First Kiss (Emma's Arabian Nights, #1)

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First Kiss (Emma's Arabian Nights, #1) Page 11

by Mayburn, Ann

  Peppermint Passion

  The Breaker’s Concubine

  Excerpt: Still

  (Long Slow Tease, #1)

  FemDom Military Romance


  Present Day

  Michelle Sapphire closed her eyes and counted to ten, straining with every ounce of her formidable self-control not to launch herself at the asshole secured in the restraint chair in front of her.

  Grinning at her.

  “Yes, Officer, I know this man.”

  Oh, she knew this man all right. Wyatt Maverick Callahan. Also known as Marine Gunnery Sergeant Callahan, “Gunny” to the men and women in his unit, and darling boy to his doting mother. A decorated war hero with six tours of the Middle East under his belt. During the last tour, he'd been part of the security detachment assigned to her regiment. She'd been sitting next to him in the M-ATV when the mortar ripped through his troop transport and inflicted the wound that sent him home, essentially ending his military career and winning him another Purple Heart.

  Now, here he sat wearing a vintage Pink Floyd tee shirt probably older than he was, faded, grass-stained blue jeans that fit like they'd been painted on, and scuffed boots desperately in need of a polish. He had a good two to three days growth of beard that accentuated his knife-sharp cheekbones. And he still, somehow, managed to look hotter than fucking sin.

  “Ms. Sapphire,” the older policeman standing next to Callahan started to say before Wyatt lunged forward as much as he could while strapped down to the chair.

  “That’s Doctor Sapphire to you,” Callahan snarled and Michelle’s right fist ached with the need to beat his ass.

  Ignoring the female officer trying to block her, Michelle got right up in Callahan's face, nose to nose. She didn’t care if she was in her Hello Kitty pajama pants and a faded pink tank top, or that her hair was hanging loose around her shoulders in a blonde frizz. This motherfucker's phone call woke her up to come bail his sorry, drunk ass out of some tworoom jail south of Austin after she'd worked a twelve-hour night shift at the clinic. And she hadn’t had any coffee before leaving the house.

  He was a dead man.

  “Hi, Callahan,” she said in a sugary sweet voice.

  Up this close she could see the flecks of green and gold in his now bloodshot hazel eyes. He had long, thick dark lashes, the kind women would kill for, and a full, sensual mouth. His dark hair was longer than she’d ever seen it, but then again they’d both gotten out of the military about a year ago. Sorrow flashed through his gaze and, for a split second, she got a glimpse of the suffering man behind the wise-ass persona.

  He smiled that panty-dropping smile that had every female within a fifty foot radius fluttering their lashes. “Hi, Doc. You said, if I ever needed you, I could call you.”

  “I did.” Nailing him with her gaze, she enjoyed how he fidgeted. “Well let me inform you of something, Callahan. Right now, I really regret saying that if your idea of help is me bailing you out of the drunk tank.”

  Wyatt glared at her, his perfect upper lip curling in a manner that made her want to bite it. Sweet Mary, mother of God, put her in his presence for more than five minutes and her whole body ached for his touch. She’d hoped that their time apart would have lessened the impact his presence had on her but, if anything, it had grown stronger. Electricity, sharp and biting, arched between their bodies as their gazes locked. He was so very, very angry beneath all that sorrow, a storm of emotion battering him from the inside out.

  He needed her.

  “Ma’am.” One of the deputies touched her shoulder.

  Not breaking eye contact with Callahan, she said, “It's all right, officer. I’ve got this. Callahan isn’t going to do anything to piss me off any more than I already am because he knows that he doesn’t want to see me really angry. Right, Callahan?”

  His lips twitched the slightest bit and his angry gaze softened into that familiar devilish gleam. “Ma'am, yes, Ma’am.” Michelle was sure if he'd been able to stand up, he would have saluted just to be a smart ass. The all too pleasant image of Callahan doing mountain climbers while nude flashed through her mind. Forcing her libido to calm down, she made herself focus on this moment, on him, and gave him one hundred percent of her attention. Because, God knows, Callahan could be a right stubborn bastard when he was in the mood.

  She leaned forward the slightest bit, the scent of the crushed grass on his jeans mixing with his alcohol-saturated sweat. “Now, you will behave. You will do everything they ask in a polite and respectful manner. You will not disgrace me by acting like a fool in public. Do you understand?”

  The rest of the anger slowly drained from his gaze and something deep inside her tightened when he was the first to look away, to acknowledge her dominance. That gesture was as old as time and always implied the same thing, submission. When he met her gaze again, he'd rebuilt some of his mental walls, but she'd already seen what she needed.

  She knew what was inside his heart.

  He swallowed hard. “Roger that, ma'am.”

  She gave him the smile that he’d always seen right before she laid the smack-down on him. His pupils constricted and his muscles tightened, an unconscious reaction to her emotions. She longed to soothe him, to tell him everything would be okay, but that only worked in fairy tales. In the real world, she had to take charge and make things right.

