Love in Country: De La Fuente Family #4

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Love in Country: De La Fuente Family #4 Page 10

by Lexi Buchanan

  So that now begs the question as to whether or not I want the ring.

  I’m being silly.

  It will still be from Aiden.

  “Hey, you got quiet,” Aiden leans over me.

  “I’m tired and want to close my eyes.” I’m not sleepy enough to actually sleep. I just want to shut everyone out for a short while. I know I’m being childish, but I feel as though the excitement of Aiden asking me to marry him has been sucked out of me.

  I totally believe that they’re just like siblings, especially after seeing them together over the past few weeks, but I’m annoyed at him and need to calm before I say something that I might regret.

  “I’ll go,” Rae offers and frowns as she makes a quick exit.

  Aiden gives me an odd look once she’s gone. “I’m not sure what’s going on, but Rae looked upset. Let me go and check on her. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  As the door closes behind him, the tears run down my face. Rae isn’t the only one upset or in pain, but yet he left me to go after his best friend. At least he’s just shown me where his loyalty really lies, and what to expect if our relationship goes to that next step—the one I’ve just said yes to.



  Sarah is in a right snit about something and she’s driving me crazy. I thought that once I had her home she’d snap out of it, but no.

  She’s hardly spoken to me since I asked her to marry me, and all she has said has been in reply to my questions.

  Her silence has me walking on eggshells, which is why I haven’t yet given her the ring I have for her, and it explains why I’m currently at the town bar.

  I’m at a loss as to what to do to make her talk to me again. It would help if I knew why she’d gone quiet.

  “Hey, bro, what brings you in here?” Kasey asks, sliding onto the stool next to me.

  “Figured I’d give Sarah some time alone.” I stare straight ahead and knock my beer back.

  “You had an argument?”


  “What did you do then?”

  “Who did what?” Rae asks.

  My eyes widen as Diego appears behind her. I had no idea she was out with my brothers.

  “He’s in the doghouse,” Kasey supplies. “And I’m helping him figure out why.”

  “You don’t know, bro?” Diego asks, a stunned expression on his face.

  “No, I don’t know. One minute all was okay and she said yes, and—”

  “Wow, back up.” Kasey grabs my arm. “Yes to what?”

  I sigh and finish off my beer before answering, and for once I’m glad that Rae stays silent.

  “I asked her to marry me and she said yes.”

  Kasey frowns. “So what happened after that?”

  “You tell me.”

  Rae pales and drops to the seat next to Kasey. “Oh God, I think I know why.”

  All eyes turn to her.

  “She was fine and happy until I arrived and started going on about the ring. She probably thinks that I helped you choose it.”

  “You did,” I add.

  Diego starts laughing and shakes his head. “You’re an idiot. I might be the happy bachelor but even I know that it isn’t cool to take another chick to buy an engagement ring for someone else.” Diego chuckles again and walks away, but not before I notice the pissed look directed at Rae.

  “Rae, I took you as a friend to help me because I had no clue.”

  Kasey grabs my shoulder. “That’s just it, bro. You ask the girl you love to marry you, then you should know what she likes. You shouldn’t have to ask someone else. You have some serious groveling to do and if I were you I’d take the ring back and choose one on your own.”

  I watch as Kasey heads off to join Diego around the pool table.

  Silence follows and is broken by Rae. “I’m sorry, Aiden. I should have thought of that. I was just excited that you were asking her to marry you, you know? I didn’t mean to cause anything between you and Sarah…again.”

  “It’s not your fault, Rae. It’s mine.” I smile and kissing her on the forehead, I head out the door.

  I know exactly which ring I want her to wear and as soon as my dad is back home in the morning, I plan on asking him for it. I should have done that to begin with instead of acting spontaneous when I walked past the jewelers with Rae. I’ll even go so far as to admit that I’d forgotten about the ring that has been saved for me for over twenty years.

