Dragon Knight Of Khoth

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Dragon Knight Of Khoth Page 9

by Brenda Trim

  Ayil watched each of the archangels as they listened to his brother detail the battle they encountered and its aftermath. Camael’s black wings fluttered behind his back, and his blue eyes narrowed when Abraxos spoke. Camael was a newly-appointed archangel, and he came to the position with a fuckton of history.

  Rumor had it that when he was appointed as the leader to the Angels of Retribution, it was as a punishment for breaking one of the rules. Ayil couldn’t imagine what the angel could have done. Many said he fell in love with a demon while others claimed it was a human female and he’d given her water from the river of life so he wouldn’t lose her to death.

  Watching him now, Ayil wondered if he had fallen for a demon. Granted, it wasn’t as scandalous anymore, considering Ramiel fell in love with Zakara, a Fallen Angel. She earned her way back into heaven, which opened the door for possibilities. Many angels talked about the idea of reuniting with a loved one that fled to the Underworld after the Great War.

  “Then our path is not clear,” Camael added and crossed his thick arms over his chest. He looked the oldest of the group with his salt and pepper hair, but the truth was that reflected his journey, not his age.

  Ayil wondered if his new charges caused his hair to go grey and lines to appear on his face. It couldn’t be easy dealing with several dozen assholes like Ramiel. Every AOR had an ax to grind, and Ayil would bet controlling them was no easy feat.

  “Of course it’s clear,” Raphael growled. “We cannot allow demons to take possession of a powerful race like the Phoenixes. There would be little stopping Lucifer from taking over after that. It’s bad enough he is no longer imprisoned in the lake.”

  Michael shook his head, and his shoulder-length blond hair shifted with the movement. “He might be free, but the Goddess Morrigan’s creatures have him bound to the Underworld. No matter how hard he tries he cannot leave unless he consumes her power.”

  “He nearly had that when he kidnapped that poor child,” Metatron added.

  The beefy archangel looked more like an oversized rabid bear with his bushy beard and unruly brown hair, but children were his domain. He and his angels looked after the children of earth and had joined them in more than one battle recently due to the demons targeting the young. The angels weren’t responsible for supernatural kids, but that didn’t stop them from looking for loopholes and ways to save them, too.

  “Our influence is limited with the sups. Only if they share human blood, like Izzy, can we become involved. You know that,” Michael reminded the other archangel.

  “It’s time that changed,” Metatron said. “The demons are taking too many.”

  Michael nodded his head and sat forward, leaning on his elbows and taking up a significant portion of the massive marble table. The archangel’s presence took over the room.

  “Agreed, but that is a matter for another day. Right now, we have the issue of the Phoenix clan to address,” Michael intoned.

  Ayil wished there was an easy answer to that one, but it wasn’t clear-cut.

  Azrael’s silver eyes swirled and his face tensed as he saw something no one else was privy to. When his head lowered, Ayil’s gut clenched. The stiff set to his white wings meant something fucking horrific was on the horizon.

  Ayil had seen the archangel like this one other time about seventy-five years ago when six million Jewish people were imprisoned and killed by one crazy leader’s order. None of them would ever forget the horror of that time. Angels were overwhelmed, and their hands were tied. Demons weren’t involved so they couldn’t eliminate the evil bastard responsible.

  Angels lived by one cardinal rule. Never harm humans. They were God’s pride and joy. His greatest creation. And, it was their duty to protect them.

  There were few exceptions to the cardinal rule and only a couple times Ayil remembered them taking direct action to either give humans the intelligence they needed, or killed individuals before they caused too much death and destruction.

  “Inaction on our part will lead to suffering and death. That we cannot allow,” Azrael informed the group after he came out of his trance-like state. “But, killing the innocent is not the solution. That will work against our goals as it leaves an indelible mark that makes an area ripe for a permanent crossover.”

