Bizet, Georges 206
Borlaug, Norman 110
Boston 147–8, 149
Brisbane 37–8, 202–3
British Empire 101, 103
Broers, Alec 17
Broun, Paul 18
Brown, Dan 40
Buck, Linda 156
Buddhists 120
Burnet, Sir Macfarlane 2, 17
Byron, Lord Robin 42
Caipirinhas 28
Cajal, Santiago Ramón y 186
Calloway, Auburn 127–8
cancers 26
career choices vii–viii
carry-ons 60, 61–2
cars 51, 103–4, 119
cats 187–8
cattle diseases 83, 110
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US 46
Chan, Ronnie 48, 50, 52
chickens 17
China 67
Churchill, Winston S 141, 142–3, 144, 160
climate change 135, 149, 173–4
clothing 62
coal 114
coal and timber ships (CATS) 191–2
Cohen, Stan 18
Colleoni, Bartolomeo 21
Conley, Mary Ellen 141
connections viii
Consultative Group for International Agriculture Research (CGIAR) 83
Contagion (film) 46
Continental Airlines 126
Cook, James 191–2
Cookson Smith, Peter 52
cotton 197, 200
Country Cares 207
Crawford, Sir John 83
Da Vinci Code (film) 46
data viii
death 10
Dennis, Roger 52
Diclofenac 98
Doherty, Penny vii, 4, 56–8, 112, 211
Doherty, Peter vii
ancestors 197, 200
books 211
Lasker Award for Basic Medical Science 155
Nobel Prize for Medicine vii, 5, 77
as veterinarian 108, 109, 186
Donizetti, Gaetano 21, 205, 206
Donne, John 95
drinks 28
drought 99
dual-use research 44
Dylan, Bob 138
Eccles, Sir John 186–7
Edinburgh vii, 4, 207–8
Ehlers, Vernon 17
Ehrlich, Paul 164
electric vehicles 51
embryology 17–18
Endeavour (ship) 191–2
energy generation 51–2, 114–16
English National Opera 205–6
Epstein Barr virus (EBV) 139
Erdei, Anna 181
Essen, Germany 168–9
European Scientific Working Group on Influenza 41, 43
experiments viii
facemasks 11
FedEx 127–8
Feldmann, Marc 27
feline leukaemia 187–8
Fermor, Patrick Leigh 182
Festing, Robert Matthew 45–6
Festival of Dangerous Ideas 204
fever 13
firearms 128–9
floods 99
flying boats 35–6
Fogg, Phileas 32
food 24, 108, 110–11, 118–19
Forbidden City, Beijing 68
Foster, Bill 17
Fouchier, Ron 43–4, 75
Fraser, Hugh 186, 187
French 84, 106
Gallipoli (film) 206
gastrointestinal diseases 13
Gombit Hotel, Bergamo 19
gout 18
Grand Hotel, Scarborough 188
Greek Legal and Medical Conference 41–2
Green, Doug 149
Gust, Ian 157
H1N1 viruses 46
H5N1 viruses 43–4
Hamburger, Viktor 18
hand washing 11
Harare, Zimbabwe 82, 84, 85, 87
herpes viruses 139
higher education 116–17, 119–20
Hobby Airport, Texas 38
Holt, Rush 17
Holub, Miroslav 24–5
homelessness 93
homopolar generator (HPG) 3
Hong Kong 48–50, 51–2, 53, 125
horse riding 66
hotels 63
Hou, Jessie 53
human gamma globulin (HGG) 108, 109
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 67
Hungary 179, 180–1
Hutt-Fletcher, Lindsey 139
hygiene 11
Hyundai 118
immune cells 4–5
immunisation records 12
immunology developments 26, 27
immunotherapy 27
Indian Institute of Science (IISc) 100–2
infections while travelling 10–13
influenza A viruses 43–4, 46, 48
informal settlements 90, 91–2
insect repellents 13
insects 10
International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI) 157
International Congress of Immunology (ICI) 27, 28–9, 179
International Laboratory for Research in Animal Diseases (ILRAD) 83–4
International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) 83–4
International Union of Immunological Societies 29
iron ore 114
Jacob, François 111–12
Jacobsen, Eddie 141
Jarret, Bill 187–8
Jerusalem 41
Jiang Kejun 51
Kabat, Elvin 11
Kabell, Morton 53
Kai Tak airport, Hong Kong 125
Kansas City 139, 140
Kaufmann, Stefan 26, 163, 164
Kawaoka, Yoshihiro 75
Kim, Sue 153
Klein, George and Eva 183
Knights of St John of Jerusalem 40, 41, 43, 45–6
Koprowski, Hilary 107, 138–9
