The Desert Lion's True Colours

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The Desert Lion's True Colours Page 26

by Ikechi Hayden

  Shaking his head Superior Upson let out a groan. Aaron gently parted the curtain just in time to see a limo tinted black Mercedes Benz S class pull up directly in front of the main door of the house. As he watched Perry and another tall guy exit the car he turned to Superior Upson and said. ‘I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere, ok.’

  Knowing Superior Upson was in no position to answer Aaron left the room smiling closing the door behind him. Before he could reach the main foyer Perry impatiently rang the doorbell three times.

  ‘Patience, Patience,’ Aaron said under his breath. ‘You’re only rushing towards your death nephew.’

  Before opening the door Aaron looked through the peep hole to see Perry standing 3 feet away to the right and the same tall guy he saw exit the car standing 3 feet away to his left. Aaron waited, silently watching Perry and his companion on the other side of the door. He was also keeping an eye on the Benz, waiting to see if anyone else was going to exit the car. Through the hole in the door Aaron could see Perry starting to fidget like he was agitated or nervous. He watched him move in closer to the door and ring the bell again. Not getting a reply he turned around to face the Benz with his back to the door and with a big shrug of the shoulders shouted ‘Doesn’t look like anyone is here.’

  Aaron watched Perry wait for a reply. A few moments passed and as he had hoped, the rear window of the Mercedes slowly rolled down. Due to Perry’s new position Aaron was unable to see who was sitting in the seat however the voice he heard gave it away.

  ‘Someone has to be there…’ Black barked in his distinctive coarse tone. ‘. . . Ring the doorbell again.’

  Perry let out a sigh however before he could turn around Aaron let off 4 quick rounds through the door.

  About 100 meters away, Jay jerked back into his seat, ‘Whoa… !’ he exclaimed. ‘. . . Did y’all see that?’

  All three of the Yukon’s occupants were surprised by what had just happened. Within two seconds Perry and his tall bodyguard were lying in a heap, dead on the Superior’s doorstep. The Benz did not move.

  ‘Let’s go.’ Na’talia insisted.

  ‘No. Wait.’ Leon said firmly holding her arm.

  Aaron decided to look through one of the holes he had put a bullet through - as it was larger than the peephole - and watched the black S class Benz stay in its position. ‘I know you don’t want me to come out there and get you.’ Aaron said to himself.

  Seeing there was no movement from outside Leon said; ‘Now we can move.’

  Aaron stood still for another few seconds before checking his watch for the time.

  Making a sound, cross between a growl and a moan Aaron said, ‘Why do you always have to make things so hard on yourself Black?’

  With that he counted backwards from three to one, took in a deep breath and swung open the front door. After looking to his left, then to his right Aaron pointed his gun towards the rear door of the Mercedes and took two quick steps forward – stepping over Perry’s body on the third.

  ‘Get out the car Black!’ Aaron shouted.

  He was about to repeat the order when the front passenger door flung open revealing a black man, dressed in a grey suit, aiming a gun in his direction. Aaron blinked once, held his breath - with his tongue pressed up behind his teeth and let off another double tap from his trusted weapon. Before the guy’s foot could touch the ground his upper-body jerked back-and-over onto the driver’s seat with two uneven circular holes in the middle of his forehead - (One just a little higher than the other). Aaron gave another quick survey of the area before moving forward. He made it 10 feet. Nothing happened. However, with about 5 feet to go Aaron suddenly stopped in his tracks, freezing his position like a manikin. Both feet firmly planted, one in front of the other, shoulders level and with his right hand firmly clasped around the handle of the gun and his left cradling the weapons butt. He kept that position for ten whole seconds, before turning to his left and firing three shots into the direction of Leon, Jay and Na’talia. He had seen them descending on him from down the street 5 steps away from the front door however he allowed them to move in closer so that he could get a better shot. Unsure if he had hit any of them directly he was still confident he was close enough to cause them to scatter for cover - which in turn gave him a few needed extra seconds.

