by Pat Condell
And the governments of Europe who promote it are racist governments. The civil servants who pander to it are racists. The university lecturers who encourage it are racists. The journalists who lie about it are racists. And the ordinary people who say one thing in private and another in public are cowardly racist hypocrites.
If we can’t bring ourselves to say what’s in our hearts when it truly matters then we’ve already given up our freedom, and with it the freedom of future generations, which is something that we’ve got no right to do.
We didn’t earn this freedom. It was handed to us on a plate by people who did earn it with their lives. We don’t own it. We’re custodians of it. It’s not ours to give away.
So it’s time to speak up, Europe. It’s time to stop whining and bellyaching about the Americans for five minutes and show a little backbone for once, just once.
Or do we want to spend the rest of our lives cowering like frightened mice from a handful of violent bigots who think they have a right to poke a finger into our chest and tell us how we’re allowed to live, what we can and can’t do, say and think?
Well, I don’t know about you, but anyone who asks me that question is going to get a very short answer, and I’ll give you a clue, it won’t contain the words “Allah” or “akbar”.
Peace. Wouldn’t that be nice?
* Geert Wilders’ film Fitna.
The Religion of Fear
March 31, 2008
Hi everyone. Well, now that the Fitna furore has died down somewhat it’s interesting to see how many people are condemning the film, and how few people are condemning the thuggish intimidation that forced LiveLeak* to remove it.
What happened to all those people who keep telling us: “I don’t agree with what you say, but I’ll defend your right to say it?”
Where have they all gone? Maybe they’re on vacation.
No shortage of politicians, however, lining up to accuse the film of falsely equating Islam with violence, which is a bit like falsely equating Walt Disney with Mickey Mouse.
I’sure anyone who follows the news would also equate Islam with violence. I know I certainly do, because any time anybody criticises Islam they’re usually threatened with violence. Islam without violence is like an egg-free omelette. The religion is predicated on violence and the threat of violence. It’s a religion of peace in the same way that North Korea is a people’s democratic republic. But we’re not allowed to say that, because if we do we’ll be threatened with violence.
When the film was actually removed, under threat of violence, some Muslims actually had the nerve to congratulate LiveLeak for promoting tolerance on the internet. I tell you, whenever I think about this stuff now I feel like I’m in a hall of mirrors, don’t you?
To be fair, Dutch Muslims do deserve some praise, because they could have reacted violently and probably got away with it, we all know that, so all credit to them for not exploiting the situation. But the very fact that we are grateful to them pretty much proves the point of the film, because let’s be clear about this, it was the threat of Muslim violence that caused the Dutch government to grovel in such abject dhimmitude and to run around apologising like headless chickens before and after the event, a spectacle which I’m sure many Muslims enjoyed, and why shouldn’t they enjoy it? After all, it sends out a clear message to the entire Muslim world that in Europe we won’t stand up for what we believe in (or what we say we believe in) and we will be intimidated into silence. All you’ve got to do is shake your fist, and we’ll do exactly as we’re told.
So Islam in Europe now enjoys the best of all possible worlds. It’s a religion when it wants to be, it’s a culture when it wants to be, and it’s a race when it wants to be. It gets full rights on all three counts, demanding and getting respect wherever it goes, while giving absolutely none.
Hence we were treated recently to the spectacle of the Swiss foreign minister degrading herself and her country by putting on a headscarf before she was allowed to meet the homicidal leadership of Iran, in a cheap betrayal of all the brave women who have been murdered by these violent criminals in the name of Islam.
The Iranian government were among the first to criticise the film, too, taking time out from executing children, again in the name of Islam, to denounce it roundly. But I’m sure most people realise that this fake outrage is in no way genuine. It’s all part of a cynical campaign of intimidation by the Islamic world to force unwanted Islamic values into western society.
And that’s why in every free country there are now aggressive Islamist pressure groups, usually funded by the Saudis, who claim to speak for all Muslims, but who actually speak only for a small band of fanatical bigots like themselves, and who are very quick to insult our culture and our values as degenerate and immoral, while being themselves ultra sensitive to any perceived criticism, portraying themselves as victims, as oppressed, rather than the oppressors they are, knowing that if you repeat the lie often enough people will start to believe it. Mr Goebbels taught us that little nugget of wisdom, and the would-be authors of the next Holocaust have learned the lesson well.
Luckily for me I don’t get insulted easily on a personal level, not even at being called a racist kuffar, as some idiot called me recently, but when somebody attacks my culture, well, that’s a little different because that’s an assault on my values. It diminishes my sense of self-worth, I believe it violates my human rights and I think it should be prosecuted as a hate crime. It’s irrational, it’s paranoid, and really I think there’s only one word to describe it, and that is civilisationphobia. This is a word I like to use as a kind of umbrella word for a host of different phobias that manifest themselves in Islam, including:
Eleutherophobia – Fear of freedom.
Epistemophobia – Fear of knowledge.