  Fortunately, she rather enjoyed being a cold bitch in the right situations.

  “Now then, can you please tell me the nature of his charges?”

  The older officer motioned her away from Callahan to speak to her privately. Behind her she heard the officers talking to Wyatt, and he was as well-behaved as could be. While she still didn’t know what she was going to do with him, she did know she would do everything she could to get him out of jail and someplace to heal. Preferably at her home.

  “Well, Dr. Sapphire, we got a complaint about a drunk and disorderly, but it wasn’t what we were used to.”

  “What do you mean?”

  He leaned closer, near enough so she could smell the faint scents of coffee on his breath and the dry cleaning solution clinging to his uniform. “He was in a local cemetery. Scared the crap out of the caretaker. The old man was doing his last rounds through the property, getting ready to lock the gates, when he saw Wyatt sitting on a grave with a nearly empty bottle of whiskey.”

  He had her undivided attention now. “Was it Mt. Zion?”

  “Yeah. I-uh I guess you know whose grave it was.”

  She knew, but she needed confirmation. “Aaron Winters?”


  She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, torn between the need to choke Callahan for being so reckless or hold him. “Was he armed?”

  “Yes ma’am, but only with a big Damascus knife he uses for whittling.” He looked uncomfortable and his mustache twitched. “See, Callahan's a local boy. His dad used to be a detective next county over before he retired and opened his carpentry business. We know Wyatt, and we know his family.”

  Empathy filled her but she kept her expression carefully neutral. “Why did he call me instead of his family?”

  Now his cheeks turned a deep red that made his blonde mustache stand out in an almost comical manner. “Well…I’m married to his sister and if I called their parents about him being drunk I’d be spending the next two months sleeping on the couch. Besides, nothing we’ve done seems to help and we’ve tried everything we can think of to get through to him.” He pursed his lips, his mustache pushing forward like a walrus looking for a kiss. “See, he’s talked about you before, usually when he’s drunk.”

  She arched her brow.

  “Nothin’ bad, just how much he admires you and I figured you bein’ a doctor and all, well maybe you can reach him.”

  She blew out a harsh breath. “Are you going to release him to my custody?”

  “If you feel comfortable taking him. He really isn’t that drunk.” The officer leaned forward and lowered his
voice. “Between you and me he’s lucky if he gets four hours of sleep a night. The man is exhausted, but he can’t outrun his nightmares.”

  A headache began to form behind her eyes as her heart ached for Callahan. “Okay, I’ll take him, but, Officer,” she looked down at his badge. “Phelps, since you're family, you should know, I’ve got a couple of conditions of my own.”

  He gave her a solemn nod. “Call me Gary.”

  “Gary,” she said with the sweet smile that had always made her troops flinch, “I'm going to want Callahan to sign a contract to stay with me for a month. Think of it as a personal rehab.”

  “Uh, Doc, I don’t think I can do that. It’s not legal.”

  “I’m not asking you to force him and I won’t approach him with it until he’s sobered up. If he doesn’t sign I take him home for one night to sleep it off, then he goes on his merry way. If he does sign…” she smiled in a way that made Officer Phelps swallow hard, “I guarantee in one month’s time you will have a changed man. But I’ll need you to keep the rest of his family away. He needs to decide for himself that he wants to live, not for his mother, not for his sister, but for himself.”

  Tilting his head to the side, Officer Phelps studied her. “You were a Marine, too, weren’t you?”

  “No, I was a Navy doc. We were the ones who got to patch the Marines up.”

  They were interrupted by the female officer escorting Callahan. As Michelle looked closer at him she saw the telltale physical signs of exhaustion. He looked much older than his thirty-six years, and there was a darkness in his gaze, something worn and guarded that hadn’t been there before. She remembered him as being brash, larger than life, her rock, someone she could always rely on. Now, he just seemed so…lost.

  “Ready, Callahan?”

  “Sure thing, Doc.”

  After his cuffs were removed she motioned to him, “Let’s go.”

  He looked at his brother-in-law and rubbed his face. “Man, I’m really sorry.”

  Phelps shook his head. “Wyatt, just get some help.”

  Callahan glanced over at Michelle. “I’m trying to.”

  She turned away and started walking, swinging her keys, leaving Callahan the choice to follow. Or not. Letting him see her empathy and compassion for him would not be helpful at this point. During the majority of their time together, she’d outranked him and that feeling carried over now as he walked escort behind her down the hallway. A flashback of him shadowing her in Afghanistan, always watching her back, made her dizzy for a moment.

  They left the brightly lit hallway of the small police station and she continued on to her car, not saying a word to him. It scared her to the bone to think about him sitting at Winters’ grave, drunk, carrying a knife while mourning the best friend who'd lost his battle with PTSD and killed himself six months ago.

  Clicking the alarm on her keychain, the Corvette chirped to life. One of the many nice things about living in a snowless part of the state was that she could drive around with the top down on her car pretty much any time of the year. Right now she needed the wind in her face to help clear her head.

