by Ridley, Dale

  “Playing with your pets, I see,” spoke the omnipotent, amusement danced in his eyes as he watched Cornelius’ battle with his emotions.

  “It’s a shame the dark lord’s brother is like his own pet or I would end the hatred and animosity that glows in your eyes, general.”

  “You mistake a gesture of greeting omnipotent, however, I do dislike talking to veil of shadows that hides the face of the dark lords’ omnipotent.”

  The shadows suddenly vanished around the omnipotent, letting Cornelius study the man in front of him.

  “I am the dark lord’s omnipotent, general. I am their voice, I am their death. I don’t need to hide anything from you. Remember this half human/half skeleton face, for if you test your ambitions against me, it will be the last thing you ever see before I banish you to the planes of hell. You will enjoy your first taste of the flames. But enough of these petty pissing contests,” he said absently dismissing the conflict with a wave of his skeleton hand.

  It gave off a cold glow under the moonlight.

  “Anais has a task for you.” He then proceeded to tell Cornelius what that task was.

  “He wants me to go to the Vae Victis headquarters and give the possession leader a proposal?” Cornelius asked with a look of disbelief.

  “And what am I supposed to do? Walk in and tell the enemy that wants each of us dead that I’m sorry we just burnt two of your compounds to the ground and attacked three others, but we will like to talk?”

  He snorted in anger.

  “Am I supposed to believe that they will respect any olive branch I might offer or is it expected that the messager will get his head cut off to give their response?”

  “Stop being an idiot general. Idiocy is not for someone of your standing in the dark lord’s armies. If a sacrifice is needed, we could always send one of those mindless pets you keep in your wine cellar. Do not assume my dislike for you will in any way effect the dark lord’s wishes or plans. You’re not that important of a threat to me. As for getting in…” He shrugged his shoulders.

  “A creature with your power and talents should have no problems. It’s convincing the enemy you should be allowed to leave with your head attached that might prove difficult. But after you give the proposal, you should be safe enough. Call it an inquiry, if you will.”

  “And his proposal, omnipotent?”

  “Tell him that we have the commander of his guards of Gabriel. If he wants to see her whole once more, he will take our offer. Make sure you tell him that we will not kill her but we will turn her soul dark against her will. That’s worse than death. Anais offers a trade, the girl for him. He is to come to us once his organ falls into alignment. If he refuses, the girl’s soul becomes forfeit.”

  “I’m curious as to why would he agree to such a suicidal offer when we know Anais will just kill the girl anyway?”

  “There are two things that will drive him to accept. One, he will believe himself clever enough to halt the dark lord before he realigns. Plus, two words, guilt and duty. Both are heavy burdens to bear and both can eat at the soul. For one of the ones who walk in the light, he has no choice.”

  “I hear the dark lord’s omnipotent and will obey.”

  “Know this general, time for games has passed. Anais and, soon, the dark lord will make the rules now.”


  “Kimiko I need you to get back to the troops. If you are to hold that unit together, you must show them that you hold the position by right of skill. Their commander is M.I.A. and presumed dead. As second in command, you will lead the guards until a replacement can be found.”

  Data support PPH system appeared amongst them. There was only Kimiko, him, and Thomas in the room after Kimiko returned with news of the ambushes.

  “Possession leader, you are needed on the main level. My systems have detected an intruder alert. Security personnel has the situation contained for now, but the intruder is asking to speak to you and also shut down our shields as he has come to parley.”

  To ask who the intruder is was pointless, only the shadows of Anais had the power to appear almost out of thin air and need their protector shields to be shut down.

  “Kill him. Have our security forces handle him and tell them to burn the body. It will be no negotiations with an enemy that has already killed many of our people. Do it and be done with it. It will send Anais a message, we take no prisoners.”

  “Nathan, you’re not supposed to kill an enemy that has come to parley,” said Thomas. He was able to walk a little today.

  “It’s as old as war itself. Enemies do want to save face before surrendering, you know.”

  “Anais doesn’t surrender; it isn’t in his evil nature.”

  “All the more reason to hear what this parley is about. It can reveal a lot of the enemy’s mind set.”

  “Well… I guess hearing what he has to say won’t hurt, but I hate shutting off our shields, even for a second. I’m telling you, Anais is up to something.”

  “There is only one way to find out, go see what it wants,” replied Thomas.

  “And take Kimiko here. I would hate to be wrong and this is a snatch and grab attempt.”

  “If it is, I will see that it would be the last thing he ever does,” stated Nathan.


  The crowd of people were in muted rage as they stood in a very close half circle around the shadow being. This was one of the ones responsible for the deaths of so many. Many in the crowd had lost love ones in the attacks and their anger showed on their faces. There were also tight lipped security forces that were behind it with their guns aimed at its back and itchy trigger fingers that wanted a reason to shoot first and ask questions last.

  Nathan saw Graham as he stood at the back trying to look over the crowd in front of him to see what was happening. He felt the same thing Nathan did. These people were on verge of becoming a lynch mob. Graham’s face looked relieved as Nathan placed a hand on his shoulder.

