Leading Hand (The Dusty Rider Series Book 2)

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Leading Hand (The Dusty Rider Series Book 2) Page 4

by Stella Knights

  I give up! Nothing is breaking his laser-like focus.

  I have no other choice but to submit to whatever it is he wants tonight. Controlling the animal urges inside, I relax in his grip.

  Lightening the pressure, he slows his rhythm, letting his palms ease across my skin like a potter smoothing his work with water.

  I get lost in the measured, calming touch he rolls against my skin. Like clay in water, my body is dissolving into the mattress below me.

  Minutes pass before Aiden stops massaging me. He lies on the bed, placing his face next to mine on the pillow. “Go to sleep my sweet, Holly.”

  I slur my words. “Sleep? What about making love to me?”

  “I think I should make you wait.”

  My eyes flash open, meeting his.

  He gives me a coy smile.

  Damn Aiden and trying to teach me a lesson about taking my time and waiting for things!

  I groan softly as I slip into the dreams waiting for me.


  ROUSING FROM A heavy slumber, my body is like a lead weight. Without opening my eyes, I reach up and rub my throbbing temple

  Oh, why did I drink so much last night?

  I stretch across the bed, my fingers searching for the body I can never get enough of. Finding he’s not here, I pout in frustration.

  Already off working I guess.

  My eyes open, but I struggle to focus. I close them again, hoping the fogginess subsides.

  I’m so groggy. Could it be from the wine or because Aiden knows how to relax every inch of me? He turns me into putty every time. And I always sleep so well after.

  Sitting up, I blink and rub my eyes.

  Wait, where am I? Oh, yeah. I forgot we were in one of the spare rooms. Hmm, I smell something linen-like mixed with lavender.

  Aiden has left me flowers again. They’re daisies and their smell mingles with the scent of the petals Aiden scattered around the room last night.

  On the side table, there’s a glass of ice water. Half the ice has melted, leaving a condensation circle beneath the glass.

  What time is it? How long have I been asleep?

  Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, I notice my skin still smells of lavender and his natural musk. Obviously, from his arms and legs being tangled around me all night.

  This scent is too good to ever wash off.

  Even after a night’s sleep, I can feel his fingertips running along my flesh as he works his magic tantalising my skin, marking my body as he makes me his over and over again.

  I would love to re-enact last night, but this time include the finale my body was left craving. Those big, strong hands against my skin would be the perfect cure for my hangover.

  Maybe I should surprise him wearing only my robe? A sexy seduction might be the perfect morning tea break for him.

  I put on my robe, barely covering my nakedness, and leave the bedroom to find him. Walking through the house, I search but don’t see him anywhere.

  I guess he’s out in the shed or the stables?

  Before heading outside, I stop to slip on a pair of his spare boots that are sitting by the back door. They are way too big, but I don’t dare walk outside barefoot. I don’t want to encounter another snake or step on any burrs.

  I should try to remember where I put my shoes, but my brain is too foggy to care right now. Then again, I’m sure Aiden will find my naked body in only his boots incredibly sexy. I know the thought of him stripped down and only in boots makes me want to fall on my knees and beg to be ravished.

  As I cross the yard, the hazy light is intolerable.

  Squinting around, I notice the shed door is open.

  He must still be working on that tractor. I hope I can entice him to take a break when I press my naked body up against him.

  Entering the shed, I have trouble adjusting to the change in light. I scan the room and barely make out a shirtless figure wearing a welding mask. He’s leaning down over the tool bench with sparks flying all around him. Sweat glistens off his back, highlighting the sinewy curves of the muscles I can’t wait to rub against.

  He has not moved, so he mustn’t have seen or heard me come into the shed.

  Perfect! With that mask on, he won’t know what’s hit him until he feels my breasts press against his back.

  Quietly, I tiptoe up behind him.

  I don’t think I’ve seen such a sexy sight. A man, sweaty, working with fire, making something with his hands. Sparks are definitely flying inside me right now.

