My Heart is Home

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My Heart is Home Page 19

by Barbara Gee

  The drive back to his hotel was short and mostly silent. Although we didn’t talk much, I knew both of our heads were spinning.

  He turned off the truck and put his arm along the back of the seat, his features lit only by the lights in the parking lot. “I know you’re already going to get home kinda late, but I need you—just you—for a little while. Can you come up to my room? Will you come up?” His fingers wove their way into my hair. “Even if it’s only fifteen minutes, I’ll take it.”

  How could I say no to that request? Especially when I needed him—just him—as well.

  “Of course I will.” I opened my door and climbed down from the truck and he met me there, his arm snug around my shoulders as we walked through the parking lot and then the lobby to the elevator. When we got to his room, he unexpectedly swooped me up and deposited me on top of the bed, coming down beside me on his stomach, propped up on one elbow so his face was above mine.

  He’d only flipped one light switch on when we entered, which was for a lamp in the corner of the room. The light was dim but his expression was clear and my heart began racing.

  The tips of his fingers ran the length of my face. “I loved you four years ago, Myla. You know that because I told you all the time. It started on our first date and it never quite went away, even with all those years apart. Even though I tried to move on. And when you came back, it all started building again. Fast. Unstoppable. Back to where it was and then some.” He licked his lips, his gaze holding mine. “But I’ve never felt love quite like I did today. Seeing you with Lily, knowing you’re willing to open your heart to her because I need you to—I can’t even explain how that makes me feel. I want you to know how much I love you, but telling you doesn’t seem like enough. I wish you could see inside my heart. Then you’d know.”

  My body trembled at his declaration. At the words I’d gone so long without. “It’s enough, JP. You’re enough.” I reached up and ran my fingers slowly through his hair. “Your love is the thing I treasured the most in my life. Missed the most.” I smiled. “I’m happy to say I’m back to where I was and then some, too.”

  “Yeah, you proved that today,” he said gruffly, his emotion close to the surface. “I was scared to death to tell you about Lily. And then you went over there and just blew me away.”

  I took his face between my hands, amazed by the feelings this man elicited in me. Only this man. “I love you so much,” I told him. “Thanks for letting me come here today, and for being completely honest with me.”

  He smiled, then dropped his forehead to mine. “Everything’s going to be harder with Lily in the mix. I’m sorry about that.”

  “We’ll figure it out.”

  He kissed me softly, then gathered me closer. “I wish you didn’t have to go.”

  You aren’t the only one. He felt so good lying up against me. Big, warm, and protective. He was my dream come true, twice, and who would’ve known that the second time around would be even better than the first?

  If I wasn’t scheduled to work the next day I might have decided to stay. There were two beds in the room, after all.

  “I can’t miss work,” I said sadly.

  “I know.” He rose up on his elbow again. “I’ll be home tomorrow evening. Can I come over to your place?”

  “You don’t mind tacking another half hour onto your drive?”

  He gave me a slow smile. “Not if you’re at the end of it.”

  “Sweet talker,” I accused, grinning. “Will you be there in time for dinner?”

  “I should be.”

  “Then I’ll cook.”

  “You sure?”

  “Very sure.” I pulled his head down for another kiss. It started out slow and sweet, but then he shifted, the weight of his body heavier against my side. The kiss deepened as his warm hand slipped beneath my sweater to settle on the curve of my waist.

  It was an amazing kiss, but we both realized at the same time that we were pushing our self-imposed limits. He gave a frustrated groan and rolled away from me onto his back. I couldn’t help but giggle.

  “I don’t think we should make a habit of meeting up in hotel rooms,” I told him.

  “No, probably not. I need to let you get going.”

  I sat up and looked down at him. “I hope things go well with the attorney tomorrow. You can fill me in on everything at dinner.”

  He sat up and pushed off the bed, holding out a hand to pull me up. “Say a prayer about that. It would sure be nice to have him assure us it’s going to be cut and dried.”

  “I’ll say lots of prayers.”

