Love in Country: De La Fuente Family #4

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Love in Country: De La Fuente Family #4 Page 3

by Lexi Buchanan

  Sarah turns her face up to mine and the love she can’t hold back is written all over her. I return her smile before I dip my head and kiss my sleeping niece.

  “She’s beautiful, Erin,” I say, glancing up at the proud mama in the bed with my brother holding her hand, his head now on her lap and his eyes half closed.

  “Thank you. I love how she has Mateo’s eyes and lips, and my nose.” Erin smiles. “I don’t see the nose really and I’m sure Mateo only told me that because she looks like him, but I’m just happy to have given Mateo a healthy daughter.”

  “I love you, baby,” Mateo whispers, nearly asleep. His hand goes around his wife’s hip to draw her closer.

  “We’ll leave you to get some rest,” I offer and smile when Sarah carefully places Francesca in the hospital crib.

  “She’s so precious,” Sarah says. “I’ll come and see you when you’re home.”

  “We will,” I add, letting Sarah know that I consider her my other-half now, and she grins back at me.

  Walking out of the hospital, I guide her over to the bench at the side of the large building. Soon her smile won’t be as bright if she feels as much for me as I do her.

  This morning when I got notice that I’d have to leave for a while, my initial reaction had been to go and see Sarah and ask her to come with me. It hadn’t taken long for my brain to kick into gear and realize that she has a business here that she can’t just walk away from. So I knew then that I wouldn’t even ask her and put her in the position of having to refuse, which is her only choice. There’s no other vet in town and not only does my family rely on her, but other farms in the area do too.

  “Aiden?” she questions, and I realize that I’ve worried her with my silence while I try to justify why I’m not asking her to come with me.

  I sit on the bench and turn to face her. “My sponsors have a couple of things for me to do before I part ways from them.”

  Sarah bites her lip and hesitates. “That’s good though, right? It means one step closer to being free.”

  I rub at my brow and want to curse at my damn life. “My commitment is that one step closer to being finished.”

  “Why do I detect a but in there?” Sarah squeezes my hand. “Just tell me, Aiden.”

  “I have to go to Europe.” I puff out a lung full of air as the words come out of my mouth. “I have this European trip to get through and then I have to film a commercial. After that I’m free of all contracts and I can do my own damn thing.”

  Sarah looks as though her mind is spinning while I feel like my lungs are no longer allowing me to breathe.

  “When do you leave?” she whispers, her face nearly as pale as the snow on the ground.

  “A couple of days.” I don’t expand and I know the question is on the tip of her tongue, and then she asks it.

  “For how long?”

  I swallow around the lump in my throat. “A month, six weeks. It could be slightly longer.” I cup her pale face in my hands and make her look at me. “I promise that I’ll be coming home to you. I promise you, Sarah. You’re going to be all I can think about.”

  Sarah nods and smiles, making all the right noises, but all emotion has gone from her eyes as she obviously protects herself from whatever she thinks is going to happen.

  She has my heart and that’s good enough for me to hold on to while I’m away, and I intend to claim every piece of hers once I’m home.

  Little does she know that I’ve spoken to Greg and laid all my cards out on the table about my feelings for her. The other man already knew which made things easier for me. He’s promised to keep a close eye on her and to let me know if it seems like she needs me home before I’m due to arrive. I’m willing to walk out on my commitments if it becomes a choice between her and my contracts.



  As I watch Aiden work a horse around the paddock, I want to pleasure him again before he leaves for Europe. It has been so long since I touched him that his taste has faded from my tongue, and I need him to remember my touch.

  He has a great body and when aroused his flesh is just perfect—long, thick, and hard—but most of all it’s the knowing that he’s like that because of me that turns me on and makes me feel like I’m on cloud nine.

  Suddenly, I hear chuckling and glance over my shoulder.

  “You’re going to bring my brother to his knees if you keep staring at him like that,” Diego laughs and nudges my shoulder.

