Riftkeepers: Pursuit

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Riftkeepers: Pursuit Page 6

by Carrie Whitethorne

  Chapter 7

  Dane stayed with them for lunch. A simple, but very good, soup and crusty bread. When they'd eaten, Callan took the children for a walk in the woods they'd arrived in. After training that morning and the stressful meeting with Markus, Charlotte was too tired so stayed in the suite.

  Laid on the sofa, her had in Dane's lap, she relaxed. “It doesn't sound like you get on with your dad.”

  “We get on fine. I just don't appreciate his attitude,” he shrugged.

  “How come you weren't raised here? Didn't your parents marry?”

  “No. Marriage isn't something my father believes in. He met my mum at the ball thrown to celebrate Caoimhe and Taran's union. They spent a few years together, but mum wasn't happy here, so she went back to Oxfordshire. I spent my time between there and here. I was raised as a Prince of the Unseelie Court here and as a normal kid with mum. When I came of age I took on my duties here, but always went home when I could.” He'd tipped his head back, looking at the ceiling.

  “Where's your mum now?”

  “She lives in the city. Moved there when I left home. She's very good friends with Caoimhe. I see her as regularly as I can.”

  She nodded.

  “Are you okay? I know it's hard for you with the training and stuff.” He ran a hand through his hair. “I'm sorry if I push you too hard. I just want you to be able to defend yourself.”

  “Yeah. That was really shitty what you did with Callan though.”

  “I know, but I had to do something, Lottie. You weren't feeling it,” he sighed.

  “I could have really hurt you. That's what scares me. I don't want to hurt anyone,” she said quietly, sitting up.

  “We don't want anyone to hurt you again. Callan's instinct is to wrap you up and keep you safe. Training you, pushing you, goes against everything he feels he should be doing for you. We know you won't hurt us. You just need to trust us, we trust you.” He took her hand and squeezed it gently.

  She nodded, then paused, frowning. “Am I really expected to kill him?” Her voice was small.

  “Nobody expects you to do anything, Lottie. Callan would disappear with you all tomorrow.”

  “But that would cost him his family. His immortality. Everything.”

  He pulled her into his arms and she settled her head on his shoulder. “You really haven't been paying attention, have you?”

  “What do you mean?” she asked as she looked up at him.

  He moved her back and turned to face her. “We, Fae, don't commit to anyone lightly. Marriage is forever. Forever is a long, long time. Some of us find that someone. Caoimhe and Taran, you and Callan. Others are more like my parents. He married you because he can't be without you, Lottie. One word and you leave. He won't look back.”

  Her stomach hollowed out. She knew he loved her. She couldn't be without him, not now, never again. “I. I didn't realise…”

  “Of course, you didn't,” he said kindly. “You're human. You've only been here a few months so don't know enough about us yet. Just promise me you'll do what needs to be done. Be it taking on that bastard or taking your family and starting again somewhere safe, none of us care which it is, if you're safe and happy.”

  I want to be safe and happy where I am.

  “I'm training, I'll help find him. I'll do whatever I must, to stop him. Aoife told me about the last time.”

  Dane tensed slightly. “Did she tell you everything?”

  “I think so,” she said, searching his eyes for a flicker of response. He showed nothing. “I know you stopped him, in the end. I know what it did to you. I'm sorry…”

  With a shaky breath, he said, “He had to die. He'd taken over half the world, hundreds of thousands of people… I did what I had to do to keep people safe. It's what we're here for. We weren't granted all of this,” he spread his arms, “to monopolise it. It's our duty to use it to protect.”

  “But you had to take a life to do that,” she said, flatly.

  “Four lives. The three fae working with him, they deserved their ends as much as he did. They went against everything we stand for.” His silver eyes flashed with rage at the memory. “I did what I had to, the mass murder had to stop.”

  Her heart ached for him. The personal sacrifice he'd made to save thousands. Millions. “It doesn't make you a bad person, Dane.”

  “No. I know,” he said with a weak smile. He sat quietly for a few minutes, she let him take the time to find the hard, unwavering, persona he maintained.

