The Desert Lion's True Colours

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The Desert Lion's True Colours Page 10

by Ikechi Hayden

  With the initial shock starting to wear off, Jay decided to ask the obvious question, ‘So you think the Chief gave us up?’

  With a sigh Leon replied, ‘either him or the higher heads. But that really doesn’t matter. The current situation is that my fathers out there and the Agency has given Black the green light to do what he wants with us however Blacks only keeping us around to catch Karim. With him out of the way he’ll get the ‘Arms’ deal Karim had in the beginning.’

  ‘Minus the WMD’s’ Jay interjected, - remembering the Superiors comment earlier that day.

  ‘Exactly!’ Leon replied.

  ‘So what we gonna do?’

  Leon smiled, ‘I’ll tell you on the way to TooTsies.’

  ‘TooTsies…’ Jay responded. ‘. . . You think we should still go? I mean, if your right, the money we’re supposed to drop off is probably a trap.’

  ‘I’m sure it is.’ replied Jay. ‘But, don’t worry man, everything’s gonna be aight, don’t you see - we got one up on them.’

  ‘How you figure?’ asked Jay confused.

  ‘Well, both the Agency and Black still think we’re in the dark but we actually know way more than they think we do.’

  Before Jay could reply Leon held up a finger and said ‘hold on a minute.’

  Leaving Jay where he stood, Leon exited the living room, passed the dining island in the kitchen and over to the staircase in the hallway. As he ascended, Kerry came out of the bedroom onto the landing. She was in her green hospital scrubs and wearing white soft rubber clogs. Even though she was in what could arguably be the ugliest uniform known to man, she still looked sexy. The sight of her caused different emotions to run through Leon’s body. So many things had happened in between the time he left earlier that day and that very moment. All he wanted to do was to hold her and never let go. His heart yearned for her touch and for a moment he thought how good things would be if he could just grab her by the hand, jump in the car and drive away. Get so far away that all the lies and corruption would be a distant memory. But that wasn’t going to be possible. Not now anyway. Knowing his father was alive gave way to only one option.

  As Leon got to the top of the stairs, Kerry greeted him with, ‘Hey you! I was wandering when you were going to come up to say hello. I was starting to feel as if I had done you something.’

  ‘Done me something? No way…’ Leon replied reassuringly. ‘. . . Jay and I kinda got caught up, going over some stuff for work.’ Looking down at Kerry’s hospital scrubs, he asked ‘What time are you scheduled for?

  ‘I’ve got the double shift…’ Kerry replied. ‘. . . Remember I swapped a day with Loretta so I could have the night off for your birthday.’

  Leon lowered his eyes, thought back to the night before and wished he had never left to meet Black. Kerry immediately noticed Leon’s expression change and she had a good idea why. She did not mean to make Leon feel bad but it was too late to take it back. So she moved in closer and gave him a hug instead, – just to show there were no hard feelings. As her arms wrapped around Leon’s frame he thought about how warm and soft she felt. He took in a deep breath and inhaled her sweet aroma. Kerry tried to stand on her tip-toes, – which was proving hard in her clogs; and manoeuvred her position so that her head was nestled in the curve of his neck and shoulder.

  ‘You ok?’ She whispered.

  Leon took his time to answer. ‘Yeah, everything’s cool.’ He said.

  Leon backed out of the hug, held Kerry’s face in his hands and said ‘I love you.’

  ‘I love you too babe.’ replied Kerry with a smile.

  Leon moved in for a kiss and without hesitation she complied by expertly manoeuvring her tongue passed Leon’s lips. Before he could let himself go with the flow, Kerry pulled away abruptly.

  ‘I gotta go babe or else I’ll be late.’ She said.

  Leon did not reply. Just stood there looking into her eyes.

  ‘You SURE everything’s ok?’ she repeated.

  ‘Yeah everything’s cool. I was just going to have a shower and head over to the SPOT.’

  Well, don’t let me hold you up.’ She said. ‘Go make that money babe.’

  Her words caused Leon’s heart to sink. “If only you knew” he thought.

  ‘Baby… !’

  ‘Yes.’ Kerry replied.

