Riftkeepers: Pursuit

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Riftkeepers: Pursuit Page 22

by Carrie Whitethorne

  She nodded, her mouth too dry to allow her to answer.

  What about Meg? Or isn't she considered a threat now?

  She's all yours, babe.

  Glancing to Dane, she widened her eyes. He winked and said, “You all know where to meet. Vlasta can drop us at the cave entrance. Saves the climb. We ready?”

  Making eye contact with Callan, Charlotte swallowed. She pushed a thought to him,

  Please bring him home.

  “We'll bring him home together,” he murmured, kissing the side of her head as Lukas took her hand.

  Chapter 29

  Boots crunching in the light dusting of snow, they walked through the field beneath the mountain, past the small farmhouse to the west. Dressed in just her wyvern skin armor, she was surprisingly warm. The waxing moon sat above the peak, illuminating the landscape. Thankfully, the main road running directly to the south was dark and empty. She gazed upwards, searching for a sign of the cave's entrance.

  “Aonach Dubh,” Callan said from behind her. “Birthplace of the legendary warrior, Ossian. He was half druid.”

  He wants to finish me off here?

  “Do you think that's why he picked this place?”

  He shrugged. “Whether he's managed to harness any of the power here is hard to tell, but there are more of us. Numbers count.”

  “If you don't have a little human to protect,” she muttered.

  “You don't need protecting, Charlotte. It's there.” She followed his finger. “It's warded, so appears to be a small cave if any climbers make it up there. Beyond the wards, it's quite large. We don't know if its structurally sound and can't afford a collapse with Zander inside so we'll use minimal magic.”

  “Doesn't that put you at a disadvantage?” she asked, alarmed.

  “Not with you here,” he grinned.

  Dane called her name and she turned to face him. “You're coming up first with me and Lukas. Callan, I'll come back for you and Dagda next.”

  Taking her waist, Callan pulled her close. “I love you.”

  “I love you. Be careful,” she murmured, stretching up on her toes and kissing him gently.

  Come on. We need to leave before the sun rises.

  I'm coming!

  Turning and walking away, she realised she was trembling.

  He's as good as killed me once. He won't do it again. But, what if he kills one of the others? He'll go straight for Callan.

  Vlasta was waiting patiently, her wings tucked in tight against the cold, she was nudging at the snow with her snout. Ignoring Dane, Charlotte walked to the wyvern and stopped within range of her. “Thank you, Vlasta.”

  The beast swung her head, stopping inches from her face and lowered it slightly. Charlotte stepped forward, running her hand under Vlasta's chin and touched her forehead to her warm, black skin of her snout.

  Vlasta purred.

  “Charlotte,” Dane said gently.

  “Okay. How does this work?” she sighed, turning to face him, her hand dropping to her side. Vlasta lowered herself to the ground and opened her wings.

  Dane climbed onto her shoulders, tucking his feet just beneath her wing joint. “Best to just get on with it. Once we're in the air, get your cloak up and keep it up. Lukas will be feet away from you. Sit tight until Callan gets there.”

  With three steady beats of her wings, Vlasta was in the air. Lukas came to Charlottes side and smiled. “We must be silent, Charlotte. Not a sound until Dagda and Callan reach us.”

  She nodded. Dagda leaned in and said quietly, “Bon voyage, little sister.”

  Before she could snap a retort, Vlasta grasped her in her talons and took off, rising higher and higher. Her stomach lurched.

  Oh, my god! Dane!


  What? This!

  Dropping you in a few seconds. Tuck and roll. Keep your cloak up.

  Dropping me?

  With that, Vlasta let go. It was only a few feet, but the drop felt like miles.

  Tuck and roll…

  As the ground met her feet, she bent her knees and rolled into the impact holding her breath. Steadying herself, she stayed low and listened. The only sound was that of the wind and the steady beat of Vlasta's wings. Glancing to her left, she could see the cave entrance. An oblong slit, about twenty feet high by ten feet wide, marked the entrance. There was no sign of movement, no sound or light coming from inside. No indication of anyone having set foot there in years.

