Riftkeepers: Pursuit

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Riftkeepers: Pursuit Page 12

by Carrie Whitethorne

  “So, how long have you been together?” she asked, looking to Lukas.

  Anton laughed gently and Lukas shifted, “Five hundred and twenty-seven years.”

  “Are you married?”

  “Yes, we married the year after we met,” Anton said. “Not quite as quickly as you and Callan.”

  “Well, technically we married seven years after we met,” she said defensively.

  Anton's voice was soft. “The heart knows. Time does nothing to persuade it.”

  She smiled up at him, “Do you think so?”

  “I know. The heart knows and the soul remembers.”

  Lukas nodded in agreement.

  “They're ready, come,” Anton pulled her to her feet and maintained his hold on her hand as they approached the freshly dug grave. Lukas gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze as Callan walked towards her. She released Anton's hand and he moved to stand beside Lukas.

  “The priest that married us will be here shortly,” he said. She buried her face in his shoulder as he pulled her towards him.

  “Thank you,” she murmured.

  “It's us who should thank you, Charlotte.”

  She looked up and met his eyes. “Why?”

  “Because you're reminding us that humility is a virtue.” He kissed her head gently and said, “Dane will move them, Dagda will bury them. Anton, could you cover them?”

  “Of course,” he replied, bowing his head.

  Callan led her to the grave they'd prepared on the west side of the site. Taran appeared with the priest. Behind them more fae arrived.

  “Callan that's the whole council,” she whispered. “And Markus.”

  “They left them here, as you said,” he said quietly.

  Dane stepped forward and bowed to the witches. Their bodies had been cleaned and wrapped in black and gold fabric. Markus joined him on his left. Lukas on his right. They, too bowed and raised their hands. The six bodies rose, gently and moved over the grave.

  The priestess spoke.

  “We gather in peace within this sacred place to witness the rite of passing for these souls. Together we honor their passing. We call to the gods, to the elements and the directions to guide them and to grant them blessing at this time of change.”

  Their bodies were slowly lowered into the grave and Markus bowed. Everyone bowed with him.

  The priestess went on, “So do we give thanks for all we have learned as these souls prepare for the journey from this world to the other-world, beyond the setting sun.

  They are offered back to the earth, into the grave, onto the ground. I call to the guide and guardian of the dead. Guide them well on their journey through the darkness of the night to the place of peace. May the souls be released into perfect freedom. So, may it be.”

  Dagda walked around to the rear of the mound of earth beside the grave and raised his hands. The pile moved slowly toward the grave, slowly filling the hole, covering the bodies of the six young girls. When it was perfectly flat, Anton joined him. With a single wave of his hand the bare, churned earth was covered with fresh, new grass.

  The priestess approached and stood between them. “Here ends this rite. Blessed be as blessed is.”

  Everyone bowed to the grave and disappeared, leaving Charlotte, Callan, Dane, Anton and Lukas.

  Dane spoke first. “Was that okay, Lottie?”

  “Perfect. Thank you,” she choked.

  “I think we all need to get home,” Callan said quietly.

  “Yes. We'll see you tomorrow,” Lukas said, glancing to Anton.

  “Tomorrow. Training,” Anton said with a smile.

  “Will we see you tomorrow, Dane?” she asked.

  “Probably. I'll be around.” He winked and left.

  “Thank you, Callan,” she sighed, leaning into him.

  “There's nothing to thank me for. You were right.” He kissed the top of her head. “Ma said to go back to the house and collect the children in the morning for training. Is that okay with you?”

  She nodded and he took her home.

  Chapter 16

  She'd forgotten to turn off the bathroom light again.

  In its orange glow, she watched Callan sleeping. Frowning at the once shoulder length hair brushing his cheek, hair she'd singed as he tried to calm her temper.

  You could've really hurt him. What if that were the kids?

  Turning over carefully she checked her phone.

  Six. I could have slept longer.

  Callan shifted and slid his had around her waist, pulling her back into him. “Good morning.”