  He wrapped an arm around my shoulders as we walked to the door. “We have to make sure we talk about our feelings through this whole process, the good and the bad. As soon as we stop communicating, we’re vulnerable.”

  I winced. “And we both know what happens then.”

  He opened the door and looked down at me, his eyes warm. “Not this time,” he said firmly.


  Ava called me the next morning when I was on my way to the school. As soon as I saw her name come up on the screen I remembered she’d called the day before. We’d been eating lunch with Adalyn and Lily, so I didn’t answer. Normally I’d have called her back soon after, but with everything else going on I’d forgotten all about it. Hopefully she’d only been calling to chat and hadn’t needed me for something.

  “Hey, Ava,” I said, and then I immediately panicked because JP and I hadn’t talked about what he had or hadn’t told his family, and what if she asked about where he’d been the last few days?

  “Hey girl, Hannah and I are trying to plan one last girls’ night before the baby comes. Can JP give you up for an evening? We’re thinking the last Friday of the month.”

  My shoulders slumped in relief. “Sure, that sounds great.”

  “Awesome. We’ll take care of the details later. You’re working today, right?”

  “On my way there now. Third grade today. It’s a really great class—I’ve taught them before.”

  “Cool. Have a good one. Oh, and Jude said JP went somewhere and missed work yesterday and won’t be in again today. What’s up with that? All he told Jude was that he had some personal stuff to take care of and he’ll be back to work tomorrow.”

  I swallowed hard and tried to sound nonchalant. “Yeah, he’s coming home tonight as far as I know. I’m sure he’ll bring Jude up to speed soon.”

  Ava chuckled. “In other words, I’m not going to get anything out of you. I figured as much. Jude said JP was real tight-lipped.”

  “It’s best if the two of them talk. He’s fine though, you don’t need to worry.” Just prepare yourself for some pretty shocking news.

  “Okay, we’ll talk soon then. Bye.”

  My phone chimed as I pulled into a parking spot. Since it was JP’s tone, I took the time to read the text.

  JP: Morning. I hope you slept well. I’m heading out for breakfast. We still on for tonight?

  Me: I slept fine, and of course we’re still on. Good luck at the lawyer’s office, and give Lily a hug for me, ok?

  JP: I will. And I’ll give you your own hug tonight. There was a winky face after that. I love you, Myla.

  Me: Love you too. And tonight I’ll be able to update you on how Nicky and Nina are getting along. I have their class today.

  JP: Keep Nicky away from the Play-Doh.

  I smiled, loving that he remembered my story.

  Me: I will. Drive safely. I’ll be waiting.

  Chapter 22


  icky Bollilo kept me on my toes, but I saw him give Nina three of his grapes at lunch, and after that nothing could bring me down. I left the school on a high, partly because of the grapes and partly because I would be seeing JP in a matter of hours. I hadn’t heard from him since our morning text exchange, and I didn’t know if that meant the meeting with the attorney had gone well, or if it was bad and he didn’t want me to worry before I had to.

  I went home to change
and freshen up, then made a quick trip to the grocery store for dinner ingredients. I didn’t know for sure what time JP would get home, so I was going to make a casserole that could stay in the oven on low for a while without drying out.

  He called right after I put it in the oven and said he’d be there in an hour. I told him to come hungry.

  I made a fire and lit a few candles in the living room. I had a feeling the day had been a long one for JP, and I wanted the house to be warm and welcoming—and to smell like dinner when he walked in. JP did love a good meal.

  Settling down on the couch, I turned on HGTV to pass the time. I’d just watched the big reveal of a run-down log cabin transformed into an immaculate vacation home when I heard the rumble of JP’s truck. Perfect timing.

  I got to the door as he swung it open, giving me a glimpse of his face before he saw me and smiled. My hunch had been right—he’d had a tough day. But he did still smile for me, and it was a real smile. An “I’m glad to see you and the drive was worth it” kind of smile.