  As she crouched, hands on the rocky ground, she realised there was no snow here. Looking down, she couldn't make out where the rest of their group were. Looking up, there was no sign of Vlasta.

  Lukas? I can't feel you.

  I'm here. To your left. Try to relax.

  Could it be nerves?

  Possibly. They're coming back.

  Her stomach tightened, the reality of the situation they'd found themselves in becoming fully apparent.

  We're going to have to fight. All of us.

  Vlasta soared overhead, dropping them from a greater height than her. Their landings were far more graceful than her own. She shifted a foot and Callan's eyes flicked to her immediately. He smiled at her and Dagda nudged him with an elbow, a warning to focus. He promptly turned his attention to the cave entrance. Lukas joined them, his cloak gone.

  Charlotte stayed exactly where she was, waiting for a signal to move.

  The tiniest kestrel Charlotte had ever seen landed on Dagda's shoulder and clicked its beak. Dagda nodded and the bird took off, circled, and landed beside her. Shifting into his usual, human form, Konrad strode to join the others, glancing up over his shoulder as Vlasta's wings beat above. Klara and Anton were the next to join them, followed immediately by Dane, then she soared away, south.

  Dane looked around. His gaze settling on her position.

  Do some damage.

  She didn't answer, the growing fear sending waves of nausea through her.

  Dagda turned to the group and nodded once, then faced Callan. A look passed between them and they grasped one another by the forearm, leaned in, touched foreheads, then drew their swords.

  I wonder if they've done this before every battle…

  Yep. And they always walk away unscathed.

  Despite the lack of light on the ledge of the mountainside, the rubies in Callan's sword, half the length of Dagda's, shone as he tipped his head to the side, pulling it smoothly up and round his shoulder. Dagda pointed his sword to the mouth of the cave and moved forward, letting it swing in his relaxed hand, whistling through his teeth. Callan chuckled and, in step with his brother, rolled his shoulders, looking from left to right for any sign of movement.

  Lukas fell back, letting the others pass. Anton grinned at him and fell into step behind the rest.

  Pleased they're enjoying themselves. Suppose this is what they're trained for though, they love a good fight.

  The darkness of the cave had already swallowed Callan, Dagda, Dane and Klara.

  Lukas? What do I do?

  We'll stay cloaked for now, Charlotte. Keep back, if they do not know we are here we have the advantage. We may slip past and find Zander quickly.


  A flicker of light from inside told her something was happening before the sound of boots scuffing on the floor reached her.

  We must go inside. Konrad will wait here to block any that attempt to flee.

  She waited until she heard him move and followed him inside.

  The cave was damp, dank and moss grown. Her boots crunched on small, loose stones as she crept closer to the encounter unfolding up ahead. Painfully aware of the sound, her eyes darted around as she tried to detect any Daeva close enough to attack her. Not knowing what they looked like made the apprehension far worse. She'd never felt so afraid. Even through the pain and uncertainty of her fate in the cottage a few months ago, she hadn't been anywhere close to as frightened as she was now.

  Callan had illuminated the space with a shield of flame, drawing the attention of the

  Her gut tightened at the sight of them. Human in size and shape, they were both with and without form. Appearing to be made of solid darkness, they faded out to wisps of shadow where the outline of their bodies ought to be. Their faces were featureless save for a gaping, fanged hole in the center. Blending with the shadows, they scurried on all fours, fading from view before leaping into the light to attack the group. Their elongated limbs ended in sharp points that they stretched out before them, seeking to pierce flesh and tear their targets apart. Her mouth went dry as they charged.

  She watched Callan in awe. He effortlessly cut through them as they rushed him, the swift, steady thrusts and swings of his sword cutting the wild demons down easily. Their blood lust their driving force, there was no skill or planning to their movements. His flaming shield protected him should any get too close, it flashed and flickered as the demons collided with it.

  Wow, he really is a warrior.

  She looked to Dagda just as he swung his longsword into the paths of two approaching Daeva. His knees bent, sword held steady before him, the sharp, silver blade sliced through them one after another.