  Turning his attention back to the rear passenger door, Aaron grabbed hold of its handle and slowly opened it a quarter of the way before backing up a few steps.

  ‘Open the door. All the way, - and get out the car Black.’ He ordered.

  Without having to give the order again, the door opened wide, revealing Black sitting in the back seat with one hand in the air and the other on a brown leather Gucci Sports bag.

  Black looked up at Aaron in shock. As usual he was sweating and his eyes along with his mouth were wide open.

  ‘Out… Now.’ Aaron ordered.

  Eventually Black managed to close his mouth and swallow before asking ‘Where is Karim?’

  Aaron laughed.

  ‘Just get out the car Black.’ Aaron paused, aimed his weapon at Black’s forward and then said ‘Please don’t make me have to ask you again.’

  Seeing no other choice, Black reluctantly heaved his large body out of the car, only stopping due to the sound of a bullet being fired. The specially designed 9milimeter calibre hollow point missed Black by inches and smashed through the open rear doors window. Before all the glass could hit the floor, Aaron had already turned to his left, held his breath and fired another two rounds towards the far end of the driveway.

  8 ft. to his left, Leon heard Jay cry out in pain.

  ‘Shit… ! Damn it. That Motherfucker shot me.’ He yelled.

  Leon scrambled over the grass to his aid however Na’talia held her low position along the side of the driveway - behind a stump of a fern tree that had been cut down and banded.

  Looking up at Leon Jay said. ‘Damn, that guy can shoot.’

  ‘How bad is it?’ Leon enquired.

  Groaning, and breathing heavily Jay said ‘I’m good dawg. I think that bitch went straight through.’

  Leon gently moved Jay’s shoulder to get a better look. Jay was right. The bullet went straight through the flesh, right above the collar-bone.

  ‘You’re gonna have to put some pressure on that.’ Leon said urgently.

  ‘I know. I’m not stupid.’ Jay replied. ‘Don’t worry about me. I’ve been shot before. Remember. Go help Na’talia get that bastard.’

  Leon heard everything Jay said, but he didn’t want to leave him. Not like that.

  ‘Yo, what you waiting for… ?’ Jay Insisted. ‘. . . Go! Go get that son-of-a bitch.’

  Leon’s shaking head turned into a slow nod before he quickly turned around – still in his crouched position and moved away to another secure location. However by the time Leon could take cover behind the water-fountain in the middle of the lawn, Aaron had taken the bag with the bank bonds along with Black into the house closing the front door behind him.

  ‘Shit!’ Leon shouted. ‘Nat where are you?’

  ‘Over here.’ She responded quickly.

  Leon turned to the area Na’talia had called from. She had moved from the low cover of the tree stump and located herself along the front right-side of the house. She was slightly crouched over, trying her best to stay hidden behind one of three potted trees. Leon looked over his shoulder one last time to make sure his friend was still alive. Fortunately Jay was now in a seated position looking directly at him – smiling - with his fist held straight up in the air.

  With his feeling of responsibility sated a little, Leon darted across the lawn, passed the black Mercedes Benz and over to where Na’talia was waiting with a double action pump rifle in her hands.

  ‘Well, big brother.’ She said. ‘How are we going to do this?’

nbsp; Before they left the Yukon, Natalia had removed her grey jacket and opted not to replace it with a bullet proof vest. So apart from her rifle, she was just wearing her grey pants, white shirt and low heeled shoes. She had wrapped her long shiny black hair in a bun, revealing a small strawberry birthmark behind her right ear. Despite the very minor blemish Leon had to admit his little sister was beautiful yet carried a strength and confidence many women he felt lacked. In a strange way he was proud of her.

  ‘I’m not sure.’ Leon said finally.

  ‘What? What do you mean, you’re not sure? We need to get in there and take Aaron out now.’

  ‘And then what?’ Leon replied.

  ‘W-What… ? Na’talia stammered. ‘Do we really need to think about what happens after? Does it even matter?’