  It made me feel good to think I could brighten his day a little, and it also made me determined to make him feel better.

  He shrugged out of his coat and hung it on a hook and I embraced him, feeling the outside chill on his skin and clothes. His arms immediately locked me against his body and he pushed his face into my hair.

  “Mmmm,” he growled softly. “So much better than going home to a dark empty house.”

  “Long day?” I asked, breathing in the heady scent of him.

  “Yeah, but it’s better now.” He swiped my hair to the side and pressed his lips to my neck. “You smell so good,” he muttered, rubbing a hand up and down my back. Then he raised his head and smiled again. “Dinner smells good, too. What’d you make?”

  “A chicken casserole. It’s ready whenever you are.”

  “I’m ready.” He dropped a short kiss on my lips and started to turn away, then changed his mind and came back for a much longer one. “Okay, now I’m ready,” he said with a grin when it ended.

  I put everything on the table and he said a prayer before digging in. He loved the casserole and also the salads I’d picked up in the grocery store deli. He asked about my day as we ate, specifically for an update on Nicky and Nina. I told him there had been no Play-Doh incidents, and Nicky had given Nina three whole grapes at lunch.

  “Baby steps,” he said approvingly.

  “Yep, it’s progress for sure. Now it’s your turn. Tell me about the meeting with the attorney.”

  He ate the last bite of a roll before he answered. “It sucked,” he said bluntly.

  I winced. “I was afraid of that. I could tell you were upset when you came in.”

  He leaned forward, resting his forearms on the table. “If I’m Lily’s biological father, there’s hope. If I’m not, it could get dicey.”

  “Why?” I asked, confused. “Adalyn’s her adoptive mother, so she should have the final say in who becomes her guardian, right?”

  “Yes, if there’s no one else in the picture.” JP took another bite of food, but I was pretty sure he didn’t taste that one. He looked exhausted, and understandably so. I couldn’t even imagine the emotional upheaval he’d gone through over the last four days.

  I frowned. “But there is no one else in the picture.”

  “Not at the moment, but Adalyn’s attorney, Lance Emerson, seems to think Haley’s going to become a problem.”

  My heart fell at the mention of her name. “But it’s been over three years and she hasn’t shown any interest in Lily. Do you really think that’ll change?”

  JP gave a bleak smile. “Unfortunately, yes. And the reason is simple. Money. That seems to be the only thing that motivates her.”

  “But she already got her payment for carrying Lily to full term, right? And letting Adalyn adopt her was part of the deal.”

  “Yes, but there’s a lot more money where that came from. Adalyn’s parents were really well off, and Adalyn was an only child. She inherited a lot and still has most of it. Haley knows that. When she finds out her mom is sick, Lance is convinced she’s going to show up to stake her claim. He’s the one who handled Lily’s adoption, and he said she was desperate for the hundred-fifty thousand. She totally lied and told him she had no idea who the father was—said she slept with lots of guys and didn’t know their names most of the time. It wasn’t until I showed up with Adalyn today that he realized she knew all along that I was most likely the father.”

  “Adalyn didn’t set him straight before?”

  “She didn’t actually meet with him, except to sign the papers. She told him over the phone what she wanted, and he had two meetings with Haley to finalize the details and make sure she was aware she’d be signing away all rights to the child. Adalyn didn’t know Haley was obligated to name the potential father or fathers if she knew them. Haley told her the state of Tennessee didn’t care about that.”

  “Adalyn doesn’t seem the type to not question things,” I said. “She seems like a ‘dot the i’s and cross the t’s’ kind of person.”

  JP nodded. “I think it’s probably a case of being told exactly what she wanted to hear, so she didn’t dig any deeper. Ignorance is bliss.”

  “Is Haley in Adalyn’s will?”

  “She’ll get twenty-five-thousand dollars. Everything else is going into a trust fund for Lily. Of course Haley doesn’t know that yet, but she will, and I think Lance is right to assume she won’t take it lying down.”

