Love in Country: De La Fuente Family #4

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Love in Country: De La Fuente Family #4 Page 5

by Lexi Buchanan

  Aiden grips my hips and holds me steady. “Until yesterday my family knew of her and have only spoken on the phone to her when she’s called home for me. However, this is the first time they have met her, apart from Eric who met her once in Europe. She’s here in Great Falls now because she’s part of the commercial I’m in that will be filmed soon on the farm.”

  I offer him a small smile when I realize he’s telling me the truth and lean in to kiss his waiting lips.

  “Can we please talk to each other before anything like this happens between us again?” I request.

  He smiles and lets out a huge sigh of relief. Kissing my forehead, his hands grasp my shoulders. “I promise.” He kisses me quickly. “The commercial is going to take a week or two to film, so things are going to be crazy around here…just remember you’re mine, Sarah.” His eyes darken.

  “Hmm,” I step closer and rub against his body. “Greg told me you know about him.”

  His eyes go alight with pleasure. “Oh, yeah. I sleep better at night knowing you really are mine.”

  “I’ve been yours since the minute our eyes met,” I admit.

  “That you have.” Aiden grabs my bottom and lifts me into his aroused body. “I’ve lived on nothing but memories of you for these past few weeks. Every morning I wake up rock hard and have to take care of myself in the shower.” He smirks, and traces along my neck with his nose. “All I had to do was remember your mouth wrapped around me and I’d come.”

  He rocks his hips into me and my core begs for more.

  “That turns you on?” He chuckles. “The thought of me stroking my cock while remembering the best blow job in history.”

  I moan at his words and the image I now have in my head of him touching his own flesh, when he adds, “I bet if I put my mouth between your thighs you would come hard…and taste so good…”

  “Oh God, Aiden…you have to stop,” I beg, except my hands are tugging his shirt out of his jeans, and I sigh when he shudders at the touch of my fingers on his skin.

  “Babe,” Aiden groans and thrusts against me. “So responsive.”

  “I’m not the only one.” I slip my hand into the back of his jeans and shorts and drag my nails over his naked ass. I feel the hard jolt of his cock as it throbs against me.

  “I need you naked and under me.” He hisses, and we both pause at the sound of voices close to the door.

  He puts his finger to my lips, keeping me within his embrace as I rest my head against his chest to try and catch my breath.

  “Diego, I’m looking for Aiden…not you,” a female voice drawls.

  “He’s busy with Sarah, Rae,” Diego snarls in response.

  “They making up?” she asks, and Aiden slips his hands to my bottom.

  “We’re making up in the most delicious way,” Aiden whispers.

  “Yes,” Diego admits. “I’ve got work to do so go and bug someone else.”

  There’s a pause then I hear Rae say, “Thank God. He was beside himself when he couldn’t get a response from her…I’ll go make myself scarce as I have a feeling that it’s the usual misunderstanding involving me that screwed it up for him in the first place.”

  I meet Aiden’s gaze and it’s as though a huge mountain has lifted from his shoulders as I hear the truth from Rae’s mouth.

  The voices are muffled now as I softly kiss Aiden’s lips. “I believed you, but it’s nice hearing it out of her mouth as well.”

  “I know, babe.” He laughs. “I think we better leave here because I want you so much that I’ll take you…and our first time now that I’m back isn’t going to be in a barn.” He kisses me again. “I may need a few minutes before we leave though.” His cheeks flush with embarrassment.

  I smile and give him space to calm down, and for the first time since he’d left I have a huge smile on my face.


  It’s been two days since I cleaned the air with Sarah and my body has been hard and aching since, even with the distraction of the filming crew. I hate having them here, more so because they prevent me from leaving to see my woman.

  Rae’s been doing her own thing, including taking a horse riding lesson from Diego. I was invited along but my brother doesn’t have the best patience. I’d rather not witness his intense lesson.

  The feel of Lucia’s hand on my back as she watches the film crew through the kitchen window jolts me back to the present. “You look as though you want them gone already.”

