Torrid Love: Friends to Lovers Romance (Bad Boy Studs Book 1)

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Torrid Love: Friends to Lovers Romance (Bad Boy Studs Book 1) Page 4

by Scarlett Avery

  “But it’s my birthday,” Zoe wails.

  “Classless tarts don’t care because they don’t have an ounce of decency.” The words come out harsher than expected.

  Both Holly and Zoe turn in my direction and cock an eyebrow.

  “Like I said, same old, same old,” I add quickly to save face.

  As I watch the scene unfold, anger billows and blinds me.

  Is it craziness on my part?


  I know I have no right to feel this way about my best friend, but I can’t help it.

  As the guards escort Miss Classless Tart out of the building, the DJ starts playing music again. Already, the crowd is bouncing around to the sound of the beat.

  Gabriel approaches and comes to stand next to us.

  “Wow, that was quite the peepshow,” he says.

  “I didn’t need to know that much about her,” Holly says.

  “But it’s my birthday,” Zoe wails again.

  “Too much info on your birthday,” Gabriel chuckles.

  “My eyes still hurt,” I say.

  “I can never unsee that. Ever,” he says.

  Fuck this.

  Two can play at this game.

  “Let’s dance!” I tell Gabriel.

  He flashes me a surprised gaze before grinning wide. “I’d love to.”

  “See you later, ladies,” I wave.

  “See you,” Holly and Zoe say.

  Gabriel takes me by the hand and leads me to the dance floor.

  Since he’s been hitting on me since I arrived and this isn’t the first time he’s shown interest, maybe it isn’t a bad idea to see where things go.

  For several long minutes I’m able to pretend I’m unbothered by the disturbing scene and I lose myself in the sultry beat. A tap on my shoulder brings me back to reality. I don’t need to turn around to know who it is, so I ignore it. The second tap is more forceful. Rod is a persistent guy.

  Unwilling to be ignored, he comes and stands in front of me.

  “Can I talk to you for a sec?” he shouts over the music.

  “I’m busy,” I shout back.

  “The fuck you are,” Rod growls.

  Gabriel comes to my defense. “She said, she’s busy, bro. Go find your own dance partner.”

  Rod pins Gabriel with a deadly stare.

  “What did you say?” he asks, taking a threatening step forward.

  Gabriel flinches and takes several steps back. “I—I need another drink.”

  “Better,” Rod says. “Now, get the fuck out of my face.”

  Gabriel is gone before Rod finishes his sentence.


  “Catch you later, Dominika,” he shouts over his shoulder.

  That’s it?


  I’m so pissed off, I could spit fire.

  “How dare—”

  Rod leans into me. “We need to talk, Dom.”

  His closeness catches me off guard. Suddenly, the dance floor feels crammed. Filled up by this man’s intoxicating presence.

  His warm breath stirs the tips of hair that's fallen on my face as a result of my crazy dancing. I can’t even manage to suppress the shiver of awareness that tickles every cell in my body. Without my consent, my nipples tighten uncomfortably. I should be worried, but the sweet sensation pulsing through me is pure, unadulterated bliss.


  The last time I found myself in this predicament was when I had lost a game of battle shots–to him.

  Just as I’m freefalling and my resistance is freeing, I remember the scene I just witnessed. My anger is back, flaming brighter than before.

  “Leave me alone, Rod. There’s nothing for us to talk about.”

  I turn on my heel in an attempt to escape, but I don’t get very far.

  His strong hand clenches around my wrist. His brown eyes narrow in a sliver of determination. It’s as if he’s daring me to try to get away from him.




  I thought Dominika had left. Not that I would’ve blamed her. Six weeks apart and our reunion is marred by some silly slut’s train-wreck attempt at making a fool out of herself.

  I’m surprised to find my best friend on the dance floor. But to my dismay, she isn’t alone. Every muscle in my body tenses when I see her moving so sensually to the beat of the music.

