Leading Hand (The Dusty Rider Series Book 2)

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Leading Hand (The Dusty Rider Series Book 2) Page 20

by Stella Knights

  Glancing towards my legs, I notice the wallaby sitting and staring at me, waiting for his treat.

  They must be used to guests feeding them.

  Aiden walks briskly onto the deck, with apple slices in one hand and a blanket under his arm.

  Jolting upright, the wallaby hops off before I can feed it.

  Aiden’s shoulders slump. “Oh, sorry, I must have scared it.”

  “It’s okay. It seems pretty friendly, so I’m sure he’ll come back.”

  He hands me the apple. “I was going to make dinner, but the oven’s broken. I’ve called up a local restaurant and ordered some food, but I’ll need to pick it up.”

  “That sounds fine.”

  He hands me the blanket. “You may need this with the cooler air. When I get back, let’s snuggle next to the fire.” He squeezes my shoulder.

  “Sure, but with one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  “We have to be naked.”

  He grins and walks to his truck.

  Pulling the blanket around my shoulders, I remain on the deck watching the wallabies and getting lost in my thoughts.

  I’m so lucky to have met Aiden. I wanted him from the moment I met him, no matter how hard I tried to deny my feelings. He makes me feel happy and safe. I just wish I could understand why he is ignoring those calls and why he wakes up with nightmares.

  I want to make him feel safe, too.

  AFTER DINNER AIDEN lights a fire and turns on some soft music. “Want to dance?”

  I laugh. “Seriously?”

  “Yes.” He saunters over, takes my hand and kisses it.

  I look into his eyes and get lost in them. My insides flutter with romantic excitement.

  Running his hand along my waist, he pulls me close and guides my hips into a rhythmic sway in tune with the music. He bends his head and murmurs into my ear. “I’m not one of those guys who shows all his moves in the beginning, then stops being romantic because the deal’s been sealed.”

  I open my mouth to reply, but he puts his finger on my lips to stop me.

  “Just dance with me.”

  We move to the slow beat of the music, our noses touching while we stare into each other’s eyes.

  When the song ends, he leans in and kisses me. “Let me get some wine. Meet me in front of the fire?”

  “Sure.” I grab the comforter off the bed and spread it on the floor in front of the fireplace. I undress and let the flames warm my skin while I wait for Aiden.

  The scent of buttery popcorn fills the air, tempting my already full stomach.

  Within minutes, Aiden returns with our drinks and popcorn. He places them on a nearby coffee table and bends to sit down.

  I smack my hand on the puffy fabric to hold it in place. “Not yet you don’t.”

  His lips curl upward. “What?”

  “You can’t join me under here until you’re naked.”

  “Gotcha.” He stands in front of the fire and lifts his hoodie over his head, throwing it to the floor. Unbuckling his jeans, he rolls them down, slipping them over each foot.

  My heart skips a beat seeing those rippling, tanned muscles and my hands ache to caress them.

  He gazes at me, slowly sliding his boxer briefs to the floor.

  My throat goes tight at the sight of his naked, well-built body and remarkable penis.

  Aiden’s natural build is not too big, not too small, but just right in every way. His cock is the perfect extension of his well-proportioned physique, and when it’s slightly erect, the curve makes me quiver with anticipation.

  I swallow, biting at my fingernail and imagining the things I want to do to every inch of Aiden.

  But first, I want him wrapped around me. There is no rushing tonight. Hopefully, he’ll be happy I’m learning the restraint he’s been trying so hard to teach me.

  He climbs under the comforter, entwining his solid body around mine. The heat rising off his skin warms mine better than the flames near our feet. I melt against him like caramel dripped on a candy apple.

  Can we stay like this forever?

  He nuzzles his nose in my hair. “What do you want in life?”

  “This.” I squeeze his hand and continue to stare at the fire.

  “But, what else do you dream about having?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Sure, you do.”