  Callahan made a low whistle and circled around the back of the car. “Nice ride, Doc.”

  She traced her finger along the curve of the driver's side front quarter-panel, the deep sapphire blue custom paint glimmering faintly in the parking lot lights. “You puke on her, you even sweat on her and I will hang you from my rafters and beat you like a piñata.”

  He laughed and slid into the passenger side with a sigh. “Just take me back to my place and I’ll be out of your hair.”

  She entered the car and adjusted her mirror as she turned the key. The deep, throaty purr of the big engine always made her happy. “No can do. They released you to my custody for the night. You are staying at my place in Austin.”

  He tensed and turned to look at her. “Doc, take me home.”

  Ignoring him, she turned out onto the main road leading to the highway. The scent of the desert whipped through the car and she took a deep breath, purging her lungs. Next to her Callahan leaned his head back with his eyes closed, but every muscle on his body stood out in sharp relief. He was so wound up he looked in danger of snapping.

  She turned on her stereo and pressed the button to play her Enigma CD. The smooth, almost luscious beats soon blended with the wind. The combination of the music and the soft desert air began to relax them both. Callahan took a deep breath and let it out, his body almost deflating. She wondered what had set him off tonight. Flashback? Panic attack? Whatever it was, she would find out later, but right now Callahan needed to sleep.

  They pulled out onto I-35 N and began the drive that would take them north of Austin, then west to her ranch. After retiring from the Navy she wanted to go someplace warm, someplace where she didn’t have to deal with six months of winters so cold it felt like hell had really frozen over, and snow deep enough to bury a one-story house. She’d had enough of that growing up near Chicago.

  Callahan kept looking at her, stealing glances out of the corner of his eye. He would look like he was about to say something, then reconsider. For now, she had to try to distract herself, to keep her desire to own him under control. God, how he’d haunted her thoughts over the last year. She was honest enough with herself to admit that Callahan living near Austin had led to her taking a job at the charity sponsored hospital. The work gave her a sense of purpose and she loved Austin.

  Keeping her eyes on the road and off of Wyatt was much more difficult than she’d anticipated. Even in his sorry, worn down, and altogether sad state he still made her pulse race. She had to get her hormones under control and get her mind off what his ass would look like after she’d given him a couple dozen good spankings. Despite her resolve, her mind lingered on how she imagined his butt would flex beneath her blows, all rock solid and masculine. Biting into his ass would be like biting into a crisp apple with the slight crunch of his skin breaking beneath her teeth. Callahan shifted next to her and her gaze was drawn away from the road and down to his long, strong legs encased in velvety soft, worn jeans.

  Good lord, this man was going to drive her insane.

  She wanted to laugh, but she needed to be in the right headspace for the big ass headache in front of her. With Callahan that meant not letting him get away with anything. He was the kind of guy that if a woman gave an inch, he'd have her under him, give her a series of life-altering orgasms, and all while whispering the things women wanted to hear from their men. Then he’d leave her smiling and barely able to walk the next morning, with a vague promise to call her sometime, leaving her craving his touch for the rest of her life.

  Callahan turned down the radio. “What are you thinking about?”

  Could he somehow sense that she’d been having wicked thoughts about him? “I was thinking that if you keep pushing your luck I’ll chain you to the foot of my bed and make you sleep on the floor with only a pillow and a blanket for company as punishment.”

  “That doesn’t really sound like too terrible of a punishment.”

  She knew that his response to her answer would tell her everything she needed to know. “Oh, yes, it is. You will be allowed to look at my body but not touch. You will be allowed to attend to me, see to my comforts, and make me feel good…but that’s it. And only I will decide when, or even if you’ve earned the right to kiss me, to bend to my will, to make me come.”

  His stunned expression sent a bolt of satisfaction through her and confirmed she was on the right track. Half of her hoped he would push it, while the other half was telling her she was treading dangerous waters.

  What she knew about Callahan personally was gleaned from observation. She didn’t know shit about Callahan sexually. On very rare occasions, their interactions had tread dangerously close to flirtation. But neither of them was willing to break the strict military code outlining permissible and non-permissible conduct between male and female military personnel, especially between commissioned and noncommissioned
officers. And even the idea of sexual relations between superior officers and their subordinates? Um, no. They had risked one kiss since they both got out, but that had been…different.

  “Doc, can I ask you something?”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Why are you taking me to your house?”

  “Because you need to get away from the bullshit excuses you’ve surrounded yourself with and pull your head out of your ass.” He started to talk and she held up her hand. “I just picked you up from jail at three in the morning drunk off your ass, Wyatt. Think about it.” She didn’t mention the fact that he’d been playing with a knife in a graveyard. He wasn’t ready for that type of confrontation, yet.

  He didn’t answer, just turned to look out the window and eventually his head rested against the seat, his eyes half closed. Slowly, he stretched his legs out and laced his hands over his stomach as he looked out the window with barely open eyes. Michelle felt a sense of relief as his eyes closed and his even breathing indicated he finally slept.




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