Leading Hand (The Dusty Rider Series Book 2)

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Leading Hand (The Dusty Rider Series Book 2) Page 1

by Stella Knights





  Stella Knights

  Copyright 2018 Stella Knights

  Published August 2018

  All rights reserved.

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people without permission. If you would like to share this book with another person, then please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of the author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. All similarities or resemblance to actual persons, either living or deceased, or actual events is purely coincidental.



































  To a stockman I know who loves rugby, is loyal to his mates and has a heart of gold.


  HOLDING MY BREATH, I am frozen in place. Waiting. Wondering.

  Ding, Dong! Ding, Dong!

  Again, the sound stabs through my heart.

  Who is at the front door? Please God, please don’t let it be the police. Or worse, what if it’s Tom?

  I sit on the bathroom floor, hugging my knees to my chest.

  I have to know who is there. How many times have I sat and waited for things to fix themselves? Did that ever work for me? Never. If this is what I want, I must fight for it.

  My body feels nailed in place, but I force my legs to move so I can find out what is happening downstairs. Opening the bathroom door, my fingers tremble against the handle. I tiptoe across the carpet and towards the closed bedroom door.

  Please God, do not take my Aiden away.

  Crouching low, I press my ear against the door. I listen, but all I hear is the sound of my heart beating through my chest. Thump, thump, thump.

  A deafening creak reverberates across the stillness, letting me know Aiden is opening the heavy front door.

  I attempt to swallow the lump in my throat as fearful thoughts circle around my head.

  A male voice breaks the unforgiving silence. “Hey mate. How you going?”

  Pushing my ear against the door, I strain to hear who’s there.

  With hesitation in every word, Aiden responds, “Hey, Toddy. I, uh, didn’t expect to see you.”

  Toddy? Thank goodness it is not the police, but who’s Toddy?

  “I was driving by and thought I’d come see you. How about we crack a cold one to celebrate you getting out of the clanger?”

  Aiden clears his throat. “Ah, sure. Umm, let me get some clothes on.”

  “Yeah, mate. I was wondering about that. Why are you taking a shower in the middle of the day?”

  “Ah, I got caught in that storm. Hold on a sec, okay?”

  The steps squeak with each of Aiden’s heavy footsteps.

  Moving away from the door, my pulse races.

  The door opens, and Aiden looks down at me with wide eyes. Crouching close, he takes my hand into his and whispers, “It’s my mate Toddy. The one that called the other day. He asked to have a beer.”

  Studying his eyes, I no longer see any of the fear that was there mere moments before. “Do you think he knows I’m here?”

  Aiden shakes his head “I don’t think so. I’ll have to go talk to him to keep him from thinking something’s up.”

  He leans in and kisses my forehead.

  “Stay up here, and I’ll try to get rid of him as soon as I can, okay?” He squeezes my hand.

  My fingers linger against his for a second before letting go.

  I don’t want to lose his touch. I hope he’s right and Toddy won’t be a problem.

  Aiden puts on jeans while I get up and move towards the bed. I sit, sighing heavily as I wipe the tears from my cheeks.

  He comes back and kisses me with those full, soft lips. Murmuring in a low voice, he tries to comfort me. “It’s going to be okay, Holly.

  I whisper, “I’d believe you more if you looked into my eyes when you said that.”

  He turns back from the doorway to mouth the words ‘I love you’ before walking away.

  After a few deep breaths, the weight of how close we were to being caught settles firmly on my shoulders.

  I know I want to stay here, so how do I make that happen without getting Aiden into trouble? I would just die if Aiden wound up back in jail because of me.

  Looking around the room, I catch a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. A towel is loosely wrapped around my body, leaving me to feel completely exposed. Not only physically, but emotionally as well. This stranger downstairs could tell the world I’m here and our secret would be out in the open.

  What does this Toddy want?

  Alarm bells ring through my head as I remember how apprehensive Aiden acted when Toddy called the other day.

  Can I hear their conversation from the hallway?

  I get up and throw on some clothes. Opening the door, I tiptoe across the hallway and stop behind the solid balustrade at the top of the stairs.

  The hiss of a beer opening cuts through the silence.

  Staring into the decorative mirror hanging in the foyer, the reflection gives me a partial view of the kitchen.

  Aiden stands next to the benchtop while Toddy sits on one of the stools. I can only see Toddy from the back as he places his Akubra down and takes the beer Aiden offers him.

  Toddy has broad shoulders and wavy, caramel coloured hair. Obviously bleached from long days working in the sun. From behind he looks almost like Aiden, except for the hair colour.

  They reach out and tap the necks of their bottles together.

  “Cheers, mate. It’s good to have you back out. How you settling in?” Toddy’s loud voice is jarring against the stillness of the house.

