Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning

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Thin Ice 7 - Echoes of Reckoning Page 4

by KR Bankston

  “It’s not the end of the world man,” Santana tried to cheer him up. “You don’t hafta play with it or anything,” he added as Brent chuckled slightly.

  He put on a relaxed front for Santana but in his mind Brent wasn’t hearing anything about this new competition. He didn’t want this baby to make it here alive. Might have to help nature out a little on that, he brooded darkly but didn’t share. Seeing their destination ahead Brent cleared his mind. They had business to take care of and he needed to be 100 percent focused on that.


  Kaitlyn was thinking about the call she’d gotten last week. Smiling slightly she recalled the conversation. “Hello,” Kaitlyn spoke, recognizing the number. “Is this Tejdra,” the woman fired angrily. “Who wants to know,” Kaitlyn returned calmly, sipping her water as Jaleesa watched her intently, knowing her mannerisms very well. “Look this is Cyiarra and Tariq is my man,” she fired off as Kaitlyn casually popped a piece of pineapple into her mouth. “We have a child and a life together, you need to find your own damned man and leave mine alone,” she finished breathing hard now. “Is that all,” Kaitlyn replied after she finished the pineapple. “You stay the hell away from Tariq,” Cyiarra told her full of herself now. Kaitlyn chuckled aloud infuriating the woman. “You think this is a damned joke,” Cyiarra fired off. “I will whip your ass if I catch you with my man again,” she threatened. Kaitlyn knew Jaleesa saw her face change and the controlled rage in her voice when she spoke. “Little girl you have no fucking idea who you’re talking too, so if I were you, I’d ease up on the threats,” she returned acidly. Jaleesa frowned slightly, Kaitlyn knew having a bad feeling about who was on the other end. “I don’t give a damn who you are, you stay the hell away from my man,” Cyiarra screamed. “Do you like to play hangman Cyiarra,” Kaitlyn asked calmly and Jaleesa flinched. “What!” Cyiarra yelled again. “What the hell are you talking about,” she asked completely confused and unaware of the danger she was in. “How about we chalk this up to you feeling yourself and issuing your warning,” Kaitlyn began again. “But this is your one, don’t call me again, ever,” she ended and disconnected, calmly placing the instrument on the table. It didn’t ring again.

  Ian walked into the room greeting her sweetly.

  “Hey Ice,” Kaitlyn replied, reeling her mind in.

  “I have a meeting with Ray and Ryan tonight,” he told her as she voiced her understanding.

  “KiKi,” he began tentatively.

  “Hmm,” she returned sensing the hesitation on his part.

  That wasn’t like Ian. Normally whatever he had to say he simply said.

  “Would you be open to trying again anytime soon,” he asked softly, coming and sitting beside her.

  Kaitlyn swallowed hard, knowing exactly what he was alluding to.

  “Ice, I, I just,” she tried unable to say anything more.

  “It’s okay baby,” he told her pulling her close and holding her.

  Kaitlyn felt him kiss the top of her head and tell her it was fine once again. She knew what he was asking wasn’t unreasonable; Kaitlyn was still raw from the loss of their son. The thought of carrying another child for nine months, giving birth, loving, nurturing, and caring for it, only to have it die on them terrified her and the pain ran deep.

  “I’m trying to get better Ice,” she whispered as he told her he knew.

  “It’s fine baby,” Ice told her, lifting her head and kissing her.

  Allowing her a few more moments to gather herself he finally rose and headed toward the front door.

  “I’ll call and check on you and girls later,” he told her as Kaitlyn nodded, rising and heading toward the bar. She needed a drink.