  Movement to her left drew her attention as Klara sprinted into action. Impossibly fast, she rushed past Callan, her Sai tucked tight into her sides. She spun, flipping her weapons and using a backward thrust to impale two oncoming demons. Ducking and whirling, she crouched and thrust at another right behind them. Callan strode past her, spinning his sword in his palm, connecting with another.

  Dane hung back, a double-edged axe in each hand, ready to tackle any that managed to get through.

  “Go,” Anton murmured from the shadows. “They have focus on Callan, on the light.”

  There was a snort of agreement from behind. Konrad had taken the form of a bear and was guarding the exit.

  As she was about to move forward, she saw the space above Dane shift. Before she could give any warning, a demon dropped and landed behind him, its long arms locking around his upper body. He lurched forward, the demon travelling with him and slamming into the floor. He stepped back, straightening, his axes crossed before him. The demon let out a shriek of fury and lunged, blindly running into the path of his weapons as he spread his arms wide. From this position, she clearly saw the beast disperse in a cloud of black dust.

  Dane gave a dark chuckle and strode forwards.

  When we turn the corner up ahead, stick to the inside wall and move on. Seek him out, Lottie. Tell him we need the wards down. Anton can't do any more.

  She sent her shadow as far as she could reach.

  Find Zander. Find him.

  Her breath caught in her throat as she sensed him. Callan glanced over his shoulder briefly, making sure she hadn't been attacked.

  Zander, I'm here baby. Sit tight, stay quiet, cover your ears and keep your eyes closed. We're coming to take you home. Try to pull down the wards. Don't get caught. We need them down so we can get to you faster.

  Sensing him, knowing he was alive sparked a flicker of strength. As the fear that gripped her slipped, she straightened, drew her dagger, and walked on.

  This is taking too long. He's here and I'm getting him.

  As she drew level with Callan, she brushed his hand with her own. He glanced in her direction.

  Never mind what I'm doing, he's here.

  He grinned, raising his shield arm, slamming a demon in the face. It opened its maw wide, shrieking in fury, as he followed with a swift thrust of his sword. The demon quivered and erupted into dust around his blade.

  She still couldn't feel if Lukas was nearby. With a deep breath, she walked on into the darkness alone.

  You've got enough power to protect yourself, you're armed and you're wearing armor. You're fine. I'm okay, I can handle this.

  Her skin prickled, power humming in her veins as the tension within her built, her fire ready at the first sign of an attack. She didn't look back as she left her family and friends, the darkness swallowing her up.

  Reaching the corner Dane had mentioned, she followed the wall around to the left and continued. The sound of her own boots on the damp floor grew louder as she put more and more distance between herself and Callan. Knowing she'd been sensed, feeling their presence, she angled her dagger and slowed. A light flickered ahead. Its weak glow suggested a candle. As she watched, moving forwards cautiously, the light grew brighter until she could see him. The shadows around her shifted and flocked to him, clearing the way. She stopped.

  He knows we're here. He's up to something.

  Dagda and Callan rounded the corner, Callan's shield lighting their way. She shrank back as they drew level with her, pressing herself into the wall to avoid casting any shadows.

  He was waiting, hands clasped before him, a malicious grin on his face.

  “The Royal Princes I assume?” he asked, smirking.

  “You're brave behind your Daeva, Warlock,” Dagda growled. “Hand over the boy and we may let you live.”

  “Oh, I don't think so,” he drawled. “Tell me, did you leave your whore at home, Callan?”

  A feral snarl broke from him, flame engulfing his sword as it spun his palm.

  Robert laughed, the sound filling her with rage.

  “Six of you, against this,” he spread his arms wide, gesturing the army of Daeva at his back. “You should watch your temper, Son.”

  Fury burned away any fear she had left.

  I can't just stand here.

  What he did to me. What he's done to us?

  No, he doesn't get to kidnap my son then goad my husband and go unpunished. Enough of this.

  Pushing away from the wall, Charlotte walked straight past Callan, through the cavern toward him, toward the hoard of demons waiting to tear her apart, and dropped her cloak.

