by AmyJ
Chapter Thirty-Six
As planned, the Bennet family descended on Arryndale the day before
Elizabeth's debut dinner.
The reunion was met with clashing emotions - excitement, dread, and an
unexplained nervousness. Elizabeth was not blind to the faults of her family -
namely how taxing her mother and youngest sisters could be when excited -
but she loved them nonetheless. She was anxious to show them, especially her father and Jane, how happy she was. And despite enjoying her time with Darcy, she had to admit she had missed her family.
Standing at the front doors, waiting for the Bennet equipage to arrive, it was all she could do to contain her excitement. By the time the carriage door opened, she could hardly stand still.
"Go on," Darcy whispered.
The words were like opening the door to an animal's cage. All thoughts of
presenting herself as a lady of high society were gone, and she flew down the steps of the house and threw her arms around her father.
Behind her, Darcy followed at a more reserved pace. After Mr. Bennet released his daughter, Darcy bowed respectfully and welcomed him to Arryndale.
Mr. Bennet barely had time to return the greeting before Mrs. Bennet could be seen in the doorway of the carriage. "Mrs. Darcy!" she cried, taking her husband's hand to step down. "How well that sounds." She pulled Elizabeth into a tight embrace, and then set her aside to view the house. "Oh my!" she gasped. "How many windows? Why there must be thirty or forty at least."
All at once, the elation of seeing her family again vanished, and Elizabeth sent her eyes skyward in a silent prayer. Her prayer was evidently not to be
immediately answered, as a crass outcry about the Darcy wealth from Lydia
made Elizabeth flush in embarrassment.
Preferring to keep future such outbursts private, Elizabeth led her family into the house. Thankfully, the grandeur of the home had most of them too much in awe to say anything, and the silence continued as the Bennets were led to their rooms to refresh themselves.
A half hour later, everyone had gathered in the primary drawing room.
Unfortunately, by then, Mrs. Bennet's silent appraisal of Arryndale had turned more vociferous, and she insisted on an immediate tour of the grand house.
Though tea service had been ordered, Elizabeth decided it best to concede to her mother's wishes. If she was fortunate, her mother's seemingly endless
commentary would be expended by the end of the tour, and her husband and
new sister would be spared most of the vulgarities.
Arryndale was an impressive home. Indeed, at times, even Elizabeth had
trouble believing that she was mistress of it all. Still, she struggled to bear her mother's and sister's comments with equanimity. Apparently nothing in the
house matched Mrs. Bennet's sense of style, and she was quick to voice
suggestions. "Certainly a man of Mr. Darcy's means can afford Brussels lace for the windows. The covering for that chaise is simply dreadful; puce would be much more fashionable."
Whether or not Elizabeth agreed with the current mode of fashion, she did a tolerable job in assuring her mother she would consider all of her
recommendations, and had heard every last effusion. That was, until they made their way through the portrait gallery.
In truth, Elizabeth had not intended to make a show of the gallery, given her family would not recognize any faces, but Mrs. Bennet had other ideas. Though the connection was new, and only through marriage, Mrs. Bennet insisted on
seeing this line of her relations.
So, full of apprehension, Elizabeth guided her mother and sisters through the room. She did her best to provide enlightening history, but she was unfamiliar with most of them, and therefore could say little. Unfortunately, Mrs. Bennet was never one for long silences, and therefore felt incumbent to provide her own commentary. Elizabeth was grateful she had the foresight of leaving her husband to entertain her father, because Mrs. Bennet seemed intent on finding fault with all of the Darcy relations.
"The poor man," Mrs. Bennet tutted, nearing the end of the line of paintings.
"His wife was not very attractive. She must have had a large dowry. What I could do for you girls with such a dowry." She beamed proudly at Elizabeth's white cap. "I suppose with Lizzy so well married now, it is less important now."
In Mrs. Bennet's defence, she did not know she was speaking of Lady Anne
Darcy, having met the lady only a few times when Elizabeth was just a toddler.