  Finally, with the mask snapped firmly back into place, he said, “So, dinner, tonight. I've asked Alayna to come to watch the kids. I'll slip out and keep her company as soon as I can.”

  She groaned. “Seriously?”

  “You'll enjoy it. You're quite the celebrity. Your power isn't feared here. Then you have the pleasure of a training session with father,” he laughed.

  “What should I expect?”

  “He's good with mind games. It'll be helpful if you face that type of power,” he paused, “well it'll give you an advantage if you can master it. If not, all good.” He shrugged. “No pressure. If you're training, we'll train you our way. Out of training, back to normal.”

  That's fair enough. They'd been training for a long time, they know how to get the results they needed.

  She nodded.

  “That's Callan back,” he said, his eyes flicking to the door just before it opened.

  “Did you have fun?” She asked as Zander climbed up and sat next to her.

  “Yeah,” he shrugged.

  “They've burned off some energy climbing trees,” Callan explained. He gave Dane a questioning look. Dane gave a brief nod in reply.

  “What are we going to do now, Mummy?” Enya asked, taking off her coat.

  “We could always go down and see the wyverns,” Dane suggested.

  “What? Like dragons?” Zander asked, wide eyed.


  “Yeah. Sort of. I haven't seen them for weeks. You'll love them,” he said, winking at them both.

  Charlotte looked to Callan.

  “It's perfectly safe. They're very well trained,” he promised.

  “Can we? Please?” Zander pleaded.

  They emerged in what she could only describe as a dungeon. In the dim light, she could make out very little past the reach of the flaming torch Dane held. The grey stone walls and floor were slick with what she hoped was water.

  “They don't like bright light, they hunt at night, prefer shadows,” he explained, leading them.

  The heady, sickly smell of blood turned her stomach. “Whiffs a bit down here.”

  Dane laughed, “They eat a lot of meat. We'll see Vlasta. She's most likely to entertain the kids.”

  They stopped by an alcove. The smell of fresh straw mingled with the cloying stench of blood as they stepped closer.

  “Ahoj princezna,” he crooned into the darkness. He lit another torch on the wall and passed the one he held to Callan. “Setkání s kamarády.”

  It wasn't a growl that came from the darkness, more of a hoarse purr, that made the hair on the back of Charlottes neck stand on end. Dane stepped closer and held out a hand. A rounded, scaled snout pressed into his palm. Warm air blown from two thin slits disturbed his hair. Her scales were a dim mauve, her eyes small and solid black. As she moved into the light, her neck arched, raising her head away from Dane. “Přátelé, princezna,” he murmured, reassuring her, coaxing her forward.

  Charlotte couldn't move. Awe and fear rooted her to the spot. Zander moved first. Slowly, so slowly, he moved to Dane's side, his eyes wide and shining. Dane took his hand and held it out. Vlasta blew out another breath and bent to inspect him. “She likes you,” Dane murmured as she rubbed the side of her massive head against his.

  Charlotte didn't want to know how he knew that, but, imagined it was because she hadn't swallowed him whole.

  “She's always been cuddly,” Dane smiled.

  “Right,” Charlotte said with a nerv
ous laugh.

  Enya stepped forward. Vlasta eyed her and swung her head. “It's okay, put your hand out and she'll come to you,” Dane explained.

  “Mummy she's so soft,” Enya whispered.


  “Feel for yourself,” Dane offered, stepping away.

  Hand outstretched, Charlotte took a tentative step forwards. Vlasta turned her attention away from Enya, cocking her head as she studied her. Her mouth opened, warm, putrid breath blowing directly into Charlotte's face. Her razor-sharp teeth were visible, tinted red-brown with blood. After a moment, she settled, pushing her snout to Charlotte's outstretched hand and let out another low purr.

  “Dane?” she whispered as the sound vibrated through her.

  “She can feel you. She senses your magic. It's okay, she's happy enough.”

  “You're absolutely beautiful,” Charlotte murmured to her. Her scales were warm, as soft as velvet to touch. “I can't believe you actually exist.”