  “You're up early,” she purred as he trailed kisses down her bare shoulder.

  He laughed softly, pressing himself into her, his hand sliding to the apex of her thighs, teasing with in slow, lazy strokes. Twisting to face him, she took him in her hand and matched his movements.

  “No, don't stop,” she whined as he pulled back.

  “I'm not,” he grinned, pushing her thighs apart and slipping between them. He kissed her neck, her throat, moving slowly down. “You really should sleep naked more often,” he murmured, sucking her nipple into his mouth.

  As she sucked in a breath he entered her, an easy, gentle movement. Running a hand over his chest, she closed her eyes, a deep sigh passing her lips.

  With slow, deep thrusts, Callan watched her, studying her face as she tensed around him. “I love you.”

  She brought her hand between them, reaching for her most tender spot. Callan growled his appreciation as she joined his rhythm, sat back and watched as she brought herself to a shuddering climax. Dipping his head, he met her with his mouth and she gasped his name as another wave crashed through her.

  Panting, she tugged his hair, urging him back up, a plea for him to join with her. He ignored her, pushing her to the edge again and again.

  Oh god. I can't take any more.

  His head snapped back.


  “Stop,” she panted, “I can't…”

  “Playing with powers, are we?” he said huskily. He narrowed his eyes, deep red flame covering his right hand.

  She smirked.

  He ran a finger over her knee in small circles. Everywhere the flame licked her skin tingled. The closer he was the deeper the ache became. The surprisingly cool flames licked and teased, tingling their way closer and closer to where she needed him.

  As they made contact, she went rigid then pooled into the mattress. His hand cupping her, he leaned over and kissed her deeply. “Well?”

  She couldn't answer as he swept his fingers inside, the cool flames licking and sweeping through her as he pushed deeper, bringing her rapidly to her limit.

  “Careful,” he chided as her palms began to smoke, “we don't want to burn the house down.”

  With surprising speed, he flipped her and lifted her rear towards him. His hand found her again as he entered.

  Hands buried in the bedding, she pushed herself up as he ground into her. The force of him edging her again, closer and closer until she lost all control. Pushing back into him, she raised up onto her knees. Her breasts in his hands, he gripped hard as he spilled into her.

  Kissing her neck, he held her for a few moments, hot, ragged breaths tickling her ear.

  “Sorry,” she murmured.

  “For what?” he asked, running his tongue along her shoulder.

  “Nearly burning the house down. I know you don't like it…” she sighed tipping back her head.

  “I'm not afraid of it, Charlotte. I'm not afraid of you.”

  He gently laid her on the bed and settled behind her, an arm around her waist.

  Leaning back into him, she closed her eyes. “No, I know you aren't.”

  He held her for a while, breathing her in as their racing hearts settled back to their normal, steady beat.

  “We're training with the children today. Have another hour. I'll pick them up.”

  “With the children? Callan, they haven't seen…”

  “Yes, the
y have. They saw it at Houska when Konrad turned up. We need to learn to work together. They need to know how to work with a different skill mix.”

  She nodded. “Fair enough. At least Enya has a decent shield.”

  “She won't need it, not against you,” he said, kissing her hair. “Sleep. It's going to be a long morning.”

  She'd missed the warmth, the bright sunshine, the smell of summer. Zander and Enya were babbling excitedly, quizzing her on her power and what she could do.

  “You'll have to wait and see!” she laughed, “It's just like what Dane and daddy can do.”

  “Daddy hasn't shown us much of his magic,” Zander sulked.

  “Because playing with fire is dangerous, Zander,” Callan said.

  Zander huffed out a breath and ran to the patch of churned earth to practice until Blair arrived.

  “What's Lukas like, mummy?” Enya asked.

  “He's very nice, and Anton is. Anton can make things grow.”

  “Like flowers?” she asked with a gasp.

  “Yep. Flowers and trees and grass. We're all going to practice together today, so you'll see.”

  Just then they arrived. The three-dark haired fae looked imposing against the summer scene around them.