  “Nathan! Just the man everybody is waiting for. That is if you can bloody get through this hostile crowd. It seems that they want to tear that thing apart with their bare hands.”

  Nathan nodded his agreement. He liked the man, despite his pass transgressions. He was a genius in need of redemption.

  “Alright, you buggers! Make way for the bloody possession leader!” Graham shouted over the loud hum of conversation.

  Most of the people turned at the word and the conversation slowly died away. Then the crowd started to part with angry suggestions of what to do with the shadow dweller. Nathan gave out soothing words as he came face to face with the shadow of Anais with Graham and Kimiko right behind him. Kimiko scowled at the security forces, who look like they were seconds away from squeezing their triggers.

  “If any of you even incidentally discharge your weapons, I’ll bust you down to waste detail permanently,” she stated eying them.

  Some of the security forces actually lowered their weapons a bit and grimaced at the thought. The sight of the pale man almost stopped Nathan in his tracks, he could feel the evil taint emitting from him in waves. The shadow dweller stood there unconcerned, like there wasn’t a raging crowd around him. His crimson eyes held Nathan’s, as he came to a stop in front of him. The man’s grin of amusement even seemed offensive and dark. Nathan knew, without a doubt, that he was now in the presence of Pallida Mors. He felt it like a siren in his blood. The dark power was unmistakable.

  “So, the possession leader himself finally graces me with his presence. I’m honored. I thought I would have to kill some of these imbeciles with their popguns.”

  The security force’s faces turned to stone at the words.

  “But I see that this is unnecessary. I come in peace with a proposal from my dark lord. I am his emissary.” He bowed in mocking respect.

  Nathan eyed the Pallida Mors carefully. “I didn’t even know that vampires brave the daylight hours. Aren’t you supposed to be in a coffin or something?” Nathan asked finally.r />
  “You watch too many movies, possession leader. I travel in daylight, as well. It doesn’t mean that I let the sunlight touch me.”

  “I’m not too interested in how Anais’ shadows live, really. But I’m curious to know why Anais thinks I will even listen to such a proposal coming from the speaker of half-truths? I have every reason to kill a threat like you where you stand. Give me reason why I should not?” Nathan asked calmly.

  His blades descended from their bracers. The vampire’s eyes twinkled in amusement, as he took stock of the threat.

  “Even if you could achieve the feat of destroying me, it would do you no good. I am only one of many in the dark lord’s army and we will still hold your kin hostage.” The vampire saw the startled look in Nathan’s eyes.

  “Yes, that is the reason why I will keep my head this day. Do you wish to hear my lord’s offer here or would you prefer we speak alone?”

  “I will not speak behind closed doors with shadow dwellers. Speak now, openly in front of my people. We have nothing to hide from each other.”

  Crimson eyes studied him intently.

  “Very well, let it be done with. I grow tired of looking at such hostility around me.”

  “That may be the least of your problems if you don’t speak Pallida Mors.”

  “My lord’s offer is this, surrender yourself to him peacefully when your organ comes into alignment and he will spare our hostage of something worse than death.”

  Nathan felt anger grip him. With a menacing scowl on his face, he moved closer to the Pallida Mors. “And who do you have so important that I will give in to a deceiver’s proposal? What’s more horrible than torturing the mind and body before death, Pallida Mors?” The veins stood out dangerously in his neck as he fought an inner struggle with himself to restrain his anger.

  “Careful now, possession leader, before you cut yourself on one of those dangerous looking blades you have there. But, to answer your question, we have Miss Samantha Cook, your general of the guards of Gabriel. The dark lord can do many things, but I believe the most horrible is ripping of the soul from the body, leaving it to linger attached to the dark lord as he consumes pieces of it daily. Trust me, possession leader, there is no worse fate. Or he could just turn her to the shadows against her will.”

  Nathan could not help but close his eyes at the thought. A weight like bricks settled in the pit of his stomach. Anais knew he couldn’t stand by and let such an abomination come to pass. Too many had already died for some of his mistakes. Now Sam could possibly have her soul consumed, if he didn’t agree to play ball. He hated feeling the strings of manipulation.

  As he reopened his eyes, he reached out to grab the Pallida Mors by the arm. He felt the bone chilling coldness of its body. It was enough to numb his fingers instantly and started to spread up his arm like fire. Nathan refused to let go though, not until he had his answer.

  “How do I know that he has her and that she’s alive?”

  “Possession leader, you can’t be seriously considering this. One person cannot take prominence over the mission. We will help her if we can, but not at that price!” spoke Kimiko heatedly at his side.

  “No matter what, I can’t leave her to that fate, Kimiko. I wouldn’t leave you to such a fate, as to have your soul sucked out of you by that fiend. Plus, I owe it to Andrew to watch over the only thing he had left in this world.”

  The numbing cold had reached his shoulder but his grip remained firm, his gaze was steady.

  The Pallida Mors lifted his arm with a jerk, dislodging his hand in disgust at Nathan’s touch.

  “Do not touch me again. Our kind do not mix well,” it said before lifting the same hand before him.