  I understood the problem now, and I wished I didn’t. “So, when she finds out everything is going to Lily, there’s a good chance Haley will suddenly and miraculously develop a maternal interest in her child.”

  “That’s exactly what Lance fears. And Adalyn too, I think, although she didn’t come right out and say it.”

  “But Adalyn is legally the parent, so if she wants you to have Lily, then how can Haley trump that?”

  JP sighed and sat back in his chair. “If I’m Lily’s father, not easily. If I’m not, then it’s likely she can get a hearing in front of a judge to try to present herself as the best option. And Lance said more often than not, a judge is going to side with the biological mother over a non-relative.”

  “But she’s an addict!” I said incredulously. “And she’s never even seen Lily—not once in over three years!”

  “Yeah, but there’s over two million dollars at stake, plus the house,” JP said wearily. “I’m pretty sure Haley will do her best to come across as completely reformed. She managed to stay clean for the pregnancy, and the stakes are way higher this time. She could probably sober herself up again, at least for long enough to fool a judge and regain her parental rights.”

  “But if you’re the biological father, it’ll basically be impossible for her, right? Or will the judge still side with the mother?”

  “I have to believe I’d have the upper hand in that scenario. Especially with Adalyn’s wishes taken into account.” He looked at me, bone-deep worry in his eyes. “I’m trying to stay positive, but so much is riding on that test. I feel like it has to be positive, because as soon as I met her I felt like she was mine. But she doesn’t look like me at all.”

  “That doesn’t necessarily mean anything. She doesn’t look like Haley, either. She actually looks kind of like Adalyn. She has the same really dark eyes.”

  He let his head fall back, rubbing his eyes. “I guess we’ll know in a few days. I might go crazy in the meantime, though.”

  “Are you going to tell your family now, or wait until the results come back?”

  He groaned softly. “I don’t know. I have to tell them either way, obviously, and I have no doubt they’ll love her whether she’s Keller blood or not. I just think it might be better to wait until I know so they don’t have to stress about the results right along with me.”

  “Since it’s only a few days, I think that’s the best plan,” I agreed. “I know it’s hard to keep something so life-changing from them, though.”

nbsp; “I think I’ll probably have to tell Jude. He’s going to want to know where I’ve been and putting him off for three or four days isn’t feasible. He’ll get it out of me.”

  “He’ll tell Ava. Those two have no secrets.”

  “That’s okay. I trust them to keep it quiet. I just hope they understand why I need to do this regardless of whether Lily’s mine or not. The alternative is either Haley or a foster home, and I can’t let that happen.”

  “I know. I saw you with her, remember? I can see how you feel about her.” I smiled gently. “If it’s any consolation, I’d be shocked if she’s not yours. She might not look like you, but you share an incredible bond already. Almost like your DNA recognized each other.”

  JP forked up his last bite of chicken, his lips curving into a slow smile as he chewed. “Is that even a thing?”

  I shrugged. “It might not be documented, but I think I saw evidence of it with my own two eyes.”

  He raised a brow. “So what recognized each other in you and me? Because if I remember right, that bond formed pretty darn quick too.”

  I grinned, glad to see a little sparkle come back into his eyes. “Scary quick,” I confirmed. “They should do a study on us.”

  He chuckled and pushed his chair back. “Let’s clean up and hit the couch. I just want to relax and hold you and try to forget my worries for a little while.”


  We had the kitchen cleaned in record time, the couch singing its siren song as we worked. When I went to sit down on it, JP stopped me.

  “Uh-uh. We have to get comfortable.” He put some pillows at the end, then laid down full-length, pressed against the back, leaving plenty of room for me. He held out his hand. “Lie down here with me, Myla.”

  My heart did a slow roll of anticipation. He certainly didn’t need to ask twice. I sank down and he pulled me into a comfortable spoon, my back against his front and a muscular arm across my stomach holding me there.

  I sighed contentedly and wiggled a little bit until we fit together perfectly. The fire crackled and glowed and I felt the stress of the day fading away.


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