  She was shouting. Leon knew she was not doing it on purpose. She probably did not even realise. Calmly Leon used the side of his right hand to move the barrel of Na’talia’s rifle to her left - which was now inadvertently pointed at his midsection and said ‘We need to be smart about this Nat. Come on girl, think. We kill Aaron now, - and then what? What about the Agency?’

  Without hesitation Na’talia replied ‘We can save him.’


  ‘If he’s not dead already,’ she said dryly, ‘We can save the Superior. We keep him alive, we get our life back - An even fifty-fifty trade.’ She started to smile. Happy - not only because her idea came so quickly, but because it was something that could actually work. However Leon stayed silent, stone faced – Analysing his own ideas.

  ‘Well? What do you think?’ She persisted.

  Her tone pulled Leon’s focus from his mind’s eye to the two physical ones in the front of his face. Unfortunately he still had no answer for Na’talia’s question. Without saying a word he turned around and peered out from behind the potted tree to check on Jay. He had moved from where he was to a more sheltered area of the lawn next to the fence that was splitting apart due to the roots of a tree that was growing on the other side. Probably trying to keep his tools from damage the gardener left that area unattended causing just that portion of the grass, to grow to about knee level.

  “He’ll be cool.” Leon thought.

  After taking in a deep breath Leon headed towards the front door and without looking back at Na’talia said, ‘Well come on then.’

  Na’talia followed close behind but after moving only 5 feet she stopped. Leon noticed but did not wait to find out why. Time was of the essence and he felt they had wasted enough. Leon did not have a full plan but he had questions and as long as they were answered, he did not care what happened now or after.


  Inside the house, Aaron was back in the dark study room, standing just a few feet away from the rocking chair Superior Upson was tied to.

  ‘Unbefucking believable, I really don’t have time for this. I have places to go.’ Aaron exclaimed. His comment was directed at Superior Upson who at this point no longer had the tape across his lips – so he was now able to talk but choosing not to.

  ‘Are you fucking kidding me… ? Aaron continued.

  Wearing a slight smile but with a tone as harsh and as cold as the tundra he said, ‘You do know you are going to die here today?’

  Defiantly the Superior continued his silence.

  ‘Ok. Have it your way.’ Aaron retorted.

  Taking a step to his left Aaron raised his aim - but to the Superiors relief - pointed his gun towards Black who was standing next to the big wooden desk Aaron was sitting behind earlier.

  Breathing heavily, but not half as surprised as he was to see Aaron to begin with, Black took his time to gain his composure before saying ‘Kilo - Think about what you’re doing?’

  ‘That was never my name.’ Aaron replied.

  Black laughed. - Not in that oh, that was so funny way - but more like well, you obviously don’t know the jokes on you kind of reaction.

  ‘You will always be my brother Kilo.’

  Black’s voice trailed off; as he watched his soon to be killer flash his head from side to side. Aaron’s customarily calm demeanour was fading and quickly being replaced with frustration and that common disbelieving ‘what the fuck!?’ feeling. He was annoyed with the fact that Black was actually delusional.

  ‘You idiot!’ he said finally.

  Aaron’s words were not just highlighting the irrefutable truth that Black was indeed a first class idiot but they also brought a tone of disappointment. – A feeling that could only be described as pity.

  ‘Don’t you get it… ?’ Aaron insisted. ‘. . . We were never friends, brothers, partners or bloods. You were an assignment, a case. The Agency sent me undercover to get information on your political family contact’s over in Haiti. That’s it! When you started to come up dry with information, Mr Upson here decided we should use you on a street level. God knows what I did, for them to go behind my back and work out a deal with you; but hey - Shit happens right?’

  Black had heard enough so he cut in, ‘So what. You’re gonna kill me now, because I decided to look out for myself cause you turned out to be a rat?’

  Aaron could not help but laugh.

  ‘A rat, I think that’s what they call, Pot… Kettle…’ He said between fake chocking. After feeling he had laughed enough Aaron pointed his head in the direction of Superior Upson and said ‘Kill him.’

  Black looked confused but relieved all at the same time. ‘Why?’ He asked.