  Relaxing after the second shot of crown, Kaitlyn closed her eyes and soon found herself nodding slightly. “You’re getting soft,” Carlo told her, those black orbs regarding her tightly. “What are you talking about, I’m not soft,” Kaitlyn shot back defiantly. “You’re letting some bitch call and talk to you like she’s lost her damned mind,” he growled as Kaitlyn rolled her eyes and said nothing. “I don’t have to kill someone just for being stupid,” she told him finally. “I didn’t teach you to be a fucking coward,” Carlo told her once more. “To hell with you Carlo, after all the shit you did to me,” Kaitlyn screamed. He was on her before she could blink, both hands on her arms shaking her violently. “I’m your father, you will respect me,” Carlo yelled as she began to cry. “Stop crying, that shit is weak,” he told her as Kaitlyn tried desperately to stop the flow. He began chanting softly in fluid French like he used to and she immediately fell silent. “What are you doing now, what spell are you putting on me,” she wailed. “Hush,” he barked never changing back to English. “Who are you,” he asked. “You know who I am,” Kaitlyn returned. “Who are you,” he asked again moving closer to her. “Leave me alone Carlo,” she tried as he held her head forcing her mouth open. “Blood that is my blood,” Carlo continued to chant as the blackened bile rose from his throat and flowed into her mouth, the taste acrid and bitter. Kaitlyn tried to close her mouth, tried to turn her head. It was as if her head were placed in a vice and she had no movement. “Cisneros, seed of my loins, seed of my mother’s loins, I freely give her to you,” he continued to speak as the bile made its way down her throat and Kaitlyn began to choke.

  She woke sputtering and coughing swinging at the invisible entity that held her in place, now finally loosed. She jumped from the couch running to the huge foyer mirror and taking in her reflection. The dream had been so vivid and it scared the hell out of her. She hadn’t thought about her father in years, spending every waking moment trying to forget the voodoo rituals and her participation in them.

  “I’m losing my damned mind again,” Kaitlyn murmured heading upstairs to shower.

  She needed to feel clean still being able to see the visions of bile and blood in her mind. She could actually taste the mixture as she began to retch and barely made it to the toilet before her stomach revolted full stream.


  Kim was glad to be back in Atlanta. She loved the city. Not as much as Miami, but more than Gary. She was headed over to the club to see how the renovations were coming along. They were going to open in another two weeks. They had the club on Bankhead and one nearer to Stone Mountain. Tariq and Mook had mentioned something about a strip club to compete with the several already operating. Kim wasn’t all that keen on that particular venture but she didn’t say anything negative when they all talked. Deciding to stop and grab herself some wings, she pulled into the strip mall and walked inside Wing-n-Things II, ordering a dozen honey bbq wings and fries. She checked the messages on her droid as they prepared her order never seeing the man approaching.

  “Still beautiful,” Tyshon said softly as Kim’s head popped up and her eyes grew big.

  He smiled at her reaction. Kim was still speechless as she took in the man standing in front of her. Tyshon Burrell was her first love from back in the day. She hadn’t seen him in almost fifteen years.

  “Look what the wind blew in,” she replied smartly and he heard the anger in the comment.

  Exhaling slowly Tyshon smiled at her again. “I deserve that,” he told her calmly still looking intently at her.

  Kim couldn’t believe he was standing here talking to her nonchalantly like they’d just met the other week.

  “Yeah, well,” she replied her anger growing.

  “Are you going to let me explain or you going to just keep snapping my head off,” Tyshon asked as Kim sucked her teeth slightly.

  “Explain what Ty,” she threw out, quickly reverting to the way they used to be.

  “How you disappeared without a word the day before we were supposed to move in together,” Kim threw out the anger beginning to take over as she saw red.

  “It wasn’t like that Kim,” he tried as she again sucked her teeth and rolled her eyes.

  Kim returned to her phone, hoping he would get the hint and go away.

,” Tyshon tried once more.

  Kim sighed softly. She couldn’t lie and say she didn’t want to know why, not to mention the fact that Tyshon was still as fine as the day she met him. He was her light bright love she thought silently almost laughing out loud. Tyshon was fair complexioned, beautiful brown eyes, thick and muscular, six feet plus, excellent kisser and love making only rivaled by Mook’s skill with her now.

  “Yeah okay fine,” she returned sitting down and allowing him a seat on the other side of the table. “Explain the disappearing act,” she added nonchalantly, leaning back in the plastic chair arms folded across her chest.

  Tyshon took her in. He knew behind all the anger there was plenty of hurt and he took full responsibility for that.

