Vampire Descendants 3

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Vampire Descendants 3 Page 13

by Pet TorreS

  Then I faced the violent winds as I walked on the snow and looked to all sides, looking for Eros. My steps were slow, as I thought that Eros could be in any corner of that dark place.

  Further ahead, an owl landed on the ground, a little ahead of me and shook its wings rapidly until its body became a vampire with clothes and a black cape.

  Once again my heart had another collapse when I looked into his livid face.

  My hands gripped my own breasts while an accelerated wind tried to interrupt our visions. The skirt of my dress shook in its direction. It seemed like I would be taken along with the wind.

  “You again!” He mumbled and looked the other way, showing his dissatisfaction at my presence in Uranus.

  I approached him and I said, “Eros, I needed to see you!”

  “What do you want, Valkyrie?” His voice was severe. “My lookalike is not enough for you?”

  My eyes widened after I heard his question.

  “Lookalike?” I looked at his face. “How do you know that? How did you learn of Lyon’s existence?”

  He looked up at the overcast sky and responded with indifference.

  “You have forgotten so fast our telepathy!”

  His gray eyes searched mine and he continued, “I have to admit that he is very much like me!”

  My mind became confused when I remembered the kiss between me and Lyon. I realised that Eros could have seen this too.

  “How did you see him? Tell me!”

  He looked into my gray eyes and affirmed, “You are so attracted to him!” Eros looked away and laughed sarcastically.

  “I'm attracted to him?” I shook my head. “Why are you saying this?”

  He grabbed my right wrist heavily and looked back at my face.

  “Do not deny it, Valkyrie! I saw the kiss between you and my lookalike!”

  My body froze in front of the certainty that Eros had actually witnessed the kiss between Lyon and me. I could not make excuses for him, referent to that machinelike act.

  I looked to my left when he released my arm and he made a short retreat. The silence was stronger than our conversation. I was confused, trying to find the right words to talk to him. But nothing came to my mind except a crazy desire to try and kiss him for the second time and try to make him see that I was the vampire of his life.

  I looked at him again as he was looking at the ground. Eros seemed to reflect everything we had talked about to each other on that occasion.

  I realized that this could be the right time for me to seek an affectionate approach. My hands lightly touched his chest and I felt the rough fabric of his dark shirt, which was under his black cape.

  He lifted his head and his intense eyes were very close to mine, as well as our faces, our breath...

  That was the right time for me to whisper in front of his extremely circumspect face, “Give me a chance!”

  I begged him while my eyes examined his lips. Eros looked at my face that was practically glued to his. His voice sounded hoarse and low, almost impossible for anyone to hear.

  “I cannot!”

  His words were interrupted by the touch of my lips on his. My hands ran around his neck and strongly held his dark hair.

  For the second time I had dared to kiss him again, and that after seven years.

  A flash came over us and he discontinued our kiss. But his face was still next to mine. His hands held mine, removing them from his head.

  “You do not give up this madness!”

  He spoke coldly and turned around, taking two steps forward, his body turned into an owl and flew into the air. I just stood there, looking at it moving into the air.

  Some meters ahead, the owl lost its strength and fell back to the ground, becoming a vampire in flesh and blood.

  I ran towards him, when I saw his fall on the white snow.

  “Eros!” I screamed and knelt beside him, my hand touched his shoulder while he was lying on his side on the snow.

  “Eros! Are you okay?”

  He did not answer my question. He just got up hastily and tried to turn back into an owl, but Eros could not do that because every time he tried to do it, he fell to the ground in the form of a vampire.

  He gave up trying because he knew he could no longer turn into an owl. His harsh steps came towards me while I was standing on the snow.

  “Look what you did!” He said aloud. “Now I cannot turn into an owl.”

  I held his arm in desperation.

  “Eros, I never wanted to hurt you! I...”

  “Why do you insist? Do you not see that you only harm me every time you kiss me?”

  My eyes found the ground that was covered by white snow. There were no words for my defense.

  “Leave me alone, Valkyrie!” His voice sounded loud. “Go away forever!”

  I closed my eyes and a tear of blood fell upon the whiteness of the snow. There were no words. There was nothing that could reverse my life’s course.

  What was this curse? This made it impossible for me to be happy with the only vampire I’ve ever loved in my life...

  When I came back to open my eyes, I saw that he was no longer near me. He was going away, walking slowly toward the forest of dead trees.

  I looked up at the cloudy sky, trying to find the strength to return to the planet Neptune.

  Each time I separated from Eros, I felt a piece of me was always with him. I could not release myself from him, even though I was miles and miles away from him.