Nor could Mrs. Bennet know the likeness had been taken after the lady had
fallen ill. But even taking all this into account, Elizabeth found herself furious at her mother. Why could her mother not be more gracious? It was as if by
criticizing the Darcy ancestors, Mrs. Benent's own status would be uplifted.
Elizabeth did her best to hide her distress, but was relieved when shortly
thereafter, her mother declared the tour over, and herself too fatigued for tea.
After seeing her sisters and mother to their rooms, Elizabeth sought out the comfort of her husband. Without knocking, Elizabeth entered Darcy's study,
and availed herself to his comforting embrace.
"My Beth, whatever is the matter?" Darcy consoled, holding his wife close. He was met with silence.
"Fitzwilliam," Elizabeth implored, finally. "What are we going to do?"
"Perhaps if you could tell me what has you upset, I might find a solution."
"She does not mean to be so cruel, but why must she say anything at all?"
"Who has said what? Are you speaking of your mother?"
Elizabeth nodded, without lifting her head from Darcy's chest. "There is simply no accounting for her tongue. What if she says something uncouth at the dinner or the ball?"
For a moment, Darcy said nothing. He had similar concerns, but had kept them to himself. His wife's current state of distress did not make this the appropriate time either though. "It will be well, dearest. Your mother is just a bit excited.
By tomorrow, she will walk about the house as if she owns it, as if she has been a Darcy relation all her life."
"But..." Darcy silenced her by placing a finger against her lips, and guided her over to the settee. After settling Elizabeth on his lap, he said, "Your aunt and uncle Gardiner will be here for the dinner and ball. They have proven very
adept at taming your mother's excesses. Do you not agree?"
Elizabeth nodded, and murmured something about speaking with her aunt.
After a few more minutes of silence, Darcy suggested Elizabeth take a rest
before preparing for dinner.
Once Elizabeth had retired to her rooms, Darcy went in search of Mr. Bennet.
No one was permitted to upset his wife, not even her mother, without
consequences, especially on this occasion.
Predictably, he found Mr. Bennet in the library, engrossed in a book. He gently cleared his throat to gain the elder man's attention.
"Ah, Darcy. I hope you do not mind, I helped myself to some of your
restorative." He nodded to glass of sherry on the table beside him.
"Not at all," Darcy replied. He took a seat across from Mr. Bennet. "The ladies have all retired to their rooms for the remainder of the afternoon."
Mr. Bennet shrugged and nodded. Then realizing ladies included Elizabeth, he asked, "Is Lizzy well? It is not like her to require an afternoon rest."
Darcy bit down on the retort that was on the tip of his tongue; he was well aware of his wife's habits. "She will be fine. I am afraid this morning's...
excitement... has upset her." He pointedly stared down the other man,
conveying the import of his words.
Mr. Bennet only chuckled. "Lizzy is used to dealing with her mother. There is no cause for concern."
"On the contrary, Mr. Bennet. I have just spent the last twent
y minutes consoling your daughter after some remarks made by your wife." Darcy slowly simmered at the man's quick dismissal of his wife's gauche behaviour. "Mr.
Bennet, I do my best not interfere with another man's affairs. However, when they affect my own family, I can not idly sit by. I will ask you to control your wife's behaviour, for Elizabeth's sake."
Mr. Bennet predictably flushed in anger. "You mean for your sake, Mr. Darcy.
My daughters may be the silliest in all of England, and my wife may be
loquacious, but Lizzy has never been ashamed of them. I never thought you to be the type to hide behind your wife."
"Sir, these next few days are very important to Elizabeth, and admittedly myself. But I sought you out on behalf of your... my wife. Elizabeth has worked very hard over the last few months to ensure that tomorrow's dinner and the ball are successful. I will not permit those efforts to be in vain."
Mr. Bennet snorted dismissively, "Mrs. Bennet takes some getting used to, but Lizzy has learned to ignore most of what her mother says."
"Elizabeth should not have to make such efforts, sir, especially in her own home."