  Lucia’s right and, it’s the last thing I should have agreed to. I felt pressured from them and knowing that I’d be away from Sarah while in Europe, I agreed to film the commercial on the farm. I just hadn’t wanted to be away from her for even longer. Yet two days in and I haven’t seen her, or have had the chance to go into town. That was about to change though.

  “Aiden,” Lucia mumbles and prods me in the side with a finger. “I’ve been talking to you for the past five minutes and you haven’t heard a word I’ve said. You’re distracted more than usual.”

  Turning from the window, I meet the amused expression on Lucia’s face. “I’m sorry. I was thinking about something.”

  “Or someone,” Lucia adds but lets it go. “Will you please go out there and tell those people that I’ll take a long, sharp knife to anyone who so much as touches the flowers in my garden.”

  I raise a brow and with one angry glare from Lucia, I grab my ball cap and, laughing, I make a quick exit through the kitchen door.

  My laughter soon dies when I’m facing the trucks and cars that have invaded the front yard.

  Taking my cap off, I run a hand through my hair and sigh.

  The sooner they film, the sooner they’ll leave.

  “Hey, Aiden.”

  I watch Rae approach and wonder how the hell she stays on her feet in the high heels she’s wearing.

  Chuckling to myself, I step off the porch and move to intercept her. “You need boots not heels around here, otherwise you’ll end up flat on your face.”

  “I have you to make sure that doesn’t happen.” She slides her arm through mine and grins.

  Rae portrays the needy female role well, which amuses me because she’s the complete opposite. In fact people make the mistake of presuming that all her brains are within her physical assets. They couldn’t be more wrong. She’s as sharp as a whip.

  She appeared in my life when I had really needed a friend and she’d been in the same situation. She is a looker, with a porcelain complexion against her natural fiery orange hair. Her slim figure hides one of the strongest women I know. She has had to fight for a lot of what she has now and I couldn’t be more proud of her.

  Rae is in her forties with a twenty-three year old daughter who is finishing up college, but realistically she looks to be a young thirty.


  “Nothing,” I reply, my grin turning into laughter.

  Rae gives me a sidelong look. “You’ve been staring at me with a weird look on your face…too weird.”

  “I’m a bit distracted,” I admit.

  “Hmm. You’ve been a bit distracted since you met Sarah.” She raises a brow and waits. “Are you really in love with her?” She grins.

  “Maybe.” I smirk.

  “Oh, no you don’t. I want to know now. I want to hear you admit that the great Aiden De La Fuente has finally fallen.” She pokes me in the chest with a red, pointed fingernail.

  “Hey”—I grab her hand—“those should be outlawed as a lethal weapon.”

  “Oh stop.”

  I shake my head and glance toward the house. Lucia watches us through the large kitchen window with a frown across her brow. Sighing, I take hold of Rae’s hand. “C’mon inside for coffee.”

  I’m not surprised when Lucia’s frown deepens as we walk closer. I would be a very rich man if I’d collected a dollar every time someone asked if Rae and I were a couple.

  I’ve put up with a lot to keep my friendship with Rae. I hadn’t seen her in over twelve months until we met u
p in New York to head over to Europe. But I’m sure as hell glad that she’s here with me now because Rae makes the filming of the commercial bearable.

  “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you and love.” She gives me a sly look as I open the door into the house.

  “I wouldn’t dare.” I grin. “We’ll talk later.”



  “Sarah, do we need any more granola?” Greg asks while he looks between the different varieties on the shelf in the store.

  I hate shopping of any kind, but I find it torture shopping for food with Greg. He isn’t majorly picky about what brands we buy, but has a habit of going through different eating fads. This time he’s trying to be a vegetarian. I give him a few days, a week at the most.

  “I think there’s only one serving left, so grab another.” I leave him to it and continue down the aisle.

  Making my way around to the next aisle, I freeze when my eyes land on Aiden and Rae. I haven’t seen Aiden for a few days and I’ve yet to be introduced to the other woman who is currently shopping with him.