  Stepping closer, I lick my lips. My insides constrict in anticipation of what is about to come. Or should I say ‘who’ is about to come?

  A clatter rings across the room as he flinches, accidentally knocking one of his tools to the concrete floor.

  Maybe one spark got too close? Don’t worry my love, my sparks won’t hurt you, but I can promise you lots of heat.

  Not removing his mask, he bends down to pick up whatever fell off the bench.

  As he moves, I accidentally look too long at the flare from the welding torch, blinding myself in the process. I blink, trying hard to see through the spots that are now across everything in sight. And to think I was already struggling to see.

  Regardless, nothing is going to stop me from making the most of this seduction of my man, especially since whether I’m able to see won’t matter in a few minutes. I can do what I want to him with my eyes closed.

  I let my robe fall open, exposing my nakedness. Before he stands, I drape my body over him, pressing my bare breasts onto his dripping back. Unfolding my arms around his heated flesh, I run my fingers over his moist abs, teasing as I press harder against him.

  His muscles go taut under my touch. He remains completely still.

  I whisper in his ear, my hot breath teasing against his neck. “Morning, my darling. Want to create some sparks with me?”

  He answers with enthusiasm. “Well, I’d be more than happy to, but I’m not sure Aiden would approve.”

  Wait! What? That’s not Aiden’s voice!

  I recoil off as though I have burned my fingers on one of those sparks.

  Whoever this is stands, takes off the mask and turns to face me.

  Oh, my, God!

  My jaw drops. I am completely stupefied. It is as if my brain has short-circuited and I must wait for it to reboot.

  How is Toddy standing before me? What is he doing here? Why isn’t this Aiden?

  The realisation of what I have done hits me. I stumble backward, tripping and falling out of the oversized boots, landing hard on the concrete floor. Quickly covering myself, both sets of my cheeks burn red with heat. And not the kind of heat I wanted to feel right now. I’m mortified, desperately trying to tie my robe, while shock renders me speechless.

  Toddy’s clown-like grin burns through me like his torch welding metal.

  Stumbling once again, but this time over my words, I attempt to speak. “I’m…I’m sorry. I thought you were Aiden.”

  “Clearly.” Smirking, he offers to help me stand.

  I nervously take his hand and let him pull me up. Once standing, I kick the boots to the side and curse myself.

  My breasts were just pressed against Toddy! How can you be so stupid, Holly? This is not your finest moment.

  “Nice boots.” Toddy tilts his head to the side, that smug smile still plastered across his face. “You must be Holly.”

  He knows who I am? How long was I asleep?

  Dusting myself off, I adjust my belt. I avoid eye contact when answering him. “And you must be Toddy.”

  Rubbing my sore backside, I grit my teeth, hoping that somehow this embarrassing moment will soon be forgotten.

  Ugh! As if this Toddy is going to forget my bare body pressed against him anytime soon. How could I have done this to Aiden?

  Toddy’s silly grin lingers while he rubs his stubbled chin. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  I speak under my breath. “I’m sure it is.”

laughs again at my predicament. “You sure you’re all right?”

  I nod and let myself look him in the eyes. They are like ice and for the first time in my life, I’m not sure if this is a good or bad thing.

  Before I can grasp whatever my instincts are trying to tell me, I hear Aiden’s unmistakable voice. “Oh, Holly. There you are.”

  As our eyes meet, shame and regret overwhelm my expression.

  I think I could cry right now.

  He walks towards me. “What’s wrong?”

  Biting my lip, I stare at the ground and explain. “I thought Toddy was you.”

  Aiden looks me up and down, realising I’m in only my robe. His eyebrows raise as he snickers. “Well, that’s why I was hoping to catch you before you, uh, ran into Toddy. I wanted you to know he was here.”

  “It’s a bit too late now.” I fidget awkwardly, my vain attempt at hiding my embarrassment.

