Dragon Knight Of Khoth

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Dragon Knight Of Khoth Page 7

by Brenda Trim

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  Chapter 7

  Cambree bit her lower lip as she lifted a finger to the spot behind her ear. It was connected to her communication device, and one-touch allowed her access to any information stored on the small object.

  Why was it so hard to make the call? Lorne said anytime she needed him, not to hesitate. So why were her nerves frayed at the mere thought of calling him? Her eyes went to the square device sitting on her counter. It seemed to stare back, mocking her cowardice. With all the changes in her life, she still struggled with assertiveness. Unfortunately, time was of the essence. She needed some courage, and fast.

  She had a date in five hours, and nothing to wear. Never in her life had she been such a wreck over what she wore. But this date was vastly different than any thus far. She wanted to look her best tonight.

  Her mind wandered to Damien. He was practically all she thought about the past two days. It didn’t help that he sent the occasional message, telling her how excited he was to see her again. Each time his name popped on her screen, she couldn’t help but smile. Her stomach did little flips as she imagined where he might take her, among other things. And, it was a welcomed reprieve to daydream about another male besides Lorne, which reminded Cambree of her present dilemma. Calling the knight.

  She hadn’t seen or heard from Lorne since meeting the mysterious Damien. More than anything, she wanted to put her ridiculous crush for Lorne in the past. He wasn’t attracted to her, and Cambree was tired of fantasizing about him. Damien had shown genuine interest, and she was undeniably drawn to the male. It was a bonus that he wasn’t a Cuelebre dragon, looking to her because she was a Tuya. Cambree might be naïve where males were concerned, but the desire in Damien’s dark eyes was unmistakable. All the more reason to look nice for their date.

  Cambree steeled her spine and took a deep breath then tapped the skin below her ear. “Call Lorne,” she stated.

  Ringing echoed through her skull. Belatedly, she acknowledged she should’ve messaged him instead. Cambree’s heart raced as she scrambled to get her thoughts in order.

  “Cam, everything okay?” Lorne’s deep voice broke through her panic. The sexy timber sent a shiver through her body. With a few snarled words, she was putty in his hands. So much for thinking she was over him.

  “Uh, yeah. Everything’s fine. I…um…okay, this is going to sound weird, but I really need your help this afternoon,” she admitted.

  Cambree’s arms wrapped around her mid-section. This was beyond embarrassing. Shopping for clothes was a job for a best friend, but she didn’t have any close friends. She blamed her social awkwardness on her lack of friends. There was rarely a moment when her head wasn’t buried in a mystery novel or her computer. Not many females wanted to hang out with a social outcast.

  “Weird, huh? Sounds fun,” he replied. She detected the amusement in his voice and couldn’t help but laugh.

  “You might want to hear me out first,” she said, letting her arms fell to her sides as she began to pace the worn circuit in her kitchen. “I have a date tonight, and I need help.”

  “You have a date?” Lorne blurted. Was that a hint of jealousy she detected? Nah, couldn’t be, she amended. That was wishful thinking on her part.

  There was silence for several seconds, and she wondered if the call was dropped. Just as she was going to try calling again, Lorne said, “If Finn is off tonight, I can make sure he gets called in.” Yeah, he definitely wasn’t jealous.

  “Ugh,” she sighed and flopped onto her couch. She hoped to hide how pathetic she was from Lorne, but she couldn’t stop now. “Finn will be here for my date, but I need an outfit, and I don’t want him coming with me.”

  “You want me to go shopping with you?” The shock was unmistakable in Lorne’s voice, and it made her wince.

  “Yes, I need a male’s opinion, and well, Finn’s taste is––” Cambree trailed off as she tried to find the appropriate word.

  “Slutty,” he interjected.

  “Exactly. So, can you help?” Cambree asked, and knew she sounded desperate. Oh, well, that wasn’t a far stretch from the truth.

  Lorne growled a curse, and Cambree instantly regretted the phone call. He didn’t want to be bothered with her mundane clothing issues. “You know what? Never mind. I shouldn’t have call––“

  “I’ll be there in five minutes. Stay in your apartment until I arrive,” he ordered then ended the call.