  I inhale and try to bring my mind back from Aiden’s flesh, which is difficult with the heated look he’s giving me.

  “Fuck.” Diego hisses. “You’re even turning me on, which is fucking wrong.”

  Diego snaps me out of the lust filling my brain. I turn my gaze on him and grin like the Cheshire cat. “You need a woman, Diego.”

  He narrows his eyes and steps into my space. “I can assure you that I’m very capable of finding a woman of my own.”


  “What does ‘hmm’ mean?” he asks, amusement lacing his voice.

  “I’m referring to a different kind of woman than you usually go for.” I smirk.

  Diego looks stunned and then he throws his head back and roars with laughter. “I like you, and I’m sure as hell glad that Aiden has you.”

  Laughter leaves my face and panic takes over. I’ve always suspected Aiden’s family know of our feelings for each other, but hearing Diego admit it causes my belly to ache.

  “Hey,” Diego adds, “don’t worry, Sarah. We all see what’s going on between you and my brother, and we all know what a bastard the man you married is. There’s obviously a reason why you’re still with him, but whatever it is will change and you’ll be free to be with Aiden. I’m cool with it, and so is everyone else.” He wraps an arm around me and kisses the top of my head, which surprises me.

  “I wish my life was easier,” I admit, and sigh into the hug.

  “Nothing in life worth having is easy,” Diego says, and then adds, “He’s jealous.”

  I turn my attention to Aiden and watch as his strong jaw tightens with annoyance.

  Diego laughs. “I’ll see you later.” He waves his hand toward Aiden as he walks away.

  I laugh, watching him go, but when I turn back to watch Aiden, I find him striding toward me. I place my foot on the first wooden slat of the fence and push myself up just in time for my lips to meet his in a possessive kiss.

  His hand slips behind by head to keep me close as his lips softly caress along mine. “I thought I wouldn’t get a chance to see you before I left.”

  There’s no chance of me answering because his lips are on mine again, searching and finding my tongue as they slide together in a kiss of desperation.

  Our breathing is heavy when we finally pull away to catch our breath, but I can’t loosen the grip that I have on his shirt.

  Suddenly my eyes fill with tears and Aiden’s climbing the fence to pull me into his arms. His fingers caress down the length of my hair before he wraps it around a hand and holds me against him.

  “We’ve only just started and I hate leaving you…but I’ll be home before you know it.” He kisses each cheek and cups my face in his hand. “I’m going to miss you too, honey.”

  “I’m afraid, Aiden. When we’re together I believe that everything is going to work out, but when we’re apart, I can’t help doubting everything. Being apart scares me.”

  Aiden tips his head and stares at me. “I’m yours, Sarah. I promise.” He closes his eyes and takes hold of my hand. “Let’s go.”

  “Where?” I ask, knowing that I’ll following him anywhere he wants.

  “I want to be somewhere private with you.”

  I stay quiet as Aiden leads me through his home and once inside his bedroom, he closes and locks his door.

  My heart pounds as he stalks toward me, tossing his shirt off and unbuckling his belt. He loosens the button on his jeans and causes my mouth to water at the sight.

  There is a craving ins
ide of me to feel him against me without clothes. I quickly remove my jacket, then tug my sweater and t-shirt off in one swoop before kicking my shoes and pants off until I’m left in my bra and panties.

  I smile at Aiden as his eyes caress all over me, the bulge behind his zipper throbbing.

  “You have too many clothes on,” I tease and cock an eyebrow. “I want to see you, Aiden. I want the memory of you completely naked before me to keep me going until you’re home and in my arms again.”

  His fists clench at his sides and when I remove my panties and bra, he closes his eyes, cursing under his breath.

  I crawl backwards onto the bed and rest back against his pillow waiting for him.


  He opens his eyes and shoves his shorts down to his ankles and steps out of them as he walks toward me.

  My eyes are drawn to his long, hard erection, which strains toward his naval and, eventually, they travel up his torso to his amazing chest and the sprinkling of chest hair. His nipples are hard and erect and match the hardness of mine. It doesn’t take long for my eyes to go back to his cock and watch as he caresses himself.