  Leon tried to muster up the strength to tell her everything but after a long pause all he could say was, ‘Drive safe, ok.’

  ‘Always.’ replied Kerry.

  After blowing Leon a kiss she headed down the staircase, picked up her things at the foot of the stairs and without looking for Jay or acknowledging he was even in the house went through the front door. As soon as she was gone, Jay walked into the hallway and looked up at Leon who was standing on the landing rubbing his head.

  ‘Everything cool?’ he called.

  Leon let out a sigh and replied ‘Not yet bro. But it will be.’

  Leon turned around and headed into the bedroom to get ready for the meeting with Perry and for the second part of his plan to be put into action.


  Leon and Jay pulled up outside ‘TooTsies’ at 11:35 pm - 45min late. After parking his car in a spot that was specifically reserved for valet parking only, they both entered the strip club with a casual air of regularity. The club had recently been moved from a little strip joint, six blocks up the street to a newly converted warehouse, which made it the largest gentleman’s club in Miami. It had 2 levels, 3 different restaurants, several VIP areas and over 30 private rooms for 1-on-1 dances. The main area was so big it had to be broken up into sections, with each area holding its own stage with pole. The two Italian guys who ran it did a good job of keeping it upscale. (Granted, they could not or would not do anything about the boys who came from the hood on Friday nights and would let $20 dollar bills rain for hours) Only the finest looking women who were at the top of their trade were employed and the regular clientele was predominantly made up of bankers, international businessmen, sports personalities and high-rollers. It was a stripper’s paradise.

  As Leon and Jay walked through the main doors of the club they both saw Perry getting a dance from two scantily clad women in one of the VIP areas above the main stage. Bo was standing at the entrance behind a red velvet rope that separated it from the rest of the club. Before Perry had a chance to see them Jay left Leon’s side and disappeared into the crowd to check if there were any more of Black’s goons inside. Leon did a quick sweep of the area and saw Carter sitting at the end of the bar on the opposite side of the club, looking directly at him. Their eyes met and Carter gave Leon a sly smile.

  Carter was wearing an extra, extra long white tee, dark blue jeans, white Air-Force ones and a blue baseball cap that had ‘3.0.5’ (Miami Dade area code) written on the front.

  There had to be at least 20 other men in the strip club that were dressed in the same way. Personally Leon could not understand it, but the long white tee and baggy blue jeans was all the rage in the hood.

  Leon stood there for another minute longer and then made a bee line towards the VIP area where Bo and Perry had taken residence. By the time Bo saw Leon he was only about 5 feet away from the rope.

  ‘Hey, what’s good Bo?’

  Leon had to almost shout in order for Bo to hear him over the ‘Lollipop’ beat that was thumping through the speakers.

  Bo did not reply, just unclipped the hook that was holding the velvet rope in place and motioned Leon to step up into the VIP area. As Leon kept his eyes on Perry he knew he would have to keep his cool.

  Perry sat up in his chair and motioned the two perfect 10’s to leave their vicinity. - slapping the butt of one of the girls as they left. Leon could tell she was not appreciative of Perry’s actions but figured she must have been used to it because all she did was roll her eyes and mu
tter the words ‘stupid pig’ under her breath.

  Leon looked down at Perry slouching back in his chair and realised he was under the influence of liquor, drugs or both.

  “Crack-head!” Leon thought.

  While Perry’s high would make this meeting a far tenser affair, Leon was in hopes Perry’s intoxication would make him loose with information.

  ‘Where’s your boy Jay?’ Perry enquired.

  ‘Right here!’ A voice shouted. They all turned towards the entrance of the VIP to see Jay standing behind Bo unclipping the velvet rope.

  ‘What the fuck Bo! You’re supposed to be looking out!’ Perry shouted.

  Bo didn’t apologise, just turned around and snatched the rope from out of Jay’s hands.

  ‘Yo, who’s this fool… ?’ Jay blurted out. ‘You better tell him to ease up!’

  Bo moved in closer to Jay flexing his arms, so as to highlight his overwhelming size but that just caused Jay to get even more aggravated.

