Sweet Heat Rising (Thoroughbred Men Series)

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Sweet Heat Rising (Thoroughbred Men Series) Page 9

by Sterling, Ginny

  Matt called his work and left message that he would not be in for his shift in the morning due to emergency and left his number on the recording. He did not want to leave her alone just yet. She seemed vulnerable and upset. “Can I get you anything?” he asked as she was texting.

  Sarah looked up from her phone. “Nah, I am okay. Honestly! I feel angry, hurt, frustrated, but I will be okay,” she said, “Tyler said he would open up the store and asked where I was.” Tonight just seemed surreal. She had such a wonderful time earlier, was just crushed about her home being ransacked and now was allowing herself to be led to Matt’s home… and she was happy to be here. That was the most surprising thing! She had a few friends she could call, but she did not want to. She welcomed the idea of spending more time with Matt.

  Matt said quickly, “Do not reply. Just tell him thank you. I do not think anyone needs to know where you are other than the police until they catch the person.” He knew he was being overly cautious, however he did not want to take any chances with her safety, if his hunch was correct. He suspected Tyler had taken the money, but he could not see him slashing her tires or ransacking her house.

  Sarah nodded in agreement and finished her text to Tyler. She picked up the bag and headed towards the bedroom, put the bag on the bed and started to unpack it. She looked for something to lounge around in or sleep in. She had shirts, jeans, socks, underwear but there were several items missing or still at her apartment. “Can I borrow a T-shirt from you and maybe some shorts?” she asked embarrassed. “My nightgown isn't in the bag”

  Matt smiled at her shyness. “Sure,” he said opening the closet and gesturing to Sarah. “Pick yourself out one, make yourself at home. You are welcome to anything here. Take your time, baby. I’m going to change and get a beer. You want one?” He felt he could use one and the glass of wine from earlier had been nice and relaxing.

  Sarah joked, “Got anything stronger?” She was half joking and half serious. She never got tipsy intentionally, however, she would welcome the escape of a few stiff drinks. It would enable her to sleep heavily tonight instead of thinking of her home, tossing and turning.

  Matt was surprised by her comment but understood completely. “Sure, but you might regret it in the morning,” he said evilly with a wink, especially after saying she was a ‘light weight’ when it came to having a glass of wine. It had been a rough few days for her.

  Sarah pushed at his chest and shut the door quietly. She grabbed a T-shirt from the closet and pulled herself out of her dress. She draped it across the end of the bed. She pulled a T-shirt overhead. She dug in her bag deeper trying to find shorts or a robe ...and came up empty. She opened each drawer of the dresser and settled on a pair of boxers and blushed furiously at the intimacy of it all. She pulled them on and frowned. The T-shirt didn't cover her bottom and if she was honest with herself? Neither did the boxers. They were pulled snug across the bottom and rode up high on her thighs. Sarah straightened up, pulled the shirt down as far as possible over her bottom, and took a deep breath. “Chin up, girl! Go get a drink and relax,” she whispered to herself and opened the bedroom door.

  Matt was standing in the kitchen, shirtless and in running shorts. He had changed quickly in the bathroom into something he would be able to sleep in. He had no intention of putting her on the couch. He had decided she would take the bed and he would take the couch for himself.

  Sarah admired the view. “Lucky,” she said, “you have running shorts.” She thought he was impressive to look at and she loved the way his shorts hung low on his hips. She could see a hint of a tan line just above the edge of his shorts and it intrigued her. She wanted to touch the tan line, and grinned at her own thoughts.

  Matt whirled around and shut his eyes tightly as he attempted to be a perfect gentleman, but that had become hard to do quickly. “Oh my gosh, Sarah! That is the best those boxers have ever looked. A drink may be a bad idea,” he said strained. He cracked one eye open and groaned again as he saw that they were pulled tight in all the right places.

  Sarah grinned and blushed at the same time. Oh, she definitely liked his reaction and it made her feel bold and powerful, not shy and reserved. Sarah walked over, ran her finger along the counter and hopped up on the barstool. “Whatcha serving on the menu tonight?” she said saucily and winked at him.