  I take a breath, my breasts rubbing against the arm he has draped over me. “I guess I’m still figuring all of that out now.” I pause and watch the fire.

  Aiden remains quiet.

  This is so like Aiden. He’ll stay silent until I answer his question.

  “Before you, I was disenchanted with everything, but you’ve opened my eyes to new possibilities.” I run my fingertips along his forearm. “You’ve given me a second chance to figure out what will make me happy.”

  “What were you like before?”

  I drink my wine, mulling over the possible answers to his question.

  Would he still love me if he knew who I was once upon a time?

  “I was all about brand labels, taking selfies and appearances. You know, your average spoiled daddy’s girl.”

  “You were close to your dad?”

  “I was, but after moving to Australia, things changed. I guess it was the distance and not seeing him as much.”

  Time to change the subject. I don’t want to talk about my family. Tonight is not the time to talk about the real reason I left America.

  “Holly, if you ever want to see your family, I’ll make it happen for you.”

  I shake my head. “Thanks, but I can take care of it myself.”

  “But you aren’t working. Let me take care of anything you need.”

  I shift my body, turning to face Aiden. “I don’t need money. I have a trust fund.”

  He raises his eyebrows. “Oh, I had no idea.”

  “I don’t like to talk about money, so of course you wouldn’t have.” I turn back around and resume laying against his chest. “Tom, however, was obsessed with money and loved to talk about it. No matter how much we had, it was never enough. He was always investing in some project he said was going to be the next big thing.”

  “I’ve found that people with money never talk about it.”

  “That’s so true.” I throw a piece of popcorn into my mouth. “My dad used to say that when I was younger.”

  “Did your dad like Tom?”

  “Not really. My parents were not keen on me marrying him.”

  “Maybe they knew he wasn’t the one for you?”

  “Possibly, but it could be they wanted me to move back to the states and marry an American.”

  “You never wanted to move back?”

  Sitting up, I look around the room. “I’m getting a little chilly. Do you think the fire needs stoking?”

  He says nothing as he gets up and moves some of the logs around, stoking the fire. Settling back down on the rug next to me, he pulls me close and kisses below my ear. “Have you ever thought about having kids?”

  “Not really.”

  What guy asks about kids so soon in a relationship?

  “Aiden, what’s with all the questions?”

  “I’m curious.” He brushes his fingers along my cheek. “So, you’ve really never thought about having kids?”

  I shrug. “Tom wasn’t interested. He wanted to focus on his career and making money.”

  “But what about what you wanted?”

  I stare into the fire, my expression going blank. “What I wanted didn’t matter.”

  “That’s sad. You were his wife. What you wanted should have been the only thing that mattered to him.” He lifts my hand and kisses it.

  Continuing to stare at the fire, I imagine what life would be like with Aiden and kids. “I’d love to have kids one day, but I’m scared I’ll be like my parents.”

  “I get it. My dad was my hero. But then things happened, and I was left questioning all the values he taught me.�

  “It’s hard seeing our parents as the fallible people they really are.”

  “You have no idea.” Aiden grabs a handful of popcorn.

  “I don’t want my children to think they aren’t good enough.” I tuck a lock of hair behind my ear.

  He feeds me a piece. “Since we’re aware of these things, maybe we’ll be different with our kids?”

  I look at Aiden quizzically. “Our kids?”

  He pulls back and studies my expression. “Is it okay I said that?”

  “Yeah, I just never heard a guy speak about kids so easily.”

  “I’ve had time to think about what I want in my future.” He peers towards the fire and clears his throat. “Am I in your future?”

  A warm sensation fills my body. “I’d like you to be.”

  Cradling my chin in his palm, he meets my gaze. “Let’s make a pact.”

  “About what?”

  “That we aren’t going to be like our parents.”


  His face nuzzles into my neck, covering my skin with tender kisses. “And for the record, I think you’ll make a great Mum.”

  The fire crackles near our feet.

