…Beginning to remember things,” I said, feeling a bit sheepish.

  “She sure is.” Athen couldn’t contain himself. He, of course, had to rub it in. His smile was so enduring that I let him get away with it. As long as he had that smile, it didn’t matter what he said or that he kept eavesdropping into my thoughts. I was thankful it was only him who knew what I was thinking of though.

  “Hey, was that good enough for you, Athen?” I whispered jokingly.

  “You know it. We are getting closer, sweetheart. Not quite there yet.” His grin was huge now. I knew what he was waiting for. I hoped it would happen sooner rather than later.

  Our car pulled up to Valet to let us out, and we hurried inside to meet the roaring fire that awaited us. The restaurant was filled with a warm glow throughout. The lobby had a huge stone entryway and an imposing fireplace with people sitting and chatting as they awaited their seats, poinsettias lurking in every corner. There were stairs leading up to what I was guessing was private dining. I saw the lounge a few steps down. Familiar Christmas music was rolling through the air from the pianist. Arie was right. I couldn’t think of a more perfect setting for our first Seattle meal.

  “I’m amazed that this restaurant has been here long enough to have been in existence while I was still around the last time.” I mused aloud.

  “Yeah, this place is pretty incredible. It’s still family owned and manages to keep the warmth and amazing menu year after year,” Cyril piped in. He excused himself and went to check us in.

  I looked around, thankful I had dressed up a bit. I scanned Athen and loved how great he looked in a jacket. He couldn’t get it wrong. I hadn’t seen him this dressed up yet. It was pretty impressive. The hostess led us to our table right by the window, overlooking the water. The view was enthralling with the twinkling lights out in the distance, as boats began making their way back to the docks for the evening.

  As we were getting situated at the table, I noticed how busy the restaurant was, especially for a weeknight. There were many couples sprinkled throughout at the different tables, but the large tables seemed to be filled with mostly executives, who, I could only assume, were trying to impress their respective clients. Too bad they weren’t here with their families, I thought to myself. The corporate world seemed so cold. In the far corner of the lounge, I was able to see the top of the Christmas tree peeking over, looking absolutely magical. I could tell that celebrating the holidays with my family was going to be magnificent.

  “So guys, after recognizing the other type today in the hotel lobby at the counter, it made me realize how many questions I still had about this.” I scanned Cyril, Arie, and Athen’s face for some sign of resistance, and I saw none so I decided to keep on going. “I noticed that in the village you all were very protective of me. Was it the type that was up there versus down here?”

  Athen grabbed my hand under the table, which I appreciated, and Arie began to fill me in as cryptically as she could without letting any of the neighboring tables overhear.

  “Yes, in the village we were extremely protective of you because before your phasing began, you were very vulnerable. We were all so worried that we could lose you again before you had been reintroduced. Once that part was over, we were able to relax a little. There is still a chance that a more developed one could still interfere with the process we’ve begun with you, so we’ll continue to keep an eye out for sure,” Arie said, winking at me trying to lighten the mood I assumed.

  “So the one at the hotel front counter, why did I not feel threatened or worried?” I asked Athen.

  “Many of them have their own agendas and are preoccupied with whatever they’re set on. They could care less about us. Some, like the ones in the village, were most likely summoned to you by who we don’t know yet, but it definitely lets us know to be fully aware while we are in Seattle. There is a directive on you possibly.
We need to make sure that we are always with you in some capacity until it’s over, or your process has finished. The one at the counter, however, clearly had no interest in you and is probably interested in turning tourists into minions or some such disgusting thing.”

  “Huh.” I sighed on the verge of being more confused now than before I asked the question. “In the village then, you think they were summoned? Why would I be of so much interest to anyone or thing? I don’t understand that part.”

  “As a family, we can do a lot of damage. Back in Whistler, we mentioned that we chose to be good. What we mean by that is that we truly fight for the good of humankind. If a demon is there to taunt a human, we try to step in to show the human the other side, the other choice. However, when one of our family members isn’t with us, we spend our time trying to get them back. We are distracted, which is exactly what the other side likes to see, right? They don’t want us to be able to step in with the human world. They want to keep us chasing after our loved ones so they can continue to damage humanity. Make a little more sense now?” Cyril chided.

  “Oooh, it does. I never expected to hear that there was this level of good and evil playing in the world all the time that wasn’t even remotely controlled by humans.”

  “If one of them had gotten to me before I phased, what would have happened?” I asked, afraid to hear the answer.

  “We would have lost you again. You would never have remembered meeting us in the pub that night. We would have been wiped from your memory once more. You may have had to even start over in a new city. It just depends… Until the timing was right, and the process could begin again. Then hoping that you would sense us,” Athen said in an almost whisper.

  I looked up at him and caught that his eyes were brimming as were Arie and Cyril’s. I quickly grabbed my napkin from my lap and started dabbing what was inevitably about to come pouring from my lids as well.

  “Thanks for not telling me until now, guys,” I uttered lowly, “ I don’t think I could have handled that too.”

  “We know, sweetie.” Athen squeezed my hand once again under the table.

  I don’t think I was ever this excited to see a salad show up in my lifetime. The server began placing them in front of us. I think that was definitely all of the serious talk I could handle for the night. It would take me a while to recover from this bizarre world that I was reentering into. An underworld that wasn’t completely mine for the taking. I needed to take small, baby steps.

  A chill ran through me, and everyone at the table sensed it. I was having some sort of flashback. It was déjà vu. Athen and I were at this very restaurant sitting at a table that was set for two, placed directly in front of the window with both chairs facing the view. It suddenly occurred to me why Athen loved this restaurant so much. It was the last place we were together before the attack, literally.