  Walking through her front door thirty minutes later, I’m about to shout out to her when my cell rings.

  My first inclination is to ignore it until I see Kasey’s number—he never calls.

  I can’t even get a greeting out before his words penetrate my frozen brain.

  “Diego’s been stabbed but he’s going to be okay…I think…Just get to the hospital and calm Rae down. She’s hysterical and not helping anyone.”



  Hearing the front door opening and closing, I struggle into a sitting position on the bed and finally get to my feet, wondering why Aiden’s only coming home now when it’s so late. Where’s he been all this time? He’d disappeared to get out of my way, and since then I’ve been thinking about how ridiculous I’m being. I’m the one he asked to marry him, so why should I get worked up when another woman goes ring shopping with him?

  Because it should have been me, that’s why.

  There’s also the fact that there is still a small stab of jealousy were Rae is concerned, which is why it was so easy for me to get upset to begin with.

  We do need to talk and although I’d rather not, we need to clear the air and then maybe I’ll be able to sleep…well, after I’ve taken another pain pill.

  I’m halfway down the hall when I spot Aiden standing just inside the doorway with his cell to his ear.

  “Tell Rae I’m on my way,” he says before he pockets his cell. As he turns to leave, he glances at me for a few seconds and then walks back out the door. Seconds later he peels down the road like a bat out of hell, all without one word said to me.

  Leaning against the wall, I stand here numb wondering what the hell just happened, and what I’ve done to deserve that. He stared straight through me before he left.

  Twenty minutes later someone is pounding on my front door.


  “What are you doing here?”

  “Are you okay? Where’s Aiden?” he asks as he comes in, Matthew right behind him.

  “I’m okay,” I whisper, feeling anything but.

  “No, you’re not. Was Aiden here?”

  “He came in and was on his phone. Minutes later he saw me standing in the hall and just left. He didn’t say anything. Not one word.” I finally give in to the tears and cry on Greg’s shoulder as he pats me on the back.

  I flinch when my arm is nudged, and he asks, “When did you take pain meds?”

  “When I left the hospital.”

  Greg curses under his breath as he nods in the direction of the kitchen to Matthew. “She always leaves pills by the coffee machine.” Greg smiles as his gaze holds mine.

  “Listen Sarah, I’m not sure what’s going on between you and Aiden, but that call he got…it was probably about Diego. He’s in the hospital.”

  I gasp and grab onto his wrist. “What?”

  “Something happened at the bar in town and Diego got in the way of a knife. He’s going to be okay, but I guess Aiden freaked.”

  My tears won’t stop as I cry, “Why wouldn’t he tell me? Why would he just look through me and then leave without a word?”

  Greg sighs. “I don’t know.”

  My arm hurts like a bitch but I’m not just going to stand here and do nothing. I don’t want to confront Aiden at the hospital, but I need to put everything behind me to be there for him.

  “Will you take me to the hospital?” I ask Greg.

  But what if he didn’t tell me because he doesn’t want me with him?

  I hesitate, then shove my
feet into boots and let Greg and Matthew lead me to their truck.

  Inside, I sit quietly while Greg drives, all the while my stomach is in knots wondering whether I’m doing the right thing. I mean, surely he’d have told me and asked me to go with him if he’d wanted me there, right?

  Then I remember his last comment to the person on the phone. Aiden had told whoever it was to tell Rae he was on his way.

  Fifteen minutes later Greg pulls up at the hospital.

  “What’s with the frown?” Greg asks, lifting me from his truck.

  “I think this is a bad idea.”

  “No, it isn’t. He asked you to marry him, Sarah. He probably wasn’t thinking straight when he got the call about his brother…C’mon.” He takes my good arm and leads me across the parking lot and in through the main doors.

  As we turn a corner toward the waiting room, my body freezes and my heart really does break when I spot Aiden running his hands through his hair seconds before Rae walks into his arms, offering the comfort that he should be taking from me.