  “No, his whore's here,” she said with calm indignation. “Hello, Robert.”

  She heard the scuff of boots and knew Callan had made to follow her. The murmured warning that came from Dane told her he'd been stopped.

  “I want my son back. Where is he?” She asked. Before he could answer, she held up a hand and smiled. “I know he isn't dead, so don't pull any of that shit. Hand him over and I'll kill you quickly.”

  “Are you sure you have it in you? She didn't,” he smirked, tipping his head to his right. The shadows of his demons parted to reveal a large, flat stone. In the flickering candlelight, a pool of blood glistened on the floor drawing her attention. Inches above hung a limp, blood soaked hand, the wrist sliced clean open. She didn't need to see her face. Bile rose in her throat.

  No. How?

  Dagda roared behind her and she threw up a wall of shadow. Seconds later they collided. “Charlotte!” he roared, throwing himself at her barrier, determined to break it, to get to Carlie's prone body.

  She pushed the emotion away.

  I have to think. It's too late for her. Get zander out. Keep it together or you'll all die.


  Robert laughed, a childlike giggle, the glee bright in his eyes as he watched. Charlotte returned her focus to the warlock and held him in her icy glare.

  There was a brief scuffle behind, then Dagda was silent. As the barrier dropped, her shadow-fire burst, hot and bright in her palms. “What happened to you? How did you become this?”

  His face twisted with rage at the sight of the flames, his own roaring to life.

  He growled, “You lying, thieving bitch. I'll fucking kill you.”

  “You can try,” she smiled, cocking her head. “You had your chance and failed. My son, please.”

  Be careful!

  I'm fine, Dane. Be ready.

  Zander, we need those wards down, baby.

  The Daeva rushed her, a wave of darkness, a black wall of death sweeping toward her. Sending out a blast of flame, she cut through them, the darkness dispersing, their powdered remains settling as she walked calmly forward leaving her friends, her family behind.

  Some evaded her, hurtling past to take down the fae behind her. She h
eard the battle erupt but didn't turn around, didn't try to help them. She was no help to them. Her job was to handle him.

  Kill him.

  Chapter 30

  Moving a hand up, palm out, directly at him, she yelled, “Move and I'll kill you.”

  He barked a mocking laugh, “Will you, Lolly? Will you really?”

  “Don't call me that. You don't get to call me that!” she spat as she sent the full force of her power at him. He deflected it immediately, as she'd known he would. His attention fully on her, he failed to notice Anton's vines until they bound him. Losing his balance, he swore as she slammed him back into the rear wall of the cave, his head hitting the damp, moss covered stone with an audible crack. His eyes dulled as he fought to maintain consciousness and she hit him again with her shadow, forcing him into the wall. His body stiffened, Anton's vines tightening around him. His hands balled into fists as he roared in frustration.

  I've got him, Lottie. He can't move, I'm holding his mind.

  “My son, Robert,” she said again, her voice surprisingly even.

  He laughed again. Held tight in Dane's mental grip, it was all he could do, for now. She felt a warm body close behind her and took a small step to the side as a fist sailed past her ear. Callan's fist connected hard with his face, forcing his head back and splitting his lip.

  Callan snarled, “Where is he?”

  “He's with Meg,” he grinned through blood stained teeth. “She holds a grudge, MacAidh. You'd better be quick.”

  The silver blade and amethysts of her dagger glinted in the dim light. Angling it beneath his ear, she leaned close and crooned, “I'm coming back for you.”

  He hissed, the sharp edge of her blade slicing effortlessly through his flesh as it travelled along his jawline. She wiped it clean on his shoulder, turned on her heel and gave nod to Dane. Shadow gathered around him and he took her place.

  Get in his head and keep him here until I get back. Don't kill him.

  Why? Okay, but why?

  Because I'm not done.

  Moving away, she paused beside Carlie's body. Dagda knelt by her side, holding her bloody hand. Gently running her fingers over his shoulder, she knelt beside him, leaned over and kissed her cousin on the forehead. Her face was battered and bruised, skin covered in lesions.


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