Korea University 118–19
Kunming, China 66–8
Kunming Primate Research Centre 67
Kyoto, Japan 76
Landor, Wagner 182
Lanzavecchia, Antonio 20
Lasker Award for Basic Medical Science 155
Leaping Tiger Gorge 70–2
Lebedev, Evgeny 46
Lees, Heath 204
Leeuwenhoek, Antonie Van 194
Lever, William Hesketh, 1st Viscount Leverhulme 194–5
Leverhulme Trust 195
Levi, Primo 17
Levi-Montalcini, Paola 17
Levi-Montalcini, Rita 16, 17, 18
Lijiang 68–70
Liverpool 195, 196–9
Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine 195–6
London 205–6
luggage 60, 61–2
Lyon, France 106–7, 110–11, 112
McCarthy, John 77–8
McNamara, Robert 83
Maini, Ravinder ‘Tiny’ 27
malaria 12–13
Malpighi, Marcello 17
Malta 41, 43, 44–5
Marine Air Terminal, LaGuardia, New York 35, 36–7
Marshak-Rothstein, Ann 152
Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology 163
May, Bob 17
Mearns, David 21
Melbourne vii, 50, 202, 204–5
Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute 51
Memphis vii, 30, 127, 135, 206–7
mental health 128–30
Merial Awards 109–10
Mérieux, Charles 107, 109
Mérieux scientists 107–9
Merkel, Angela 17
Metchnikoff, Élie 164
Metropolitan Opera 157, 206
Milan 18
Minchin, Nick 79
mining 114–15
Mitchison, Avrion ‘Av’ 163
mosquito-borne infections 13
Mountbatten, Lady Edwina 3
Mugabe, Robert 86
Mumbai, India 90–1
music 53, 69–70, 181, 204–8
Mutter, Anne-Sophie 206
Nairobi, Kenya 83, 87, 91, 92
Dipankar 101
Napier, New Zealand 35
National Air and Space Museum, Seattle 34
neuropathology 186–7
New York 147, 153–4, 155–7, 206
New York City Opera 206
Nobel Laureates Symposium on Global Sustainability 50, 51, 52
Nobel Prize for Medicine vii, 5, 77
ocean liners 2
oceans 135
Okinawa 74, 75–6
Oldenburg, Claes 140–1
Oliphant, Sir Mark 3
opera 181, 204–6
Options for the Control of Influenza conferences 74
Order of Solomon’s Temple 40
Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 90–1
Owen, Wilfred 188
Palace of Versailles 68
paprika 179, 180
parasitic infections 196
Patterson, Andy 128
Peiris, Malik 48
Pendergast, Thomas J 141–2
Picketty, Thomas 93
Pilet, Charles 109
pilots 90–1, 124, 128–30
placenta 108–9
planes see aircraft
plumbing 63, 67–8, 76
poets 188
Pohang, South Korea 114, 116
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH) 116, 117
politics 16–17, 25
population growth 49–50
Port Sunlight 194–5
poverty 91–3, 94
Presbyterians 119–20
protozoa 10
Puccini, Giacomo 205, 206
rabies vaccine 107
railway stations 32–3
railways 198
Raman, CV 101
rheumatoid arthritis 26–7
Rhodes 41, 42–3
rinderpest 110
Rio de Janiero 24, 27–8
Rita Levi-Montalcini Lectures 16, 20
Ritter, Mary 52
rivers 134–5
Ronald Reagan Presidential Library 82
Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport 37
Ross, Ronald 196
Royal Society 194
Roylance, David 41–2
Sanders, Dave 128
SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) epidemic 11
Sassen, Saskia 52
Scarborough, England 187, 189–90, 191
Schellnhuber, Johan (John) 50
scientific meetings
accompanying persons 112
benefits 28, 30
choice of 189
format 154–5
locations 6–7
transport 51
scientific understanding 16–17, 25
Seoul, South Korea 118
Sercarz, Eli 29
shipping 198–9, 200
ships 2, 10, 191–2
shuttlecocks 140–1
Sitwell, Dame Edith 190, 191
Sitwell, Sir George 190
Sitwell, Sir Osbert 188, 190
Sitwell, Sir Sacheverell 190–1
Skehel, John 161
Smith, Adam 100
Smith, Harry 161
Smith, Jimmy 84
snow 146–7, 148, 149–50
Sondenheimer, Patrick 129
South Korea 114, 115, 116, 117–19, 120–1
souvenirs 85, 189–90
Spark, Muriel 86
sparklers 56–8
St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis vii, 207
Stockholm 206