  “Charlotte,” Anton grinned, pulling her into a hug. “Are you ready?” He turned a shook Callan's hand. Lukas nodded his greeting and smiled.

  “Anton, this is Enya,” she gestured to the little girl who stood beaming up at the newcomers. “Zander's in there,” she pointed to a small castle to the far side of the cairn.

  Anton laughed and walked over to admire the structure.

  “Blair, Charlotte has some new tricks,” Lukas grinned. “She'll be a challenge, even for you.”

  Blair eyed her playfully, “We'll see. Team effort, is it? Seelie royals versus Unseelie?”

  Anton called over, “I want this one on my team!”

  Callan laughed. “What do you think Enya? Do you and Zander want to pick a team?”

  Zander came running over. “I want him,” he pointed at Anton, “and Mummy.”

  Enya nodded in agreement and joined Zander and Anton.

  “That's me told then. What's the plan, Blair?” she laughed.

  “We'll have you on defense. Just keep us out.”

  Zander's little castle collapsed as they walked to the area he practiced in.

  “Oh no,” Blair called. “Over there! You start from scratch. Away from the stream, keep Enya thinking. Ready?”

  Charlotte nodded and the three of them disappeared.

  “Where did they go?” she hissed to Anton.

  “Don't know. We should prepare. Zander, what do you think?”

  A wall of earth slowly pushed up from the ground, splitting the whole cairn. Higher and higher it climbed until the soil fell away leaving solid rock behind.

  Anton looked to Charlotte with his brows raised.

  “Yeah, he's good at this,” Charlotte laughed, “Enya?”

  Enya looked up in reply. A heavy cloud had settled above them.

  “Well done,” she smiled.

  Anton whistled. With a wave of his hand thick vines crept from the ground, winding up and over Zander's wall. “For now, we'll see what we need when they come.”

  “Wow,” Zander whispered, “What are you going to do, mummy?”

  I've no idea.

  With a long blink, her body thrummed with energy. Enya and Zander looked at her in amazement as a small violet flame leapt from her hand and settled at her feet.

  Cool. No heat.

  “Mummy, it's so pretty,” Enya smiled.

  Zander held out a hand as though to touch it. Seeming to sense him, it split in two, the new flame springing up into his palm. “Mummy it isn't hot.” He looked confused.

  “It won't be to you. It knows not to harm you.”

  Zander nodded and the flame returned to its twin on the ground.

  “Where are they?” she whispered to Anton.

  “They're close. I can feel Lukas,” he murmured, concentrating, “Enya, you're the first line of defense. Get ready.”

  “Hold on, Enya, shield. I'll lift you to see.”

  Shadow. Carefully. Lift her.

  Enya rose into the air slowly, her own water shield forming a perfect sphere around her body.

  “What can you see?”

  “I can see Daddy. He's got a big sword on fire! The new man isn't there. Blair has fire ready.”

  “How far away are they?”

  “Near the stream. I think Daddy's first…”

  Down. Slowly.

  “Good girl, thank you,” She said as she kissed the top of her head.

  “Zander, do you have a plan?” Anton asked.

  Zander nodded.

  From nowhere Lukas appeared, knocking Charlotte from her feet. He stood with his head cocked to one side, smirking as Enya shrieked.

  “Mistake,” Charlotte muttered as a volley of water arrows rained down on him. One tore his black t shirt and he swore, fading.

  “Well done, baby!” she grinned as a loud explosion shook the wall to her left. Zander had braced, reinforcing the structure to take the impact.

  She scanned the top of the wall.

  Flames. No-one gets over.

  The wall grew another two feet in shadow-fire that ignited the vines. They rose from the wall, swaying in the flames.

  “They'll hold anyone coming over,” Anton explained.

  She mentally scanned the area around them. Enya had moved to stand by Zander, ready to shield him if needed. Anton was at her side, a few paces back from them. Callan was at the other side of the wall, directly in front of them.