  Is she drunk?

  Nah, she never goes overboard.

  My jaw clenches.

  The random prick she’s dancing with keeps up with her well. Too well.


  Why am I so pissed off?

  She’s a grown woman and she’s entitled to go out with any man she wants. It’s not like she needs my permission to sleep with anybody.

  The rational part of me accepts that. The alpha, whose eyes are glued to her hips, doesn’t.

  Every time Dom gyrates and sways those sinful hips of hers from left to right, my cock stiffens. It’s like she’s taunting me. Tormenting me, even. I know it’s illogical since her back is facing me. Maybe my filthy fantasies about her are coloring my better judgment. Maybe it’s just wishful thinking on my part. After all, there hasn’t been any crazy surge of electric current between us since the battle shots game.

  I’m sure this is all in my head.

  When she turns around to face me, I can really appreciate her new smoking-hot look. Her eyes are closed, so I can take her all in. Her long hair cascades seductively down her back and her slightly dramatic makeup brings out her features. As my eyes travel to her feet, I can’t help but shake my head in amazement. Her heels accentuate her perfectly painted toes, which happen to match the same daring shade as her lips.

  Those lips.

  Dom’s lips are naturally plumper in the center of the upper and lower. She’ll never need to alter her features. No injections for my Dom. Yeah, I know. I’ve spent too much time analyzing every part of her.

  Damn, those lips.

  Is it wrong to admit I just want to drag her off the dance floor, find a secluded place and do very naughty things to that mouth?


  And then there’s the dress.


  Unlike Clemensia’s, Dom’s form-fitting black tank top dress—that hits her just above the knees—is all class. The fabric clings to every perfect inch of her slender curves and does justice to her plump breasts.

  It’s not only the clothes, but she exudes this newfound confidence––something I’ve never seen before. It’s sexy as hell.

  Who is this uninhibited vixen threatening to bring me down to my knees? And what the hell happened to my best friend?

  The look of utter disappointment I read on her face as Clemensia was doing her circus act, sliced. Okay, I’m no choirboy, but I wash my hands of what just happened. I’ve always been careful not to flaunt my conquests in front of Dom. I have too much respect for her.

  She left LA with a chip on her shoulder, she was upset with me when we spoke on the phone earlier and now I’m pretty sure she’s spitting mad. I don’t care how many times she protests, we need to clear the air between us.

  “Let go, Rod,” she demands, tugging her arm, desperately trying to free herself. “I told you, there’s nothing to talk about.”

  “I disagree,” I retort. “Whatever’s going on between us, we’re putting an end to it tonight,” I say firmly.

  Without warning, I drag her by the hand off the dance floor, through the entrance doors, down the hallway, past security, out the front door, around the building and into the gardens. I don’t stop walking until we reach a wall with three archways. This will do in terms of privacy. I lead her under the alcove. Well, I should say, I haul her.

  She’s been throwing a litany of, ‘You’re a brute,’ and a series of, ‘Seriously, Rod?’ She even goes for the big guns with, ‘Who the hell do you think you are?’ And of course, the classic, ‘You’re not the boss of me.’ She went for blood with, ‘I fucking hate y
ou, Rod Wolfe.’

  I hear her, but it does little to deter me.

  Sorry, Dom, I’m on a fucking mission.

  “Why aren’t you running after your date instead of annoying me? She seemed ready for anything,” she sneers.

  Hell no.

  I place my hands firmly on her bare shoulders.


  From the quick flicker in her eyes, she feels it too.

  I’d forgotten how soft her skin feels.

  I shake my head and force myself to focus.

  I pull her toward me so forcefully, she stumbles on her heels and inhales a quick breath.

  Her hands land on my chest. “Ha!”

  Her shock is as great as my own.


  No sooner has she regained her balance, than she tries to push away from me.

  I won’t have it.

  I tighten my grip on her shoulders. I want to make damn sure she hears what I’m about to say.