  Okay, that was a little rude, but she wasn’t going to complain. Cambree sent a silent thank you to the Gods then went to the sofa and sat down, thinking about where she wanted to look first for an outfit. She slipped on her loafers then walked to the bedroom.

  As she walked down the hallway, she couldn’t help but think how much she loved her home. It was her sanctuary and was still a safe place. One benefit of having an overprotective father was living in a secured building. It meant she could relax and be herself without the Tuya-obsessed males invading her privacy. It was bad enough they impacted every other part of her life.

  No sooner had she grabbed her purse than a knock sounded at her door. That was fast, she mused as she hurried and opened the wood panel.

  “Did you forget everything I taught you?” scowled Lorne. Ignoring his harsh words, Cambree stepped into the hallway and locked her front door. When she turned, furious green eyes pinned her in place.

  “Of course I remember,” she huffed “but, one, I was expecting you, and two, no one can get inside my building without a key. I’m surprised Jeffrey buzzed you inside.”

  “Jeffrey and I have an understanding,” he divulged, and turned on his heel, prowling toward the elevator at the end of the hall. “Anyone can get in here if they really want to. Don’t ever forget that.”

  She saluted him with two fingers on her forehead. “Yes, sir.”

  Lorne’s lip twitched as he pressed the button for the bottom floor and shook his head. Cambree’s call had taken him completely by surprise. He never expected to earn her trust again, let alone accompany her while shopping. They were in a department store the day he failed her so miserably.

  Cambree graced him with a smile that didn’t hint at reticence or mistrust. He had no idea why she called him, but he didn’t hesitate to accept her request. This was his chance to prove he could protect her. He immediately dropped everything and came running.

  “How did you get here so fast? I barely had time to put my shoes on.”

  Lorne glanced over at her as they exited her building. “I was on my way to the castle,” he replied but didn’t tell her the reason why. He planned on talking to Angus about reinstating him as Cambree’s bodyguard. Finn wasn’t taking it seriously, and Cambree deserved better.

  Lorne glanced to the sky when they stepped onto the sidewalk. The haze finally cleared from the air, leaving a fresh, clean scent. After the attack at the marketplace, they burned the bodies of the Unseelie which polluted everything. He noticed ash still clung to the upper floors of the buildings. They needed a good rainstorm to wash away the ugly reminder of what happened in their city.

  “Oh. I hope it wasn’t something important,” Cam replied as they strolled side by side.

  “Don’t worry about it. Your safety comes first,” Lorne admitted and contemplated his next question.

  He watched Cambree enough to know she hadn’t returned to Dahlia’s since the attack. She loved shopping there, and he hated that fear kept her from going back. He blamed himself for that, too.

  “So, you ready to tackle Dahlia’s?” he asked and rubbed the back of his neck.

  Lorne watched her slender throat as she swallowed hard and grimaced. Her eyes narrowed and her full lips pursed, making him wish he hadn’t broached the issue. He opened his mouth to suggest another store when she whispered, “I’m ready. I can do this. After all, it’s my favorite store.”

  “Atta girl. I’ve got your back,” he promised and grabbed her arm, lacing it through his. He admired her courage. This would be difficult f
or anyone, and she was facing her demon head on.

  “You better,” Cambree replied with a shaky laugh as they approached the entrance to Dahlia’s.

  With his hand on the latch, Lorne paused outside the door and met her gaze. “Always,” he muttered and leaned closer.

  The air immediately thickened between them as he stared intensely into faceted brown eyes. In the sunlight, Cambree’s dark brown orbs sparkled like chocolate diamonds, and Lorne couldn’t stop staring at them. Dragons were drawn to jewels and shiny objects, but this was different. He found himself studying her other features, as well. Like the small spray of freckles across her nose, and her perfectly-shaped mouth. It was all he could do not to take her in his arms, and kiss her.

  Cambree flushed and looked away, making her soft black curls bounce on her shoulders. She was embarrassed, and it was cute as hell.