Strominger, Jack 155
Sue Kim Hanson Memorial Lecture 152–3
sustainability 51–3
Sydney 203
Sydney (cruiser) 21
Sydney Opera House 203–4
Szeged 178–80, 181
Szeged Synagogue 176–8
Szent-Györgyi, Albert 178–9, 180
Tata, Jamsetji N 100
Tata, Rattan 102
Tattoo, Edinburgh 207–8
tea 70
Teatro Sociale, Bergamo 20
Thant, U 76–7
Theroux, Paul 209
Tischler, Bernd 53
toilets 67–8, 76
Tokyo 76, 78
tourism, incidental 2, 4, 7
trains 147–9
translations 20
and bugs 10–13
long distance 2, 5–6
tips 61–3
see also air travel
travel clinics 12
travel writing 208–9
Travers, Morris 101
tree planting 117
tribal groups 86–7
tropical diseases 13
Truman, Harry S 141–2, 143–4
Tschopp, Jürg 18
tuberculosis 26
Tucker, Jim 128
Turner, Mervyn 161
U Thant Lectures 76, 78
Unanue, Emil 155
United Nations 76–7
United States
9/11 153–4, 155–7
aerial views 132–5
inland culture 138
University of Bergamo 20
University of Hong Kong influenza group 48
vaccination 12
vaccines 12, 13, 26, 67, 83, 107
values 22
van Bruggen, Coosje 141
Vaughan, Harry 143
Vienna 205
Villa Hügel 169, 171–2
dual-use 44
herpes 139
HIV 67
influenza A 43–4, 46, 48
rinderpest 110
and travel 10, 11–12
vultures 98
Wagner, Richard 204–5
Waterman-Pearson, Avril 110
waterways 197–8
wealth 93–5
weapons 169–70
Williams, Robyn 3
World Life Sciences Forum 106
World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) 109
World Veterinary Congress (WVC) 109
worms 10
Wylie, Don 155
Yangtze River 70–2
Yunnan, China 70–2
Zimbabwe 85–6
Zimmerman, Robert 138
Zinkernagel, Rolf 4–5, 77, 155, 205
Zurich, Switzerland 205
The Beginner’s Guide to Winning the Nobel Prize: A life in science
ISBN 9780522866667
Is it possible to be passionate about politics, football or R&B and still be a creative scientist? In this entertaining and inspiring account, Nobel Prize winner Peter Doherty offers readers an insider’s guide into discovery science and the individuals who work in it.
Starting with the story of his own career and its improbable origins in the outer suburbs of Brisbane, and its progression to a breakthrough discovery about how human immunity works, Doherty explores the realities of a life in science. How research projects are selected; how discovery science is resourced and organised; the big problems it is trying to solve; and the rewards and pitfalls of a career in scientific research: all these are explored in The Beginner’s Guide to Winning the Nobel Prize.
Doherty gives readers an insight into the issues that make him tick, including his belief that the mission of science is to help make the world a better place to live in. He also essays answers to some of the great questions of our age. Are Nobel Prize winners exceptional human beings or just lucky? Are GMO crops really dangerous? And why can’t scientists and born-again Christians get along?
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The Knowledge Wars
ISBN 9780522862850
Climate scientists have warned that we need to change our behaviour in ways that may be inconvenient and threaten the commercial status quo. The result has been a polarising division in society and a sustained attack on their research.
In The Knowledge Wars, Nobel Prize winner Peter Do
herty makes a passionate case for citizens to become informed so they are able to evaluate the facts of any scientific debate. It provides practical advice on how to analyse research and take meaningful action.
The Knowledge Wars challenges our assumptions and encourages us to take an evidence-based view of the world. There’s something here to offend everybody!
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