Prosophobia – Fear of progress.
Peccatophobia – Fear of sinning, or imaginary crime.
Catagelophobia – Fear of being ridiculed.
Cenophobia – Fear of new things and ideas.
Cherophobia – Fear of gaiety (big fear of gaiety).
And the biggest fear of all, of course:
Gynophobia – Fear of women.
Islam is terrified of women, and that’s why all over the internet you’ll find clips from Arab television where, along with all the rampant Jew-hating and other propaganda aimed at turning children into murderers, you’ll find clerics calmly explaining under what circumstances a man may beat his wife in the religion of peace. That’s right, a man may beat his wife. And they wonder why we don’t want this stuff in Europe.
If you lay a violent hand on a woman you’re not a man, you’re an animal, and I don’t care how many so-called scholars tell you that cowardly brutality is the will of God. Chances are you’ve never been on the receiving end of the kind of punishment you like to dish out so freely. So I hope the Hindus have it right, because, if there’s any justice, you will be reincarnated as a female homosexual Jew, and then you’ll find out what a pain it is having to deal with violent primitive dickheads like you.
You know, when I was growing up I never thought I’d be ashamed to live in the twenty-first century. I thought it was going to be a new golden age, the space age, an age of knowledge and discovery. We’d have shaken off the shackles of superstition by now, surely. We’d have the technology to reach for the stars, maybe even create paradise right here on earth. I remember looking forward to it.
Well, here we are, and what have we got? We’ve got Islam, a violent seventh-century desert dogma that wants to take over the world, remove our freedom, subjugate women, brainwash children, persecute Jews and homosexuals, and drag us all back a thousand years. And all we can do is make excuses for it, for fear of causing offence. We really are pathetic, aren’t we?
I think people living five hundred years from now will look back on this period of history and they’ll laugh at us. Well, wouldn’t you?
* LiveLeak was the o
nly video website brave enough to host the film. Death threats towards their staff forced them to remove it temporarily while security was improved, but they subsequently reinstated it. As far as I know, you can still see the film on the LiveLeak site.
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The Curse of Faith
April 25, 2008
Hi everyone. First of all, can I just say to all the people who keep writing to tell me that I’m wrong when I say that Christians are born in debt to Jesus and don’t I realise that that debt has already been repaid by Jesus? Well yes, of course. But only in the same way that a finance company will pay off all your current debts, but then you have to pay back the finance company, or there’s going to be trouble.
Similarly, if you decide to welsh on the debt that you owe Jesus, the one he paid with his precious blood, then you’re going to be in big trouble, my friend. In fact, big is probably too small a word to describe the kind of trouble you’re going to find yourself in if you reject him as your saviour, because you’re going to fry for eternity. And eternity is not to be trifled with, because it’s forever. And we know this because they measured eternity and it came up exactly forever. And that’s what’s in store for you. Eternal unimaginable suffering, and Jesus isn’t going to do a damn thing about it. Why? Because he doesn’t give a shit. That’s how much he loves you.
I think after two thousand years, if anything, he owes us another crucifixion. You can’t live on past glories forever. Who does he think he is, Woody Allen? Come on.
Anyway, because of this, today I’d like to say a few words about faith, which I think has the potential to enslave us all by stealth, because I think faith is a very dangerous and misleading word. It contains two completely separate entities which have got nothing at all to do with each other. One is good, and one is evil. One is called spirituality and the other is called religion. One is a private experience, the other is a public nuisance. One leads to self-knowledge, the other to self-indulgence at everyone else’s expense. In one there is no compulsion, whereas the other depends on compulsion for its survival. One is grounded in innocence, the other in guilt. One embraces life, the other worships death.
It’s hard to imagine how these two things could be any more different. Yet for some reason they’re always sold to us together in a single package under the banner of faith. If you take one, you’ve got to take the other. A bit like a pet shop giving away a free rattlesnake with every bunny rabbit.
I’m not saying there isn’t more to this life than meets the eye, because there obviously is. Science has already shown us that. In the subatomic world it turns out that nothing is solid, if you can understand that, and some particles are so unpredictable we’re not even sure if they exist or not. They seem to be there and not be there at the same – a bit like western democracy, or is that just me? But anyway, it’s clear that we are part of a reality that we don’t fully understand.
And if there is a life force in this universe (and let’s face it there must be, otherwise there wouldn’t be any life) it’s natural that we would want to make some connection with it, because everybody wants to feel more alive, right?
But there’s no evidence that it requires worshipping or any form of subservient behaviour, or that we are in any way central to its agenda, or even relnt to it, any more than any other organism on the planet, or in the universe – this universe or any other universe. So in that sense I think we really need to get over ourselves big time.
Also, we need to stop pretending that all the manmade trappings of faith, the ornamental accessories if you like, are really anything more than just that. I’m talking about scripture, dogma, ritual, prophecy, religious law. All these things that have been put there to give religion some kind of structure, and, to be fair, that’s why they’re there, isn’t it?