  A pitch black fire erupted in the palm of his hand. In the center was the profile of a woman naked and bruised. She looked to be searching for something in the middle of rubble.

  “Samantha,” the Pallida Mors called, causing the flame to blend sideways like it was in a breeze. The woman whipped around in surprise, eyes searching for the source of the words.

  “Who’s there?” she asked before her voice was muted.

  “As you can see, she still has her fiery temper. She’ll fit right in.” He gave a laugh and Sam and the fire vanished as he closed his fist.

  “Your choice, possession leader, either you will come peacefully or the girl’s soul will suffer the consequences.”

  Nathan was so angry, he wanted to hit something.

  Seeing this, the Pallida Mors raised his hands in surrender. “Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. I have just come to give you the dark lord’s proposal. The time will come when we will know your answer. Until we meet again, possession leader.”

  The room grew darker as the Pallida Mors shimmered into shadows and disappeared.

  “Bloody hell?” Graham asked in wonder.

  Nathan, who was gritting his teeth so hard they ached, turned and walked through the stun crowd. Murder was clearly in his eyes.


  A noise behind him broke the peace and quiet, and Nathan looked up to see the Archdiocese and the thin man behind him.

  “Excuse me, possession leader, but can we speak to you for a moment?”

  Nathan, who had his thoughts on the meeting with the Pallida Mors. “Yes, of course.”

  He looked for and found a room and went inside with both of the men behind him. It was a break room, used for those who work at the compound around the clock. Nathan motioned for them to have a seat at a table surrounded by chairs.

  “What’s on your mind?” Nathan asked, as he too sat down.

  “We have spoken to our order and they have sent you their answer.”

  “Excuse me, possession leader, do you mind if I have some coffee?” asked the thin man, already rising up.

  Nathan nodded and put his attention back on the Archdiocese. “And what is that answer?”

  A flicker of light caught his attention and he looked up to see the thin man’s reflection in the glass of microwave.

  Diving out of the way, two knives embedded themselves in the spot he just was in.

  “That you must die!” screamed the Archdiocese.

  Nathan rolled under the table and kick it over, just as more knives hit it with hard thumps. The Archdiocese pulled out a gun and Nathan cussed himself for allowing them to come in without being check. He trained the gun on him.

  “You see, when we told them that you were meeting a demon and willing to let him go, that you yourself was working for the demons. And needed to be killed before you can fool the world.”

  Nathan kicked a chair at him just as he fired and the shot went wide. The knife throwing thin man had two more knives in his hands when the door burst open and one of the sect’s security guards came rushing in with his gun drawn.

  “What the hell is going on-,”

  The words died in his throat as one of the knives flew through the air to stick in his throat. It gave Nathan the time he needed as he closed the gap to the man. He heard the shots behind him as he raced and unleashed his right sword blade in the man’s chest before he could get his attention back at him. He lifted him up and threw him back off the blade, his head hitting the wall as he struck. The Archdiocese was clicking on empty on the rounds in his gun. And Nathan walked calmly over to him.

  “It didn’t have to be this way.”

  “You are a fool. It always had to be this way. You just didn’t understand that we couldn’t let you go on to tricking everyone that trusts you.”

  He threw the gun at Nathan and tried to run. Nathan caught him by the neck and put his blade through his back.

  “So be it. I tried to have your order apart of the true fight but you all rejected it. Now you force my hand.”

  The Archdiocese, who was pouring blood from his mouth, laughed. “My death won’t stop the fate that will be yours. Now you have started a war by killing us.”

  “You started one just by the attempt,” Nathan replied as he twisted the blade and blo
od flew even faster from the Archdiocese’s mouth.

  “Remember that you all brought it on yourselves.”

  The room smelled like blood as Nathan retracted his blade. He felt that he didn’t need another war, but he just caused one.


  Most didn’t know that the pope held no power at all in the Vatican. There were three levels of the Vatican power and the pope had to answer to them all before he made a single move. And the second level of power was, at that moment, sitting at a table enjoying the time of peaceful nothingness. There was a single candle that burned in the middle and a bottle of ca` del Bosco Franciacorta Annamaria Clementi and a glass that was half full.

  The three elders were spread out over Italy and Rome, only to come together when there was an important decision to be made involving the interests of the Vatican. The door opened behind him and his daughter came in with a huff and tossed the package on the table in front of him, and went into the next room and shut the door.

  She was well trained in the ways of the Vatican and maybe one day, she would take on the role that he himself held. He waited a moment before he picked up the package and opened the seal, which was sealed by the wax of a charging bull. He pulled out the photos and the papers that required his ring seal.

  He was the order’s spymaster and he took his job seriously. He looked over the photos and smiled. They would be able to sway the next election in Great Britain. There was a sound in the room with him and his hand moved to the gun he had strapped underneath of the table.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I was you,” the voice said.

  The throat of the man was dry as he realized the voice.

  He turned his head and wiped his forehead. “Anais.”

  “Yes, it is I. I gave you one task and that was to kill the possession leader and you failed in that.”

  “You never wanted to kill him cause if you did, then we been could of have had his head for you since the day that my men were inside his compound. No, you wanted him spared.”


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