  Aiden takes a swig of his beer. “I’m good.”

  “When I found out your parents were buying this place, I was pretty chuffed to have you close by again.”

  I wish I could see this Toddy’s face. I need to see his face to read him. Parole training only went so far as micro-expressions and body language from the front.

  I can, however, see Aiden. His chin is pointing down while his eyes track every movement his friend makes.

  Toddy continues speaking. “I know I shouldn’t be saying this to a guy who’s just gotten out of jail, but things have been pretty tough.”

  “Yeah, I heard. Sorry about your dad passing away.”

  Toddy’s shoulders slump as he sighs. “It’s not been easy. Mum’s a mess. I’ve been busting my arse
trying to keep it all going.”

  Aiden’s expression softens. “Well, if there is anything I can do, let me know.”

  Trying to catch a glimpse of Toddy’s face, I lean forward over the balustrade. But I still can only see the back of his head.

  “Well, how about we have a night out like the old days? Maybe we could drive into Toowoomba and have a big weekend. You can be my wingman.” He playfully slaps Aiden’s bicep. “With those guns, I’m sure you won’t have any problems pulling ladies while helping me land a few.” He takes a swig of beer. “Look at you, man. You’re finally bigger than me.”

  Aiden laughs uncomfortably. “Maybe once I’m settled, we could go. But for now, I just want to lay low.”

  “Ah, but mate, we’ve got to get you back in the game. Surely, you’re itching for some action.”

  If this guy only knew how much action Aiden has been getting.

  Aiden smiles, shifting on his feet. “I’m okay, mate. Don’t you worry about me.”

  “I know your skills with women all too well to worry. But I also know you need some thrills in life to keep you happy. So, let’s get you out living in the real world again.”

  Thrills? What does he mean by that?

  Looking down at his feet, Aiden shakes his head. “I think those days are behind me. I want to keep on the straight and narrow. I’ve got a lot of work to get done if I’m going to make something out of this property.”

  Toddy sits back in his chair and runs his hand through his hair. “Geez, mate. Sounds like you really are reformed.”

  Leaning down on the marble countertop, Aiden lets out a sigh. “Nah, I just don’t want any trouble.”

  “Well, one night of fun won’t kill you.”

  Aiden tilts his head to the side. “Maybe.”

  I lift my body upright, stretching my back. Something catches my eye.

  Oh, crap! Our wet clothes! They’re a few feet behind where Aiden is standing. What if Toddy sees them?

  I grit my teeth wondering what could happen if Toddy realises someone is here with Aiden. My fingers grip tightly around the top of the railing as anxiety takes over my body.

  Is there a way to get Aiden’s attention?

  Aiden takes a swig of his beer, oblivious to the possible problem. “What should we do about the cattle? My dad said you made him a good offer.”

  “Yeah, I’ve got to scale down and so does another property. They’re all good Herefords.”

  My insides are yelling to Aiden, ‘The clothes. Hide the clothes’.

  I shuffle my feet, growing impatient. As I move, my heel catches the corner of a cabinet on the wall behind me. It opens slightly then slams shut.


  Reflexively, I crouch down, out of sight.

  Crap! How could I have done that?

  “You have someone here?” Toddy quickly questions.

  I imagine him looking around the room, wondering what the sound was, all the while praying he doesn’t notice our wet clothes.

  Aiden takes a deep breath, his chest puffing out as he stares at Toddy. “I’m the only one here. It was probably the dogs getting into something.”

  I wait before moving, or breathing, for that matter.

  A moment passes before I hear Toddy’s voice once again. “So, these cattle? We should move them here next week if possible.”

  Whew! He seems to have bought it.

  Cautious, I stand up and peek into the mirror.

  Aiden is staring straight at me through the reflection.

  I mouth the words, ‘Sorry’ but I’m not sure he sees it.

  Toddy looks down at his beer before drinking the last swig.

  Aiden winks at me while his expression remains like stone.

  I guess that wink is to let me know things are safe?

  Standing up, Toddy puts his Akubra on. “I better go. I’ve got a bit of work to get done this arvo.”

  “Sure thing.”

  “Thanks for the beer.” He starts to turn towards the foyer but stops and looks back at Aiden.

  My insides tighten.

  What is it now?

  “Ah, I almost forgot. Do you need help with the fences this week?”

  Aiden moves, trying to steer his friend towards the front door. “You sure you have time to do that?”

  “For you, I can make the time.”

  “Okay, well, um, I’ll give you a ring later to figure it out.”

  Toddy turns around towards the front door.

  Oh, my!

  The sight of this man catches me completely off guard and steals my breath away.

  Another stunning cattleman? What is in the water out here?