  I can’t get my feet to move as I watch him kiss the other woman on the top of her head.

  Seeing the scene before me, I realize that he didn’t say anything to me because I’m not the one who he wants with him.

  Backing up, Greg and Matthew look between us, and the anger Greg can’t hide is there on his face. “I’m sorry, Sarah. Let me get you out of here.”

  He turns me to leave and I nearly walk into Mateo, his wife, and their sleeping daughter in the car seat.

  “Sarah, it’s good to see you again.” Mateo frowns as Erin steps forward, and asks, “Is everything all right?” She glances behind us and back to me.

  “I don’t know,” I admit.

  Mateo smiles. “I believe congratulations are called for.”

  I feel all the color leave my face as Greg slips his arm around me. I know everyone is now aware of Greg and Matthew, but it’s a shock to be congratulated for something that isn’t going to happen.

  “Not anymore,” I whisper, and walk away at Mateo’s confusion.

  I lean into Greg and ask Matthew, “Can I come and stay at your place for the rest of the night?”

  “I’ve already told you, Sarah. You’re always welcome.” He smiles. “You don’t need to ask.”

  I’m not sure what’s going on inside me at the moment. I just feel numb and know that I need to be away from all that is familiar.


  Having Rae crying in my arms only makes me feel worse than I did when I arrived. But for wanting to get to my brother, I would have turned around and gone back for Sarah.

  The image of her pale and in pain as I left without a word is ingrained on my brain, and probably will be for a long time to come.

  She was already upset with me because of what Rae had given away over the engagement ring that I’d bought…I’ve probably made things ten times worse after tonight.

  I can hope that she’ll understand when I explain about Diego getting a knife wound to his shoulder while defending Rae’s honor against a roughneck at the bar. Some asshole had decided he wasn’t going to take no for an answer from Rae, and Diego had seen and gotten involved.

  My brain worked overtime though and after what I’d seen a few times when Rae and Diego were in the same room, I’m guessing that there was some jealousy involved. I could be completely off base, but I don’t think so.

  I glance above Rae’s head and smile when I see Mateo and Erin moving toward us.

  Kasey apparently called everyone, even though Diego himself is saying it’s only a scratch. The doc was more forthcoming and told us that although there isn’t a need for surgery that he would be out of action for a few weeks.

  “Is he okay?” Erin asks while Mateo looks at Rae and glares at me for some reason.

  “He’s fine and being a pain in the ass as usual…Lucia is in with him.”

  “No she isn’t.” Mateo nods behind me.

  Lucia hurries over when she sees the new arrivals and hugs Mateo and Erin before she turns to Rae. “Diego wants to see you.” Lucia frowns, probably wondering what’s going on between her son and my best friend. “He says he has to see you before anyone else.”

  Oh boy, Lucia isn’t happy with that demand from Diego.

  Rae pulls herself together and without a word, walks down the hallway to Diego’s room. I turn back to Mateo who is still glaring at me.


  Mateo looks at Erin and then his eyes find mine again. “Why are you here with Rae wrapped around you, instead of Sarah, who I thought you had gotten engaged to?”

  “It’s a long story and I did get engaged to Sarah.” I’m so tired now that I’m debating heading back to find Sarah and just wrapping myself around her to sleep before we talk in the morning.

  “According to Sarah there’s nothing for me to congratulate her about.”

  My head snaps up, and I’m more awake than I was. “What the hell does that mean? When did you talk to Sarah?”

  “I thought you had more sense, but I was obviously wrong.”

  “Mateo,” I grind my teeth in anger, “answer the question.”

  “Aiden,” Erin wraps her arm around Mateo’s waist as he tugs her in closer, “Sarah was here. We bumped into her on our way in. She was with Greg and Matthew and she looked really upset. I think that maybe she saw you with Rae.”

  My heart sinks and I close my eyes to control my emotions. “I’ve screwed up big time…”

  “You’re not going to get any argument from me, bro,” Mateo drawls.