  I came back to my father’s castle before anybody noticed my absence in that castle. When I left the room where the symbol of Neptune was, I walked lightly, avoiding making any noise so no one would suspect that I was in Uranus again, that I went after the vampire Eros.

  When I finally stepped into my room, I sighed with relief because I had not met anyone in the corridor of the castle.

  I sighed again, but this time in remorse for me having caused enormous damage to the vampire Eros. He now had ceased to be an owl, an animal he had so admired and it had benefited him so many times while he was on Earth, on the planet Neptune and on Uranus.

  What would happen to him now? How would he cope not being able to turn into an owl or disappear into smoke?


  I came back to the planet Neptune before anyone could notice my absence. It wasn’t necessary to get another punishment for my disobedience to my father. I always knew my father wanted my happiness and my security, but I didn’t agree with his decision to want to see me away from Eros forever.

  My thoughts had been interrupted as soon as I felt a male hand touching my right shoulder. At this moment I sat down on a rock. I looked up and my eyes confronted the vampire Lyon’s eyes.

  Then, he smiled and his pointed white teeth touched his inferior lip. His ash gray eyes reminded me of Eros’s image.

  I admit Lyon’s company always made me feel good. Although he wasn’t Eros, his image was so perfect I had forgotten I was before a double of the big love of my life.

  “May I sit down?”

  Lyon asked me, after I had laughed gently at him.

  “Yes, you may.”

  I answered and glanced at my left side, while he sat at my side and my eyes stopped at his pale hands’ contour on the rock.

  “Why do you look so sad?” He asked gazing at my profile and some of my dark hair’s thread flew ahead as if they had a life of their own.

  “My life makes no sense.” I confessed to him. “Even though I try to find some fun in it, nothing makes me feel happy.”

  “How can a princess of the vampires think her life is tedious?”

  His question came accompanied by a light smile and this same smile made me smile too, but with less intensity.

  “Sometimes I wonder about this too. Must I be unhappy like this just because I’m the daughter of a king of the vampires? And why am I a vampire princess?”

  Lyon looked up at the nebulous sky. Then he looked down at white snow and confessed,
“We are accustomed to having these kinds of sensations when we are in love and we aren’t with the person who we love.”

  I looked at him and asked him surprised.

  “Do you love someone?”

  “I already loved, but today my heart is empty.”

  My gaze reached the snow while I confessed to him.

  “I would like to have my empty heart too. I believe that my life would have made more sense and had less suffering.”

  Lyon put his hand over my hand and squeezed it gently.

  “This vampire Eros is idiotic! What vampire in this world would reject your Love?”

  After finishing his question, he swung his head.

  I lifted up my face, looked at him and answered him.

  “There is a curse between us.” My eyes felt the sting of tears. “Eros and I can never get together.”

  Lyon took his hand away from mine and lifted it up over my head and my dark hair received his hand’s touch.

  “I find I can help you fell less unhappy in this life.”

  He said this looking ahead and I comprehended he perceived my curiosity at the movement of my head, as soon as I looked at him again.

  “What are you saying?”

  He gazed into my gray eyes and answered quite confidently, “I’m saying I can help you be less unhappy, it just needs you to confide in me.”

  I didn’t respond at all. I just stayed where I was, reflecting on the weight of his answer on my mind.


  I went along with Lyon to woods with dry trees. We walked for several minutes, while we talked about me. We stopped well in the heart of the forest. As soon as we did, Lyon glanced at both sides and said in a loud voice, “Here is the perfect place.”

  A weak, wind swung the dry branches and some bats began to fly among the trees. Over white snow were several dry leaves that had fallen from the trees, almost lifeless.

  “What will we do here?” I asked him as soon as I looked at him again.

  That place was very far away from the castle of my father and I didn’t see anything interesting that could try to alleviate any part of my suffering.

  Lion smiled and said, “Take it easy, Valkyrie. I won’t harm to you.”

  Sometime later, Lion returned bringing dry branches and made a bonfire in the middle of the woods. He suggested I could sit down next to it, while he was placing into a steel recipient, a few herbs he had harvested in the woods.

  After that, he placed this same recipient over the bonfire and picked up a dry branch and started to move the mixture around.

  While he did that, I crossed my arms over my knees and reclined my chin on my arm, but my look was attentive to every movement of Lyon in front of the bonfire. The fire’s cracking noise was more intense every time.

  Then Lyon spilled the green liquid into a bottle he drew back from his dark coat pocket. He walked in my direction and stretched out the bottle before my eyes and informed me,

  ‘It’s ready.”

  “What is this?” I asked him as I was gazing at the green liquid that looked like tea.

  “This is the tea of dreams.”

  “Tea of dreams? Will this serve me with something?”