  “That’s because of the scars such action leaves on the earth itself,” the archangel Arianna added in her singsong voice.

  Ayil liked the small female with her classic thick braid positioned over her shoulder. Her eyes were the blue of a clear sky, and nearly as remote.

  The archangels went back and forth, and Ayil wanted to scream. This debate was getting them nowhere. They each shared how the incident was felt through their domain, but no one had a solution.

  The image of deep-red hair blowing in the wind distracted Ayil from the ineffective arguing.


  The female had a name that stood out and was as unique as she was. He recalled the way her light brown eyes glowed with her anger. He wondered if she was still with the clan. She made it clear she didn’t agree with the leaders and took off into the night. Ayil also remembered the way she glared at him, even after he protected her. Why did she hate his kind?

  He couldn’t stop thinking about her long legs and full breasts. Careful, he cautioned. Sprouting an erection in the Hall of Reckoning would raise eyebrows and questions he didn’t want to answer.

  It was the most inappropriate time to be thinking about sex. No one would bat an eye if it were his brother, Abraxos. Hell, it was expected from him. He was known to bed almost every female he came across.

  Light flickered in the braziers adorning the white marble columns. Ayil understood the white marble but had always wondered why the sweet scent of roses permeated the room. It had to be the influence of the female archangels, he surmised.

  Coincidentally, Ayil realized Arianna was getting the discussion back on target. Thank fuck for the females, he thought. The archangels could debate issues to death.

  “This is going nowhere. We need to outline what we agree on and go from there,” Arianna informed.

  Michael sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “You’re right, Arianna. Every second we waste during this meeting means more demons slip through the cracks. We all agree innocents should not be killed, the land must be consecrated, and the portals closed. This will require us to leave Heaven and take care of this matter.”

  Ayil stared at his boss and barely held his mouth closed. Had Michael lost his mind? Leave Heaven? This situation must be dire if it required their power.

  “Abraxos, you take your brothers and secure the cooperation of the Phoenix clan. We want to avoid any more bloodshed, if possible,” Michael ordered then stood with the rest of the archangels. “We need them clear of their land in two hours. Assure them they can return once we are finished.”

  “Yes, sir,” Abraxos muttered and turned to leave the hall.

  Anticipation bubbled in Ayil’s blood. He was going to see Kennex again.

  “Why should we listen to you? You killed several of our clan,” an older Phoenix snarled at Ayil and his brothers.

  Upon their arrival, Ayil and the others found themselves in the throes of a meeting, and more chaos. The Phoenix’s leader was dead, and no one was willing to listen to any suggestions until a new leader was chosen. Like most species, they couldn’t decide on who their next leader should be.

  Ayil stood back and absently listened as he searched for Kennex. A flash of red caught the corner of his eye. He turned his head and his breath caught in his throat. She was more beautiful than he recalled. And, she held herself apart as she leaned against the wall with her arms crossed.

  His mouth watered at the sight of her breasts spilling from the top of her shirt. They would overflow his hands, and he imagined her naked and writhing beneath him as she screamed his name. Ayil shook off the lustful thoughts and turned away from temptation. They were on a mission, and he needed to get his act together. Fantasizing about a Phoenix
wasn’t his priority.

  “Why can’t you act like every other species and fight this shit out?” Araton wondered aloud. Ayil winced at his brother’s suggestion. He doubted Michael would appreciate encouraging even more violence amongst the Phoenixes.

  “Fuck you, angel,” a male Phoenix spat. “You killed our council, and now we’re in this mess because of you three assholes.”

  “We saved your sorry asses, and we stopped the archangels from annihilating every last one of your clan,” Araton snarled and lunged for the male.

  Ayil was moving before his brother made it two steps. He grabbed Araton by the arms and held him back.

  “What my brother is trying to say is that the portal your leader summoned to allow the demons through is still open. Not only is your entire clan at risk of attack by lesser demons, but higher-level demons can also try to take possession of your bodies, as well. You see, we may have stopped the ritual, but they opened a door we can’t close without an archangel’s help.”