  ‘Yo Perry… ! I don’t care if this guy works for you, Black or god himself! If you don’t tell this motherfucker to back up, I’ll blow his shit all over this VIP!’

  Perry noticed Jay’s right hand disappear behind his back. Over the last three years Perry came to know that as Leon’s friend and personal soldier Jay always carried a piece and was quick to use it, so he called out to Bo in a hurry ‘Yo! Leave him alone and let him through.’

  Without taking his eyes off of Jay, Bo stepped to one side and allowed him to walk into the VIP without a fuss. As Jay walked past the low table that rested in the middle of the room he looked at Leon and with the slightest of movements held four fingers up against his chest - which Leon understood to mean Perry had four other guys in the club watching their every move. As Jay got to Leon’s side Perry asked, ‘Why don’t you two take a seat?’

  On any other day Leon would have questioned why Perry was being so nice but today was different. So without giving a verbal reply he just sat down in the leather couch across the table from Perry and Jay decided to sit on the black leather recliner which was just a few feet away to Leon’s left.

  ‘I thought this was going to be a quick meeting?’ Leon said dryly.

  Without looking at him, Perry replied ‘Are you in a rush?’

  ‘Nahh… ! But I thought you were supposed to be giving us details of the drop.’

  Perry replied, ‘All in good time my man.’

  Clearing his throat Perry asked ‘Anyone for a drink? Moet, Dom’, Spade?’

  Before Leon could reply Jay jumped in, ‘Yeah, I’ll cop some of that Spade shit.’

  Perry acknowledged Jay’s request by nodding his head. Then turning his attention to Leon said ‘and you?’

  Leon thought about the offer a second longer and then replied ‘Nahh, I’m good for now.’

  Perry motioned to Bo and without a word Bo left the area, clipping the red velvet rope securely behind him. As Bo started to descend the stairs Perry leaned forward and picked up a half smoked cigar from out of the ash-tray, - that rested on the table in front of them - and after taken a couple puffs, shuffled in his chair and said, ‘I know you don’t like me anymore than I like you but for the sake of business uncle wants us to work together.’ he paused, took another puff of the cigar and with a smile on his face said ‘But I thought you should know that if you mess this up, I’ve been given permission to crush you!’

  Perry’s words were spoken harsh but low, just loud enough for Leon to pick out every syllable over the bass-line coming through the clubs speakers. Perry was expecting a reaction, but Leon refused to fall for the bait. Jay on the other hand took that statement as a direct and imminent threat; and for all he knew they were looking to take them out right then and there. So without hesitation replied ‘What the fuck does that mean?’

  By the time Perry could sit up straight, Jay had covered the full six feet between him and the table on the floor.

  ‘Jay… ! Slow your role!’ Leon called.

  Reluctantly, Jay gave way to Leon’s request and just stood up next to Perry’s chair. It was not until the immediate threat had subsided Perry had enough time to take in what could have happened - and the fact that Bo was nowhere to be seen.

  From Jay’s standing position he looked down at Perry and said, ‘so what you saying? You looking to get brolic niggah?’

  Seeing where this was going Leon called out ‘Yo JAY. I said calm down!’

  This time Jay could hear the difference in Leon’s tone, so with his arms held out wide he took a few steps back, turned his attention to his partner and said, ‘Dude! Did you not hear what this mother-fucker said?’

  ‘He heard.’ Perry piped in.

  Leon burst out laughing, - he was not faking it. He actually thought Perry was the funniest guy he had ever met. Despite all the money, the power and the family affiliation, Perry was nothing and the funniest part was he did not even know it. Leon’s mind went back to when he was in Black’s office at the ‘SPOT’. He did not realise it at the time but when Black first mentioned Pyro, he could have sworn he saw Perry nervously move around in his seat - almost as if he was caught off guard. It was at that moment Leon realised Perry had no idea what was going on.

  “I bet Black put you up to calling Pyro too”. He thought.

  So as to validate his hypothesis Leon said ‘Your right.’

  ‘Huh!’ Perry replied

  ‘Your right. The way I see it - The ole’ mans no longer around and let’s be honest. Uncle Black’s not getting any younger. So if weee… (Leon was pointing to himself and Jay) do well with this thing you got for us. Then Black might consider me being the next in line.’