It’s a bit like dressing the invisible man. Once he’s got some clothes on, you can see him. But of course you don’t see him, you see the clothes. And that’s the problem. Everyone’s become so obsessed with the goddam clothes we’ve forgotten if there was ever anyone there in the first place.
If you’re a spiritual person you don’t need religion, and you know it. And you’re certainly not interested in forcing your beliefs on to anybody else.
If you’re not a spiritual person then what the bloody hell are you doing on your knees praying like an idiot? Like some dog that’s been taught how to do something without understanding why. Get up and stop making a fool of yourself, because your faith is not a virtue, it’s a vice. It’s a slave to dogma, to scriptural certainties which are nevertheless open to self-interested interpretation by men. Now I’m sure even you can see the obvious flaw in that little arrangement.
Also, faith, in its Alice in Wonderland way, defines and measures itself according to lack of evidence. The less there is, the more faith is required, and the more worthy it is of respect and deference, for some reason. Not to mention large amounts of public money, generous tax breaks, and the freedom to fill the minds of innocent young children with violent superstitions and baseless fears.
And this, to me, really is the curse of faith, and it’s something that shames us all from generation to generation. It’s the cowardly way that we allow religion to be forced on to children in a clear violation of their human rights, hypnotising them almost at birth, hijacking their lives and turning them into little Christians, little Muslims, little Jews, before they have a chance to understand the first thing that’s involved.
We live in such civilised times in the twenty-first century, don’t we? Human rights are everything to us. We fall over ourselves to give compensation to every cheap chancer, every lowlife criminal scumbag whose precious feelings have been hurt, but we don’t give a damn about the rights of children having their minds moulded and stunted by others before they’ve had a chance to fully form, like dead-heading flowers before they’ve bloomed. It’s a crime against humanity, is what it is, and one day it will be against the law.
Tell that to Jesus, if you see him, and tell him from me to go and screw himself, to the nearest tree.
Peace, and who knows, maybe one day civilisation.
God Is Not Enough
May 23, 2008
everyone. A lot of people seem to think that I’ve got something in particular against religion, but the truth is I would take exactly the same attitude towards any evil life-denying crackpot ideology.
Show me another dangerous death-embracing crock of supernatural bullshit and I would give it exactly the same treatment, I promise.
It’s just that I believe religion is God’s way of telling us that he doesn’t exist.
And people often say to me: “What if you’re wrong about that and God does exist, and you have to face him on Judgment Day? What will you say for yourself then, bigmouth?”
Well, what can I say? If that happens I’m screwed, aren’t I? Let’s be honest. I’m damned for all eternity. I’m going straight to hell. I know I can’t expect any mercy, because we all know what a nasty piece of work he is. And it’s unlikely that I’ll be able to talk my way out of it, because God isn’t stupid, unfortunately. He’s many other things, including petulant, callous, vindictive, spiteful, heartless, petty, cruel, and egotistical to a fault, but not stupid. So that’s me down the chute, no question.
But if by some miracle I did manage to get in a word before the trapdoor opened, I’d probably ask God what kind of third rate operation he thinks he’s running here on earth, and why he allows himself to be represented almost exclusively by gangsters, perverts and frauds into whose care you’d be as well advised to entrust your soul as you would your children.
I’d also remind God that six thousand years ago he threw us out of paradise for obtaining the knowledge of good and evil. So why don’t we have it? We paid the price. Every child is born guilty. I couldn’t imagine a higher price than that, could you? Yet we still don’t quite seem to know the difference. Maybe the people of Burma could help us out with
But I wonder what went wrong. Was the fruit of the tree of knowledge faulty in some way, or is this just a straightforward case of out-and-out fraud?
Either way, I’ll be demanding from God retrospective reinstatement in paradise for the entire human race, along with six thousand years of backdated blessings and a full apology. Well, why not? What have I got to lose? I’m already going to hell.
I expect I’ll end up in Catholic hell, which I understand is a large black hole of guilt at the end of the universe from which nothing escapes, not even light – mainly because no light has ever got in, although apparently anything passing by too closely is liable to be sucked in and baptised.
But just because I believe that religion is a cynical perversion of the human spirit that exists purely for the benefit of the parasites that we know as clergy doesn’t mean that I’m not looking for answers to the big questions just like anybody else.
You know, the questions that religion pretends it has answers to because it knows that for some people any answer is better than no answer at all.
Questions like: Why are we here? Where do we come from? Where are we going? – that sort of thing. Is there an afterlife, and if so, is it fully licenced for alcoholic drinks?
That last bit may seem like a trivial concern to you, but not to me, because I live in a society where many people enjoy a social drink from time to time. Not a huge amount, just enough to kill a horse. And in these enlightened days of the twenty-first century where everyone’s human rights and cultural identity are so very important, I don’t see why I should have to abandon my culture just because I’m dead. It’s only the afterlife, not Saudi Arabia. Let’s keep things in perspective.