  Lorne chuckled and held open the door. She hurried past him and headed toward the section in the back. Well, that was one way to get her inside the store. At least she wasn’t thinking about her abduction anymore. He, on the other hand, couldn’t stop staring at her hips swaying in front of him.

  Get a grip, asshole. You said she was like a sister.

  Lorne shook off his thoughts and focused on the task at hand. Shopping. He watched as she rummaged through the racks of clothes, gathering several items as she went. Arms loaded, Cambree headed for the dressing room. Her feet suddenly stopped in the doorway as she stared down the hall of doors.

  Lorne walked over and placed his hand at the small of her back. He could feel her body tremble as he watched terror fill her eyes.

  “We can go someplace else,” he suggested and trailed his hand up her back, rubbing circles.

  “No. I’m here. I’m doing this. I just wish I wasn’t terrified,” she whispered as she clutched the garments.

  It took great courage to admit her fear, and take the first step toward a dressing room. Lorne wasn’t lying when he told her she was brave. Unfortunately, she didn’t see it. Her insecurities far outweighed her confidence, and Lorne wished she could see what he saw.

  Once her feet took the first step, Cambree hurried into the first room and shut the door.

  “I’ll be right here. I’m not going anywhere,” Lorne reassured Cam. “So, tell me about this date.”

  “His name is Damien, and he’s not a dragon, which is wonderful. He’s actually attracted to me,” she informed, and Lorne heard the rustle of clothing.

  Moments later, he heard the click of the handle. When Cambree stepped out of the dressing room, Lorne forced his jaw to remain shut.

  “What do you think about this one?” Cambree asked.

  “It’s…” Lorne paused and cleared his throat. “It’s tight.”

  Grimacing, she looked down and ran her hands over curves he hadn’t seen before. How had he missed this? Probably because most days she wore loose blouses and below-the-knee skirts. Her hourglass figure called to every part of Lorne, and his dragon roared its approval.

  Sister or not, you need to hit that, his dragon demanded.

  “Crap. You’re right,” Cam blurted and snagged Lorne’s attention. She dashed back into the room, and more rustling followed. “I should stick to what I normally wear. I just wanted to look nice for Damien,” she admitted then stepped out of the small room again.

  This time, she wore a red dress. It complimented her curves without screaming sex me. The contrast of her dark hair and eyes against the crimson fabric was stunning.

  “Wow,” he croaked as she spun in a circle. “That’s definitely the one,” Lorne divulged. Part of him wanted to demand she wore a potato sack because she looked a little too good in that number. This Damien couldn’t possibly be good enough for her.

  “Yeah?” she asked enthusiastically.

  He could tell she was excited about her date. He’d never seen her so giddy. It bothered him, but it shouldn’t. Lorne knew Cambree would be safe once she found a mate, so he should be ecstatic over the prospect. So, why was he tempted to drag her back to her house and lock her inside so that no one could have her?

  Lorne nodded, and Cambree clapped her hands. “Yay. I can’t wait to see him. Where do you think we’ll go?” she rattled, and he could tell she was in her own little world. “Oh, I hope he’s my first kiss!” she exclaimed then gasped. Cambree quickly placed her hand over her mouth, telling him she hadn’t meant to say that last part out loud.

  What? She’d never been kissed? Jealousy surged bright at the thought of this Damien being given a gift beyond measure. There was only one first kiss, and for some absurd reason, Lorne wanted to be Cambree’s.

  Cambree rushed back into the dressing room and slammed the door. She was so caught up in her excitement about her date, the words flew from her mouth before she could stop them. She was mortified. Now, Lorne knew how pathetic she really was.

  “I can’t believe you’ve never been kissed,” Lorne said from the other side of the door.

  “Well, it’s true,” Cambree muttered and sat down on the bench inside the dressing room. She buried her face in her hands and held back the scream trapped in her throat.

  Oh, how she wanted to crawl in a hole and die. Why did she ask Lorne to go shopping with her? At least if she’d confessed her secret to Finn, she wouldn’t feel like a complete idiot. Finn would probably make a joke about it, and go on with the conversation. This awkward moment was pure torture.

  “Cam, come out of the dressing room.”

  “No,” she muttered.