  “Kim, the night before you and I were supposed to connect, I made a run with my cousin Nunk,” he began as she regarded him without comment. “He told me it was a quick run to Alabama, but it turned out to be the worst night of my life,” he went on explaining how they were hijacked in Alabama, driven to Texas and held in a warehouse for days without food or water.

  “When we were finally found, shit I wished we never had been,” Tyshon spoke as Kim frowned slightly.

  “The warehouse was filled with dope,” he told her as she finally understood. “Coke, weed, heroin, pills, just all manner of shit, money, bonds,” Tyshon explained. “They weren’t hearing shit about being victims or not knowing anything about the stuff in the warehouse,” he went on. “Court appointed lawyer showed up but that’s about it, they gave my ass 20 years,” he finished bitterly.

  “Thankfully, ten years in they granted an appeal, and I finally got out,” Tyshon told her adding the he’d made his way back to Atlanta almost a year after his release seeking her.

  “Everybody told me you’d left and moved North or something,” he said quietly.

  Kim had to admit what he told her made sense but she had questions. “Ty why didn’t you call your mama, or write me or something shit,” she threw out as he sighed deeply.

  “I spent most of my time in solitary, in and out the hole and shit,” Tyshon told her. “I wasn’t going to let any of those dudes punk me,” he added resolutely and again Kim understood.

  “So you forgive me, we good now,” he asked reaching across the table and touching her hand.

  The contact was electric and Kim’s mind immediately reminded her she had a husband now.

  “We’re fine Ty,” she replied calmly removing her hand from his grasp.

  “Good, so when can we spend some time,” he quickly returned.

  “Ty, I’m married and I have a son,” she told him as his face fell slightly.

  “OK, I can respect that, but Kim we’re still friends right,” he pleaded.

  He swore all he wanted was to renew their friendship and he would respect the boundaries of her marriage, only taking whatever time she chose to give him. Finally against her better judgment Kim acquiesced and agreed to have lunch with him tomorrow. You sure you wanna open this door, her mind charged as she watched him walk out of the wing place, once again admiring all the sexiness that was Tyshon.


  Ian met up with Ryan at Finnerans sports bar, taking the empty chair across from his brother and ordering a double vodka martini.

  “Damn, who pissed you off today,” Ryan joked slightly.

  Ian smiled a bit before telling him he was simply restless.

  “Hmph, well the trip should relax you a bit,” Ryan returned as Ian grunted and the server sat the double martini in front of him.

  “You talked to Creeper and Pirate,” he asked as Ryan nodded telling him he had.

  “Seems there’s a specter of the past visiting the Bayou these days,” he told Ian cryptically.

  His younger brother frowned marginally waiting on him to elaborate.

  “Gabrielle,” he said simply as the frowned deepened.

  “Really,” Ian replied asking if either man had spoken to her.

  “Creeper says she’s very reclusive these days, only sees her out with a man who appears to be related,” he told Ian as he nodded knowingly.

  “Probably her cousin Zeke,” he spoke, recalling the man.

  “Her face is badly scarred,” Ryan again enlightened, passing on information he’d gotten from Creeper.

  Ian shook his head slowly. “She’s lucky to be alive honestly,” he told Ryan.

  The two talked about Gabrielle a few moments more before returning to their original conversation.

  “So what do you want to do about the Bayou, are you permanently turning it over to them,” Ryan asked.

  Ian told him he didn’t see why not. The two men were doing an excellent job and they didn’t need the additional headache.

  “As long as they send our percentage, I don’t have an issue,” he added.

  “Me either, I was simply wondering,” Ryan returned. “We’re going to have to do a little housecleaning while we’re there,” he told Ian, piquing his interest.

  “Seems there are some remnants from the DuBois brothers, and Kareem’s first lieutenant, some fool named Tagg of all things,” he finished as Ian nodded and sighed deeply.

  “Yes, I need to kill a few people, relax some of this tension,” he replied.

  Ryan questioned him. “You and KiKi beefin’ again,” he asked, eyebrow raised.

  “No,” Ian replied. “We’re actually good, she just won’t talk about having another child,” he told him as Ryan sighed this time.

