by Pat Condell
You see, these days in Europe we’ve become so used to weasel words and double standards that the truth has become distinctly unfashionable. Speaking your mind is now seen as virtually anti-social because some opportunistic crybaby is sure to take offence and throw a tantrum, and that might threaten “community cohesion”.
Now what has all this got to do with America? Well, President Obama is very keen on showing respect to the Muslim world, and nobody can fault him on his record so far, bowing, as he did, to the king of Saudi Arabia like some kind of vassal, and then making a rather flattering, some might even say dishonest speech in Cairo – although to be fair he did stop short of prostrating himself towards Mecca, at least for the time being.
But because he wants to play ball with Islam (especially now they’ve given him a peace prize through their shills in the Norwegian establishment that he’s going to have to justify for the next three years – the Iranians must be rubbing their hands with glee at that one) the American government has now done something that, if they did it in their own country, it would violate the Constitution. They’ve co-sponsored a UN resolution that puts a limit on freedom of speech, because the Islamic countries don’t like free speech. They don’t like free anything, except free foreign aid, obviously. They can’t get enough of that.
Even the Saudis want aid now. Have you heard the latest? I could hardly believe it. The Saudis have said that when the world starts using less oil they expect to be compensated for loss of income. You really couldn’t make it up, could you?
The problem with the new touchy-feely American administration is not that it wants to be friendly and respectful to everyone; that’s very laudable. It’s just that when you have a moral agenda like that it can be tempting to cut corners, especially when it comes to inconvenient things like constitutional amendments.
And if they’re doing this now outside the United States where they can get away with it, it’s only a matter of time before this is allowed to become international law, and then you know they’ll start trying to do it inside the United States as well, in the name of “community cohesion”. Get used to that phrase, America. It’s coming your way.
And this matters. It matters a lot, not only to Americans but to all of us who see the American Constitution as the anchor for western civilisation – which is what it is.
We know that no matter how spineless our politicians are in Europe and elsewhere (and here in Europe they’ve barely got a vertebra between them) as long as America’s First Amendment remains inviolate there will always be an oasis of freedom on this planet that Islam cannot touch. But as soon as anyone is allowed to interfere with it, to water it down, to reinterpret, to chip and chisel away at the First Amendment for reasons of religious or cultural sensitivity, then we can wave our civilisation goodbye.
Americans voted for change at the last election. They didn’t vote for surrender.
Watch what’s happening in Europe, America. Cherish that Constitution, and don’t let Islam anywhere near it, for all our sakes.
Remember the words of Mr Omar Ahmad, co-founder of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, who said that Islam is not in America to be equal to other faiths, but to become dominant, and that the Koran should be the highest authority in America. That’ll be higher than the Constitution, then, by my reckoning.
If President Obama is serious about showing respect to the Muslim world then he should pay them the compliment of telling them the truth, that their religion is entitled to as much respect as it gives – zero; that, with their record, no Islamic country has any business even holding an opinion on human rights, let alone serving on a legislative body; that asking the people of the free world to compromise their fundamental values is far, far more insulting than any set of cartoons or any book could ever be; and that if the Islamic countries had an ounce of genuine honour between them they would issue a full and unconditional apology.
That’s what he should say because it’s the truth. Everyone in the free world knows it’s the truth, so let’s hope the truth becomes fashionable again before too long.
Peace. Oh yes.
Table of Contents
Title page
Introduction to ‘Anthology’ DVD
1. Response to the Blasphemy Challenge
2. Hello America
3. What Have I Got Against Religion?
4. The Trouble with Islam
5. What Do I Believe?
6. Happy Easter
7. Absolute Certainty
8. Religion in the UK
9. In Jesus’ Name
10. United States of Jesus
11. Why Are We Friends with Saudi Arabia?
12. Am I a Racist?
13. Miracles and Morals
14. Catholic Morality
15. Origin of the Species
16. The Myth of Islamophobia
17. What About the Jews?
18. Politics and Religion
19. Why Does Faith Deserve Respect?
20. God Bless Atheism
21. Islam in Europe
22. Unholy Scripture
23. Video Response to Osama
24. Hello Angry Christians
25. More Demands from Islam
26. What’s Good About Religion?
27. Was Jesus Gay?
28. A Word to Islamofascists
29. Why Debate Dogma?
30. Laugh at Sudan
31. Pimping for Jesus
32. Partying with Baby Jesus
33. Hook, Line and Rapture
34. O Dhimmi Canada
35. God the Psycho
36. Sharia Fiasco
37. Take a Cruise, Tom
38. Appeasing Islam
39. The Religion of Fear
40. The Curse of Faith
41. God Is Not Enough
42. A Secular World Is a Sane World
43. Islam Is Not a Victim
44. The Tyranny of Scripture
45. Take Your God and Shove Him
46. Islam’s War on Freedom
47. Welcome to Saudi Britain
48. Stop Sharia Law in Britain
49. Godless and Free
50. The Water of Life
51. Shame on the Netherlands
52. Freedom Go to Hell
53. A Word About the Soldiers
54. Free Speech Is Sacred
55. Islamist Dickhead
56. Children of a Stupid God
57. Ban the Burka
58. Apologists for Evil
59. The Arrogance of Clergy
60. Wake Up, America