  Cambree considered her options. Go out and face the music, or hide in the room until he left. Lorne would never leave her there alone. She could call Finn to the rescue, but then she’d have more explaining to do. And, more importantly, she needed to go home and get ready for her date.

  Sighing, she stood and opened the door. The sexy knight was leaning against the opposite wall, smirking. Actually smirking. Suddenly, she wanted to slap his smug face. Cambree straightened her shoulders and met his gaze.

  “Look, it’s no big deal. Truth is, I’ve had several opportunities, but none have interested me. I really like Damien, and just wish I knew what I was doing.” Cambree confessed.

  She wasn’t lying. She had lots of kissing opportunities since she became a Tuya. But none of the males had the look in their eyes she’d dreamt about her entire life. All she ever wanted was to be everything to her male. To mean more to him than anything in the universe. To share a love like that of the king and his queen. She wanted the fairytale.

  “I could help you,” Lorne muttered, and Cambree thought she might faint. “That way, you’ll be prepared when it does happen,” he added.

  “You want to kiss me?” she asked as her heart raced in her chest. More than anything she wanted to be kissed by Lorne. What she didn’t want was a pity kiss.

  “Yes. Your first kiss shouldn’t be with some douche dick,” Lorne growled.

  “He’s not a douche dick,” she defended. “He’s handsome and intelligent, and very sex––.” Cambree’s speech was cut short when Lorne grabbed her hand, pulling her against the hard planes of his chest.

  Before Cambree could react, Lorne’s hands were on her hips as he hovered over. His broad shoulders felt like a canopy and surrounded her like a security blanket. He stood motionless, staring into her eyes. She was instantly hypnotized, and at his mercy. After several deep breaths, he pulled back. The debate in his eyes was undeniable. For a split second, Cambree thought he changed his mind about kissing her, but then his arms slid around her waist. Worms wriggled in her belly while her lips tingled in anticipation. Her body warmed, and she held her breath in anticipation.

  Lorne slowly lifted her chin with his finger, so their lips were scant inches apart. His hot breath puffed against her flesh and she swore she was going to die if he didn’t make a move.

  He remained poised over her, close to her mouth, but didn’t kiss her. The tension in his body ratcheted hers to a nuclear l
evel. She wondered if it was from the desire to taste her or if he was fighting the urge to walk away. She struggled to believe that he found her attractive. She wasn’t his type.

  Nervous, Cambree shifted her stance, and it brought her body closer to his. She froze when she felt a hard bulge press against her stomach. She might be inexperienced, but she knew that meant he was aroused. At least the attraction was mutual, she thought as she stared at luscious lips.

  Finally, Lorne lowered his head and gently pressed his lips to hers. It was soft and slow, and she relished the feel of his mouth against hers. He tasted like the outdoors. Fresh, like air, and musky like the earth. It called to her inner dragon in a way she’d never felt before.

  Cambree couldn’t believe Lorne was kissing her. How had this happened? One minute they were shopping for clothes, and the next they were locked in an intimate embrace.

  What an incredible first kiss.

  She thought it would be a fleeting moment, and end as quickly as it began, but when she started to pull away, Lorne’s hand slid to the base of her neck and kept her close. His breath heaved, and Cambree melded into his strong embrace. She savored the gentle caress of his lips and craved more.

  Suddenly, Lorne’s mouth crashed down on hers with a brutal force. It was apparent by his groan that he couldn’t curtail his reaction. Her dragon rose to the surface as his woodsy flavor exploded across her taste buds. Cambree gasped, and his tongue licked its way inside her mouth. It slid against hers in a delicious dance she never wanted to end.

  Cambree couldn’t stop the moan that escaped her throat as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulled him closer and opened herself more to the kiss. Lorne cupped her face with one hand as his other grabbed her bottom. He squeezed the soft flesh and tugged her against his groin. She could feel the hard length, and it teased the womanly area between her thighs.

  Never had Cambree felt such pleasure. She clenched against the ache between her legs as wetness flooded her panties. She thought she would combust any second from Lorne’s consuming kiss. Her need was at an all-time high, and far worse than her heat cycle.


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