  Before Leon could utter another word Perry slammed his fist down on the table, knocking the ashtray onto the floor.

  ‘You will NEVER BE NEXT IN LINE!’ He shouted.

  He said the words with so much force and anger, little specks of spit flew out of his mouth. He made a motion with his hand as if he was going to pick up a glass off of the table but realising there were no drinks - and BO had not yet returned, stumped his feet like a child and shouted ‘Where the fuck are my drinks!?’

  Seeing Perry’s little tantrum caused Jay to just shake his head while Leon on the other hand just sat calmly in his chair smiling to himself. Seeing the grin on Leon’s face Perry said ‘Who the Fuck do you think you are? Oh, don’t tell me, Ole’ Kilo Brown’s son.’ Perry started to laugh and then after a short pause said, ‘Let me tell you something Leon. You ain’t shit. You hear me? You ain’t shit! Your Dad wasn’t shit EITHER! He tried to run with 2 Billion of Uncle B’s money.’

  Even though Perry was the one talking he was the last one to expect those words to come out of his mouth. Realising his slip up, Perry paused for a moment and then started to laugh again.

  Jay was still standing next to Leon just waiting to be given the signal to take Perry out. It never came so all he said was ‘Is that supposed to be funny?’

  ‘Yeah, cuz guess whose body was found all fucked up in a black plastic bag?’

  Jay didn’t reply to that. Perry turned his attention back to Leon and said, ‘Uncle B knows what’s up.’

  ‘He does?’ Leon prodded

  ‘Yeah he does! He was tipped off you had a meeting with Pyro.’

  ‘Oh!’ Leon interjected, ‘I thought it was you who saw me?’

  Perry’s smile disappeared as fast as you could say the word ‘booty’. He realised his mistake but his ego - along with the drugs in his system - gave way to his true colours. Without a seconds thought, he said ‘Two days after your dad split, Uncle gets a call that your father’s body was found stuffed in a storm drain off Alligator-Alley. The body was partially burnt but…’

  Leon interrupted Perry mid-sentence ‘What you saying. You were there?’

  ‘No. W
ell yeah.’

  ‘Which the fuck is it…’ Jay cut in. ‘. . . Either you were or you weren’t?’

  Turning his attention to Leon Perry said. ‘I was not there when he actually died but I saw the body.’

  Before he could say anything else, Jay blurted out ‘He’s Lying!’

  ‘Lying? What do I gotta lie about?’ Perry retorted. ‘Uncle B sent me down to the Morgue to make sure. His face was messed up bad. But it was him and besides, the dental records proved it was him.’

  Jay cut him off. ‘Your full of shit, you know that?’ he said dryly.

  Perry looked at Leon with a confused face and said ‘Yo what’s his problem? He acting like it’s his daddy.’

  Leon didn’t respond. Both he and Jay knew that wasn’t the case. Leon figured Perry was either lying through his teeth, or Black was keeping him in the dark. - And truth be told, Leon was leaning more towards the idea Black had kept the truth away from his nephew. Leon looked into Perry’s glazed eyes and reasoned he could not blame Black for keeping secrets. Perry was a liability. Jay was about to say something when all three of their attentions were taken up by Bo finally returning to the VIP with two large ice-buckets, followed by two half naked waitresses carrying bottles of Spade champagne and glasses. The four men patiently watched the waitresses place the bottles of Spade into the ice-buckets and the glasses onto the low table. Despite the smiles on their faces the waitresses could feel the tension surrounding them so they popped open the bottles and carried out the rest of their service as quickly as possible. TooTsies may have been at the high end of strip clubs but that did not mean it was adverse to fights and fall outs.

  Once they were gone, Perry said, ‘Before I get my drink on, take the details of the drop.’

  Perry made a movement with his hand to which Bo took a piece of paper from out of his back pocket and handed it to Leon. Leon unfolded the paper, read a few words, looked up at Perry with a fake surprised expression and said ‘is this where we’re supposed to meet Black’s connect?’


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