  “Is this what our relationship has come to? Because if I annoy you and if you hate me, then maybe we shouldn’t be friends anymore.”

  “You refused to let me go.”

  “With good reason, Dom. For months, you’ve had a sour attitude towards me. I want to know why. Let’s deal with what’s bothering you, right here, right now.”

  “You seemed to enjoy the attention you were getting from that… that… that… woman,” she blurts out before averting her gaze.

  “You don’t get to throw something like that in my face and look away.”

  She’s steadfast in her stubbornness.

  “Dom,” I press.

  Still nothing.

  “So, you do hate me,” I say.

  “I thought you had higher standards.”

  She won’t let that go.

  “If you’re going to insult me, own it. Look me in the fucking face, Dom. Don’t be a coward about it,” I tell her.

  “I’m not a coward,” she retorts.

  “Oh, no? That vase over there is more interesting? Is that why you’re staring at it?”

  Finally, her mesmerizing blue eyes meet mine. Under the luminosity of the alcove lights shining bright above our heads, it’s like staring at the ocean.

  She’s so beautiful.

  As I take in her feminine features, my heart does a funny flip thing.

  What the hell?

  Heartburn? Indigestion? Yeah, that must be it. Was the catered feast on Eddie’s yacht spoiled? It was a hot afternoon after all. I mean, what else could—


  “You want to jeopardize our friendship over a stranger?”

  She doesn’t respond.

  I let out a long sigh, flaring my nostrils. “Okay, let’s do this your way. To answer your question, no, I didn’t enjoy the attention. I thought it was disgusting. There was absolutely nothing sexy about her. Only a dickless fool would think otherwise. I don’t even know who the hell she is. I was on my way to see you––because I missed you––when she ambushed me.”

  “You missed me?”

  Oh, now I have your attention.

  I roll my eyes. “Of course, silly. Didn’t you miss me?”


  “You didn’t?” I press.

  “I missed you too, Rod,” she says in a soft voice.

  I take a step forward. She takes one back. I do it again. She mirrors me, but this time her back hits the wall.

  “I like knowing that,” I say.

  Her eyes gleam with amusement. “You do?”

  “Yeah. I’d hate for this to be one-sided.”

  She frowns.

  There’s such an aura of vulnerability around her right now.

  Impulsively, I reach out and stroke her silky hair.

  She gives me a shy smile.

  “You look so different,” I say.

  “In a bad way?”

  “In the best possible way.”

  Her mouth lifts into a smile. “Thanks.”

  “What’s up with the transformation?” I twist a strand of her hair around my index finger affectionately. “You haven’t been a blonde since you were seventeen.”

  She flinches at my words and her face contorts into an expression I can’t read.

  What was that about?

  “Did I say something wrong?” I ask.

  She shakes her head.

  “Dom, talk to me.”

  She clears her throat. “No, you didn’t. You know how I never like going down memory lane.”

  “You lost me.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” she shrugs. “Johanna’s hairdresser suggested a change. I was ready for something new––I guess something old in my case.”

  One day, out of the blue, Dom started dying her blonde hair jet-black. It was a dramatic change. It happened during a dark period in her life when she walked around with this gray cloud hovering over her head. She was constantly depressed. She retreated into a shell and I didn’t know how to help her. Since the first day I came to her rescue, I’ve wanted to take care of her. Protect her. Somehow, in this case, I felt I had failed her. I just didn’t know how. No matter how many times I asked her what was going on, she never opened up. I thought it was because my career was on fire and I was getting a lot more attention than ever before. She assured me I was wrong. In the end, I chalked off her moodiness to growing pains. God knows I was a handful.

  “Good call on the part of the hairdresser. He has a good eye.”

  “Her name is Elka,” she giggles.

  “My bad. Elka and I are on the same page.” I ponder over my next words for a few long seconds. “Did you plan on leaving with the guy you were dancing with?” And let him fuck your brains out? “I mean, it’s your decision.”