  All of a sudden, the salad that I was so excited about seconds ago didn’t seem so appealing. The level of emotions that kept creeping up on me were overwhelming. I quickly excused myself to freshen up in the Ladies Room. I needed to regain some sort of composure. I quickly made my way through the lounge, moving through the crowd of people and up the stairs where I found the right door. I beelined right to the sink and reminisced back to the night at the Pub in Whistler when I first laid eyes on Arie and Cyril. Never would I have expected in such a short time to have my world flipped upside down. I hoped that I could handle this process. I took deep breaths hoping to fill the void in my chest that wasn’t caused from lack of oxygen. As the faucet produced the constant stream of warm water, I glanced up at the mirror expecting to see the same disheveled face looking back at me as was in the pub. Instead, I saw a woman who was nothing like that night. My hair fell past my shoulders gracefully, framing my face in a softer way. Even though my eyes had been rimmed with tears several times tonight, they were beaming with a radiance and beauty that was no longer of this world. I turned the faucet off, finding myself sitting on the chaise to compose myself, slowly forcing myself to fall back into the happiness of being with my family. I took a deep breath in and began feeling Arie’s energy winding its way towards me. I decided to step up the recovery process and cut her off at the door to avoid any more emotional elements thrown at me.

  I swung the door open, barely missing her, and fully embraced Arie. We headed back to the table, and as we passed by the piano, one of my favorite songs came rolling off the piano.

  “Wow, he certainly pays attention doesn’t he, Arie?”

  “He certainly does, sweetie. He requested it as soon as you left the table. Cosmic Love certainly is an ethereal song, huh? Who knew it came over the same on piano?” She said laughing as we sat back down at our table, rolling her eyes.

  “Yeah, pretty fitting. I loved playing this song while Matilda and I were snuggling on the couch daydreaming. Florence and the Machine is pretty incredible.”

  I looked over at Athen thanking the heavens that everything was as it was. Like usual, my appetite didn’t miss a beat. I began devouring my salad, much to everyone’s amazement.

  “I know what I have been meaning to ask you!” I couldn’t believe I hadn’t remembered to ask sooner. “When I was on the phone with Karen, I kept getting this needle-poking sensation run through my fingers. Then in person it happened ten times as bad. I knew out of the blue that she was up to something, and an image of a guy, who wasn’t Justin, texting her popped into my head. I gave her my two cents immediately. She supposedly didn’t continue down that path. Regardless, though, were the feelings that I kept getting connected to the behavior that she was exhibiting, or the choice she was about to make?”

  “Wow, Ana. It usually takes months before any sort of feeling like that comes back. Maybe, it was because you were so connected to her prior to your reintroduction process. I think you intervened in a situation, helping her to choose the correct path. I’m amazed that you recognized that so early.” Athen looked truly impressed and kind of proud.

  “Yeah, Ana, that is pretty big. Soon, we’ll get back to doing what we do best. I’m so proud of you. I can’t believe you already experienced the visions too. To be able to see something as it’s happening is huge. That’s an important attribute. That is one of your gifts, Ana.”

  “Really? Thanks, I guess, but will I always feel the level of pain when I’m alerted to something that is about to take place?”

  “Oh, heavens no. That is only in the beginning until your body can sense the nuances a bit more,” Athen said laughing. “We aren’t sadists.”

  “When you say I’m able to have premonitions or visions of the future, how will I know what is real and what is not? If I can see things as they’re now, and also into the future, how can I tell the difference?” I asked Arie, avoiding Athen’s eyes. I was determined not to give anything away or let my thoughts betray me.

  “What do you mean?” Arie asked confused.

  “Well, the nightmares I have been having for the last few months... How do I know those are only nightmares and not premonitions or vice versa?”

  “As time goes on, you’ll be able to distinguish the difference. Often as long as you don’t recognize people or anything, you can just count on it being a normal dream. You know it’s your mind trying to sort out the day’s events or something. I would imagine if certain players kept entering your dreams, you would be able to conclude that those were visions instead.”

  I felt an emptiness.

  “Huh, not quite as straightforward as I was hoping. For instance, that demon we saw on the way out of Whistler was a creature I had recognized from one of my nightmares. It wasn’t good. It was part of a group. I don’t remember what they were doing though.” I was lying. They were with the hikers.

  “My hunch is that it’s a vision, Ana. If, as time goes on, you can remember what it is they were doing, it could prove really helpful. Baby steps, I know. But things will come - clarit
y will come.” Athen touched my hand gently, the guilt filling my heart instantly for not telling him everything that very moment. It was too painful and would lead to me explaining all of my nightmares. I wasn’t ready for that. I was afraid if I uttered anything out loud, it might make it true.

  “I’ll keep trying,” I said, attempting to push the images of Athen’s soul escaping into the clouds out of my head. I couldn’t let him see that. I’m sure it wasn’t a vision, only my imagination.

  “The good news is that you have saved a lot of people with those visions of yours over the centuries. You have helped a lot of horrible decisions from ever being made. You’ll see. Good will come of it all. I promise. Right now it’s just a bit overwhelming trying to separate the truth from fiction, I’d imagine.” He winked at me. I knew he was right. The possibilities were endless. I only hoped I would figure it out soon enough.

  I felt immensely better, beginning to let the excitement build back up in every cell of my body as I thought about the good that I could do in the world once I got the hang of things.

  “So what are the plans for tomorrow?” I inquired almost afraid to hear what Arie may have planned for such a short amount of time.

  “Waterfront and shopping!” Arie exclaimed, my worries quickly drifting away as I enveloped myself in the warmth of my family.



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