  Matt almost groaned in defeat. He was trying so hard to be on his best behavior with her, but if she wanted to play? Two could play this game, he thought. “Tequila,” and spun around to grab the bottle from the top of the fridge. If it was a bad idea to have a drink, but she was game? He was going all in! He would forgo the beer. He put the bottle down in front of her with a thud and grabbed two small juice glasses from the cabinet. “Sorry, no shot glasses and honestly the tequila was a house warming present from Jeff at work when I moved in.” Matt pulled off the plastic, pulled the cork and opened the bottle. He poured a smidgen in each glass and handed one to Sarah.

  “A toast, to our chance meeting,” he said with a smile and clinked her glass. Best day he had in quite a long time, he thought. It was the happiest he had been, as he looked at her smiling face.

  Sarah agreed happily. “To us meeting,” and threw back the tequila like a pro. She then began hacking loudly. “My goodness that is rough to drink!” The clear liquor scalded a path down to her stomach and sent warmth through her body. She shuddered and held her eyes shut for a moment, scrunching her nose.

  Matt laughed at her expression. “Actually, this is a pretty good bottle, from what I understand, and it’s supposed to go down smooth,” and drank his with a shake of his head. He squinted, and cracked open one eye at her, winced and said, “Yep, that is a bit rough.” He laughed as she stuck out her glass again for a refill.

  “A toast!” she said, “To our first and second dates...and third, fourth, fifth, sixth,” she said happily with a wink at him. She wanted to make her intentions known. She was very interested in keeping their relationship going. She was happy to see him grin broadly as he poured a serving again into both small juice glasses.

  Matt was hooked. She was perfect for him. “Here! Here!” he said heartily. They clinked the juice glasses together again, took a shot and made faces at each other. They laughed at their expressions. Matt refilled their glasses with a splash in each and raised his own glass. “A toast! To catching the person who did all this tonight?” he said, meaning every word. He sincerely hoped it was sooner rather than later. He loved her company but feared for her at the same time.

  She winced as she heard him bring up the night’s events, however she also heartily agreed! “Hear! Hear!” she replied, banged glasses with him again, and they both drank. She wanted the stress to end and she wanted the person who did it to be held accountable.

  Matt refilled both glasses again. He was a bit unsteady, and smiled happily at her. He saw how the T-shirt clung to her body and admired it boldly. He was glad to see she had not taken offense to him looking at her. She just beamed at him lazily and held her glass. He watched as Sarah started to take a sip and he said, “Oh no, you don’t! You haven't toasted yet,” he said, teasing her.

  Sarah gave a little snort. “Oh, I think I’m getting toasted all right,” she said with a giggle and held her glass up high towards him. “To hot dates?” she said saucily. She attempted to bump his glass and missed completely.

  Matt chuckled at her confused expression. She looked stumped that she had missed his glass for the toast. “To hot dates, baby!” He grabbed her wrist guiding her, held the glass carefully and tapped it for her. “May there be many, many more … and much, much hotter!” he said with a lecherous smile.

  She said loudly, “Hear! Hear!” and threw back the tequila. Sarah started to ask for another refill, and stopped suddenly. Everything went lop sided. She was distinctly tipsy, if not bordering on drunk. That tequila was really strong and she honestly couldn't handle alcohol regardless of what kind it was. Sarah put the glass down and shook her head fuzzily to clear it.
  Matt watched her carefully, feeling a slight buzz himself. He tried to steady her as she slid off the barstool and attempted to stand. Matt grabbed her and helped her stand as her knees started to collapse from the alcohol. She giggled against him, which in turn made him laugh at her expression. Her eyes weren't quite focused and she was definitely feeling the effects of the booze. She twined her arms around his neck and reached up to kiss him...and missed his mouth. He laughed again loudly and said, “C’mon, princess, you are gonna be feeling this in the morning.”