  Tears clog my throat at the unexpected sight when I realize there is a closeness between them. I try to step back to avoid the aisle when Aiden chooses that moment to look up. His eyes widen when he spots me and then his face lights up as though he’s really happy to see me.

  Aiden grabs the other woman by the arm and practically drags her over to where I’m frozen in place. “What a nice surprise.” He grins and I start to blush. “This is Rae,” he introduces.

  My smile starts to slip when Aiden rushes on, “And my Sarah,” he adds with a goofy grin on his face.

  Rae elbows him in the stomach making him laugh while he rubs the spot. The other woman has an amused smile on her face. “It’s nice to meet you, Sarah, after hearing so much about you.”

  I’m surprised and put at ease by her words, but I still can’t get rid of the hint of jealousy that hovers.

  I shake that miserable thought from my head and meet Aiden’s heated gaze as his eyes sweep over me. He takes a step closer when Rae clears her throat and slips her arm through his. I frown but it all becomes clear.

  “Sarah, I’ve got two,” Greg states, coming up behind me.

  I turn and make introductions, only to feel like stomping on Greg’s foot when he places his arm around me, staking his claim, which really is unnecessary considering Aiden knows about our marriage.

  “I’ve just arrived in town,” Rae adds to the awkward silence. “It’s a beautiful place.”

  “I love it here and couldn’t imagine living anywhere else.” I offer a soft smile and feel heat rise into my cheeks with Aiden’s stare.

  “We have shopping to do so we’ll see you around.” Greg rudely drags me away and mumbles under his breath.

  “What’s wrong with you?” I hiss the question.

  “He wouldn’t stop looking at you.”

  “Are you kidding me? You don’t have any right to be upset. None.”

  He grabs my arm and turns me to face him. “As long as the gossip in town is about him and her, I don’t want you near him,” he points out. “She might be his friend, but I won’t let him hurt you again.”

  I sigh. “I’m tired, Greg. Really tired. I’m tired of the life I have.” I blink away the tears gathering in my eyes. “It’s hard work pretending.”

  “You know that I need to hide who I really am. The company I work for are prejudiced bastards, you know that. It’s a good job, otherwise I’d have walked years ago. Only a few more years and then I’ll qualify for the company pension.”

  “I understand that, but surely they won’t object if your wife left you?” I raise a brow. “I mean if she left you, then it can’t be your fault, right?”

  Greg glances around us and moves in closer. “This is the most we’ve talked in a while.” He meets my eyes. “Let’s continue it at home, okay?”

  I nod.

  “I’ll go grab the milk and meet you at the checkout.”

  Watching him go, I feel like there might be hope for Aiden and me…until I glance out of the store window.

  Aiden and Rae are standing close together at his truck when he grabs her face, kisses her, and then grins before they both climb into the car and drive off.

  Tears fill my eyes at the unexpected scene I’ve just witnessed. There was nothing sisterly about it.

  “I’m going to drop you and the groceries off back at the house,” Greg starts. “I need to go and check on something.”

  Never feeling as lonely or abandoned as I do now, I mumble, “Don’t lie to me anymore, Greg. I know you mean you need to go and see Matthew.”

  Greg has the good sense to look chastised. “No more lies. Goes for you too. We’ll work something out, Sarah. I’ve spent years lost in my own life without really giving thought to how you felt.”

  “Let’s just get the groceries home so I can put them away while you go and enjoy yourself.” I quickly put my hand up to silence him. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded. I’m going to take a long soak in the bath and then settle into bed with a book.” I smile. “Stay the night with him, Greg. We can talk tomorrow. One more day won’t make a difference.”

  I fight tears all the way home, and through putting the shopping away, and then I finally give in to them when I submerge myself in the large bubble bath. Then they won’t stop.


  “Why didn’t you tell me that she was married?” Rae asks, and I hear her disappointment in me. “Her husband knows as well, right? You could tell by the way he staked his claim on her.”