  I gaze into the flickering, dancing flames. “Aiden, what’s happened between you and your dad?”

  He sighs.

  Maybe I’m asking too much?

  I shake my head. “Sorry. You don’t have to answer. It’s none of my business.”

  “No, it’s fine. I want to tell you about it. It’s been years since I’ve been able to have an honest conversation like this.”

  I find his hand and give it a squeeze.

  Sitting up, he grabs the bottle and refills our glasses. “You have to understand, everyone looked up to my dad. Everywhere I went I was always being told how great he is and how I should be just like him. It was all well and good until I found my dad in a compromising position.”


  Sitting, he flicks his finger at something stuck in the rug. “He was having an affair.”

  An affair? What could I possibly say?

  “It’d been going on for a long time. Years in fact. Somehow, he convinced me to keep his secret, so my mother wouldn’t find out. But the damage was done, and I’d lost respect for him.”

  “How old were you when this happened?”

  “I was in high school.” Lying on his back, he stretches his legs under the blanket. “I couldn’t believe someone so upstanding, who always told me to live an honourable, honest life, could deceive my mother. After that, all I felt was anger. All the time.”

  I roll on my side and stare into his eyes. “Carrying that knowledge around couldn’t have been easy.”

  “I tried to justify it over and over in my mind, trying not to blame him for making a mistake, thinking he must have been lonely while away harvesting or working with the cattle. But then I’d think of my mum and how she must have felt being left alone all the time. And I’d get angry at him and how he could do that to her. I couldn’t let go of that fury for a long time.”

  “This is why you wanted to break free from the family business and do your own thing?”

  Scratching at his chin, he nods. “I was hellbent on it. I didn’t want to be a hypocrite like him. But clearly, I didn’t have the best plan to achieve my goal. It was pretty stupid to think that doing something illegal wouldn’t catch up with me one day.”

  “Things between you and your dad are better now?”

  “When I was arrested, I expected he’d disown me for embarrassing the family name. But he surprised me. He supported me through the whole thing. He even opened up about a few things when he visited me in jail. And after a while, I forgave him.” Sighing, his fingers weave through my unruly hair.

  “That’s good.”

  “It is, but sometimes I struggle. He’s always talking about business and telling me what to do. Like I’m a stupid kid still.” He shakes his head. “I wish he’d see the person who I really am, instead of who he thinks I should be.”

  “You accepted your mistakes and the consequences. Maybe it makes him feel like less of a man because he can’t do the same with his own mistakes? A father never wants to look weak.”

  “But he should apologise for putting me in that position.”

  I tease my fingertips across his arm. “I imagine he must be carrying around a lot of shame, and that would make it hard to say anything.”

  Shrugging, Aiden sucks in his lower lip.

  “Did your mother ever find out about the affair?”


  “So, no one else knew but you?”

  “Only me.” He stares at the dwindling fire.

  I lean against his body, my head resting above his heart.

  The symphony of cicadae outside quiets down while the crackling fire holds our attention. Mesmerised by the flickering flames, we sit quietly in each other’s arms.

  Aiden breaks the silence. “Holly, I’m never going to do that to you.”

  I listen to the beat of his heart.

  I wish I could believe you, but too many men have let me down.

  He smooths my hair, gently pressing my head against his chest.

  My head lifts and falls with the rhythm of his breathing.

  Releasing his hold on me, he inhales sharply. “I just remembered something.”

  I push myself upright. “What is it?”

  “Come with me to bed. I’ve got the best way for us to fall asleep.” He stands, grabs the comforter and pulls me across the room.

  On the bed, I collapse against the downy feather pillows, while he drapes the comforter on top of me.

  Aiden pulls out a book out of his bag. “I thought I could read to you.”

  “Have you always been a romantic?”

  He hops into bed and cuddles up next to me. “You bring it out in me.” Flipping open the book, he begins the first line. “It was the…”


  AFTER A DAY of bushwalking, we head back to our cabin.