  Sarah laughed heartily and pushed away from him, wobbly. “You’re gonna be feeling this.” She pulled back, mocked and grabbed her chest rearing back unsteadily. Matt just stared. Each hand held a globe, her fingers were fully splayed across each luscious breast. She held her chest naughtily and sashayed towards the couch. She attempted to toss a haughty look over her shoulder when she tripped over her own feet. She fell face first, whimpering. Matt hurried over to help her. Sarah rolled over on the floor and looked blankly up. “I am not feeling so good,” she whispered and shut her eyes. “I am afraid I am gonna fall off the carpet,” she slurred.

  Matt grinned at her response. She thought she would fall off the carpet? He moved to grab a trash can for her ‘just in case’ she needed it during the night. “Why don't you stay there for just a bit and make sure you do not fall?” he smirked lazily.

  Sarah didn't respond to him, she just continued to just lie there with her eyes closed. “Sarah, are you okay,?” he asked carefully placing the can next to her and grabbed the comforter off the bed in his room. He draped the blanket over her still form lying on the floor in the living room and moved to put a small pillow under her head.

  Sarah groaned loudly and whispered, “No moving.” Her eyes clamped tightly shut. “Did I happen to mention that I can’t hold my booze?” she muttered. Her stomach was rebelling and her mind was spinning. She thought he smelled so good and felt so warm when he touched her. She sighed in contentment, eyes still pinched shut.

  Matt sat down next to her on the floor and smoothed her hair back from her forehead. “You did mention that, I just didn't realize or think that it might hit you that hard. You are not going to be happy with me in the morning” he said with a wry grin. The bottle on the counter was halfway gone and she was an adorable drunk.

  Matt leaned over and kissed her lightly, however, she did not respond. She was sound asleep and did not move at all. It was probably a good thing and she could use the rest. He was sure the anxiety and stress was affecting her cause she was beside herself with worry about the bakery and the tires... compounded with the break in? It was a wonder that she was not completely hysterical and showed that she was a fighter. She had a strong core to her.

  Matt attempted to pick her up and move her to the couch. Sarah groaned in protest but did not open her eyes. He lifted her carefully and gently set her down. He placed the can next to the couch and tucked the comforter around her. He admired the way the shirt was snug across her breasts and he could see the outline of her nipples. He looked away, feeling like a creep looking at her while she was out. He wanted to see her expression when he took his time admiring and touching her body. He could be patient.

  Matt could not leave her on the floor. That just went against everything in him. He wanted to take her to the bedroom and put her on the bed to rest, but was tipsy himself and the last thing he wanted to do was to drop her or bump into the wall with her bodily. Matt walked down the hallway to the bedroom, grabbed another pillow and the flat sheet off the bed and lay down on the floor, next to her on the couch to rest.


  Early the next morning, the sun was streaming in the room through the vertical blinds on the sliding glass door. Sarah woke first with a moan. Everything hurt. The understatement of the universe, she felt. Her head seemed to be taking the majority of the discomfort and was stabbing in pain from the sunlight.

  “Hello?” she whispered quietly and cracked one eye for a moment when there was no response. She quickly shut it again when the light hit her. She tried carefully to roll over and managed to make it to her side. She lay there for a bit, arm flopped over the side of the couch dangling. Sarah just lay there for quite some time and eventually drifted back off to sleep.

  When she awoke again, it was to a faint touch on her brow. “Sarah, how are you doing?” she heard Matt whisper to her. It sounded like a shout to her pounding head. She groaned and flinched at her own sound of pain. She kept her eyes closed and gave a thumbs down to him.

  Matt grinned at her. He was happy to see she had not been ill in the small can, nor on him since he slept on the floor nearby. He had heard soft little snores occasionally last night and it made him smile. The thumbs down was simply adorable and he fought back a laugh, not wanting to cause any more sounds to hurt her aching head.

  Sarah quietly uttered, “If you were a semi, I would think you had run over me, backed up and rolled on over again,” she breathed, “but it's slightly better than earlier” as she cracked open her eyes and managed a small frown. She saw him smile at her as he offered to get her some water. She felt him continue to gently stroke her hair back away from her face.