  I knew there’d be questions the minute Greg appeared and the introductions had been made. I easily avoided mentioning the married part when I’d told Rae about Sarah.

  I sigh. “I love her, Rae. Her husband…her marriage isn’t what it seems.” I stare at the road ahead while driving us back to my father’s home. “I’m not sure what was going on with Greg, but he knows about us. He accepts that we love each other.” My hands clench around the steering wheel. “I love her and that’s all that matters.”

  When I glance at Rae she offers me a small smile. “I got that from her, but I don’t understand why? I mean her husband is a good-looking guy, with his blond hair and boyish looks. What went wrong between them?”

  I raise my brow.

  “I’m serious, Aiden. You know I love you like a brother, and you’re my best friend. I’m curious about her.” Rae sits comfortably with her feet up on the dash.

  “I can’t tell you what’s going on with Greg because he told me in confidence. It’s just not a normal relationship.” I look away and concentrate on driving.

  Minutes later Rae points out, “You do realize that she saw you kiss me in the parking lot, right?”

  I whip my head around to glare at Rae before I look back out of the windshield, my heart sinking. “We were just joking around.”

  “She doesn’t know that.” Rae raises a brow, and continues, “Can’t you call her and explain. If she loves you as much as you think she does then she’ll be hurting.”

  I stay silent for the rest of the drive because a part of me wants her to hurt as much as I do—no I don’t, not really. “I’ll talk to her soon.”

  Rae nods as I pull into the front yard and groan when I see the mess the film crew has made.

  “We start tomorrow and they’ll be gone soon.”

  “What about you, Rae? How long are you staying?”

  “I’m thinking of moving closer to you. I don’t have that many friends and Andie has always wanted to call Montana home.” Rae smiles when she mentions her daughter’s name. “I know she’ll be spreading her wings soon, but I’ll always be her home you know, so I want this. We’ve never really had a proper home, and I really want that now, Aiden.”

  I’m glad that she has finally decided to settle in one place. We used to joke about her unsettled living arrangements. “I’m glad and I’ll help you find a place.”

  “After you’ve spoken with
Sarah. You need to make sure she understands that we’re only friends, regardless of what she witnessed.”

  “I’ll talk to her.” I climb out of the truck and groan when I spot Diego walking toward us.

  “You’re back,” Diego drawls and holds his hand out to help Rae down from the truck.

  “Thanks.” Rae blushes and drops his hand.

  She blushed?

  I frown and glance at them both. Diego notices and grins, stepping back, but not before I notice the once over he gives Rae. Something crosses my brother’s face and then the shoe drops—he’s attracted to her.

  I love Diego and I also love Rae, but there is no way I want them to get together. Diego is twenty-eight, and Rae is fifteen years his senior, and what’s more, Rae’s daughter, Andie, is twenty-three. Not a good situation to be in.

  Clearing my throat, I step in front of Diego, giving him a warning look.

  Diego smiles and steps back. “I’ve signed up with a local hotshot crew so I’m not going to be around as much as I have been. You okay with that?”

  “You were born to fight fires. Go for it, but be careful, yeah?”

  Diego nods and walks toward the stables.

  Rae moves and stands beside me.

  I watch her and follow the direction of her eyes. “Please tell me you’re not staring at my brother’s, um,” I shudder. “Never mind, I don’t want to know.”

  Rae laughs and pushes into me. “He’s hot. Nice firm ass…he’s also close to Andie’s age.”

  “He’s twenty-eight.” I frown and glance at Rae as her eyes follow Diego.


  For a moment there Rae sounds almost disappointed. I glance at her again and then shake the thought off. Rae’s husband had been eight years younger than she was, so there was no way she will ever be accepting of Diego’s advances. Not after what she went through with him.

  Taking Rae’s hand, I lead her inside and leave her with Lucia and Emelia, having somewhere else to be.

  * * *

  Knocking on Sarah’s front door, I nervously wait for her to answer. Her car is here, and I’m relieved that Greg’s isn’t because I want Sarah alone.


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