  Holding my hand, Aiden teases my palm with his fingertips. “I brought steak and potatoes for dinner. I hope that’s okay?”

  “It’s perfect.”

  Licking his lips, he lowers his chin. “You know what I think would be perfect?” He raises his eyebrows in a quick, suggestive move.


  “You, me and a hot bath after dinner.”

  “Yes, that does sound perfect.”

  Inside, Aiden’s phone rings. He looks at the number and answers it. “Hey, James. How are you?”

  Not rejecting this one?

  Keeping myself busy, I stir the potatoes frying in the pan.

  Aiden leans back against the counter, tilting his head against the phone. “Yeah, we’d love to meet up. What night?” He teases my arm with his index finger, tracing imaginary circles on my skin. “We’ll be there. What else is going on?” His finger hits a ticklish spot.

  I cover my mouth, stifling a giggle.

  Grinning, he shakes his head at me. “That’s a shame. Those guys keep stealing the good ones. He’s a great bloke, but with his missus being pregnant it’d be hard to turn down a job in the mines for all that money. I’ll text you the number of AG Workforce. We’ve used them to find staff for years.” He pauses, shifting on his feet. “Actually, I’m going to be giving them a call myself.”

  Trying to distract Aiden, I kiss the nape of his neck.

  He grabs my backside and squeezes.

  I dip my chin, run my hand up his thigh, and pout seductively.

  “What?” His jaw tightens, and he gently pushes my hand away.

  What’s going on? Aiden never denies my touch.

  “Who said that?” His expression darkens while he listens to James. “That’s not good.” Aiden rubs his temples. “I haven’t noticed anything out of the ordinary. But you know what he’s like. It’s hard to tell what he’s up to.” He frowns. “If he is, he’s a fucking idiot.”

  Who are they ta
lking about?

  Exhaling loudly, he shakes his head. “I’ll see if I can find out anything.” Aiden glances at me with a pained expression. “Thanks for telling me. Yeah, I understand. We can talk later.” He comes close behind me while I stir the potatoes crackling in oil. “Sure thing. Talk later, mate.” Hanging up, he puts his phone down and rubs his eyes.

  “Everything all right?”

  “I’m not sure. There’s a rumour going around about Toddy.” He threads his hand through his hair. “But I don’t want to talk about it tonight.” Covering my hand with his, he helps stir the potatoes. “This is our time.” He leans closer and kisses the nape of my neck.

  What could this rumour be?

  Aiden walks to the steaks on the counter. Twisting a grinder, he sprinkles them with fresh pepper, followed by a bit of salt. “I’m going to put these on the grill.”

  “The steaks are going to go down well after all that exercise.”

  “They sure will.” He winks and picks up the tray of steaks before going outside.

  A brisk draft blows through the kitchen sending goose bumps across my arms.

  AFTER WE FINISH eating, Aiden leans against the table. “Why don’t you wait here, and I’ll get the bath ready?”

  “While you do that, I’ll take care of these dishes.”

  “I’d rather you relax in front of the fire.” He touches my hand. “I can do them later.”

  “No, I want to help.” I take the dishes to the sink while Aiden disappears into the other room.

  A little later, Aiden’s voice rings through the cabin. “Holly, the bath’s ready.”

  Walking into the dim bathroom, I follow a trail of lit candles towards the bubble filled bath. Outside the window, the moon lights the meadow and forest in an ethereal glow as fireflies dart about.

  Aiden chose well. This is heaven on earth.

  The sight of Aiden standing in a towel wrapped low around his waist makes my insides jump for joy. I control my breath to slow the raw emotions rising with every beat of my heart.

  Taking my hand, he guides me closer to the bath. His deft fingers waste no time as he carefully removes each piece of clothing until I’m standing naked before him.

  My fingers run along the line of his lower abs, tickling an enticing path around the top of the towel. Brushing against the thick hairs, I tug the towel loose and let it drop to our feet.


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