  “Mummy can we get one?” Zander asked in a whisper.

  “You have your own at the palace, Zander,” Dane laughed softly.

  Callan sighed through his nose. “Ours are bigger,” He muttered.

  Dane saw Charlotte's confused frown and explained, “Yours are dragons, built to protect, to guard. Wyverns are built to hunt, they're fast, silent predators.”

  Dragons and wyverns. This is crazy.

  Vlasta arched her neck again, tossing her head.

  “Can you give her some room? she's coming out,” he asked as he tipped his head to one side and she stalked forwards.

  They stepped away as the wyvern moved out into the main chamber. Her sharp, long talons scratching on the stone, she rose on her two legs and moved into the light. Her massive body shifting awkwardly in the small dungeon. Charlotte didn't expect her to be so slender, only as wide as a car at her thickest point, she seemed to go on and on as she moved slowly by. Her wings were folded in tightly, solid black and leathery, covering her back. She stopped before Callan and lowered her head.

  “Hello, Vlasta,” he said softly, gently rubbing beneath her chin as she nudged his chest. “It's been a long time.”

  “You're old friends?” Charlotte asked, amazed at the gentle affection the beast was showing.

  “I was here when she hatched. She didn't leave Dane's side for the first year of her life.” He rubbed her under the chin and she purred.

  “And she remembers you?”

  Dane answered, “They never forget a friend. Loyal to their last breath.” His eyes sparkled as he took her in. She was more than just a pet, a guard. They were friends, the love between them that spanned hundreds of years clearly reflected in Danes eyes.

  She pulled her tail up, over their heads, and settled it, gently on the floor. It ended in a fan of sharp looking barbs, the same colour and texture as her talons. She was a deadly predator, dangerous and wild. As afraid as she was, Charlotte could only admire her breathtaking beauty.

  “She'll be on the portal tomorrow, Zander,” Dane said. “I wanted you to meet her before you go up there, so you can work without feeling nervous.”

  Zander nodded, stepping out from behind Charlotte. He moved to Callan and looked up at Vlasta. She turned her head to him and pressed herself flat to the floor. Sitting beside her, he gently stroked her head. Enya joined him.

  They sat petting her for several minutes, Zander murmuring to her softly as he rubbed her head.

  Dane laughed, “She's more like a lazy old cat. She'd lay there all night if we let her, but it's getting late. Come on, time to go. Zpět na postele,”

  The wyvern slowly rose and returned to her bed.

  “Bye, Vlasta,” Zander said over his shoulder as he sloped back to Charlotte, Enya right behind him.

  “Suppose we should get ready for dinner,” Charlotte sighed, taking Callan's hand.

  Chapter 8

  I really don't feel up to this. I hate formal dinners.

  Dane arrived with Alayna at seven thirty. Alayna had brought a picnic basket with her, its contents mainly consisting of their favourite fast food meal and cakes. “We'll eat, watch a film and then bed time,” she said as the children rummaged.

  “Thank you for this,” Charlotte smiled, smoothing her dress awkwardly.

  “It isn't a problem. Dane will join me later anyway. Go and enjoy yourself.”

  Not likely.

  “Ready?” Callan asked, he looked her over and winked, taking her hand.

  She nodded and they followed Dane down to the dining room.

  Dusek was waiting at the door and escorted them to their seats. Markus rose from his place at the end of the table. “Charlotte, you look lovely. Please, sit.”

  She sat on his left. Callan on his right. Dane beside him, Lukas on her left.

  “Charlotte, my niece, Nyja. Nyja, Princess Charlotte,” Markus added.

  She turned her attention to the woman at the end of the table. Her raven black hair, swept up into an elegant twist, shone in the dim light. Her eyes were a vivid violet, almost the same shade as her fire. Her crimson lips didn't so much as twitch. She simply dipped her head gently and turned to Callan. “I heard you'd married.” Her tone was flat as she held him in her cold gaze. Callan's brows knotted and he looked away.

  Snotty bitch.

  Markus took his seat and Dusek poured wine. “How are your parents, Callan?” He asked, “They must be thrilled to have you all so close by.”