  “This tea of dreams will make you fall asleep for some hours and you’ll have pleasant dreams.”

  “Why will a tea alleviate my suffering?”

  I quested looking into the vampire’s gray eyes.

  “Don’t ask so many questions and taste this tea.” He lifted up the tea in my direction again. “You won’t be sorry for having drunk this.”

  I looked again at his hand that was holding the bottle. Some seconds later, my fingers touched the flask’s surface.

  “I trust you.” I said as I was bringing the flask to my lips.

  “You’ll thank me for the rest of your life,” he said as he was gazing at my lips touching the bottle rim. Then I turned all the liquid slowly into my mouth. I made grimaces when I felt the bitter taste from that tea.

  Lyon took the empty bottle from my hands, but he continued observing my reaction. I glanced up and from side to side and everything started to spin round me. I was feeling dizzy and all my body began to tremble.

  “What is happening to me?” I asked desperately, while I was trembling, sweating cold and burning like an ember.

  “Relax,” he said calmly. “These are the effects from the tea. In a few minutes you’ll fall into a deep sleep and not even a bomb will be able to wake you up.”

  Those were the last words I could hear at that moment, because everything got dark.


  About the author

  Pet TorreS is a pseudonym created by the author with the initial letters of her first name and real surname.

  She is a young author that was born in 1980 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Pet attended to Fashion Design College.

  But Pet started to write romances since she was ten, just in 2008, she decided to follow in her career as self-author.

  Her work has already sold thousands of copies. Pet TorreS had to abandon her work in a ready-made clothes factory to dedicate her books. Today she keeps up herself with her literature.

  One of her biggest dreams is herself being immortalized through her works.

  Books by Pet TorreS

  Valkyrie the Vampire Princess Saga

  Valkyrie the Vmapire Princess

  Valkyrie the Vmapire Princess 2

  Valkyrie the Vmapire Princess 3

  Valmont the Vampire Prince Trilogy

  Throne of blood

  Heir of blood

  Reign of blood

  Guardian from Neptune Series




  The Black Wolf’s Mark Series

  The Black Wolf’s Mark

  The Black Wolf’s Mark II

  The Black Wolf’s Mark III

  The Black Wolf’s Mark IV

  The Black Wolf’s Daughter

  Tear of Princess

  The Spell

  The antidote

  Tiger’s Obsession Series

  Tiger’s Obsession

  Robbed Virginity

  Ardent Affection

  Forced Penitence

  Renascent Soul

  Illusory Love Series

  Illusory Love I

  Illusory Love II

  Illusory Love III

  Illusory Love IV

  Black Owl Trilogy

  Owl Eyes

  Owl Kiss

  Owl Flight

  Wolf Academy Saga

  The Oath

  The compassion

  The revelation

  The sacrifice

  The purification

  The unification

  The rupture

  Love or friendship Series

  Love or friendship

  Love or friendship II

  Love or friendship III

  King’s Wife Trilogy

  The Nail Crown

  The Iron Crown

  The Metal Crown

  Club of Virgins Trilogy

  Club of Virgins

  Pact of Witches Series

  Pact of Witches




  Other books

  Arranged Marriage

  Princes Shadow

  Vampires Adversaries


  Illusionism Obscene

  Leione’s Diary

  Blood Moon


  Destiny with Blood


  Love Wave

  E 2000

  November Rain

  Excerpt from



  Black Wolf’s Mark


  Pet Torres


  When the seventh male son from a same family is born, it occurs ‘the black wolf curse’ over this child.

  And this baby must be sacrificed for th
e good of all humanity.

  Or the black beast will awake after 277 full moons.


  The black wolf legend began millions of years ago and has extended from generation to generation among divers villages.

  One of the better known legends is the black wolf’s mark. That occurred at the time of the birth of a little boy, the youngest child among seven brothers.

  Every time that this occurred, the child’s death followed right after his birth.

  Chapter 1

  Vistancia Village

  A mother has given birth to her seventh male son and as soon as he is born she is hindered from breast-feeding or suckling.

  However, that woman cries as soon as several men from her village arrive and take the child from her arms.

  “MY SON, NO! NO!”

  She cries losing her self-control and her husband hugs her with zeal and says.

  “Darling, we cannot stay with this child.”

  “He is our son!” she insists.

  “He is cursed!” her husband insists.

  With that the little boy that ended up coming to light is carried to a house in the village where a group of ten men are waiting for him.

  “Here he is,” a grizzled haired man says, bringing the little boy in his arms.

  “Give an end to this child’s life! He cannot remain among us,” the village leader orders while he verifies the state of the child. “But first of all, he needs to be marked.”


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