"What is it you are asking, Mister Darcy? Shall I pack up my family and return to Longbourn? Would that please you? What excuse shall I give my daughter?"
"I am not asking that at all. My wife's family will always be welcome both at Arryndale and Pemberley. I simply hoped you could impart the importance of
the next two days on your wife, and ask her to be a bit more reserved in her manner of expression."
"Very well," Mr. Bennet sighed heavily in resignation. "I shall speak to Mrs.
Bennet. Will there be anything else?"
Darcy hesitated a moment, but then brought up the subject of the two youngest Bennet girls. Mr. Bennet agreed that since they were not of an age to be out in London society, they would remain above stairs with Georgiana on both
In an attempt to smooth things over, Darcy offered Mr. Bennet one of his finest cigars, and suggested a chess game. By the time they parted to prepare for
dinner, the two were at least on amicable ground once again.
It turned out that Darcy's intuit regarding Mrs. Bennet's state of awe had been correct. By the time dinner rolled around, the matron's effusions had
diminished, and she had become much more interested in taking advantage of
her fine accommodations than professing her opinion on them.
Elizabeth was intrigued by the change in her mother, and even more so by the occasional pointed looks exchanged between her husband and father. Wanting
nothing more than a pleasant evening with her family though, Elizabeth did not question the behaviour until she was alone again with Darcy.
"I am sorry, Fitzwilliam." Elizabeth said, as they shared a nightcap in his rooms.
"What ever for, dearest?"
"For my silly display this afternoon. I should not have let my mother affect me so."
"So long as you do not go about crying for salts, I believe I can forgive you."
Elizabeth slapped at him playfully.
"You were correct; she was much more subdued at dinner tonight." She looked up at him. "Though I could not help but wonder if someone had said something to her." Her arched brow asked the question.
Darcy kissed her forehead. "I believe the saying goes, ‘Do not look a gift horse in the mouth.'"
"Fitzwilliam!" Elizabeth scolded. "You did say something!"
"How could I not, after seeing you so upset?" He attempted to distract her with a nibble on her wrist, but the curious look in her eye told him he was
unsuccessful. "I spoke with your father this afternoon. I only wished him to understand the effort you put in to planning this occasion."
"Was he very angry? What did he say?"
Darcy relayed the essence of his conversation with Mr. Bennet, leaving out the emotional outbursts on both sides.
Elizabeth wanted to be angry at him for his interference, but was unable; not with evidence of success, nor with such understanding of his motives. "Thank you. I wonder if any of it was my father's doing though," she thought aloud.
The next moment she smiled up at her husband. "Perhaps you are correct, and we should not question the cause."
The day of the dinner, Elizabeth was forever grateful when her Aunt Gardiner took Mrs. Bennet, Kitty, and Lydia shopping. The last thing she needed was her mother to begin inquiring about, or worse, changing, the dinner menu, the
place settings, or the activities planned for the evening. As Mary and Jane were content to abscond themselves in the music room with Georgiana, Elizabeth
did not have to concern herself with being a proper hostess. Thus, she was free to concentrate solely on that evening's dinner.
The table settings were precisely as she and Lady Matlock had planned. The
silver was polished, the crystal was free of smudges, the flowers were freshly cut, and the linens crisply folded. The servant uniforms were brushed and
buttons polished. The tea services were made ready for the tea water, and the wine decanted and tasted.
By the time she retired to dress for dinner, Elizabeth was a bundle of nerves.
Every admonishment and word of advice Lady Matlock had imparted flashed
through her head. Sit up straight, do not smile so, everything that happens was planned, never serve lemons and milk on the same tea tray. You must not
hesitate; it is a sign of weakness. Mrs. Olmstead will only play whist, you must not even suggest piquet to her. Remember, everyone will be looking to you for direction.
So engrossed was she with these thoughts, she was startled when Penny
pronounced her ready.
Before turning to examine her full reflection, she closed her eyes, afraid of what she might see. Would it Elizabeth Bennet of Longbourn, or Mrs.