  It’s arousing and I almost squirm from the throb going on between my legs. I want more…and I think I’m about to get more as he touches my ankles.

  Climbing between my spread thighs, he caresses up my legs while I’m silently relieved that I shaved them in the shower last night.

  “You’re beautiful, Sarah.” He dips down and kisses my pelvis before he uses his tongue to tickle between my lips on each side. “You taste good,” he whispers against my pussy before his mouth suckles my clit.

  The moan I held in earlier now escapes as I arch my back and widen my legs so that he can get closer. He takes that as an invitation and puts my legs over his shoulders, his hands grasping my hips.

  The pleasure that starts to build sets fireworks off in my belly and knowing that it’s Aiden between my thighs has me close to coming. I don’t want to come yet though because I want to savor what he’s doing, but I can’t. All motives to think instead of feel have left me.

  And when his tongue pushes into my sex, my eyes roll back and I climax on his month. The growl Aiden lets out prolongs my release and curls my toes.

  The lapping sound of his mouth finally slows as he allows me to catch my breath. He kisses up my torso and taking hold of his penis, he slowly slides inside of me.

  My core tightens around him in pleasure and I wrap my legs around his waist. Stretching my arms above my head, Aiden gasps and closes his eyes. He reaches out and slides his hands up my arms to intertwine our fingers together.

  “Oh sweet Jesus,” Aiden groans, sliding out before he’s completely inside of me again.

  He surrounds me and I know that what we’re doing now is going to make our separation more painful, but I really want the memory of his powerful body thrusting into mine, knowing that he really is making love to me.


  The feeling of Sarah against my body and the wet warmth that surrounds my cock is very quickly bringing me to my knees. I’ve dreamt about being inside her for over a year now and the fact that I am means that I’m so close to coming with excitement rippling down my spine.

  My body slides against Sarah’s as I dip my head to suck on one of her nipples, rubbing it against the roof of my mouth. She makes a keening noise at the same time as her core grips my cock. The sensation is like nothing before and it’s the first time I’ve been inside anyone bare…

  “Fuck,” I curse, and bury my face in Sarah’s neck. “Please, don’t move.”

  Our fingers untangle and she grips my head and forces me to meet her gaze. “What’s wrong?” she asks and her inner muscles squeeze my flesh. “I can’t help it.” She does it again.

  “No condom,” I choke out. “I’m clean…God, you feel so good.”

  “So do you…I’m not on the pill…no need to be,” she admits. “Please move, Aiden.”

  My heart sinks because I don’t have any condoms. I’m an idiot.

  “I’ll pull out. I promise.”

  She smiles and nods her head. “I love you, and I trust you.”

  Our lips seal together and that’s all the encouragement I need as I thrust into the woman I love over-and-over again. Seconds later Sarah cries out and ripples around my cock while I clench my jaw so that I don’t release inside her regardless of the need being there.

  The minute I feel her climax ebb, I pull out and climb astride her. Grasping my cock, I work it while I use my other hand to pinch and rub her nipples. When Sarah caresses up my thighs, I feel my release as it bursts into flames in my balls and I ejaculate all over Sarah’s gorgeous breasts.

  “Don’t move, Sarah,” I pant.

  My knees weaken and it’s all I can do not to collapse on top of her. With my breathing labored after that amazing release, I manage to roll my butt from the bed and quickly dash to my bathroom. Grabbing a washcloth, I clean my cock and groin, and then get another for her.

  “Here.” I lean over Sarah, and smile when I see the blush coating her cheeks. “I need to clean you up.” I clean between her legs and wipe my release from her chest while I start to get another erection.

  Sarah watches me and I feel as though I have to say something, so I say the first thing that pops into my head. “Are you okay with what we’ve just done?”

  She giggles. “You’re kidding right? You sent me into oblivion. Of course I’m okay with it and if you’re referring to the end, then that was really hot watching you while you came all over me.”