  Toddy’s chiselled appearance would make any woman’s blouse pop open with only a glance. He is undeniably Viking-like whereas Aiden’s looks are pure Roman gladiator.

  I guess they grow them all bigger and more rugged out here in the bush. Survival of the fittest perhaps?

  I watch as these two muscled men walk towards the front door. An unexpected hunger stirs deep inside me. My fingers reach up and caress my collarbone as I momentarily get lost in desire.

  Aiden glimpses into the mirror, catching my eye.

  Coming back to reality, I remember I’m meant to be hiding. Quickly, I crouch down.

  Shoot! How could I be so absent minded getting caught in the looks of those two?

  “It was good seeing you, Toddy.”

  “No worries. I’ll call you later, mate.”

  The front door shuts, and Aiden walks up the stairs. He finds me still crouched, leaning back against the balustrade. Slumping down next to me, he grabs my hand and holds it against his lap. “That was intense.”

  “Yeah. I thought for sure he would see our wet clothes laying on the kitchen floor.”

  A puzzled look crosses his face before realisation hits him. “Oh, I forgot they were there.” He stares down at our hands. “Holly, I can’t keep you hidden forever.”

  “I know.” My jaw tightens. I’m not sure I’m ready to deal with what decisions need to be made. But I also know we’re running out of time. “Do you know if anyone is looking for me?”

  Shrugging his shoulders, he inhales steadily. “I don’t. I’ve been thinking about what to do next. I figured we could check to see if there’s anything on the news or online.” His finger pulls at an errant thread on his pants. “I may also have one or two trustworthy contacts do some investigating.”

  Eyebrows raised, I turn towards him. “Contacts?”

  He shakes his head. “The people I know aren’t all criminals.”

  My nose scrunches as I contemplate his suggestion. “You honestly think you can trust them?”

  “Yeah. I’m owed a couple of favours, so it’s not going to be a problem.”

  We sit in silence, holding hands.

  His fingers grip tightly onto mine.

  “Aiden, I trust you. So, if you think it’s right, then call them.” I pause as I consider the difficult words I am about to say. “The first thing I need to figure out is what to do about Tom. I’m sure he would have filed a missing person’s report.”

  He glances at my face but doesn’t say anything.

  Staring at the cabinets across from my feet, I speak without emotion. “Tom left to go overseas for a few weeks right before you, ah…” I clear my throat. “I mean before I came out here.”

  Aiden looks at me with apprehension.

  I lower my chin and smile softly as if to show him I’m all right with everything.

  I wish he could read my mind. If he could, he wouldn’t second guess how I feel about him.

  I reach up and push a strand of hair off his forehead, smoothing it back behind his ear. I gaze into his eyes. “I want to be here with you. There’s no question about that. But I had a life out there that does need sorting out.”

  “Tell me what I can do to help. I caused this problem for you, so let me fix it.”

  “You didn’t cause the problems in my life. They were there long
before I met you. And I don’t need you to fix them. To be honest, I don’t care about them. I tried to make things work for far too long, and nothing ever changed. I just want to be with you now.”

  “Well, at least let me make a few calls to find out if anyone is looking for you.”

  I squeeze his hand. “Only if you’re sure you can trust the person you call. If you have any doubts, don’t say a thing. We’ll figure something else out.”

  Reaching up, he touches my cheek with the backs of his fingers. “There’s something that worries me, Holly.”

  I stare into his eyes.

  “My guys might uncover things that might upset you and I don’t want to see you hurt.”

  Breaking his gaze, I look down at the carpet underneath us. “I’m well aware Tom was up to something. Finally knowing the truth is not going to hurt me any more than what has already been done. That’s my past and I’m not going back to it.”

  Nodding, Aiden stares towards the cabinets. “Good. I don’t want you to go back.” He tilts his head to one side while his fingers still linger against mine. He takes a deep breath, exhaling as he speaks. “I want you to stay here with me. You make me feel things I’ve never felt before.”

  “Well, that’s good. From your conversation with Toddy, it sounds like you’re a bit of a playboy.”

  A reddish hue spreads across his cheeks. “What?”

  I tease him. “You must have been quite the player back in the day. According to Toddy that is.”

  Laughing, Aiden pulls me into a hug. “Ah, don’t you worry about what Toddy says. I’m a reformed man, remember?”

  “Are you sure it’s not a case of stockmen will always be stockmen?”

  “Look, I’ll be honest. There was a time that I had my fair share of women, but something changed me, and I realised it’s much more satisfying to be with only one.”

  “You’re probably the only man in the world that thinks that way.”

  “I don’t think so.” He scratches at a mark on his arm. “I’m sure there are a couple of guys like me out there.”

  “You sure you wouldn’t rather play the field a bit?”


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