  “Why do you care, Rod?” she asks. “You hook up with random women all the time. Maybe today’s flasher was a bit much, but you would’ve tracked down a willing soul in no time… unless you’ve had your fill on Eddie’s yacht.”

  Is that hurt I read in her eyes?

  I haven’t told her about Eddie’s tame party. And she doesn’t know I’ve been a model citizen in the last few months. No hookups for me. I’ve been too busy playing video production studio CEO. The one time I try, I end up with a drug addict. The studio’s packed schedule has kept me at the office past midnight more times than I can count. I’m still not sure I should admit this, but things haven’t been the same since Dom left.

  “I guess I deserved that. You’re right. Your sex life is your business, not mine. If he’s expecting to go home with you…”

  I can’t even bring myself to finish my sentence.

  I’m not sure I’d be able to erase the disturbing images of Dominika and that guy in the throes of passion. That’s why I never ask too many questions about the guys she dates. Does that make me a goddamn hypocrite? Maybe.

  “Tonight is all about Zoe. I just landed in LA. Inviting a guy back to my place—or going to his—isn’t part of the plan.”

  Relief washes over me.

  “All right,” I nod.

  There’s something about what she said earlier that still nags at me.

  “Are my random hookups the cause of the shit between us?”

  She averts her gaze.

  Is that what this is all about?

  I flatten my hands on either side of her head, caging her in.

  We’re so close our bodies are almost linked, so close our lips are almost touching.

  “Don’t go shy on me, Dom.”

  She presses her lips together so tight, they form a thin line.

  “If you don’t tell me what I did wrong, I can’t fix it,” I tell her.

  Seconds tick away and I can’t peel my eyes away from her face. The way she keeps working her lower lip, it’s driving me fucking insane.

  “You’re right,” I say in a low, rough voice.

  Her eyes shift to mine. “About what?”

  “I think we’re well past talking.”

  “What do you mean?”

“Maybe we shouldn’t have put the brakes on the last time we played battle shots.”

  She looks baffled. “We were a little tipsy,” she defends.

  “That’s often when the truth comes out, Dom.”

  She folds her lower lip between her teeth and chews on it.

  Please stop doing that.

  My cock jerks at the sight of her teeth nibbling at her plump skin.

  Her eyes shift from left to right as if she’s looking for a repartee.

  Without thinking, I move in close and press my hips hard against her stomach. My cock has been on alert since I saw her, but now there’s no way of hiding how I respond to being this close to her.

  Her eyes widen like saucers. “God. Rod, you’re… I can feel you.”

  “Yeah, I’m fucking hard.”


  Her sexy little body feels really damn good against me. Every time she bats her eyelashes at me, a steady stream of adrenaline ramps me up. Still, I coax myself not to rush her. I give her time to decide if she wants this or not.

  Her tempting lips part to say something, but she decides against it.

  “What’s going on in that head of yours, Dom?”

  “I can’t believe this,” she says.

  “Why not?”

  “Because…” she doesn’t finish her sentence.

  I let my eyes linger over her and feel a wicked sense of satisfaction when her breathing catches. I’m not the only one who’s affected.

  Sweet Dom.

  That’s all the encouragement I need.

  I cup her face. Her hands come up to my chest as she lets out a low sensual moan.

  Her blue eyes fix onto mine. The hunger I read in them is unsettling.

  I lean into her and inhale her arousing scent.


  “I’ve been dying to know if you’re really my sweet Dom,” I say softly.

  “Rod…” My name comes out in a breathless plea.

  That’s so fucking hot.

  A triumphant grin pulls the corner of my mouth.

  What’s even sexier is how her eyes never leave mine. Those gem-like sapphires have witnessed me at my lowest. She knows all about my closet full of skeletons. Still, she’s never turned her back on me.

  Heated lust rushes through my veins like a hurricane.


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