  “What’s up with you and Nikki,” he threw out picking up the sigh and recalling the argument Ryan told him about almost two weeks ago now.

  “I don’t think being with me, or taking care of Rayne is a priority for her right now,” Ryan said calmly.

  His brother’s calmness unnerved him sometimes, almost as if their father was sitting across from him and not Ryan.

  “Law school can be pretty taxing Ryan,” Ian tried to reason.

  “Hmph, yeah that’s what I keep trying to tell myself, but I can’t help what my gut is saying,” he replied and Ian left it alone for a moment.

  “What are you plotting,” he asked seeing the look in his brother’s eye.

  Ryan smiled faintly and Ian again had that Cartier moment.

  “Don’t worry about it little brother, I got this,” he replied knowing Ian hated being called his little brother.

  “OK, but be careful,” Ian threw back ignoring the other part of his statement.

  Ryan chuckled aloud when his text vibrated and interrupted his revelry. Ian saw him check the text, another small smile on his lips, delete it and put the phone back on the table.

  “You’re not going to share,” Ian inquired as Ryan looked him in the eye again, mischief written on his face.

  “Nope, then I’d hafta kill you,” he replied bursting into laughter as Ian chuckled with him and continued sipping his drink.


  “Are you coming home for dinner,” Cyiarra asked as Tariq readied himself to leave her presence.

  “Probably not,” he replied simply.

  She knew from the tone he was still pissed about her taking his phone two weeks ago. Cyiarra wasn’t stupid though and she didn’t tell him about her call to his lover. Obviously the woman had gotten the message since she hadn’t called again after that day. Ashamed as she was to admit it Cyiarra sneakily checked his phone every night when he went to sleep.

  “Tariq, I told you it was an accident my taking your phone,” she tried apologizing once more.

  He was being even more distant now, barely touching her more than the two times they’d made love when they first arrived in Atlanta.

  “I said it was straight, so let it go,” he replied finally looking up and meeting her eyes.

  Cyiarra swallowed hard and nodded without speaking. Tariq brushed by her and grabbed his .9mm, putting it in his pocket before heading out of the front door without a goodbye, a hug, or kiss. Feeling the tears Cyiarra headed into the kitchen to busy herself with more unp

  Her cell went off and she answered seeing Layla’s name on the caller ID.

  “Hey girl,” she greeted her friend hoping she wasn’t sounding as sad as she felt right now.

  “Hey chick,” Layla chirped happily. “Guess what,” she threw out giggling.

  Her laughter was contagious and Cyiarra found herself giggling as well.

  “What,” she managed trying to control the laughter.

  “I got the transfer,” Layla gushed as Cyiarra squealed in earnest now.

  Her friend had applied for, and now gotten, a transfer to her company’s Atlanta office. Now she wouldn’t be alone and feeling totally helpless with her problems. Kim normally talked and spent time with her, but since they’d been back in Atlanta her time had been taken getting all the operations up and running. Times like this showed Cyiarra how far outside of Tariq’s internal circle she really was when it came to his business dealings.

  “Girl that is great,” she threw back as Layla told her she would be moving this weekend.

  “You got a place already,” Cyiarra asked, amazed at how quickly everything seemed to be happening.

  “Yep, found a great place online, recommended by one of our VP’s who transferred there,” Layla told her.

  Still smiling happily Cyiarra continued talking until Layla finally asked about the woman she’d called on Tariq’s phone.

  Cyiarra assured Layla the woman hadn’t called again.

  “See, I told you she was just selling you a load of bullshit,” Layla told her, giggling again.

  Cyiarra recalled that Layla’s reaction the day of the call had basically been the same thing. She’d told her not to let the woman bully her and to stand her ground. “Tariq is your man and she needs to step the hell off,” Layla said plainly. Cyiarra had to admit she felt a lot more secure being away from Gary and Tariq’s obvious easy access to the woman. Chatting a few moments more, they disconnected and Cyiarra went back to putting up various kitchen items. Her cell rang again. She answered recognizing the area code but not the number.

  “Hello,” Cyiarra answered amiably.


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