  Sarah managed to sit herself upright eventually and just slouched down on the couch. “I feel like such a bum,” she later said quietly as she just lay, a sheet and blanket pulled over her. Her legs strewn out in front of her lazily. “I have really never called in, ever, much less followed it up with a night of boozing,” she said dejectedly. “but then again, I have never had such a horrible run of luck.”

  Matt nodded in agreement. “You earned each drink, you know?” he said sympathetically. “Let’s not let it get you down; let’s let the police do their work and focus on finding the criminal...but we also need to come up with a plan for you too, so you are safe.” That was his top priority today. Spend time with her and come up with a way to make sure she could take care of herself if she was alone.

  Sarah waved him off, there was nothing left to really take at her place since it was all destroyed and had been thoroughly gone through. As for the bakery, she had not heard yet on the fingerprints but was expecting to hear any time. Sara grabbed her phone and flipped on the app to check in on the bakery. She watched the little screen for a few seconds and flipped it off again, frustrated.

  Matt watched her and wondered if she was ready for some coffee yet in her stomach. “Anything notable?” Matt said, curious. He hoped that the small camera would reveal something but was not expecting to see much. He wanted it more to give her a sense of control or comfort.

  Sarah sighed. “Nothing, looks like it’s slow this morning. I could see Tyler in the process of cleaning the glass cases, which means it has probably been dead for a few hours since that is busy work and we usually do not spray glass cleaner around customers. It covers the smells of the food,” she explained casually.

  Matt nodded. She was truly a smart business woman. “Gotcha” he said, “just keep checking. It is to give you piece of mind, honey, not to ‘bust the perp,’” he said teasingly and pulled her to sit beside him on the couch. Sarah leaned against him contentedly into his side. “I know, it is just tough not knowing what is going on…and feeling out of control,” she said softly.

  They spent the afternoon together and lounged around the small apartment doing nothing. They watched a few older TV shows and just hung out. Sarah got up to run to the restroom and wrapped the sheet around her carefully. She blushed the entire time, as she realized she was braless, still in a T-shirt and his boxers from the night before.

  Matt said nothing but enjoyed watching her attempts to swaddle herself in the sheets. When she returned, he was surprised that she hadn't dressed and came back in the cocooned sheet, blushed, sat down next to him and jerked the blanket over her again. She said nothing, but tucked her feet up under her on the couch and sat silently next to him looking forward at the TV.

  She looked straight ahead and could feel her cheeks getting hotter and hott
er as she felt him just watching her. Matt finally laughed at her, wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into the crook of his arm and settled back into the corner of the couch. Neither said a word about her attire, or lack thereof, or their ease in just being together.

  Later that night, Sarah flipped on the app on her phone again and turned it off again. Nothing on the small phone screen. She saw him get up and put a frozen pizza in the oven for the two of them. Sarah offered to cook something for dinner; he declined and just asked her to relax. She sat on the couch and watched as he milled about the kitchen. He made two small salads in bowls, got out bacon bits, croutons, and other toppings to go on top of the lettuce. He then grabbed the pizza out of the oven and began slicing it up to serve on the plate.

  Sarah’s phone rang and she answered it quickly, “Hey, Tyler, how was today?” She wanted details of the day and looking for any glimmer of hope that it was a good, profitable day or that there was a message or note left for her from the police?

  Tyler replied jovially, “It was good, very good. Where are you at?” Sarah brushed it off and asked how good the day was and for more details. How many batches were sold this morning, any of the day old bread bagged up, and any phone calls for her. Tyler informed her of the sales and that she had one call regarding someone interested in a quote on a wedding cake and grooms cake, he explained she would call them tomorrow. “You will be in tomorrow, right? Where are you, Sarah?” Tyler asked again curiously.

  Sarah and Matt looked at each other across the room in silent communication. She did not feel comfortable answering and his expression was clear. He did not want her to reveal to anyone where she was, for her own safety. “I’m staying with a friend for a while, and yes, I will be in tomorrow, see you at five AM?” she replied, being evasive as much as possible.


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