  “So, unless you want to travel the highway straight to fucking Hell,” Abraxos gritted, “you will cooperate with us.”

  A murmur went through the crowd, and a couple of females joined Kennex at the side of the room. The fear among the people was cloying. Further proof that no one in the room agreed to the ritual.

  The mouthy older male stopped his approach, and his eyes went wide. “What do you mean the portal is still open? Could one of us be possessed right now?” Terror spread like wildfire through the group as the severity of their actions sank in.

  “It’s entirely possible, and if someone has been dominated, they need our help to survive. What the demons didn’t tell you is that you cannot survive unless the archangel Raphael assists in the banishment. He can heal the physical body,” Abraxos explained.

  Ayil snorted. He’d left out a significant piece of information with that explanation. Even Raphael struggled to keep the possessed from losing their minds. Then again, there was no need to add to the panic in the room.

  “I heard a fight at your house last night, Sterling. Was that you fighting with your parents again?” Kennex asked from her perch against the wall.

  The young male in question narrowed his eyes at Kennex then averted his gaze to a male and female Ayil assumed was his mother and father. The way Sterling shifted from foot to foot and scratched at his arm had Ayil on alert. He quickly nudged his brother, and they stepped closer to the male.

  Those closest to the trio backed away slowly and remained quiet. Ayil understood the reasoning. This male was highly unstable. The question was whether it was because he was possessed by a demon or due to something else.

  “Mind your own business, bitch,” Sterling said through clenched teeth and made a move toward Kennex. Ayil and Araton stepped in front of the male, stopping him in his tracks. One touch and they would know why the kid was an asshole.

  “Show your elders some respect,” Ayil demanded. “If you’re causing problems at home, it’s everyone must intervene. Haven’t you heard the term it takes a village?”

  “My brother’s nicer than I am,” Araton blurted, and fast as lightning, he grabbed the kid’s throat. Smoke poured from where Araton touched Sterling, and the young male’s back arched as he screamed in pain.

  His parents lunged for their son and screamed, “Stop! You’re killing him.”

  Abraxos intervened and held his hand up to the rest of the group. “His skin is burning because angelic Light is deadly to demons. Araton will let him go before he kills him, but we need two strong individuals to restrain him. Raphael will be here soon.”

  “How do we make sure no one else is possessed?” a frightened female asked.

  “Allow us to touch you. Stop those that try to run, and we will test them, as well. We will need some of you to remain behind and help with any that are possessed, but the rest of you will need to leave until the archangels finish consecrating your lands,” Ayil explained.

  Araton brushed against the two males that took Sterling into their grasp while the rest of the clan formed lines in front of the three of them to be tested. Three more were identified as being possessed before Kennex reached Ayil in his line.

  She kept her back to him as she waited with her friends. Ayil had to force his mind to focus on what he was doing, but he couldn’t stop looking at her. When it was her turn, she spun around and met his gaze. Ayil’s world tilted as he stared at the most beautiful female he’d ever seen.

  “Thank you for bringing attention to Sterling,” Ayil stated as he grasped her hands. Relief swamped when he didn’t feel the presence of a demon.

  “I didn’t do it for you,” she snapped and jerked her hand from his. “Are we done here?” she added and stepped back, crossing her arms. The same hatred Ayil saw before rose to the surface. Flames filled her golden-brown eyes and threatened to burn him alive if given a chance.

  Ayil nodded and watched the female as she walked away. When she reached the doorway, she turned and looked at him. She said something, but he couldn’t make out her exact words. If Ayil wasn’t mistaken, she mouthed, “You will die.”

  * * *

  Chapter 10

  Lorne soared through the night air as anger, frustration, and worry pulsed through his dragon without pause. After waiting at Cambree’s building for a few hours, he gave up when she didn’t return home. What made matters worse was that he called Caleb a dozen times before the male finally answered.