  ‘Good question but it doesn’t matter…’ replied Aaron. Slowly handing Black his other P-266 he repeated the order. ‘. . . Kill him.’

  Superior Upson finally spoke. ‘NO! Don’t do it.’ His voice was horse and faint. ‘Please, I’ll pay you. Anything you want.’

  ‘Shut UP… !’ Aaron interjected. ‘. . . Even if I was to keep you alive, when Camistock find out I have the Bank bonds they will take everything you have, including your life. What will you pay him with then?’

  Aaron’s laugh returned. Still with his aim focused on Black’s forehead Aaron repeated his order for the third and last time. ‘Kill Him.’

  Black had fired his fair share of guns and lay to rest more people than he even cared to remember but at this moment in time he was stalling and everyone could see it, including Superior Upson.

  ‘Do you know what he wants from me?’ he said to Black.

  ‘I said shut up.’ Aaron yelled.

  Superior Upson knew this moment was do or die so he had to lay it all out on the line. Give Black anything he wanted, promise everything, and sell his soul to the devil if it would keep him alive.

  ‘He wants the codes,’ blurted out Superior Upson. ‘Without the codes he can’t cash the bonds.’

  ‘That’s it.’ Aaron called out.

  ‘WAIT!’ Black shouted immediately after.

  Aaron looked over at Black who had now had his gun pointed directly back at him. With his own aim expertly focused on the pupil of Black’s right eye, Aaron gently nestled his finger on the trigger of his gun and said ‘Don’t be foolish Black.’

  ‘Fuck you.’ Black replied. ‘I want to know what this man is saying.’

  Without taking his aim off of Aaron, Black turned his head slightly to the right so he could get a better look at Superior Upson tied to the chair.

  ‘Apart from you, who else has the codes?’

  Before the Superior could open his mouth to reply, Aaron said ‘See yah in hell old friend.’

  This was then followed by the loud reverberating sound of two gun shots. The Superior let out a cry of fear as he watched Black’s 300lbs fall back against his desk and hit the floor with a heavy thud.

  Aaron was never usually emotional when it came to killing the enemy but he found himself feeling oddly invigorated putting two slugs into the person who just t
ried to kill him. Getting carried away with the feeling he fired another unnecessary round into Black’s already lifeless body before turning his attention back to Superior Upson. Aaron let out a sigh before saying ‘See what you made me do.’

  Upson looked up at Aaron knowing his turn was most certainly going to be next. Over his seventy plus years he had heard many people say how their lives flashed before their eyes right before they thought their time was up. But nothing came to his mind, - Just space and time. Enough time to clearly see Aaron move in closer and raise the now warm steel in his hand. A single tear made its way down the Superior’s cheek and with a stammered sigh he said ‘Ok. Ok. I’ll give you the codes.’

  Aaron flashed a smile. ‘Thank you.’ He said. ‘That is all you had to say. Don’t you feel better?’

  Aaron walked round Black’s body to the other side of the desk and retrieved his phone from its location next to the note pad with no pen. Dialling only three numbers and then hitting the send button Aaron waited for the person on the other end to pick up. After two full rings Usain was attentive on the other end.

  ‘Yes Comrade.’ He said.

  ‘Do you have the package?’ Aaron demanded.

  ‘Fifteen minutes away.’ He replied.

  ‘Good. As soon as you pick him up take him to location b.’


  ‘In the meantime have Jahed call me back right away.’

  Usain knew what that meant and started to smile to himself.

  ‘Right away.’ He replied.

  With nothing else to say Aaron ended the call. Turning back to Superior Upson he said ‘Well, what are the codes?’

  Upson started to cough - triggering the pain in his head to return with a marked vengeance. Leaning his head to one side Upson closed his eyes as tightly as he could - as if it was possible to squeeze the pain out through them.

  ‘I’m waiting.’ Aaron goaded.

  ‘So have we.’ Leon called, bursting through the part open door.

  Instinctively Aaron raised his weapon and pressed the trigger, but nothing happened, just the metallic click of the hammer hitting and empty chamber. Aaron discreetly swallowed.


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