  “Zander. There.” She pointed at the wall in front of them. With a crack, five columns of rock burst from the ground beyond the wall, forcing Callan into the air.

  She sent her shadow at him, binding his arms to his sides and holding him in the air.

  His snarl made her laugh out loud.

  His whole body burned as he tried to free himself. His fire changing from red to blue as the heat intensified.

  Suddenly, a ball of blue light connected with her bindings, freeing him before it was swallowed by shadow along with Callan.

  “Regrouping,” Anton chuckled, “Zander, change of tactic.”

  Zander nodded and the wall began to curl in on itself, closing around them. Windows opened, giving them a clear view around them.

  Enya instinctively shielded the open top and windows of their new structure, her cloud shifting into a clear wall of water.

  She could see Blair pacing, his flames extinguished. Lukas was beside Callan, looking their way.

  He's feeling them out. Shield them.

  She heard his growl of frustration as he came up against her barrier and laughed.

  “Let's make them come closer,” Anton murmured.

  “Wow!” Enya gasped as trees leapt from the ground behind their opponents.

  Callan whirled on them, his sword ablaze, leaving his back unprotected. Seeing the opportunity, Enya fired a ball of water at him, knocking him into one of the trees.

  Vines wrapped around his legs, rooting him. No matter how hard he swung his sword, how hot the flames burned from his hands, he couldn't break free. Blair tried to help but leapt away as vines struck out to trap him.

  “One down. Zander, be ready.”

  Blair set off at a sprint, Lukas flanking him. As he raised his hands Enya sent a wall of water directly at them. Blair's fire went out.

  Blind them. If they can't see they're at a disadvantage.

  Shadow flooded the field where the two fae ran, blocking the sun. The air chilled as an eerie quiet fell on the cairn.

  Zander took the chance and with a stamp of his foot the shadow was encased in a cube of earth. The crack of it setting hard was loud in the silence.

  “Put your father out,” Anton said to Enya.

  Giggling, she dumped gallon of water over his head as the vines released their grip. “Oi!” C
allan spluttered, wiping the water from his eyes.

  “I think we win,” Charlotte called.

  Zander carefully dismantled his cube, freeing Lukas and Blair, and returned the earth to where he had found it.

  Anton patted his shoulder and replaced the grass, returning the cairn to its original grassy perfection.

  “That was impressive,” Blair grinned. You really are good, Charlotte. Your control is excellent.”

  Callan joined her, his arm snaking around her waist, and kissed her cheek. “Well caught. Zander, that was very good. Enya, those arrows are becoming lethal. Well done.” They beamed up at him.

  “You left your side open,” Lukas stated, “I got straight in. You must feel more. Feel what is coming. Other than that, yes, you were very good.”

  Zander frowned.

  “You, however, did not make any mistakes,” he said to Zander and Enya with a wink.

  Zander shrugged, “Mummy, I'm hungry.”

  “One more little exercise and you can go, Zander,” Blair said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Anton would like to you practice taking down wards. We know you can put your own up, but you need to learn to take others' down.”

  Zander frowned.

  “We will be quick,” Anton said with a kind smile.

  He summoned several small vines and had them twist into a ball. With a hand above them, he closed his eyes. “There, there are four wards on there. Take what you know of creating wards, and reverse the skill. Take them apart rather than build them up.”

  “Do it backwards?” Zander asked.

  “Yes. Please,” Anton said kindly.

  Zander knelt beside the tangled vines, looking at them for a few seconds, then placed a hand flat on the ground. His free hand, he placed gently over the vines. His face was set in a frown of concentration.

  “Done?” Anton asked when he removed his hand.

  “Dunno, I don't know what it feels like,” he shrugged.

  Anton joined him on the ground and picked up the ball, weighing it in his hands and examining it. “Incredible. Zander, you got all four!”

  Zander beamed, “Really?”

  “Yes. That was wonderful. Thank you.” He turned to Blair, “he's a natural.”

  “Well done, Zander! That was a good session. Same again tomorrow?” Blair asked, looking to Callan.


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