  Aiden puts his arm around me and guides me towards the door. “Come have a coffee with me. We can let Toddy get back to work.”

  I grab the boots and slip them back on my feet.

  Aiden looks down and shakes his head. “Holly, I think it’s time we get you your own pair.”

  Leaving the shed, I turn and glance at Toddy.

  He winks at me before putting back on the welding mask.

  I don’t react or respond because something about him makes me uneasy though what it is I don’t quite understand.

  IN THE KITCHEN, Aiden hands me a cup of coffee before sitting next to me.

  Leaning forward onto the benchtop, he puts his hand on his chin and looks down at my robe. “Sorry I didn’t catch you before you found Toddy.”

  “Yeah, you missed out on a surprise I intended to give you.”

  Playing with one of the ties on my robe, he grins. “I can see that. I bet Toddy enjoyed it.”

  The memory of my naked body pressed up against Toddy burns in my mind. I close my eyes and let my face fall into my hands.

  I could just die from this.

  Aiden’s hand rubs my back. “Don’t worry. It was an accident.”

  I shake my head while it’s still resting in my hands. “I can’t believe I did that. I must have looked like such an idiot.”

  “I think you look damn fine.” He laughs and sips his coffee. “Well, I guess you solved the problem of meeting him.”

  I lift my head from my hands. “What is he doing here?”

  “I wondered when you’d ask. He rang early this morning and offered to help get things going around here. He sounded like he wanted to get away from home, so I told him to come over.”

  “Well…” I draw out my words. “What did you say about me?”

  “When he got here, I sat him down and had a chat over coffee. I told him I was watching out for you as a favour to a friend on the inside.”

  I bite my lip. “But that doesn’t explain why I’d be pressing my naked body up against you.”

  His finger traces his jawline. “True. I guess he might have a few questions for me about that later.”

  Closing my eyes, I grimace. “Oh, how could I have been so stupid?”

  Aiden’s hand clasps my knee. “Don’t worry. Toddy’s used to seeing me with women. He’s not going think twice about it.”

  “You mean he’s going to think I’m just another notch on your bedpost?”

  “Let him think what he wants to think. What’s important is that you know you are more than that.” He pauses, lifting my chin so I can meet his gaze. “Trust me, you are not just some woman to me. You are the only woman for me.”

  Putting his hand on my knee, he looks towards his cup resting on the benchtop. He lifts it and takes a sip. “Before he got here, I made a call to a buddy of mine who’s a police officer.”

  I almost spit out my mouthful of coffee. “What? You called the police?”

  “I didn’t call the police. I rang an old friend from school who happens to be a police officer. I called on his private mobile number. So, it’s not recorded or anything. I simply told him that you showed up here looking for work. I explained that I wanted to help you, but that before I could offer you a job, I wanted to make sure doing so wouldn’t cause me any issues with my parole. I asked if he could tell me if you were running from something.”

  Stunned, I put down my coffee and stare into it. “Are you sure you can trust this guy? You’re not worried he will read too much into your story?”

  “I trust him. We go way back. His family are also farmers out here.”

  “What did he say?” I hesitate, holding my breath, waiting for any possible bad news that Aiden is going to tell me.

  “He said he would do some digging and call me back. About an hour later, he did call back. He said that you had been reported missing. But that nothing suspicious had been found. The police investigated all possible leads, including all your case files at work, but nothing turned up. For the moment, it’s being treated as though you took off, and running off isn’t a crime.”

  I relax in my seat, my fingers gripping tightly around my mug. “I don’t know what to say. I thought for sure they would be thinking something awful has happened to me.”

  “The police have to go with whatever they have, and they don’t have anything right now.”

  “I wonder if anyone is saying anything?”

  “You mean, you wonder if Tom is doing anything to find you?”

  I study Aiden’s expression. “Well, yeah. Surely, he’s being a pain to the police and trying to find me.”