Fitzwilliam Darcy of Pemberley? Slowly, she opened her eyes and a gradual
smile spread. If nothing else, at least she looked the part. She turned to her maid. "Thank you, Penny. You have outdone yourself."
After bobbing a curtsey, she assisted Elizabeth with her gloves. Before she could hand Elizabeth her fan, a knock on the door leading to the Master's
rooms was heard.
Well acquainted with the way of things, Penny opened the door and then
quickly took her leave.
"You are breathtaking, Elizabeth." Darcy murmured, as he placed a long kiss on her hand.
Elizabeth forced a smile, trying effect a calm demeanour.
"You are not nervous, are you?" Darcy teased.
Lifting her chin defiantly, Elizabeth quipped, "Of course not. My courage always rises to the occasion." Seeing Darcy's amused look, she blushed and murmured, "Perhaps a little."
Darcy kissed her forehead and drew her to him. "It will all be well, my Beth."
For a few moments, Elizabeth let all her cares about the dinner melt away. In his arms, it was easy to believe everything would indeed go as planned; that her mother would not say anything gauche, that the ladies would all be kind, and that her performance on the pianoforte would be divine.
The blissful moment was interrupted by a knock on Elizabeth's door. With a
sigh of dismay, Elizabeth said, "Duty calls."
Darcy chuckled, and offered Elizabeth his arm. Exiting they greeted an anxious Georgiana, who was flanked by Lydia and Kitty. Georgiana blushed upon
seeing them exit Elizabeth's room together, but it was only a moment. "Oh Elizabeth, you are absolutely stunning." She looked up at her brother. "Do you not think so too, Fitzwilliam?"
Darcy nodded deeply. "I have already told her so." Georgiana, Kitty, and Lydia all let out giggles.
"Mama is already waiting in the parlour. She sent me up here to retrieve you."
Lydia said. "I still do not understand why I can not attend. I dance at all the assemblies in Meryton," she added with a pout.
"Shall we?" Elizabeth said to D
arcy, ignoring her sister. There was no point in trying to reason with Lydia; it would only upset everyone.
On the arm of her husband, she entered the drawing room with as much self
importance as she ever permitted herself. Tonight, all eyes would be upon her; she would give no one reason to doubt her ability to perform her duties, not even her own family.
As Lydia had mentioned, Mrs. Bennet, her father, Jane, Mary, the Gardiners, and the Phillipses were already present. Mr. Bennet stood and greeted his
daughter with a hug, only to be pushed out of the way by Mrs. Bennet, who
was staring openly at Elizabeth's gown and jewels. She was permitted a loud gasp, before being pulled aside by Mrs. Gardiner.
Brief greetings and compliments were exchanged between family members,
and shortly thereafter, other guests began to arrive.
Oddly, the Matlocks were one of the last to arrive. They offered no apologies, as they were not late, but made a show of affectionately greeting Elizabeth. It was only then that Elizabeth recognized Lady Matlock's cunning. With some
simple attention to timing, the lady had put to rest any idle gossip of Elizabeth's acceptance into the family.
When the housekeeper announced dinner was ready, Darcy escorted Mrs.
Bennet and Lady Matlock to dinner, while Elizabeth was escorted by Lord
Matlock. She took her place at one end of the table, and upon seeing her
husband at his place, indicated to everyone to take their seats and then took her own.
She watched as the first course was served, while also doing her best to attend to the conversation going on around her. Later she would admit to not
remembering much of it, as she was far too preoccupied with making sure the courses progressed at a proper tempo, the dishes were served warm, and the
guests had full wine glasses.
After the pudding course, a simple nod from Darcy indicated it was time for a separation of the sexes. With all the grace of a person born in high society, Elizabeth stood and guided the ladies to the music room. As planned, tea,
cakes, and biscuits were already waiting. At the far end of the room, a few tables were set up for whist, while the rest of the furniture was settled around the pianoforte.