  “Mateo, really.” Erin shoves my brother, but he’s having none of it and kisses her.

  “I need to go and find her. Make this right.” I have no idea how because I know she was insecure about Rae to begin with, but then she seemed to accept her as my friend. The whole thing with the ring and now tonight won’t help me in any way.



  When the mattress dips, I gasp, and my eyes snap open while I try to adjust to the darkness of the room. My heart pounds, and then I hear, “Sarah, don’t be afraid.”


  “What are you doing here? Who let you in?” I struggle to sit up, wrenching my arm in the process. “Ouch!”

  “I’m sorry. Wait.” Seconds later he has the small light on the bedside table on and I immediately notice the haggard look on his face.

  “Greg let me in.” He runs his hands through his hair. “But only after I promised not to upset you again.”

  Aiden climbs on the bed and helps me move into a more comfortable position. With his hands on me, I want to beg him to hold on and never let go, and that thought alone brings tears to my eyes. I don’t let them fall because I don’t want him to see just how much I’m upset, although if he doesn’t leave soon he’ll probably find out. I just don’t want his sympathy. I want and need a lot more than I think he’s free to give after what I saw at the hospital.

  “Damn,” Aiden curses, stands and removes his jacket and shoes before he climbs back onto the bed. “I need to talk, explain…Mateo told me you saw me at the hospital with Rae. I hate that you saw that and jumped to the wrong conclusion.” He runs his hands through his hair and settles on the bed beside me.

  He wraps my hand in his and adds, “There was a dick at the bar who wouldn’t leave Rae alone. Diego and Kasey had gone outside the bar to have a look at a friend’s truck that wouldn’t start. Diego went back inside for something and saw that Rae was in a jam. He intervened and the bastard’s friend stabbed him in the shoulder for his trouble.”

  Aiden rolls on his side to watch me and brings my hand up to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to my palm. “Diego is going to be okay, but at the hospital it took a lot to calm Rae down. She’s blaming herself for what happened to Diego, plus she was more upset because it was Diego that was injured. You hear what I’m saying, honey.”

  He brushes the hair away from the side of my face and wraps a finger around a lock. “I’m saying she
has feelings for Diego.” He frowns. “But for their age difference worrying me, I’d be totally in their corner…Please say something?”

  “I’m listening to you, but it’s every turn, Aiden. Whatever is going on in our life, you’re always putting Rae first. Tonight you looked through me and left without one word. I should have been with you at the hospital, but you showed me by your actions that you didn’t want me there.” I sigh. “I know how all this makes me sound, but right now while I’m not at my best, I can’t handle being shoved aside…I shouldn’t have to. You asked me to marry you…and couldn’t even get me a ring without her.”

  I sniffle into a Kleenex and continue, “Who takes another woman with them to buy a ring for someone else? I hate that you did that and it ruined everything.” I sigh and wish that Aiden wasn’t lying on the side he is because I can’t turnover and hide.

  He hovers over me and drops his forehead to mine. “I’m sorry, Sarah. I screwed up big time and didn’t think. Rae’s sorry too. The last thing I wanted was to screw up asking you to marry me.” Looking sheepish, he adds, “The hospital proposal just popped out. I wasn’t intending to ask you there and then. My plan had been to wine and dine you. Seeing you in the hospital bed made me realize that I didn’t want to wait any longer. I’m sorry I screwed it all up, and I promise to make it up to you when you’re feeling better.”

  Aiden is in my heart, but right now I’m not even sure that I want him to make anything up to me. All fight has been knocked out of me and I just want to be left alone to think about what I really want. At one time that had been Aiden, but deep down I know that I don’t want to share him with another woman, and Rae will always be there in his life, or our lives if I move forward with him.

  I’m so tired and wish that he’d have left me alone until morning because I don’t have anything positive to offer him right now, and that makes me sad. A tear runs down my cheek, which he captures with a thumb, and then another follows.


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