  Aiden looks down at the countertop. “My buddy said it wasn’t Tom who reported you missing. It was Lisa.”

  My jaw goes tight. “I’m not surprised. Tom was overseas.”

  “Well, Tom was contacted overseas and flew back to be interviewed by the cops. The casefile said he acted agitated but was not pushing hard for any information.”

  I stare across the room, looking at nothing in particular.

  You fool! Do you even miss me, Tom?

  Aiden places his hand on top of one of mine. “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just a lot to process.” I take a deep breath before mentioning what I’m worried about. “It’s a relief to know they aren’t looking at this as a kidnapping, but, I still wonder if you’ll be questioned at your next parole appointment. I mean, you were one of my offenders and I’m sure they’ve looked at everyone on my files?”

  “I don’t think so. My friend said they’ve run out of leads.”

  I realise I have no idea when his next appointment is. All I know is that he would be meeting with them often since he has only recently been released. “Aiden, when is your next appointment?”

  “It’s this afternoon.”

  I bite my lip. My eyes narrow, focusing on my fingers.

  “Don’t worry. I don’t expect them to question me about you.”

  “But you were one of my…” My hand covers my mouth as the realisation hits me.

  Aiden’s eyebrows raise, and he gently nods. He knows what I am going to say before I even say it.

  “I totally forgot. You weren’t one of my offenders when you took me. You were already moved over to a different office. They wouldn’t have even considered you as a suspect.” Relief washes over me.

  “Holly, I told you I was careful. I knew what they would and would not be looking for.”

  I didn’t realise the depths he had gone to in order to make this all happen. He’s either incredibly smart or incredibly reckless as this could have led to so much trouble for him.

  Three years in jail would have been a walk in the park compared to what he would face for kidnapping. If I hadn’t wanted to stay with him. Wait a second, can he still get charged if the truth comes out?

  “Aiden, if they aren’t looking for me, what does that mean for you having me here?”

  “My mate said that you choosing to be here is not against the law. But I didn’t tell him how you got here.”

  “Yeah, that wouldn’t be so
mething you would tell the police, even if it was your friend.” Strumming my fingers against the mug resting in my hands, I glimpse upward at the ceiling and contemplate how we could get answers to the questions we have. “How can we find this out without drawing attention to ourselves?”

  “I already thought about it and made a call to another friend who is going to look into it for me. It will take some time before I hear back from him.” He reaches up and strokes the side of my cheek before looking down at my bare feet. “How about you get dressed and we figure out how to get you some boots? It might be time that we take a drive to Toowoomba to get you a pair from R. M. Williams.”

  Fingers crossed we can put this behind us soon.

  I get up and put my mug in the sink. Glancing out the window, I wince thinking back to what happened with Toddy. “I’m going to take a shower.”

  As I leave the kitchen, Aiden calls out to me. “Holly, wait a second.”

  I look at him while rubbing the dull throb in my temples.

  “I could come upstairs and help you out of that robe.” His eyes are alight as he runs his hand down his thigh.

  Lowering my chin, I raise my eyebrows in approval.

  Aiden walks over, lifts me into his arms and carries me away upstairs.


  THE MIDDAY SUN blazes as I stare out the kitchen window, contemplating a swim while Aiden is away at his appointment.

  Then again, Toddy’s here, and I don’t want to see him so soon after our awkward run-in.

  Aiden’s voice interrupts my thoughts as he walks into the kitchen, holding a piece of paper. “You could come with me if you want.”

  I turn to face him, leaning back against the countertop. “I think I should stay here.”

  He reaches out and pushes a strand of hair away from my cheek. “Okay, my sweet. Is there anything else you want me to get that’s not on the list?”

  I shake my head. “I can’t think of anything I need, other than the art supplies, but if you aren’t sure what to get, then it can wait until another time. I’m sure there are plenty of things to keep me busy until we make that trip to Toowoomba.”


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