  “Very well, thank you. Yes, they're quite taken with the children and mother was thrilled to meet Charlotte. We've settled on the island and visit the palace most days.”

  Markus nodded and turned to Charlotte, “Quite an adjustment for you, I imagine?”

  “Yes, it has been,” she admitted. “The children settled quickly, which was a relief. They've been kept busy with their training so didn't really have time to think about it too much.”

  Markus nodded again, then asked “And your training?”

  She glanced to Dane. “Well, it's been slow but Dane and Callan are helping me.”

  Dane half smiled, “She doesn't like my methods but they're wielding results.”

  “She's doing very well, considering,” Callan said gently. “You made an excellent breakthrough this morning.”

  “In what way?” Markus pressed.

  “Well, umm, I sort of managed to channel it properly. I think. I don't really know.”

  Nyja sighed through her nose clicked her tongue.

  “Do you have something to add, Niece?” Markus smirked.

  “No, Uncle. I'm hungry,” she complained. Her eyes held his, defiant, challenging. Charlotte looked at her hands.

  “Soup,” Dane announced, breaking the tense silence that had fallen over the table as six servants filed into the room.

  The soup was a simple, clear broth with noodles, Charlotte had never tasted anything like it.

  “What's this?” she whispered to Lukas.

  “Chicken noodle soup, do you like it?” He asked softly.

  “It's delicious,” she said quietly.

  He smiled warmly and continued listening to the conversation Callan and Dane were having.

  “Tomorrow, Charlotte, I would like to test the limits of your power, if that is acceptable to you?” Markus murmured.

  “In what way?” she asked carefully.

  “Well, you have no idea how long you can channel for or how deep your power goes. Once you know, you can work on tapping sources to maintain your supply should the need arise.”

  I wouldn't know where to start.

  “I think I'm a bit of a long way off that,” she laughed, nervously.

  “Nonsense. Dane has said that you're a very fast learner. We'll see how you get on tomorrow. I'm looking forward to our little session together,” he grinned.

  She groaned inwardly.

  “I will meet you at eight for your physical training and deliver you to father at nine,” Lukas added.

  She nodded and glanced over the
table to Callan. He was looking sidelong at Nyja, an odd expression on his face.

  Why's he looking at her like that?!

  “Is that okay with you, Callan?” she asked, her tone clipped.

  His head snapped round. “Of course, we'll go for a run after breakfast, free up more time for training,” he grinned. “How long do you expect us to be at the portal, Dane?”

  “Oh at least a couple of hours. We'll find you when we're done,” he added, looking at his Father.

  Dusek cleared their soup plates and re-filled their goblets. Charlotte thanked him and took a large drink.

  “How long do we have the pleasure of your company, Callan?” Nyja asked. Her honeyed voice made Charlotte shiver.

  “We aren't able to spare any more than four nights I'm afraid. We have urgent matters to conclude at home and we have the children's birthday celebrations to organise.”

  “Oh, that's a pity. I was hoping to see… more of you.” She smirked into her goblet as Callan bristled.

  Lukas cleared his throat and Dane shifted in his seat as Charlotte cocked her head and glared across the table. Callan met her gaze then looked away quickly.

  “What is it?” Markus asked Dursek as the next course was brought in.

  “Paprikas my lord,” he answered with a bow.

  “Have you tried this before, Charlotte?” Markus asked as he flashed a warning glance to his niece.

  “No, I don't think so. It smells like goulash.”

  “Very similar,” he smiled. “Are you well-traveled, Charlotte?”

  “No. Unfortunately not. Hopefully we can change that when things calm down.” She smiled to Callan. He was looking at Nyja again.

  What the hell is this?

  Rage filled her. She didn't know what was between them but this was enough. Her fork bent, she gripped it so tightly, heat building in her palm. Dane coughed and put his own cutlery down on his plate, the clatter had everyone looking to him. All except Charlotte. Jaw clenched, fork a crumpled mess in her hand, she glared at Callan.

  “Excuse me,” Dane stood and walked around the table, laying a hand gently on her shoulder.


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