  “Okay.” I toss the washcloth back into the bathroom and lie on my back beside her. “I think we need to talk about something else as I don’t have any condoms, and I’m ready for round two.”

  Rolling to her side, Sarah reaches out and traces the hard ridge of my erection from balls to tip. Not stopping there, she tickles up the middle of my stomach to my nipples, which she gives lots of attention to, but it’s my cock that really wants the attention.

  I’m hard and throbbing again and want nothing more than to be able to come inside of her. “Will you go on the pill while I’m away?” I watch her and see another blush creep onto her face. I cup her face and smile when she snuggles into my palm. “I’ll use condoms as well so it’s on both of us to take precautions.”

  “I’ll take care of it, Aiden, and if everything is okay then there’s no need for condoms. I loved how you felt inside of me without one.”

  I smile. “I’d love that, but tonight is a problem.” I pause. Diego. “My brother probably has a box full.” I grin. “You’ll stay all night, right?”

  A cloud passes over her face and then she meets my eyes. “I’d love to stay, but what about the others?”

  “I know it’s awkward with me being at home for the time being but they’re fine. We’ll go out to eat so then you’re not embarrassed with them, and then we’ll come back here.” I kiss her on the nose and smile. “I can’t believe you’re finally in my bed and that I’m going to have you in my arms all night.”

  “Mmm, can we nap now before round two?”

  I tug her into my arms and sigh when she nestles against me. “Anything for you.”

  Sarah settles and within seconds she’s asleep. I’m exhausted but the thought of her here while I’m away keeps playing heavily on my mind.

  I want her with me, but I don’t want her around the life that I used to live. That isn’t for Sarah and it hasn’t been for me for a long time.

  My embrace tightens because I know that tonight will have to keep me going until I’m home again.

  And I’ll be coming home to Sarah.


  Six weeks later ~ Sarah

  It’s early May and there’s still a chill in the air, which explains the large checkered blanket that I’m currently wrapped up in as I sit in the back garden of the home I share with Greg. I’m not sure why I’m sitting out here when I can just as easily hide in my bedroom and be warm.

  There’s ju
st something about the evening that attracts me as I gaze up at the stars in the darkened sky.

  Aiden’s been gone for six weeks and I try to shut him out of my thoughts, but find that it’s impossible to do when he’s always so close to my heart, even when I no longer want him there. After seeing the images of him online at one party after another with the same gorgeous woman on his arm, I’ve stopped reading his emails and texts. I trusted him…the photographs were a shock. They made me sick to my stomach.

  Wiping a tear away, I realize that I hate him for what he’s done to me. He promised that he’d come back to me, but so far he hasn’t, and if the images are anything to go by, he won’t be.


  I jump at Greg’s voice and hope he can’t see me in the dark.

  “There you are,” he says as I hear the creak of the porch. “I was worried about you.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’re not fine, and you’re not answering your phone,” Greg chides as though I’m a child.

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to yell at him, but I hold everything in because I know he’s only trying to be my friend and he’s concerned.

  “Aiden messaged me because he couldn’t get a hold of you.” Greg sits opposite and frowns as he catches sight of my appearance.

  He eventually admitted to me that Aiden had talked to him about his relationship with me before he left for Europe, and although I should’ve been angry, I wasn’t.

  “You’re really not fine, are you? What’s going on, Sarah? Are you sick?”

  I sigh. “I really am fine, Greg.”

  “Why aren’t you answering your phone?” He glances between my phone and me. The cell currently hovers on the coffee table with the screen lit up as another text from Aiden comes through.

  “Because I’m tired, Greg,” I answer softly. “I only ever wanted a quiet life as a small town vet. I didn’t want nor ask for all the hurt, and everything…” I close my eyes and try to get my thoughts in order, but nothing works because my mind won’t give me a minute’s peace. It’s on replay with the images of Aiden and the woman. They both looked very familiar with each other in every photograph.


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