  While Lorne was relieved to hear Cambree went to her parent’s house, it irritated him that Caleb didn’t recall anything specific about her date. All the knight said was she reported having a good time, and that she was safe. Lorne wanted to reach through his communication device and strangle Caleb but knew that would be a giant red flag. It wasn’t Lorne’s business to know the minute details of Cambree’s personal life.

  For the better part of an hour, Lorne fought the urge to go to Cambree’s parent’s house and check on her. This whole mess with the female was making his overactive mind conjure all kinds of scenarios, and taking his emotions on an endless roller coaster. It was dizzying as fuck, so he took to the sky to clear his head.

  Lorne dug deep and examined his feelings for Cambree. When had his affection for her turned to desire? Life would be simpler if his initial impression of the female remained the same. He chided himself for his indifference toward her. He knew better then most that things were rarely as they seemed at first.

  Cambree was so much more than the timid, insecure female he met a few months ago. At first, it irritated Lorne how she let others push her around, but now he found her shyness endearing. She was fragile, but not in the way he initially viewed her. She was delicate, like a flower blooming for the first time. A harsh wind, rain, or temperature could cause her to wither, but if given the ideal conditions, he knew Cambree would thrive. Lorne wanted to protect her from the cruelties of the world, and watch her blossom into the most beautiful creature on Khoth.

  It was absurd for him to think that way, but after kissing Cambree, everything changed. He doubted he would ever see her like a little sister needing protection. Now, Lorne saw an enticing creature he craved in every way.

  He couldn’t help but wonder about her date with Damien. What if the male kissed her, as well? And worse, what if she enjoyed it? The memory of her lips was branded on Lorne’s brain, yet Damien could’ve swept Cambree off her feet, eradicating the memory of her first kiss forever.

  Fuck, would you put her out of your mind? he chastised and increased his speed to the point the world below became a giant blur.

  Suddenly, the scent of Unseelie magic assaulted his nostrils, and reminded Lorne of what he smelled earlier that night, only this time it was much stronger. There was something about it that wasn’t right, and he considered alerting Legette or Angus. The problem was that Lorne had no idea what it was and questioned if it was just paranoia, resulting from his misguided jealousy over Cambree and Damien. He decided against causing unnecessary alarm at th
e castle until he knew for certain.

  Stop this insanity, and get your head straight! he shouted in his mind.

  Movement below caught his eye, and he slowed speed. Hovering in the air, he flapped his massive wings and glanced around, but didn’t see anything.

  The large star-shaped leaves on the trees shielded most of the ground from his view, but he swore he saw a glint of red in the branches. If it was Red Caps, they were too fucking close to Heqet for his liking.

  The flap of his wings made it impossible to sneak up on anything. Flying lower, Lorne tried to see more, but couldn’t. The stench intensified, and there was no mistaking the power signature. Unseelie were close which was very bad.

  They were about fifty miles from the city, and about fifteen from the border. Centuries before, when Lorne became a Máahes, there was barely a hint of Unseelie in their realm. The Cuelebre ruled over several large cities throughout Khoth, and the royal family had a palace in each one.

  When Angus went in search of Keira and was exiled from the realm, the Unseelie slowly took over the city Osiris. It was once a thriving metropolis filled with dragons and various creatures. Now, the city was a wasteland, and more of the surrounding land was lost to Buggane and Red Caps every year. It was only in the past couple of years that the Cuelebre started to take back what belonged to them.

  Lorne’s preoccupation cost him as an arrow sailed through the air, and stuck in the sensitive membrane of his wing where it connected to his back. It was one of the few vulnerable spots on a dragon. The wound began as a discomfort but quickly changed to a burning sensation. Lorne’s dragon bellowed as the pain worsened. Flapping hard, Lorne tried to rise into the sky and get away from whatever shot the arrow.


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